Superman (Jerry O'Connell) Meets John Constantine (Matt Ryan) and Etrigan (Ray Chase) for the 1st Time after the War and They Find Themselves Fighting with some Parademons [Pub Fight Scene] Rate IMDB: 7.8 of 10 based on 11,164 ratings Google: 4.8 of 5 based on 2,434 ratings Release date May 5, 2020 Genres Animation, Action, Sci-Fi Film Storyline Related: John Wick 4 vs Matrix 4: Which Upcoming Keanu Reeves Movie Is More Exciting. This is John Constantine Constantine faces most of his challenges relying primarily on his cunning, quick-thinking during fights, vast knowledge of the occult, manipulation of opponents and allies, and an extensive list of contacts. KMC Forums > Comic Book Forums > Comic Book 'Versus' Forum > Constantine -Vs- Superman. Who will win in a fight between Team John Constantine and Team Superman? Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. Hard. Tyler Hoechlin and Elizabeth Tulloch star as the titular characters Clark Kent / Superman, a costumed superhero, and Lois Lane, a journalist for the Daily Planet. The reveal happens when Constantine, Superman, and Raven head to an underground fight club where the Suicide Squad and a bunch of other villains reside after Darkseid razed Earth. Durability. Without the rest of the JL, Superman would be following dead leads and even if he suspected treachery, John would probably just shift the blame onto some unfortunate demon or person. Wouldn't that give him at least a chance if winning? When John then strikes, he'd have all the advantages necessary. Constantine, along with Superman (wearing a battle suit with Kryptonite weapons given to him by Lex Luthor), Raven, Damian, and Etrigan, use the boom tube to head to Apokolips. Plus, supes would be affected by his spells like any normal human. Also, IIRC, Constantine can turn into a Skyfather~ tier Demon with the Darkmere curse. Round 2: I think supes takes this, he'd probably dig up all the stuff he can on Jon and end up using his speed to get in close and take him out, if jon manages to put up a protection spell then supes takes him out from afar. Neither can leave the city limits after the fight begins. -The … You certainly said that Constantine can and will drop superman with a single word. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,,, So Constantine can just do whatever the fuck he wants to. Lois Lane is fighting Harley Quinn in the hopes of getting her goons to join the resistance. Blood lusted superman doesn't even pause for monologue, and just punts John into the sun. The interest in Constantine 2 led to Reeves and others involved with the first film discussing the possibility of the sequel happening. Superman (Jerry O'Connell) Meets John Constantine (Matt Ryan) and Etrigan (Ray Chase) for the 1st Time after the War and They Find Themselves Fighting with some Parademons [Pub Fight Scene] Rate IMDB: 7.8 of 10 based on 11,164 ratings Google: 4.8 of 5 based on 2,434 ratings Release date May 5, 2020 Genres Animation, Action, Sci-Fi Film Storyline In general, Superman is weak to Magic. Fast besser bekannt dürfte.. The title character was originally created by Alan Moore in his 1980s … US-Sender NBC hat seinen Comic-Helden gefunden: Matt Ryan übernimmt die Titelrolle des Super-Detektivs John Constantine in der neuen US-Serie.. Who will win in a fight between John Constantine and SCP-053? Round One: Assuming supes can't just fly in orbit, Bloodlusting Constatine would ensure that he sets hordes of magic yeilding demons on Superman. Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! Superman has a vulnerability to magic, this means it can harm him, but it's not a weakness. Just like it's possible that Superman can drop Constantine with a blitz. John Constantine, Meister der schwarzen Künste, ist der Antiheld aus der DC-Comic-Reihe „Hellblazer!“. Both of them are bloodlusted. 0. Speed. No Prep.. No B.F.R.. Dcnu.. Constantine Vs Supermam. The monthly release from WarnerMedia listed all the comings and goings that will happen on HBO Max next month. Rachel Weisz, Shia LaBeouf, Tilda Swinton, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Djimon Hounsou, Gavin Rossdale, and Peter Stormare co-star. Let say John is able to gets off one word... What would one word do to Superman? show 2 replies . John Constantine vs SCP-053. Constantine: City of Demons is an American animated web series from executive producers Greg Berlanti and David S. Goyer. Can someone tell me how Suoes would not sense John tense etc when he sees him and know that hes planning to face him. Bloodlusted Superman. John Constantine is a supernatural anti-hero and a prominent character in the Injustice Year Three comic series, serving as a member of Batman's Insurgency. Bonus Round: No prep time, both participants are in character. Because he’s not a supervillian, … What likelihood is there in a forum fight that he would allow him to finish that word?? The fight once against takes place in Los Angeles. SHDb; uStats; Intelligence. Constantine has shown the ability to slow down time and create an invincible circle of protection. BlotskyA 1 y 2 mo 30 d . Tier. Constantine is a 2005 American superhero horror film directed by Francis Lawrence, in his feature-length directorial debut, and starring Keanu Reeves as John Constantine. Not hear him start to speak. Constantine is a 2005 American superhero horror film directed by Francis Lawrence, in his feature-length directorial debut, with a screenplay by Kevin Brodbin and Frank Cappello. Superman may struggle if he's caught off guard as the prep time is super useful for him. I still havent seen anything that answers my question. If nothing else, Constantine could probably tear Superman's Soul apart. Batman v Superman, Constantine, and Other DC Movies Leaving HBO Max. Is it really in character for John to throw such powerful spells against heroes right from the start? Shown that he is strong enough to contend with, and/or beat, the likes of: Don't forget immunity to fundamental forces of the universe, I.e The Rot. 2 wins (40%) John Constantine John Constantine: power stats. John Constantine is an occult detective and professional sorcerer from Liverpool, England. Im DC-Universum wird es nie langweilig. Batman beat the crap out of at Constantine but Constantine made him look like a fool. Created by Zoom. What's that, you say OP? Both of them are bloodlusted. Because a beaten up Wiccan could easily lead to an angry Scarlet Witch chasing you down, and Constantine is not going to win that fight. Strength. Superman & Lois is an upcoming American superhero drama television series developed for The CW by Todd Helbing and Greg Berlanti, based on the DC Comics characters Superman and Lois Lane, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. So Supes probably kills John 9/10 in Round 3, and 5/10 Round 2. 0. 1 wins (33.3%) Anti-Monitor Mobius: 21 M: John Constantine John Constantine: 1 K: team … 0. The other deals in...even more darkness. You didn't answer my question though. Share 0 Comments. this is fair use of the footage for educational purposes only and not for profit. In all scenarios he would super speed in and kill Constantine before he gets a spell off. Who wins? Again same location and specification as Round 1. The fight takes place in Los Angeles, as it is a territory neither of them are very familiar with. Team Superman (Smallville) vs Team Darkseid (Smallville) Constantine (CW) vs Doctor Strange (MCU) Constantine (CW) vs John Constantine (Warner Bros) Constantine (CW) vs Damien Darhk (CW) Team Electro (SONY) vs Team Black Lightning. The fact that he did so to a character whose primary 'power' is being immune to most forces is just an added bonus. Who will win in a fight between Cosmic Armor Superman and Anti-Monitor & John Constantine? Sign Up Login. Unless John hides in an alternate dimension before he's found, he's toast. John Constantine’s future on TV may be uncertain, but when it comes to film, what are the chances we’ll see the trench coat wearing occultist teaming up with A-listers Batman and Superman? Team Martian Manhunter (CW) vs Team Deathstroke (CW) John Constantine vs Constantine (CW) Team Superman (Smallville) vs Team Superman … Speed. 0. Characters Battles Teams Super Powers Forum Feed Collections. notice: this is a copy and share footage. DC's most infamous mystical detective, John Constantine, has faced a wide variety of supernatural foes.While some of these enemies are based on the various mystical forces that existed solely in the DC Universe, some of Constantine's rivals based on beings and magic that are real-world supernatural beings. It is based on the DC Comics character John Constantine, a demon hunter and occult detective. Sorry, but no. Doesnt he have super visiin, super hearing? What is the upper limit on how high Supes can fly and still technically remain in the city limits? Has something happened to relieve Suoes of his suoer senses? Durability. 7/10 John, and 6/10 for 3 weeks and 1 week prep respectively. He was created by Alan Moore, Steve Bissette and John Totleben. Round 3: Without prep, John loses. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the whowouldwin community. If Superman speed blitz immediately, he wins, but if Constantine is given anytime he can pull out Darkmere. His violent and anti-social attitude makes him a formidable anti-hero, and he's known for doing whatever it takes to get the job done. Now you guys are just nitpicking. 0. SHDb; uStats; Intelligence. The same location and specifications as Round 1. One deals in darkness. Cosmic Armor Superman vs Anti-Monitor & John Constantine. A victory is defined as the point at which the opposing combatant can no longer fight. If Superman speedblitzes immediately, he wins. 2 wins (66.7%) Cosmic Armor Superman Thought Robot: power stats. And then he would just kill him. You are indeed where you belong. | Class: 0. Just out of curiosity, who did John Constantine drop, with a single word, that was on the level of Superman? He won't be incapacitated by a low level spell or anything purely for being magic. You asked who John has owned with a word, and I provided a canon example of him doing so. #15. The debate over who would win between Superman and Batman seems to be a high area of contention on this sub-reddit. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. Tangentially tied to the live-action series Constantine through actor Matt Ryan, the series is set in the DC Animated Movie Universe, a spin-off of the 2017 animated … Schade, dass es bei einem Teil blieb. Also on the whole "depends on if Superman knows who he's facing" argument. Dunno if ive heard this topic but ive been reading some Constantine feats and... wow. Superman & Lois is an upcoming American superhero drama television series developed for The CW by Todd Helbing and Greg Berlanti, based on the DC Comics characters Superman and Lois Lane, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. This raises several questions, such as the status of Constantine … Or sell his soul to get infinitely more power than Supes. Keanu Reeves ist zwar nicht blond wie der John Constantine aus den Comics, die Verfilmung aber dennoch höllisch gelungen. If Constantine did face Wiccan and ended up beating him, the smart move would be to exit through the gift shop and head back to his own reality, quickly. Supes 9/10. The film is based on DC Comics' Hellblazer … He'd pretend to be friendly to Superman, even help him with a few minor problems. Superhero battle match: Cosmic Armor Superman versus Anti-Monitor & John Constantine. Round 2: John Constantine and Superman gets one week of prep time. Like others have said, this type of thing basically makes this fight a quick draw. 1 Biography 2 Injustice Comic 3 Powers and Abilities 4 Appearance 5 Gallery John Constantine is an occult detective and professional sorcerer from Liverpool, England. Round 2 Constantine by far Round 3 could go each way Batman would sack the hell out of Constantine … Official Superhero Database stats. As of December 31, Batman v Superman, Constantine… John dead fished Frankenstein with a few syllables, and Frank is a lot more resilient to magic than Kal. John Constantine vs Superman # Superman John is not on a level of Doctor Strange. Its cast includes Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz, Shia LaBeouf, Tilda Swinton, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Djimon Hounsou, Gavin Rossdale, and Peter Stormare. He couldn't even talk to Johns' associates, as they would get suspect and tip off John. In a Forum fight Superman would go for the speedblitz. 10/10. John Constantine is an occult detective from Liverpool, England. Superhero battle match: Team John Constantine versus Team Superman. Für Fans und auch Neueinsteiger. 0. Round 1: John Constantine gets three weeks of prep time. Mehr als Batman und Superman: Die besten DC-Comicfilme - Eine Topliste von Moviejones. BONUS ROUND: In character? Well a bloodlusted superman would be nearly impossible to beat. He is a con-artist, magician, occult detective, and anti-hero. Doesnt he know John constsntine and what he's capable of? … In addition, he has also acted as a supernatural advisor and ally to the Swamp Thing. Superboy-Prime really wanted to end EVERYTHING, because if he couldn't have Earth-Prime back, then **** it all. John Constantine is also considered an expert at prep work and as a magic user has a unique advantage against Superman. Digi. Constantine probably takes round 2 as well, but in a completely different way. With his connections, he'd be able to deduce his hidden Identity without problem and by extension, all his associates. The fight takes place in Los Angeles, as it is a territory neither of them are very familiar with. John Constantine is a chain smoking, foul mouthed, working class, anti-establishment, cynical adrenaline addicted con-man. Constantine -Vs- Superman. RELATED: 5 Marvel Heroes Superman Would Defeat (& 5 He Would Lose Against) Daredevil would treat John Constantine like a hostile witness on the stand and wouldn't take much crap from the laughing magician. Round 3 is something of a stalemate. Constantine is a former ongoing comic book series published by DC Comics, which started in March 2013.It features British Magician John Constantine re-established into the DC Universe, and replaces the former Vertigo Comics title Hellblazer, which ended with its 300th issue after 25 years, in February 2013. The main argument for the pro-Batman camp is his ability to prepare for different situations. It's possible. If forced to fight Superman, Constantine would probably do something really clever involving Kryptonite and magic. Be it do to their death, semi-permenant immobilization or something smilier. His gritty and brutal attitude makes him recognizable as a cynical, foul-mouthed, chain-smoking anti-hero. But before the bout occurs, Constantine has an awkward moment where he tells Raven … As mentioned in the title the participants are the New 52 versions. Strength. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Others 4 Discussions John Constantine is the protagonist of the long running popular comic book series Hellblazer and first appeared in Swamp Thing issue 37 in June 1985. Constantine can't really win, but again he knows Superman won't kill him if he surrenders, so he surrenders, snarkily, and later breaks out of prison or whereever superman puts him. A previous discussion similar to this one:, Respect Threads for Constantine:, Respect Threads for Superman:, Round 1: I think Constantine takes this, he's an incredible con-man and his ability to make his own luck and to time travel plus the bloodlusting enables him to do some crazy shit. Superhero battle match: John Constantine versus SCP-053. Created by TH0R. I could see this ending far better for Constantine. He has been a member of Justice League Dark, the Newcastle Crew and the Trenchcoat Brigade. Possibly even just kryptonite. No prep time for either party. 0. With three weeks prep time AND bloodlust, he sells his soul and starts the fight surrounded in a magical fireball with an army of demons at his back, and just gets crazier from there. User Info: V3l2g1L. Combat. Round 1: John Constantine gets three weeks of prep time. If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit... then welcome home, my friend. John Constantine vs Superman # John Constantine superman is weak to magic and constantine has magic. Power. He knows Supes won't kill him, so he lets him get in close, appearing harmless, offers to surrender, then springs some sort of prepared magical trap that temporarily traps Superman's soul in a box of cigarettes or something. And as of December 31 next month, Batman v Superman and Keanu Reeves’ Constantine film from 2005 (which very nearly got a sequel) are leaving HBO Max. 0. John 8/10. Entdecke viele Comics und Neuheiten von Batman, Superman, Flash und anderen Superhelden! If Constantine has enough time to utter even a single word, he wins. By Russ Burlingame - November 26, 2020 08:56 pm EST. Let's say 33,000 feet (average cruising altitude of airplanes). Superman Spider-Man Avengers Deadpool Wonder Woman Justice League Iron Man X-Men DC Comics Alle DC-Serien Animal Man Aquaman (2012) Aquaman (2017) Aquaman - Held von Atlantis Arrow (2013) Arrow (2015) Batgirl (2010) Batgirl (2012) Batgirl - Die neuen Abenteuer Batman & Robin (2012) Batman & Robin Eternal Batman (2007) Batman Collection Batman … Constantine probably takes round 1. V3l2g1L 7 years ago #1. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. If Constantine wants to win round 2, he wins. EDIT- If John has access to the House of Mysteries, all bets are off. 0. 0. John would somehow trick Superman into opening a box of kryptonite. I think John wins. Superman ( or Constantine) can only fly up to 33,000 feet. But Superman stomps round 3 for sure. I agree with the first round analysis, though. Both seem to have DEM powers so i wanted to know the boards opinion. 0. Superman 2 - … Both with time to plan. Supermex. Press J to jump to the feed. John’s greatest asset isn’t even his magic, it’s his ability to outwit people and his ruthlessness. Ah yes, a planet-busting super god vs. a regular dude who needs prep for … Ah yes, a planet-busting super god vs. a regular dude who needs prep for pretty much everything. Tyler Hoechlin and Elizabeth Tulloch star as the titular characters Clark Kent / Superman, a costumed superhero, and Lois Lane, a journalist for … Round 3: John Constantine versus Superman in a straight up fight. Because from what I've read, he isn't that much of a bastard. John Constantine is also considered an expert at prep work and as a magic user has a unique advantage against Superman. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Constantine , Krypton), Greg Berlanti (The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl), and Sarah Schechter (Blindspot, Riverdale, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow), the series,which will premiere on CW Seed, is produced by Butch Lukic (Justice League Action, Batman Unlimited), written by J.M. 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