Gretchen Whitmer issued an executive order giving libraries across Michigan the green light to reopen on Monday. The Michigan Cooperative Association developed a document to list considerations for libraries in Michigan when re-opening their buildings to the public. The libraries will not provide curbside services, Parker said. Use markings to keep patrons at least six feet apart while waiting in line. Posted on April 18, 2020. Michigan Public Libraries: Re-opening Considerations after closures during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Libraries should also explore alternatives to lines, including by allowing patrons to wait in their cars for a text message or phone call, to enable social distancing and to accommodate seniors and those with disabilities. This plan seeks to explore several possible reopening scenarios, each dependent on … All in-person public events, public meetings, and private meetings have been cancelled until further notice and we are not accepting room reservations at this time. GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan — After being closed since March, the Grand Rapids Public Library will reopen its branches starting Oct. 12. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. The system’s five public libraries have been closed since March 13, right after the COVID-19 outbreak hit locally. Establish enhanced cleaning and sanitizing protocols for high touch areas, such as restrooms, computers/keypads, counters, and checkout areas. For up-to-date library information, click here. Gretchen Whitmer issued an executive order giving libraries across Michigan the green light to reopen on Monday. Install physical barriers at checkout and other service points. #Michigan #libraries slowly reopen with new restrictions Check online with your favorite library to see when it reopens, and what restrictions it might have in place. Train employees on appropriate cleaning procedures. Copyright © 2021, Foster Swift Collins & Smith PC, Coronavirus Pandemic/Crisis Support Task Force. Medina County libraries to reopen in phases; more temporary layoffs Posted May 16, 2020 The Medina County District Library is planning a "cautious" phased-in reopening of its seven locations. These listings do not include government libraries or libraries at schools or universities. Michigan Gov. You will be able to get a … This page contains a list of public libraries in Michigan. Last week, Gov. Hoyt Main Library 505 Janes Avenue Saginaw, MI 48607 (989) 755-0904. Gretchen Whitmer extended the stay-at-home order late last week, but there are still segments of the state that will reopen this week. This order remains in effect through January 15, 2021, at 11:59 pm. Train employees on how to manage symptomatic patrons that may be in or enter the library. Notify employees if an individual, such as an employee, patron, or contractor, with a confirmed case of COVID-19 has visited the library. Events. ANN ARBOR, MI — The Ann Arbor District Library is preparing for a phased reopening following a nearly three-month shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. Holly Township Library. Evrod Cassimy, Reporter/Anchor. A "Temporarily Closed" sign at a Plymouth, Michigan, playground on April 22. Michigan Electronic Library. Post signs informing patrons to not enter if they are or recently have been sick. The seven libraries within the county system, including the main branch in Wooster, will begin to accept the return of checked out materials on Wednesday. This order takes effect beginning on December 21, 2020, at 12:01 am, at which time the December 7, 2020, order entitled Gatherings and Face Mask Order is rescinded. You can also ask to have your items sent to another location, or tell us you don't want them anymore.”. 2020-110 issued June 1, 2020, Governor Whitmer ordered that libraries may open June 8, 2020, subject to the rules governing retail stores described in Executive Order 2020-97 or any order that may follow from it. Adhere to size restrictions for the number of people in the library (including employees) based on size of public floor space. To speak with a librarian, call 313-481-1400. Research. Locations Hoyt Main Library Butman-Fish Library Wickes Library Zauel Library. Social Media. Foster Swift can assist with providing a preparedness plan and can also guide libraries through the reopening process. “Our priority will be to clear the backlog of returned materials, and to provide access to items still on the Hold Shelves from before the closure,” Parker wrote. Gretchen Whitmer eases restrictions from her … To speak with a librarian, call 313-481-1400. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration estimates in fall 2020, youth e-cigarette use has increased dramatically since 2011, and 3.6 million youth still currently use e-cigarettes. Please consult your attorney or advisor to make sure you have the most up to date information before taking action. Post signs at the entrance instructing patrons of their legal obligation to wear a face covering. 6 Adored Local Restaurants That Have Just Closed Their Doors. Some involve curbside or lobby pickup services; others are planning full services with social distancing modifications. Libraries will be closed to the public until we can safely open, with the exception of library computer services at all libraries except the Monroe Street Library. Social. Location. It’s yet to be determined when Phase 5 will begin, but that’s when libraries will be open for browsing and self checkout again, as well as walk-in public commuting. Gretchen Whitmer lifted the executive order banning places of public accommodation last week, many local libraries began announcing plans to reopen. Libraries will be hosting online summer reading programs rather than in-person to limit contact. In Executive Order No. The rules for retail stores that are now applicable to libraries are as follows: The Library is a department of the City of Midland. Here's the issue: the director of my sister's workplace said that they are opening Friday May 1. For further questions regarding this communication, please contact: For other questions/concerns about the COVID-19 crisis, contact your Foster Swift attorney or a member of Foster Swift's Coronavirus Task Force: While the information in this article is accurate at time of publication, the laws and regulations surrounding COVID-19 are constantly evolving. MEL. As Gov. Most Public Libraries To Reopen In Riverside County. There is no need to be closing libraries because of the coronavirus threat. It also might be listed under a different name. Design spaces and activities in the library to encourage employees and patrons to remain six feet apart. Create communications materials (signs or pamphlets) to inform patrons of changes to library practices and explain the precautions being taken to prevent infection. 1 weather alerts 1 closings/delays “Then we will begin filling requests and offer daily time slots for Locker or Lobby pickup.”. 2020-110 issued June 1, 2020, Governor Whitmer ordered that libraries may open June 8, 2020, subject to the rules governing retail stores described in Executive Order 2020-97 or any order that may follow from it. Last week, Gov. Ann Arbor libraries to reopen in phases after three-month shutdown, © Ryan Stanton | Stanton | The Ann Arbor News/ Curbside Service and Reopening Plans for Michigan Libraries April 30, 2020 Updated - EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY - LIBRARIES TO REMAIN CLOSED THROUGH MAY 28, 2020. Libraries with less than 50,000 square feet – 25% of occupancy; Libraries with more than 50,000 square feet – limit of 4 people per 1,000 square feet of patron space and create at least 2 hours each week of dedicated time for vulnerable people, such as people over 60, pregnant women, and those with chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease. The COVID 19 virus has had an unprecedented impact on libraries and the communities they serve. Michigan court strikes down governor's emergency Covid powers. 1 / 3. The buildings will remain closed and the bookmobile will only visit stops to pick up returns. The Michigan Cooperative Association developed a document to list considerations for libraries in Michigan when re-opening their buildings to the public. However, there are a variety of services available. Social distancing and sanitations will be a big part of the reopening of the libraries. Donate Now. Starting June 8, staff will return to buildings and begin preparing to resume checkout service. May 5, 2020. by webmaster. Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. The COVID 19 virus has had an unprecedented impact on libraries and the communities they serve. Events and meeting room reservations . 1710 West St Andrews Midland, MI … “During this phase, you'll get a notification when your requests are almost ready for pickup, including for items that were ready for pickup when we closed in March,” Parker wrote. As Gov. Michigan’s new COVID-19 order is officially in effect, so here is what reopened Monday, as well as what remains closed. For those keeping score at home, four sectors of Michigan are allowed to reopen on Monday, June 8, as Gov. As the nation prepares to reopen following the pandemic shutdown, businesses and organizations will have to reconfigure service models to safely engage the public.Public libraries … AADL announced this week its staff will return to work in the coming days and libraries will gradually reopen. Last week, Gov. The buildings will remain closed and the bookmobile will only visit stops to pick up returns. Wait — not so fast! Our governor has issued several executive orders locking down non-essential functions, currently the expiration date is May 15. Microsoft may earn an Affiliate Commission if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. View the Emergency Order … Gretchen Whitmer’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” restrictions begin to lift, libraries in Saginaw and Bay counties are prepping to reopen Monday, June 8. J.B Pritzker’s statewide stay at home order. 1116 North Saginaw Street, Holly, Michigan 48442, United States (248) 634 - 1754. Gretchen Whitmer issued an executive order giving libraries across Michigan the green light to reopen on Monday. More Search Options. Libraries are expected to be open for returns starting June 15, though nothing currently checked out is due before July 1 and no fines will accrue on materials for several months. WEST CENTRAL MICHIGAN — For those missing the feel and smell of a physical book, the library is open … sort of. When executive 2020-96 mandated that non-essential employees “Stay Home, Stay Safe,” all library personnel who were not maintenance or administrative employees were forced to work from home. Patrons can look forward to more online events and programs at AADL.TV, Parker said. The Wayne County Public Library system is taking the first steps toward reopening amid the COVID-19 pandemic. That order currently lasts through April … Ann Arbor library launches Pandemic Log, asks public to share COVID-19 stories, photos, “While in Phase 4 of the Michigan Safe Start plan, we will be adjusting our practices and changing our interior spaces to allow for safe use of the library buildings and equipment,” Parker wrote. When libraries eventually reopen to the public, social distancing measures will be in place. About. The Stay Home, Stay Safe order is projected to be lifted Friday, June 12, at which point Michigan will continue to reopen the state in phases. More... My Account. This plan seeks to explore several possible reopening scenarios, each dependent on … However, there are a variety of services available. Michigan Public Libraries. You will be able to get a haircut before you can check out a book. To speak with a librarian, call 313-481-1400. Limit the number of staff to the minimum amount necessary to operate. For up-to-date library information, click here. As Michigan slowly eases restrictions and businesses open back up, local libraries are rushing to get ready. As NSW continues its slow path back to normality, Premier Gladys Berejiklian has revealed that from June 1 visitors will be able to return to their favourite cultural institutions. Gretchen Whitmer lifted the executive order banning places of public accommodation last week, many local libraries began announcing plans to reopen. With mandates and guidance from the State of Michigan and the City of Detroit, we are now transitioning to a “new normal” of in-person service. Governor Gretchen Whitmer has announced the state's reopening plan, which will be done in six phases. “When our region moves into Phase 5 of the plan, we will be able to provide additional, but still limited access to the building interiors and equipment. We will not resume in-person programming for many months, but the Summer Game will happen online and in outside venues.”. Explore. The rules for retail stores that are now applicable to libraries are as follows: Additionally, libraries must have a COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan that complies with OSHA requirements. As Gov. “Now that the stay-at-home order has been lifted, we are moving into Stage 4 of the Governor's Michigan Safe Start plan,” Library Director Josie Parker wrote on When the Detroit Public Library closed its doors in mid-March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was the beginning of a very unsettling time for all of us and for our customers. This allows bringing staff back into buildings with appropriate distancing and protection equipment, and to ready the buildings for contactless pickup, Parker said. Using your library card number you can check out e-books and audio books. ... Metro Detroit libraries prepare to reopen. The Wayne County Public Library system is taking the first steps toward reopening amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Libraries start to reopen in Mecosta County. Art galleries, libraries and museums will reopen from next month with strict measures in place, including a 24-hour quarantine period for returned library books. Contact Us. Michigan Public Libraries: Re-opening Considerations after closures during the Covid-19 Pandemic Intent, Scope and Purpose of this document: Intent – to identify areas of concern that member libraries may need to address when determining temporary procedures upon reopening to the public. “You can then schedule a pickup in the Lobby, or using the Pickup Lockers if the location where your items are ready has lockers. Jackson County Library Services has a plan to gradually reopen libraries, but the timeline will depend on COVID-19 developments. Connect with friends faster than ever with the new Facebook app. The Cadillac Wexford Public Library will begin its online program on June 20 and the Ardis Missaukee District Library starts its online program on June 22. If you do not see a listing for your local branch library there is a possibility that it might be part of a larger library system. As public libraries close their buildings to the public, staff continue to serve their communities in innovative ways. Libraries closed their doors to the public in mid-March following Gov. Libraries are expected to be open for returns starting June 15, though nothing currently checked out is due before July 1 and no fines will accrue on materials for several months. Ask a Librarian. DTE Energy raises concerns about Ann Arbor’s plan for 100% renewable energy, In 6-5 vote, Ann Arbor puts off water rate increases until 2021 due to pandemic, Downtown Ann Arbor bars, restaurants get council’s OK to expand patios into streets, Bike boom: Washtenaw shops see huge increase in business amid coronavirus stay-at-home orders, ’Racism is a parasite:’ Washtenaw County official supports protests over excessive police force. St. Clair County libraries to reopen Monday — with safeguards in place. More information on reopening libraries All branches will be open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. Scope–to consider what type and level Some of the older orders specified that libraries would close but the most recent one doesn't call them out by name. Visit, Walker, Mich. at In Executive Order No. Wait — not so fast! ANN ARBOR, MI -- The Ann Arbor District Library is preparing for a phased reopening following a nearly three-month shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. Those are among the chief findings the Public Library Association (PLA) announced today in the broadest survey of public libraries’ response to the pandemic to date, with 2,545 unique responses nationwide. Intent, Scope and Purpose of this document: Intent–to identify areas of concern that member libraries may need to address when determining temporary procedures upon reopening to the public. The Wilder Branch will reopen in mid-October, according to DPL. Libraries throughout the country are valued and vital to our communities. Back to Gallery WEST CENTRAL MICHIGAN — For those missing the feel and smell of a physical book, the library is open … sort of. That will be followed with an eventual Phase 6 with full services resuming. Grace A. Dow Memorial Library is the public library for Midland Michigan. The seven libraries within the county system, including the main branch in Wooster, will begin to accept the return of checked out materials on Wednesday. Starting June 22, AADL plans to have all five libraries open daily from noon to 8 p.m. for lobby pickup, with public computing by appointment at the downtown library starting in July. Public libraries have been shuttered for months because of the coronavirus pandemic, but will start reopening in the coming weeks and months. SEARCH CATALOG. “It seemed rational to me that we just weren’t going to be able to reopen to the public and go back to business as normal,” she says. Library directors across southwest Michigan agreed that they are eager to reconnect with patrons and reopen to the community as soon as safely possible. This includes Plexiglass barriers, tape markers, and tables, as appropriate. Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, Man in Pelosi desk photo, others arrested from Capitol siege. Hours. Establish lines to regulate entry. It's still unclear when libraries will be allowed to reopen. Feel and smell of a physical book, the grand RAPIDS public Library is... And audio books Michigan the green light to reopen on Monday reopening plan, which will be followed with eventual... 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