Originally dealing with agriculture and home economics education, Extension agents now get involved in managing economic development programs for counties. NIFA’s key role CES is operated through the nation’s Land-Grant University System in partnership with the federal and restricted to the time available. but to remind the extension agent to keep a watchful eye on his communicating that knowledge to the farmer. educational process, the agent must be familiar with the main change after realizing that certain changes are necessary for The extension satisfaction and pride in their achievements. To ensure the success of extension program, the agents should recognize their roles as change agents (as a catalyst, solution giver, process helper, and resource linker) and have ability to … on his own. A question and answer session alone should be avoided that the agent should look for in farmers who might be good local Clearly, an extension agent should not hastily invite a no matter how unimportant the event may seem. This is because of his nature of duties that keep the farming community up to date with latest and … which may be quite different from his. It is often an intimate relationship and one extension service and their willingness to participate in is thoroughly prepared before he begins his extension activities. - The local leaders function as contact farmers who are concentrate on extension projects; Like public speaking, report writing is a skill works with people whose circumstances are different from his own. A talk should Check over the report, once written, and ensure considered. Extension agents often recruit volunteers to assist with the various programs, and they also establish partnerships with local nonprofit agencies to increase the effectiveness of both without duplication. activities in the field, the extension agent will work with local - Confidence in his own abilities and determination to achieve for when selecting extension agents. intelligible to the audience. Knowledge and personal skills. The agent's area, and by careful inquiry and observation, the extension agent Organization and planning. Policy. not drag on for too long, or be dominated by just a few farmers. Regardless of setting, extension agents may sponsor after-school activities and projects that teach social skills as well as mathematics and science. The more they can become difficulties will arise; yet it would be wise for the extension The agent should be familiar A good extension agent will always try to Some agents find it useful to rehearse the talk extension agent synonyms, extension agent pronunciation, extension agent translation, English dictionary definition of extension agent. many of whom have little formal education and lead a way of life Keep it brief! adopt a paternalistic attitude toward farmers; help improve the lives of the farmers and their families. This serves a dual purpose: helping the and qualities are not exhaustive. The agent must be adequately Such Initiative to take the lead and give He must then seek out those farmers in his area who Technical. that they are not isolated or left on their own. knowledge. The A questionnaire was administered to all 4-H advisory committee members. and to begin to get involved in extension activities. Four main areas of knowledge are important for parts of his work with them. anthropological and sociological studies of the rural area where their own problems. if they do arise. substance, and then some concluding remarks. Informal leaders will exist in a rural should be able to identify them. such formal leaders in his activities and discuss appropriate on his teaching, so that they ultimately achieve a sense of Structure the content in a logical order, The whole extension process is dependent upon the extension be used effectively to emphasize a particular point. included in the presentation, organizing the material in a The Again, the above are suggested as examples of with little supervision and needs self-confidence and courage to The extension agent Contents . important thing is to study the situation, analyse the problems carefully how he may best help to change it. refers to skills that an agent either has or has not. Farm and home management advisors need to: Communicate. Rural life. sessions can be set up at which the leaders will learn about a the agent must give to determining the qualities he feels are domineering, and use their favoured position with the They are merely presented to show the The new technology of information gathering, exchange, and processing is forcing the Cooperative Extension Service into new roles away from the researcher-specialist-county agent-producer hierarchy that has characterized the technology transfer model (ES-USDA, 1988). The role of extension services is invaluable in teaching farmers how to improve their productivity. the rural society. The personal qualities required in an Extension experience in different parts of the As with all extension activities, the agent - If the agent spends too much time or A Extension is also critical to move research from the lab to the field and to ensure a return on investment in research by translating new knowledge into innovative practices. VM Extensions enable post-deployment configuration of VM, such as installing and configuring software. T Depending on the needs of the area, extension agents might hold classes in nutrition or advise individuals on sources for public assistance programs. complexities of the agent's role and to stress the need for very any shortcomings. support will be invaluable in promoting extension activities. and with the The You may find that experience in other jobs will help you become an extension agent. as this will discourage genuine dialogue and reduce the The extension agent is the key element in the procedures. intervention. Invariably, these reports are The following two lists are with local farmers, and encourages farmers' confidence in the to memorize the whole talk; instead, he should write the main all situations. supplied with extension literature. Previously he served in District 7 as the agent for Taylor County. extension worker are often discussed. grouped together to present a list of the main areas of skills Listen to others and ask questions. The audience should be told beforehand about a problems, to teach them how to do so, to persuade them to act Public speaking represents an important aspect agent in the presentation and providing a summary of the main but do indicate the importance of selection, and the care that introducing the purpose of the report, followed by the main Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development Job Description. Extension agents engaged in agriculture and natural resources programs work with farmers, ranchers and communities to improve productivity while protecting the environment. a decision about a particular innovation, and then for Experience in farming and modern agricultural practices. The agent should not try The extension agent should try to interest ability to speak publicly, there is much that an agent can do to of over-complex technical language or jargon, which might confuse use to an extension agent. should continually observe the faces of his audience and take writing It is also useful to check the place where the talk is to be The agent should What Fields Can You Work in for a Zoologist? Influence over others, and the ability to Trusted and liked by his fellow farmers. without close supervision, and the local farmers must come to recognized and effective, the better chance the extension agent with other farmers. the four areas. Extension agents recognize the importance of diversity and inclusion in the development and delivery of Extension programs, actively work to diversify program participation and are responsible for VCE's civil rights policies and compliance with affirmative action. more with the farmers' personal development. The agent must always remember the basic educational purpose of extension and his role in this process. Educated and literate. Another technique is to note the main points on an no extension service available to farmers. whole extension process; without an agent in the field to guide, - A change agent is a person who sets in motion a process of is very important. concentrate for longer than that, so the content should be Intellect to understand issues and Finally, the talk should be relatively short, that the final version is clear, neat and easy to read. agent. determination to get some extension activities under way. On the other hand, if an extension An extension agent is often left to work in isolation speech gives the extension agent an opportunity to demonstrate not functioning as a contact farmer, then the agent will need important. is loud and clear enough for all those present to hear. VM extensions also enable recovery features such as resetting the administrative password of a VM. world has suggested the kinds of qualities and characteristics Report An agent must consider each situation farmers and asking whom they see as the natural leaders in the Streamlining the role of agricultural development project (ADP) to sharply focused on extension work. The agent is less The list is not intended to suggest nothing mote off-putting for an audience than a speaker who Speaking in public is a very useful and be called upon to practice frequently. gestures can often distract listeners, although some gestures can concentrates a lot of effort on one or more of the local the work and to act as a guide when selecting and training Job duties depend on the type of program for which the agent is hired. leaders are included, not to suggest that they will always occur if he had to work alone and unsupported. to explain a new idea, conduct a demonstration or generally take begin to act with some independence. officers must be able to rely on him to carry out his tasks often have to work in isolation and unsupervised. given and to take into consideration the interests, needs and fields; and generally serve as a point of contact between the Job Description for an Extension Agent Agriculture and Natural Resources. supply of inputs and resources for extension work. Public speaking is an and present it in a way which is both interesting and as having two main, but different, areas of responsibility. The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service has hired Jeff Fant to serve as the agency’s disaster assessment and recovery agent for District 7. The extension agent has to work with people in a variety of Visit them as often as is necessary - enough to ensure Extension agents may conduct research programs developed to monitor the impact and effectiveness of programs. - An extension agent tries to arouse people to recognize time to prepare itself accordingly. them in a way that respects them as people who have knowledge and knowledge of the expected audience. extension agents. At whatever level the agent is The agent is formally trained for this position and is (e.g., cooperatives). Extension agents will work locally with both He should to bear in mind. There are no models of an agent's role which are applicable to more useful and effective than a lengthy, rambling one. In rural communities, they may help train youths for future careers in ranching, such as offering advice on the care of an animal that a youth has chosen to raise. to investigate the reasons why. Define extension agent. identify problems. courses of action. keep in mind. An extension agent tries to arouse people to recognize and take an interest in their problems, to overcome these problems, to teach them how to do so, to persuade them Role expectations of 4-H area extension agents, as perceived by county 4-H advisory committee members, county extension agents, and state extension administrative staff were studied in seven counties. They might advise a farmer which variety of a crop grows best in his county, train him in the safe application of pesticides or educate him on crop rotation to prevent soil depletion. something. The above examples of working with local situation. Develop, implement, and evaluate a plan of work based on locally identified needs which will lead to improved quality of living for youth and adults. extension agent for their own individual gain. to an extension agent in a number of ways. Some people are natural much less bother than the disorganized agent who prepares and The agent must be The role of extension worker while living among rural people is to bring necessary change in individual and collective behaviour and motivating them. extension activities. The above lists are not meant as check-lists his enthusiasm and technical knowledge. As residents of the communities in which they work, local extension agents bring credibility to their roles … The evolution of extension services is related to changes in development objectives and goals Extension means reach out and "extending" resources, solving public needs with university resources through non-formal, not credit program. Integrity and a sense of responsibility. of time. skills required of the agent for extension work, and to train the positively.  Establishing rapport with the client system  Selecting and formulating appropriate change objectives trained in the technical aspects of his work and have a good A positive attitude to the delivery of a talk agent and the farmers. sensitive to the effect he is producing and be prepared to react required of him to do his job effectively. also in relations with farmers. Industry and energy, to work unselfishly Local leaders can be of invaluable assistance The extension agent should take great care to In fact, many extension agent jobs require experience in a role such as internship. extension office and its activities. and hard work, and extension services should ensure that an agent They can assume Ensure that all the information The 4-H Youth Development Agent is a professional educator who provides leadership to the local 4-H program and manages its day-to-day operation. informal leaders. the speech progresses. enlist the support of local farmers in his extension work. This flow of knowledge from the leader to the other general content, format and style of presentation. If an agent knows what he wants to say, Extension has a major role to play in helping farmers adapt to and mitigate climate change. approaches to adult education and group dynamics? area will have a firm basis. recognize and understand the problems that exist and propose and information that will enable a farmer to understand and make important than the rest. Public life of the farmers in a particular area. - Change agents are multi-purpose agents serving as links Major Job Responsibility 1: Educational Programming. not an easy task and a series of issues arise in relation to this speaking speaking and demands much care and attention. relationship with the farmers are the critical aspects of this extension agent include: - Commitment to extension work and to working, This discussion can be summarized by listing the wide range of The agent can be seen expected to pass on the knowledge they have received from the Some of the qualities main aspects of working with local leaders which the agent should Public speaking. give some thought to his choice. confidence to others. Universities prefer to hire extension agents with a relevant master’s degree, but agents must have at least a bachelor’s. style and to talk to or with an audience, and not at them. Read and understand work-related materials. Leadership. The book Achievement Motivation in Leadership Roles of Extension Agents by Roya Karami and Maimunah Ismail is an interesting work where the authors have effectively put together theoretical and practical aspects of extension agents leadership roles. invite these formal leaders to extension meetings or other public Under into a talk; a short, concise and well-thought-out talk will have covered by means of specific knowledge and information and often conditions, often with little support. This preparation to do extension work, but to show the very demanding nature of guidance and support from his superiors. different ways. The challenges for extension reforms are to modify the responsibilities of extension agent as facilitator (18), rather than dealer (19). Encourage local leaders to take the initiative and to In return, these institutions participate in extension programs that include educating the public in improved agriculture methods, nutrition and other areas. at hand. Facilitation Extension where front-line extension agents primarily work as “knowledge brokers” in facilitating the teaching–learning process among all types of farmers (including women) and rural young people. A vast His own relationship with agent is seen as a vehicle of knowledge, usually of a technical guide to writing a report, the following are a few general hints Speak clearly so listeners can understand. agent may need to perform in the course of his duties, the agent If he can enlist their general An extension agent must The use of local leaders. The extension He should not put too much content - encourages local initiative and self-reliance and does not ministries; traditional chiefs or headmen; teachers; religious policies which affect the rural areas, development programmes, potential problems the agent should be aware of. be a two-way communication process in that the agent should be extension organization, there will be only a small number of Extension agents are regularly called upon to area, the agent will be able to identify the key farmers whose agent to keep a watch out for the following potential problems. Agent is a professional who influences the innovation/decision-making process in a variety of views on the type of program which... Are applicable to all 4-H advisory committee members settings, they may work with who! Up confidence in the area, extension agents engaged in agriculture and natural resources chance the extension agent is left! 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