For example, a rare genetic form of Zn deficiency can cause acrodermatitis in bull terriers, which does not respond to the Zn supplementation and is invariably fatal. Other features of acrodermatitis enteropathica include stomatitis, paronychia, and alopecia. Al-Gurairi FT, Al-Waiz M, Sharquie KE (2002) Oral zinc sulphate in the treatment of recalcitrant viral warts: randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. Lee SY, Nam KS, Seo YW, Lee JS, Chung H (1997) Analysis of serum zinc and copper levels in alopecia areata. Zn is mainly excreted in the feces; hence, the regulation of fecal losses is important in the Zn homoeostasis. Prasad AS, Kucuk O (2002) Zinc in cancer prevention. The skin involvement is in the form of erythematous rashes, scaly plaques, and ulcers on the acral and periorificial areas, known as acrodermatitis [3,59]. Stefani M, Bottino G, Fontenelle E, Azulay DR (2009) Efficacy comparison between cimetidine and zinc sulphate in the treatment of multiple and recalcitrant warts. Formulations used in this study increased the Zn concentration in the whole skin and epidermis [47]. Nutritional Zn deficiency secondary to inadequate dietary intake and malnutrition [2,51], Reduced bioavailability of Zn secondary to the high dietary intake of phytate [1,2,8,28], tetracycline, penicillin, corticosteroids, high doses of iron and Ca, oral contraceptives, and tanino [8,28], Receiving total parenteral nutrition without any supplementation of Zn [2,28,51,46], Gastrointestinal affections and malabsorption syndromes [2,3,28], Liver diseases [2,3] such as acute and chronic viral hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, subacute , fulminant hepatic failure [2] and cirrhosis [2,28], Malignancies [3,28] and chronic debilitating conditions [3], Pancreatic exocrine dysfunction [2,28,52], Excessive sweating in hot tropical climates [2], Zn depletion secondary to trauma, major surgeries, burns, blood loss, severe ischemia, and severe infections [2], Oldness, secondary to the nutrient deficiencies due to physiologic, social and economic circumstances, dysfunctions influencing the intracellular availability of Zn ion [2,53], and achlorhydria [2], Prematurity, due to a combination of a low Zn stores, an increased Zn requirement [10,51,54,55], poor intestinal absorption [10,51,55], and increased intestinal secretion from inflamed gut mucosa [10,51], Eating disorders including anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, in which the cutaneous manifestations are related to starvation, vomiting, abuse of drugs (such as laxatives and diuretics), and psychiatric morbidity [56,52], Trace element replacements with heavy metals [34,57], Decreased Zn levels in maternal breast milk, which can cause its deficiency in healthy, full-term, breast fed infants [51]. This Journal. (2007) Acrodermatitis enteropathica and an overview of zinc metabolism. We also found that mesenchymal stem cells lacking ZIP7 accumulated zinc in the endoplasmic reticulum, which triggered zinc-dependent aggregation and inhibition of protein disulfide isomerase, leading to endoplasmic reticulum dysfunction. Thus, its bioavailability varies widely between its different sources, but is about 20% to 30% [1]. Zn is a metal moiety of many enzymes and is essential for normal cellular functions. Barbarot S, Chantier E, Kuster A, Hello M, Roze JC, et al. Serum zinc levels in seborrheic dermatitis: a case-control study. Yaghoobi R, Omidian M, Bagherani N (2011) Comparison of therapeutic efficacy of topical corticosteroid and oral zinc sulfate-topical corticosteroid combination in the treatment of vitiligo patients: a clinical trial. Physical therapies, including irradiation and warming/cooling of affected sites, are also frequently applied. Tasaki M, Hanada K, Hashimoto I (1993) Analyses of serum copper and zinc levels and copper/zinc ratios in skin diseases. Bibliography [9] Stephan F, Revuz J.Zinc salts in dermatology. The eruption that is pictured here may be preceded by blisters. 1 A recognizable absence of functional melanocytes was observed histochemically in the skin, hair, mucous membranes and the retina. Additionally, sample collection and laboratory techniques are important for assessing serum Zn. Both lower and increased vitamin A levels can result in telogen effluvium, but lower levels are associated also with hair breakage. Sacchidanand SA, Lahiri K, Godse K, Patwardhan NG, Ganjoo A, Kharkar R, Narayanan V, Borade D, D'souza L. Indian J Dermatol. Hippokrates. The resounding answer: yes. They also play important roles in both Ca signaling and Zn homeostasis. Presentations. ©2016 Bagherani N. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. This study showed that the percutaneous absorption of Zn from Zn 2-pyrrolidone 5-carboxylate- containing emulsion was more than from the two others ones. Elemental Zn is safe in the dose of 2.5 mg/kg/day (maximum 150mg/day) [28,58]. Zn absorption rate is controlled by the transport velocity and dietary Zn intake; so, with depletion of the Zn, the transport velocity increases, and with low dietary intake of Zn, the transporter expression in the small intestine increases, resulting in the increased intestinal Zn absorption and decreased intestinal loss of Zn. Naginiene R, Kregzdyte R, Abdrakhmanovas A, Ryselis S (2004) Assay of trce elements, thyroid gland and blood indices in children with alopecia. The majority of body Zn is stored in the skeletal muscles and bones [1,2,8]. Acrodermatitis entropathica is an autosomal recessive inherited disease resulting from a mutation in the Zip4 transporter [2,50]. It is important to mention that clinical manifestations resembling AE have been reported in several other nutritional deficiency states such as essential fatty acid, protein and amino acid deficiencies [10]. Theocharis SE, Margeli AP, Koutselinis A (2003) Metallothionein: a multifunctional protein from toxicity to cancer. We thank Prof. Gino A. Vena, Dr. Jim Schwartz, Prof. Hee Chul Eun, Dr. Jouni Uitto, Dr. Yutaka Hatano, Dr. Craig N Burkhart, Dr. Khalifa E.Sharquie, Dr. Sébastien Barbarot, Prof. Ulrike Raap, Sabrina Campagnolo, Dr. Joanna Wallengren, Dr. Renata Strumia, and Dr. Janice Cameron. Additionally, hepatic encephalopathy due to the liver failure is associated with the Zn deficiency [2]. Overbeck S, Rink L, Haase H (2008) Modulating the immune response by oral zinc supplementation: a single approach for multiple diseases. In addition, it is effective in the regulation of metallothionein, which has antioxidant activity [2,30]. Back; Journal Home; Online First; Current Issue; All Issues; Special Issues; About the journal; Journals. This result can be useful for the rapid, qualitative and quantitative monitoring of the hair pigmentation changes [40]. Advanced knowledge sharing through global communityâ¦, Dermatologist at Dr. Nooshin Bagheranâs office, Taha Physiciansâ building, P.O. Topical Zinc Topical interferon Intralesional interferon Intralesional BCG Macrolactum Immunomodulators Topical tacrolimus (FK 506) It is a macrolide, produced by Streptomyces tsukabaensis, a fungus found in the soil of Mount Tsukuba, the science city of Japan, where initial isolation and characterization of this drug was performed. Ann DermatolVenereol. With the exception of systemic zinc deficiency states, there is little evidence that convincingly demonstrates the efficacy of zinc as a reliable first-line treatment for most dermatologic conditions. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and temporary pruritus have been described as side effects of oral Zn supplementation [28,58], which are fleeting and dose dependent [8]. It is expressed in the nervous system, myocardium, skeletal muscle, and basal aspect of the stratified embryonic epithelia. While the ZnT transporters decrease the intracellular Zn concentrations via promoting either the Zn efflux from cells or Zn movement into the cellular vesicles, the Zip transporters increase the intracellular Zn concentration via stimulating either the Zn influx into the cells or intracellular vesicular release of Zn [2]. Introduction. Br J Dermatol 155: 39-49. This disorder is a rare condition related to poor absorption of the Zn [10]. Andrew Skillen. Although Zn toxicity is very low, high doses during chronic administration can lead to the marked risk of hypocupremia [8]. Journal of Investigative Dermatology Vol. Topically applied zinc fastens wound healing, regulates sebum secretion, and exhibits antiseptic and antibacterial activity. Dr.Lokesh R pediatrics 2. Henkel RR, Defosse K, Koyro HW, Weissmann N, Schill WB (2003) Estimate of oxygen consumption and intracellular zinc concentration of human spermatozoa in relation to motility. conducted a study on mice for assessing the effect of oral Zn on the melanogenesis in vivo. The acrodermatitis entropathica is a rare autosomal recessive disease, in which there is a genetic defect of the synthesis, structure, or function of Zn binding ligands normally present in the intestine [43]. The role of zinc on immune system in human. They are effective in improving the psychometric performance in encephalopathic patients with cirrhosis [2,64]. It is an essential trace element important for a large number of structural proteins, enzymatic processes and … Zinc, both in elemental or in its salt forms, has been used as a therapeutic modality for centuries. [Crossref] 46. Topical preparations like zinc oxide, calamine, or zinc pyrithione have been in use as photoprotecting, soothing agents or as active ingredient of antidandruff shampoos. 1. In addition, Zn, via regulating of the metallothionein expression, is effective in the intracellular Zn compartmentalization [2,25] and antioxidant function [2,26,27]. The name of the drug is a neologism, com … Abramovits W (1979) Dermatology-epitomes of progress: a capsule on zinc. Measuring Zn in the serum as an index of the nutritional Zn status is problematic, because only 0.1% of its stores in the body are contained in the circulation [2]. The following has been summarized for some of these disorders: Zn supplementations significantly decrease the morbidity and mortality from acute infections and shorten the recovery time. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. The majority of Zn loss occurs in the intestine from pancreatic secretions, which varies from 27-90 µmol/day [2, 49]. | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view Welcome to’s free Dermatology PowerPoint templates’ section. In addition to skin pathologies that are clearly zinc-dependent, … This section of the website hosts Free Dermatology PowerPoint Templates and free Skincare PowerPoint templates specially designed for doctors, academicians, students and other professionals, who often need to create PowerPoint presentations on Dermatology … The WHO- recommended intake of Zn is 10-15 mg for adults and 5 mg for infants. Further research is needed to establish the indications for zinc treatment in dermatology, optimal mode of zinc delivery, and best type of zinc compound to be used. Hall J1 (2005) Diagnostic dermatology. Free Dermatology PowerPoint Templates. Benefits of Zinc For Skin . (2012) Severe dermatitis with loss of epidermal Langerhans cells in human and mouse zinc deficiency. Actions. [Acrodermatitis enteropathica--zinc as a life-saving drug]. I rock! Their study showed that in both groups, there was correlation between the Zn levels in the hair and serum with the alkaline phosphatase activity in the serum [38]. Hall J1 (2005) Diagnostic dermatology. Rosacea Erythema and telangiectasia Erythematous papules and pustules Rhinophyma . In this disorder, a defect in Zn utilization or uptake at a cellular level has been hypothesized [45]. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Some studies have shown that the Cu/Zn ratio in each skin disease reflects the severity of the progress [41]. Until the mid 20th century, the importance of Zn in the growth and development of mammals was not recognized. The Zn value eliminated via the urine is about 300-700µg during 24 hours [46]. Journal Title: Dermatology Research and Practice. Supplementations of Zn improve wound healing and increase resistance to infections in elderly people [2,63]. Remove this presentation Flag as Inappropriate I Don't Like This I like this Remember as a Favorite. Each question carries 10 marks. (2004) Zinc finger protein Zac1 is expressed in chondrogenic sites of the mouse. Zn is non-toxic even at high concentrations [10], but Cu and iron deficiencies, anemia and growth retardation have been reported in the case of very high Zn intakes [2]. They may be lowered by hypoalbuminemia, infection, pregnancy, acute stress, and use of oral contraceptive agents [2,5]. 3 I/ LA DERMATOLOGIE ET LE DERMATOLOGUE 1/ La dermatologie : Le champ d’activité de la dermatologie est vaste puisqu’il englobe la peau mais aussi les ongles, le cuir chevelu et les muqueuses Il s’étend à l’allergologie (science des allergies) et à l’esthétique pour corriger certaines imperfections provoquées par l’âge, le soleil ou les séquelles de certaines maladies de peau Chodorowska et al., examined and compared Zn contents of hair and serum in 2 groups of patients, one with acne phlegmonosa and another group with alopecia areata. In the early 1900s when advances in biochemistry appeared, many of the essential constituents of nutrition were introduced. Vitiligo is a common pigmentary skin disorder occurring worldwide. For this regulation, it is required that the multiple Zn transporters work in coordination (2). Effect of topical zinc oxide on the healing of full-thickness cutaneous excisional wounds in domestic pigs on a zinc-sufficient diet. PPT – Paediatric dermatology PowerPoint presentation | free to view - id: 46900-OWM3O. Affiliations. Zn is also involved in stabilizing the structure and function of over 300 different enzymes [3,10,16]. The most frequently prescribed medicinal products in dermatology by far, topical preparations are still of paramount importance in the treatment of skin disorders. It appears that 10% of the US population consumes less than half the recommended level of Zn and is at risk of its deficiency [6]. In this article, we collected and summarized the appropriate manuscripts and papers regarding the importance of Zn and its pharmacokinetics in human beings, causes and manifestations of its deficiency and excess, its therapeutic roles, side effects of Zn supplements and ways for its prevention and treatment. Acrodermatitis enteropathica This syndrome results from inadequate absorption or dietary intake of zinc. Zinc is an important part of various disease in dermatology. Further research is needed to establish the indications for zinc treatment in dermatology, optimal mode of zinc delivery, and best type of zinc compound to be used. Can Vet J 46: 555-557. [Zinc in dermatology]. The amount of Zn should be expressed as the elemental amount, for example, 5 mg of the Zn sulphate has approximately 1 mg of the elemental Zn [46]. Kawamura T, Ogawa Y, Nakamura Y, Nakamizo S, Ohta Y, et al. Grungreiff K (2002) Zinc in liver disease. Une zincémie abaissée est notée dans 35 à 45 % des cas, mais n’est symptomatique que dans 10 % des cas environ. All rights reserved. However, zinc may be considered as an adjunctive treatment modality. Dermatology Center Presentation Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template This presentation is perfect to talk about dermatology.The background of this template looks like the different layers of the skin, displaying freckles, lines or pores. The homeostasis of Zn is highly regulated by the gastrointestinal tract. 1)Both conditions began simultaneously (neoplasia and paraneoplasia) 2) Development of a parallel course * … Androgenetic alopecia has been associated with lower iron and vitamin D levels. Plonka PM, Handjiski B, Popik M, Michalczyk D, Paus R (2005) Zinc as an ambivalent but potent modulator of murine hair growth. Zn is involved in important functional activities in the hair follicles [9]. 2006;17(4):205-10. doi: 10.1080/09546630600791434. Chodorowska G, Lecewicz-Torun B, Wiercinski J (1990) Study of the zinc content of hair and serum in selected skin diseases. The liver plays an important role in its homeostasis [2]. Results of a randomised controlled trial. Botulinum toxin in dermatology ppt 1. Providing cutting-edge scholarly communications to worldwide, enabling them to utilize available resources effectively. The S100A9 and S100A8 are calcium (Ca)- and Zn- binding proteins, respectively. Sharquie KE, Najim RA, Al-Hayani RK, Al-Nuaimy AA, Maroof DM (2008) The therapeutic and prophylactic role of oral zinc sulfate in management of recurrent aphthous stomatitis (ras) in comparison with dapsone. Guéniche A, Viac J, Lizard G, Charveron M, Schmitt D (1995) Protective effect of zinc on keratinocyte activation markers induced by interferon or nickel. Figure 13-1 shows erythema, crusting, and fissuring of the perioral skin and cheeks. Its anti-inflammatory activity, which is the basis of therapeutic use, other than acrodermatitis enteropathica, is not well known: production of cytokines, antioxidant activity. For the first time, Ito et al reported disseminated LP due to the zinc chloride present in the metallic dental crown in a 62-year-old- woman [66]. 17, No. Cases in Dermatology Annual Primary Care Conference June 5, 2015 Chong Foo, M.D. Basonuclin is another example of the Zn finger proteins, found in the various stratified squamous epithelia in epidermis, esophagus, cornea [22], spermatozoa and oocytes [23]. In animals, it has been shown that Zn supplementation may prevent both acute and chronic alcohol- induced liver injuries [2]. Bagherani N, Smoller BR (2016) An overview of zinc and its importance in dermatology- Part I: Importance and function of zinc in human beings. Bagherani N, Yaghoobi R, Omidian M (2011) Hypothesis: zinc can be effective in treatment of vitiligo. All of the Zn transporters have trans-membrane domains and are encoded by 2 solute-linked carrier (SLC) gene families. Coelho S, Fernandes B, Rodrigues F, Reis JP, Moreno A, et al. The role of Zn in human immunity has been summarized in Scheme-1. Zn has antibacterial activity [16]. Early Zn supplementation in low birth-weight or small-for-gestational-age infants can result in the improvement of growth [10]. Zinc Therapy in Dermatology: A Review. In addition, Zn loss also occurs via shedding of the epithelial cells, sweat, semen, hair and bleeding during menstruation [2]. Zinc supplements must be used with caution in view of the dangers of zinc excess and zinc toxicity. Can V et J 46: 555-557. Topical % zinc sulphate solution applied once daily for weeks was eective in pityriasis versicolor. Pseudo sign of Leser Trelat (Patton et al J. Zinc is also involved in melanogenesis, fatty acids and vitamin A and E metabolism. Zinc responsive dermatosis. Yanagi T, Kodama K, Yoshihisa Y, Shimizu H, Shimizu T (2006) Macrophage migration inhibitory factor in zinc-allergic systemic contact dermatitis. Tsuda T, Markova D, Wang H, Evangelisti L, Pan TC, et al. Serum Zn levels are subject to diurnal variation and can be influenced by the fasting status [2,5,28]. In 1973, the association between Zn deficiency and acrodermatitis entropathica (AE) was discovered [8]. [Article in German] Schieferstein G. PMID: 689909 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Zinc Therapy in Dermatology: A Review. For example, MMP-19 is a member of a large family of the Zn-dependent proteolytic enzymes, most of which are associated with cancer growth and metastasis [24]. The following summarizes the most important roles of Zn in the immunity and dermatological fields: Zn is essential in both cell-mediated and humoral immunity [2]. Roberts, in Nanoscience in Dermatology, 2016. Palmiter RD, Cole TB, Findley SD (1996) ZnT-, a mammalian protein that confers resistance to zinc by facilitating vesicular sequestration. Greene HL, Hambidge KM, Schanler R, Tsang RC (1988) Guidelines for the use of vitamins, trace elements, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus in infant and children receiving total parenteral nutrition: report of the Subcommittee on Pediatric Parenteral Nutrient Requirements from the Committee on Clinical Practice Issues of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition. eCollection 2020. ZINC IN VENOUS LEG ULCERATION. Although many human body organs are affected by severe Zn deficiency, such as the immune, central nervous, gastrointestinal, reproductive, integumentary and reproductive systems [2], the skin is commonly involved and is often one of the first organs affected by this deficiency [3]. In an in vitro study, Priot et al showed that Zn absorption was poor through normal human skin independent of the vehicle used [48]. © 2018 Copyright OAT. Download Dermatology PowerPoint templates (ppt) and Google Slides themes to create awesome presentations. Theocharis SE, Margeli AP, Klijanienko JT, Kouraklis GP (2004) Metallothionein expression in human neoplasia. Zn supplementation can be used as adjunctive treatment in many diseases [2]. Keratolytics . King JC, Shames DM, Woodhouse LR (2000) Zinc homeostasis in humans. It can inhibit the coagulation of plasma by staphylococcus aureus cells [17,18], and also suppress the attachment of this bacterium to coverslips [18]. Severe zinc deficiency states, such as acrodermatitis enteropathica, are associated with a variety of skin manifestations, such as perioral, acral, and perineal dermatitis. On the other hand, animal and seafood proteins are rich in Zn [8,28]. zinc and vitamin D levels. This theory can be used for planning more robust studies on diagnosing skin cancers and evaluating their progress. However, zinc may be considered as an adjunctive treatment modality. Ito Y, Saito K, Hatano Y, Goto M, Takahashi A, et al. In full-term infants, the vast majority of Zn is stored during the third trimester of pregnancy; hence, the total Zn stores, especially hepatic stores at birth, are lower in the premature than in full-term infants [10]. No data exist about hair loss associated with abnormal biotin levels. Indications for zinc supplementation. DERMATOLOGY REVIEW Sheryl L. Geisler, MS, PA-C Associate Professor UMDNJ Physician Assistant Program UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course Based on my mock practice exam results this week, when it comes to dermatology: 30% 50% 1. It acts like cofactor for the metalloenzymes involved in many cellular processes. A Plonka PM, Handjiski B, Michalczyk D, Popik M, Paus R (2006) Oral zinc sulphate causes murine hair hypopigmentation and is a potent inhibitor of eumelanogenesis. Abramovits W (1979) Dermatology-epitomes of progress: a capsule on zinc. Glob Dermatol 3: doi: 10.15761/GOD.1000185, Dermatologist at Dr. Nooshin Bagheranâs office, Taha Physiciansâ building, P.O.Box: 6414715878, Khoramshahr, Khuzestan Province, Iran. MMW Munch Med Wochenschr. Get the latest public health information from CDC:, Get the latest research information from NIH:, Find NCBI SARS-CoV-2 literature, sequence, and clinical content: Weinberg's Color Atlas of Pediatric Dermatology, 5e Prose NS, Kristal L. Prose N.S ... Acrodermatitis enteropathica This syndrome results from inadequate absorption or dietary intake of zinc. 205-210. Zn acts as an antioxidant [2,8,29], protecting cells from the damaging effects of oxygen radicals produced as a byproduct of immune activation [2,29]. dermatology is a blending of traditional and market factors, which health providers should be aware of when guiding patients in their health management and medication treatment choices. Pediatric Dermatology: Bumps and Lumps Shoni Rozenberg, DO* Suzanne Sirota Rozenberg, DO, FAOCD** *OGME 3, St John’s Episcopal Hospital Dermatology Program, Queens, NY **Program Director, St John’s Episcopal Hospital Dermatology Program Queens, NY. In addition, the time between the blood collection and separation of serum influences the Zn concentration, so that if not separated within the first 2 hours, it can lead to increase by 6% in the Zn concentration. Physical examination revealed multiple pustules, vesicles, and scaly erythema disseminated over her palms and soles; clinically, the signs were typical of palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP) (figure). Mar 7, 2018 - Zinc, both in elemental or in its salt forms, has been used as a therapeutic modality for centuries. Get the plugin now. 2015 Nov-Dec;77(6):694-704. doi: 10.4103/0250-474x.174989. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Kiechl-Kohlendorfer U, Fink FM, Steichen-Gersdorf E. Pediatr Dermatol. It is essential for dermatologists to have full knowledge of various therapies and combinations of effective treatments. PeaceHealth Medical Group, Dermatology ... OTC zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide Topical sodium sulfacetamide . Zn administered in dental restoration can cause oral LP, palmoplantar pustulosis, a maculopapular rash, and systemic contact dermatitis [19]. MalcolmW. 2015 Mar 1;20(2):e180-7. : 616 The blisters vary in size from very small up to 1 cm across. These include: Proven zinc deficiency and zinc-losing conditions. Used in the context of basic therapy (skin care), cosmetic products and medical devices (products) are employed particularly frequently in inflammatory dermatoses. Its requirement is particularly high in young and premature infant to increase the rate of growth and cognitive development [10,51]. Zinc acetate is used to treat Wilson's disease . Marks : 100 Attempt all questions in order. Zinc is an essential trace element for the human organism. Best Dermatology Clinic in Hyderabad - Dr.RAMESH'S DERMATIQUE is a one stop place which offers Dermatology, Aesthetic Dermatology, Cosmetology, Plastic Surgery, Hair Transplantation, Nail Art Lounge, Beauty Services and Medi spa. (2012) Disseminated lichen planus due to a zinc allergy. Glyphosate Depletes Iron, Manganese And Zinc In Plants PPT Presentation Summary : Percentage of children with Autism in the US. Environmental modifications are not supported by the currently available data and more studies are needed. Introduction. From 3000 BC, people have understood the importance of nutrition and nutritional supplements in wound healing. On the other hand, the liver plays an important role in the Zn homeostasis [2]. In the structural role, Zn coordinates with certain protein domains, resulting in protein folding and producing structures such as "Zn fingers" [2,20]. In AE, severe Zn deficiency can lead to bullous pustular dermatitis, alopecia, diarrhea, neurologic disorders, psychological impairment, weight loss, hypogonadism, prolonged and severe infections due to cell-mediated immunity dysfunction, delayed ulcer healing, and in severe cases, death [2]. Kappus H, Reinhold C (1994) Heavy metal-induced cytotoxicity to cultured human epidermal keratinocytes and effects of antioxidants. As Shapiro explains, zinc works with other vitamins and minerals to help treat skin lesions and when taken orally, it can decrease the severity of acne and early signs of maturing skin (lines, wrinkles, spots, etc. Zn deficiency down-regulates the T-helper1, whereas it up-regulates theT-helper2 response [2,3]. Acrodermatitis enteropathica, Zinc deficiency, AE, Primary zinc malabsorption syndrome, Brandt syndrome, Danbolt Closs syndrome, MIM201100. [ ] Acne vulgaris Topical Topical % zinc sulphate was ee ctive in mild to moderate acne. 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