What did the piece of crap do with all that money? With all the support from all them men that worked all those years and all the special interest from society? Nope. Financial Distress. On average, men age better than women. Still, there are some responses to divorce that can be divided along gender lines. I questioned what the hell did she do all day????? Phone: 865-637-6258. Women file divorce or cause divorce at least 80% of the time. In fact, I have yet to see a black woman with the dreaded "turkey neck" that causes women to get a "Lifestyle Lift" procedure. Wow, Kenny's comment seems really accurate from my experience. got sick and had to have an operation I CLEANED THE HOUSE, IN TWO HOURS, did a better job in a fraction of the time, laundry, dishes etc. It's not an "either/or" world we live in. What kind of studies? She doesn't have any "creepy skin" on her chest. As a marriage is ending, the parties would do themselves a great favor if they would take the time to forgive themselves and their partner for whatever went wrong and allow time to heal and grieve the loss that divorce creates. Normally, when a couple divorces, their children are left in the care of by their mothers, who more often than not may find it difficult to fend for … Digging for money now. They probably resent you. 'Maybe that is the price women pay for acting the way they do when they are young and pretty. Limited divorce is merely like a separation decree. It is only in the past 50 years women are in the general work force. They usually start refocusing on their family again. How Am I Supposed to Pay Child Support Now? Men are often happier in their marriages than women, men enjoy greater financial wellbeing and health from marriage than do women, and divorce is associated with worse physical and mental health for men. They weren't together for very long either. Who pays for that??? These are, of course, over generalizations that pre-suppose that all women and all men might have the same reaction. nothing? Looking for an immigration or divorce lawyer near me? Men suffer more. Divorce Over 50 – Let’s Talk About “Gray Divorce”. They are self absorbed, babies, not fun to hang around with. I got approached when I was young, but now, older men constantly give me attention. They are a clueless and biased entity!!! If there was manual labor or wild animals trying to eat them they would quickly die without protection. I have a relative who loves to call women "little fatties." This is my first time ever needing legal representation, and I must confess the thought of having to require such legal assistance has always been a scary thing to me. I've seen plenty of men my age and older who are aging poorly. Anonymous. I had been seeing online where many men were complaining about women seeking most of the divorces. Women are so clueless about themselves it's scary. Credentialism is all the rage and it has the added bonus to College mandarins of forcing many young people into lifelong debt just to get a job. The butthurt is strong here. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. But many kids seem to bounce back. Imo, Japanese women do not age very well and they are also usually super thin which unfortunately gives them a lot of osteoporosis. There have been a few opposite types of stories regarding men, but not too many. How to Know When Your Relationship Is Over, Coparenting With an Ex: Battleground vs. Common Ground. Hundreds of studies have demonstrated why that is fanciful nonsense. They're looking toward death. The sad thing is the kids are usually the ones who suffer the most...nevermind the parents...so the kids need to be kept safe and isolated from the breakup and not dragged into it, used as pawns or weapons for one side to get what they want. On a side note, I really think a lot of men in this thread are angry because at a core level they feel they need women and feel they are entitled to them, yet in reality aren’t having the best luck snaring one. Many women overrate themselves, are overweight, not feminine, high body counts, intentional single mothers, and bad catches. Indeed... yes indeed. He is accessible and compassionate to his clients but a force to be reckoned with in the courtroom. Women love this game. I've noticed people talk about aging well more when someone was good looking. Some new data about divorce and non-marital breakups contains an unexpected finding, and I think it underscores the fact that we're in the midst of an ongoing evolution in what people want and seek in their romantic relationships. I cannot sing his praises enough. No actually studies show that women's happiness has declined since the destruction of the family unit. Virtually EVERY guy I know is glad that the shrews are out of their lives. The article said Asians and blacks have differences in their skin. As far as the degrees, WHO PAID FOR THEM???? As you might expect, research has found that kids struggle the most during the first year or two after the divorce. Or maybe it's that men have a hard time making commitments while women have a hard time keeping them. It is a different story if my gender received accolades for receiving monetary settlements for poor behaviors. A new theory aims to make sense of it all. But the end comes for us all. Maybe their testosterone levels make them have that stronger "drive" and more intense feelings. Men who work and have children can have everything taken from him for doing no wrong. It seems God didn't just give women negative things to deal with. When their relationships crumble beyond repair, both partners experience that disintegration. ", "I told Mr. AND her neck looks like a 20-year old's neck. if you really think women are so money hungry, why dont u just forget about them entirely? A woman may suffer financially after divorce, particularly if she is the primary caregiver to the children. Young women: have sex with who they want You created your net worth! Couples With Supportive Friends, Kin May Be More Likely to Divorce, A Surprise Twist: The Pandemic Brings Some Couples Closer, Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC, Why Some Bipolar Disorder Patients Are Lithium Non-Responders, AI Deep Learning Finds Off-Label Uses for FDA-Approved Drugs, 5 Recent Findings About Dark Personalities. Divorce represents a significant loss. Try checking into all the female with multiple babbies from multiple babbydaddies!!!! In reality, "some" men look better than women, and "some" women look better than men. They're looking toward death. Men have done the hard labor in coal and iron mines, fight wars, protect women and children. Wives still take their husbands’ surnames, and are sometimes pressured to do so. Katie.......... thank you for that info. Women are horrible people. How Can I Protect My Inheritance in My Divorce? Katie, Beautiful women hate losing their beauty, but older men can feel the same way when they become more feeble and begin having health problems. Beautiful. Most likely, 75% of the attractive women that men THINK are in their 30s are probably really in their 40s. nope. I really appreciate your efforts and the time you spend with me making my problem go easier. Also, if a guy leaves his wife for "greener grass" he's a jerk, but a woman who does the same is admired... Everything you said is true. They literally admitted they were more happy staying at home with the children. Had friends with the same stories. Adjusting to the loss of a spouse and partner and becoming single again is challenging and this impacts men and women differently. not all women are like that! Women cope with divorce better than men even though they suffer more financially. Like, DUH, of course! In short, the woman is always right and the man is always wrong. You should see him now. Men who are married tend to advance more quickly professionally and they DO get tax breaks for sure. When I did see her again, I couldn't believe what happened to her neck. Well "statistics" Can be what ever the people coming up with the statistics want them to be! All for empty promises, loneliness, abandonment, being broke, alienated from his children? Beautiful women hate losing their beauty, but older men can feel the same way when they become more feeble and begin having health problems. A divorce is a trauma for all, though particularly for children, who suddenly lose their family ‘nest’ and usually have to move to another location with only one parent. ", "I am unable to come up with enough adjectives to describe what a great job you did. Studies that prove men age better than women? survey of over 2000 heterosexual couples, Three Pandemic Lessons for Rethinking Mental Health, Why Marital Satisfaction Is Closely Linked to Women’s Sexual Desire, 13 Essential Tips if You Are Divorcing a Narcissist. Many men once ran through the family court system feel completely violated. They have girl friends, but don't have the sword of Damocles' hanging over their heads. Your wife got FULL custody of your kids? And "focusing on women's appearance"? Men are not marrying because the government has law biased against them. BOO HOO. In addition, men may find it more difficult to seek support after a split. Unfortunately, most divorce settlements fail to account for the damaged future earning potential of a woman with child care responsibilities. He had to earn a good living then. Yes, that is right, men struggle with divorce. But, Mr. If the shoe was on the other foot just what perspective would you take? He also got "joint" custody of their 1 daughter after he had a big blowout with her new boyfriend. Suite 1704 Women mentally date stars and compare their lives to social media. Men most definitely do NOT age any better. An American Sociological Association study found that women are more likely than men to initiate divorce. Slaughter is the first and only name on my list if my loved ones need an attorney. Whether you are the party who initiated the divorce, or the one surprised by it, each party suffers the same losses, but men and women tend to process their sense of loss in different ways. Men and women complemented each other at one time. Yet there was no significant difference between the percentage of breakups initiated by women and men in non-marriage relationships. Life is not perfect, but many women today believe they are entitled to everything. It is a myth that divorce affects one age group more profoundly than others. I never lived hard and tried to take care of my appearance, so I'm aging pretty well. Without your help, this court matter would have been more stressful and more expensive. Another simple, stupid comment from a female. You are an delusional feminist! One of the Most Contagious and Dangerous Attitude Biases, Alternate Realities: A Tale of Two Echo Chambers. Not the ones television and in the media. And in a man's obsession with always being right, you're going to obsess over how wrong a man with actual degrees in this area must be. I mean the attractive ones who take care of themselves. I even told the arbitrator (when he questioned my earning potential) "have you ever worked with your hands? I am not perfect in this regard either, but I didn't take it so seriously as she did. And the scariest part of this pattern of … Marriage has no benefit to a man. Now can we see trends that flow across certain demographics? No one with any common decency would find fairness in my outcome. Same for formerly handsome men. The only time I get a woman's age significantly wrong is if she is Asian. ", "I don’t know what I would have done without your guidance. Women look for problems... if the marriage doesn't live up to what they see on tv, Facebook, etc. Who suffers more from divorce: men or women? Look in the mirror and see who was making whom miserable. If abuse was part of the marriage, the children will be much happier later on. Of course if the shoe was on the other foot I would be laughing too. They get all the breaks and passes....they get treated better by society, the law, the police, the general public, the education system, the criminal courts, the family courts, the government, welfare, the healthcare system...pretty much by every entity and human being. Divorce or separation, in particular, increases one's risk of distressful psychological symptoms. What is the point of getting married in your 50's? He adds, “I think that marriage as an institution has been a little bit slow to catch up with expectations for gender equality. Then years passed and I didn't see her for a while. Like my one friend's daughter been out of work with a "degree" that HE paid for and is bumming money off of him because "she can't find a job" ! (women initiate 80% of divorce). Everyone loses -- no one wins in a divorce. I seriously doubt that situation would be humorous to you. but most of the men are generally falling in some category of 'undesirable'. I'm not surprised, since men appear to me (on average) to be more intense anyway about things. One woman I know of. A divorce financial adviser says these are the nasty surprises divorcing and divorced women often face. No financial risk for women to get married so they push for it with understanding if it doesn't work out then they get a financial windfall. A divorce can be easy and not so much painful, if both parents decide to sort out their differences peacefully and in a civil manner, for the sake of their kids. Imagine for just one second that the standards for an attractive older man were applied to a woman. No. I don't need them........ maybe your life will be better from now on....... so you came to a site's article looking at why women are unhappy with marriage and divorce the men who are making them miserable, to promote your independence of women...uh huh. They get used to changes in their daily routines … If the wife was the primary wage earner and the husband stayed home and kept the house and cared for the children, the husband would then be forced to find employment while the wife would have to find and pay for child care. ", "I just want to thank you…I finally got an attorney who cared about my well being. Absolute divorce is the judicial terminations of marriage bonds because of grieve misconduct of either one or both parties after the divorce has been processed. Mr. A senior woman I know always reminded me of a movie star. Marriage not living up to expectations. She hated being wrong and rarely fessed up when she was. Most men can't even gauge a woman's age well anyway. ", "Patrick Slaughter is an amazing attorney. The OBESITY? is that woman so unusual? Whether you are the party who initiated the divorce, or the one surprised by it, each party suffers the same losses, but men and women tend to process their sense of loss in different ways. then why are you even commenting here? Elisabeth and Massimo have been separated for two years and decide to affirm their independence with a divorce. more women get advanced degrees and are earning more than their male counterparts. "Mgtow" men say women hit the "WALL" and that older men look better than older women. Maybe that is the price women pay for acting the way they do when they are young and pretty. Unless they find some sucker who has even more money and assets than they now have. 'Women work outside of the home in large numbers but how many are then expected to come home and do all of the domestic work?' ", 'Society just puts more pressure on women to look perpetually 25 -30 years old. Surprisingly though Italy has one of the lowest divorce rates so either they are very discreet or it is a widely accepted part of Italian life. I believe I described him best when we parted company after our first meeting and I could not help but tell him that he was a bucket full of wonderful. When the piece of crap I married (TWENTY FIVE YEARS 25!!!!) Black women have much more melanin, which is why they are 'black". 900 South Gay Street After marriage, of course, it's the women who are dissatisfied and who want out. Posted October 2nd, 2014 by Anthony Carbone, PC. They are simply held to much lower expectations. Peace out! 1 decade ago. Society just puts more pressure on women to look perpetually 25 -30 years old. If a guy had the same traits as a woman, he would not have one single guy friend. Why is it "men are always happier and healthier" married than not? Ruined my son, turned him into a useless turd!! The divorce court most of the time is almost always biased in favor of the woman. And I'm going to take a wild stab that it describes you perfectly. Anyway, they were never married. I think younger women might push for marriage a bit more relative to younger men, but in the older crowd (I am 57 and husband 68) it seems the men push a bit more for marriage. I find that these data are consistent with what I and others have seen clinically. • Since 1997 average age of divorce has risen from 40.2 to 43.7 years for men and from 37.7 to 41.2 years for women, partly due to the rise in age at marriage. "You could be like Steven Hawking's sitting in a chair talking through a computer, My body is wore out from doing hard physical labor". It protects their skin from ageing. There are many good men out there who are staying away from women. My friend was recently telling me that Halle Berry (the actress) has to pay her ex-boyfriend who was a top male model at one time. How does social media and celebrity lifestyles play into a woman's satisfaction of her own life and marriage? Looking old may not bother a lot of the men here, but I know something that does: Prostate problems and ED. NAWALT.... This is a simplistic and irrational way of looking at human behavior, which is greatly varied. The concept of marriage has changed. You are paying her, but are you poor because of it? so the woman's attraction level is irrelevant? The man is really just a tool for her own needs and if they aren't being fulfilled, she complains, and if he doesn't tow the line, she files... because she's an independent woman who didn't need him in the first place. The home of the Roman Catholic church does make it a nation that would frown on divorce however so perhaps this plays a large part in that fact. Although I am very anxious to put the need for representation behind me; I am confident that your team will not only assist me in putting this behind me, but should I ever need legal help again I know where to start my search. But go to any workplace and the women are the ones and having all of the problems with each other. At those times, they stop caring about money and cars. Men lose more in divorce than women and it’s because (in my estimation) they didn’t give enough during the marriage. Slaughter I feel it is in my best interest to have 1 group represent me, and I truly feel that your office will have my best interest at heart. Ok do a cost analysis, what does a man gain/what does he lose? It seems most people become overweight as they age. 1 0. Again I reiterate WHAT APPEARNCE? i paid my exhusband's family , i outearn him VASTLY, he did no chores, he did NOT work . I've never cared about money or the materialism; in my twenties and now in my 50's and this was during marriage and after her passing. How to explain the data? Men Rush Into New Relationships. here is the thing: a woman cleans her home, cooks her food, has a career, has a decent social circle, keeps her body up. Older men: marry who they want The person who suffers the most from the situation is their son Marco, who normally lives with his father in a beautiful, but lonely country house. As for aging well, I believe black women age the best. They are bad people. At the Law Offices of LaFevor & Slaughter, our clients benefit from our knowledge and experience throughout the divorce process. I think it's important to look at why that might be. It could be that old-fashioned gender roles lead society to empathize more with the newly single man, or it could just be that women live longer (on average), and thus don’t feel the need to rush into a new relationship when one ends. women have more body fat, scientific fact so yes they do have to work harder to keep it down otherwise it can get out of control and lets be honest, overweight is not appealing. Women can not find a man after they went to college and want children in their 30's-40's. Kind of earthy, didn't wear or need heavy makeup. At What Age Can a Child Choose Which Parent to Live with After a Tennessee Divorce? She's single, no kids like me, in her mid 50s and she exercises too. I've seen these two problems change men almost overnight. Men have less body fat and could argue it's easier to maintain a stable weight beer aside, they also can get erections and produce sperm to an old age, so fertile younger women are still biologically attracted to older men who are able to do the business. I think there are things missing from this story. The piece of crap I married did the same thing! They usually start refocusing on their family again. The loss of a significant relationship can be one of life’s most difficult challenges. Even a fat unattractive women like Whitney Thore (From a TLC Show) can find a tall skinny man. First of all, you pretty much lose a debate as soon as you say "Women always..." or "Men always..." anything. Like the new shoes and outfits they need every other week to keep them happy (for a day or two). Even the really old women. The legal system is very unfair in custody & asset awards. I would expect any woman to have the same point of view as you. Well, I can't see any permanent lines in her face--none on her forehead (no Botox), no smile lines, no bags under her eyes, no crow's feet at the sides. The main reason women suffer the brunt of divorce’s financial burdens, according to Jenkins, is that during marriage, they are more likely than men to … We could go bald. Women initiate more divorces than men and tend to suffer less post-break-up. They can look young for a long time. Older women: marry who they can. The STDs, multiple babbies from multiple babbydaddies, welfare, no makeup face, bare legged crap, 56% of the females in the US are OBESE! When a Family Breaks Up: Divorce and Separation . Both are equally likely to address it; and part, if it can’t be healed. Both sides go through a lot. in Commerce. My husband was, in actuality, the one to talk about settling down and getting married. Also, I do not think ALL Asians age well. When men and women seek couples therapy and then subsequently divorce; or, when either partner seeks individual therapy about a marriage conflict that ends in divorce, it’s often the woman who expresses more overt conflict and dissatisfaction about the state of the marriage. what is it that you actually need women for? My ex-wife is college educated with a B.S. OH that's right, soap operas, romance novels, AOL, Facebook(later) her sister, mom. Sperm banks are booming. That becomes the most important thing to them.". If you look at "statistics" Men gain substantially more weight, their testosterone plummets (notice all the supplement adds maybe) their blood pressure skyrockets, have "ED" problems, no money, and many other issues that don't come to mind right now. Big friggin deal! Directed by Enzo Doria. The kids who suffer most at separation This is just a quick post but it has a message about how important it is to take care of our children, the most precious asset of all. WHY??? In every one of my relationships, I worked more hours than the women that lived with me, and I cleaned up after every one of them. not too many blood pressure issues, HAVE SEX (with significantly younger women), look younger, enjoy life (fishing, hunting, chasing women, etc) and don't have to worry about losing all the stuff divorcing some shrew that wants to "cash out" because "she's not haaaaaaappy" . City court has granted divorce in a rare case to a couple following a nearly 20-year legal battle between the husband and wife who were together for just 20 days. Men whom experienced divorce are bitter. Women suffering most as divorce cases go up. At those times, they stop caring about money and cars. These are, of course, over generalizations that pre-suppose that all women and all men might have the same reaction. Single mothers are raising a fatherless generation. Women cannot be equal to men just as men cannot be equal to women. Almost EVERY ONE!!!! 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