Radan soikeus on noin 0,031. The Gliese 581 planetary system now has four known planets, with masses of about 1.9 (planet e, left in the foreground), 16 (planet b, nearest to the star), 5 (planet c, centre), and 7 Earth-masses (planet d, with the bluish colour). Planeetan massa on vähintään 0,05 Jupiterin massaa. Atradimas. 글리제 581 g는 천칭자리 방향으로 지구로부터 약 20.5광년 떨어진 적색 왜성 글리제 581 주위를 돌고 있는 외계 행성이다. Gliese 581 b este a doua planetă de la stea. The planet is classed as a Super Earth, exoplanets which have up to 10 times the mass of our … 릭-카네기 외계행성 서베이에서 글리제 581을 10년 넘게 관측한 끝에 2010년 9월 … Gliese 581 b. Gliese 581 b is the first planet discovered and the second closest known to its parent star. Gliese 581c is the third planet in order from its host star. At the time of its discovery it was the smallest exoplanet detected around a main sequence star. At the time, it was one of the smallest extrasolar worlds found and the … Gliese 581 c The planet furthest out, Gliese 581d, orbits its host star in 66.8 days, while Gliese 581 e completes its … Gliese 581 b (atau Gl 581 b) adalah planet luar suria yang mengorbit bintang Gliese 581.Ia adalah planet pertama daripada enam yang ditemui dalam sistem, dan kedua dalam urutan dari bintang itu. 글리제 581 g는 글리제 581 주위를 도는 행성으로는 여섯 번째로 발견되었다. Gliese 581 b on eksoplaneetta, joka kiertää keskustähteään Gliese 581:tä.Se on niin sanottu "kuuma neptunus".Eksoplaneetta kiertää keskustähteään 0,041 AU:n päässä eli noin 6 miljoonan kilometrin etäisyydellä, noin 5,36865 päivän jaksolla. Gliese 581d / ˈ ɡ l iː z ə / (often shortened to Gl 581d or GJ 581d) is an extrasolar planet orbiting within the Gliese 581 system, approximately 20.4 light-years away in the Libra constellation.It is the third planet claimed in the system and (assuming a five-planet model) the fifth in order from the star. Lihat juga. Gliese 581 b. Druhá planéta tejto sústavy bola objavená v roku 2005 a označená ako Gl 581 b. Veľkosťou sa podobá Neptúnu a obieha materskú hviezdu vo vzdialenosti 0.041 AU s jedným obehom za 5.4 dňa. Planetą atrado Prancūzijos ir Šveicarijos … The planet was first discovered by a team of French and Swiss astronomers using the HARPS spectrograph and was announced on November 30, 2005. Säde … Gliese 581 b atau Gl 581 b adalah sebuah planet luar surya yang mengorbit bintang Gliese 581.Planet ini merupakan planet pertama dari tiga planet yang ditemukan dalam sistem surya Gliese 581 sejauh ini, dan yang kedua dalam urutan dari bintang (magnitudonya 0,9 Unit NY). Gliese 229; Gliese 436 b În jurul lui Gliese 581 orbitează 7 exoplanete (planete extrasolare). Gliese 581 b sau Gl 581 b este o planetă extrasolară care se rotește în jurul stelei Gliese 581 din constelația Balanța.Până în prezent, este prima planetă din cele șase descoperite în acest sistem. Dintre acestea, planeta Gliese 581 g prezintă un interes deosebit: în septembrie 2010 s-a dedus că proprietățile acesteia seamănă în bună măsură cu cele ale Pământului nostru, și de aceea Gliese 581 g ar putea adăposti viață extraterestră . Gliese 581 Gliese 581 b Gliese 581 c Contents[show] Name Edit Gliese 581 b Also called, Gl 581 b[1] Discovery date Edit November 30, 2005[2] Discoverers Edit X. Bonfills[2] T. Forevile[2] X. Delfosse[2] S. Udry[2] M. Mayor[2] C. Perrier[2] F. Bouchy[2] F. Pepe[2] D. Queloz[2] J-L Bertaux[2] Orbiting Edit Gliese 581 … Gliese 581c orbits a red dwarf, the star has a mass around one third of that of the sun. Gliese 581 b (arba Gl 581b) – egzoplaneta, skriejanti apie raudonąją nykštukę Gliese 581, esančią Svarstyklių žvaigždyne ir nutolusią nuo Saulės sistemos 20,4 šviesmečių.Tai pirmoji Gliese 581 sistemoje atrasta planeta ir antroji pagal nuotolį nuo savo žvaigždės.