Just before the summit, the Brook Trail is joined from the right by the Parker Ridge Trail and shortly afterwards ends at Tumbledown Pond and the Tumbledown Ridge Trail. I first became aware of it when I saw a series of mountain photos of Maine. A couple of well placed rungs would make that spot safer. We did Tumbledown's Loop trail last Monday. The dirt road between Byron and Weld is un-plowed during the winter and serves as a snowmobile trail. I first became aware of it when I saw a series of mountain photos of Maine. One was named Dixie "Trail Dog" and the other was nambed Badger. Brook Trail (1.9 miles, Moderate): This trail is the most direct trail to the pond and one of the easier trails in the network. Leave home with a Plan B. These awesome businesses support our goal of connecting people to outdoor adventures in Maine! This is where a decent pair of hiking shoes is useful. The upper portion of the trail provides a good challenge, but our 6-year-old managed it with ease and our 4 year old was able make it without too much difficulty, just needing a hand in a few spots. They were held by the Argentine 5th Naval Infantry Battalion (BIM 5), a reinforced, cold weather trained and equipped, Marine battalion. The Pond Link Trail ends at the Little Jackson Mountain Trail, just shy of that mountain’s summit. Never heard of Tumbledown 'til a few weeks ago when I passed on going there with a couple friends. (Byron Road changes its name to Weld to Byron Road. The first half of the trail is over an old rock-strewn logging road. I fear the day we can't find a spot to park here but I'm sure its coming. View the "Tumbledown Mountain - Loop Trail, Tumbledown Ridge Trail, Brook Trail, Byron Road" or "Little Jackson - Little Jackson Trail" guides online here. Tumbledown offers views of cliff faces, bald ridges and closely-clustered peaks including Parker Ridge and Little Jackson. The spot beforehand though is worse and should warrant some consideration for a couple of rungs. Tumbledown stands out amongst its taller rivals. It's just beautiful hiking near the brook, through the forest and then it's light scrambling up the rocks and boulders, to the mountain pond, then more light scrambling up to the peak to gorgeous views! This trail network accesses some of the most interesting features and most spectacular views of the Western Mountains Region of Maine. We hiked the Brook Trail to Tumbledown Pond and back on a late-summer Sunday afternoon. Most of the photos were of the Katahdin area, a few of the mountains in Acadia National Park, and several of Tumbledown. Saw a dozen dogs, maybe 1 on a leash. You feel like you are alone at the top of the world. Hiked this mountain on 09-15-2018 and didn't see one piece of trash on the trail or in the pond. One of my favorite hikes. We're not talking serious rock climbing here, but you will have to negotiate clusters of rocks and small boulders as you make your way to the top. Check out the newest articles in MTF Stories! Parker Ridge is a bare summit, allowing for views of Tumbledown Pond, Tumbledown Mountain, and Little Jackson Mountain, as well as views of Webb Lake and Mount Blue to the south and east. I always hike up the Loop Trail, which is steep and challenging and features Fat Man's Misery, and then back down the Brook Trail. Tumbledown Mountain is not the highest mountain in this area, but with three peaks, 7. We do suggest water shoes for the swim if you have them: better for negotiating slippery subsurface rocks and the odd bits of broken glass. On a fine Memorial Day, the Brook Trail parking area was full by 10 am and dogs were on the loose. I was hoping to make it this weekend since your photos show how beautiful it is in foliage season. It had some cool birch glades. Tumbledown Mountain is one of Maine's outstanding summits. These two are a much gentler ascent if going to Tumbledown via the Pond Link trail. At the junction of the Little Jackson Connector and the Little Jackson Mt. Despite the rain, we were determined to get this hike in and we were actually… Popular Trailhead during Social Distancing, © 2021 Maine Trail Finder. This was the first time I took the Pond Link Trail in 16 years. Specialized in soundtracks to film and TV, Milan Records has released classics soundtracks such as Ghost, Brazil, City of The hike up Little Jackson is harder and longer than to Tumbledown, and it is very exposed, so be careful during inclement weather. At the top of Tumbledown is Tumbledown Pond and a fantastic view of the surrounding valley and nearby peaks. I considered hiking there for years but never made the trip. This page is not intended to be used as a guide. The trail continues along the ridge and rejoins the Brook Trail just short of Tumbledown Pond. Want to explore Parker next. No need to register, buy now! Views were amazing. Tumbledown and Little Jackson Mountains in Township 6 are some of the area's gems, offering great day hiking and vistas. The summit of Jackson Mountain is wooded, with no views, although the trail up offers a couple of open ledges with good views back over Little Jackson and beyond. This has been our favorite Maine trail(s) for years. Hermoso sendero, mucho tiempo por encima de la línea de árboles. I have a camp up there and we decided to make the drive the night before, stay there, and hike Tumbledown Mountain the next day. The hike up Little Jackson is harder and longer than to Tumbledown, and it is very exposed, so be careful during inclement weather. My original plan also included North Tumbledown and Little Jackson, but it was too hot and buggy. Click on a parking icon to get custom directions. You get to a place in this ravine where you're on a ledge and have to pull yourself up onto this other ledge with no viable hand holds or places to put your feet. Please keep your pets on leash to prevent further harm to the trail and the fragile ecosystem through which it passes. Descending via Brook Trail was also v. tricky on upper section, trail v worn w lots sharp rocks n slippery roots. I have hiked here for nearly 50 years and over the past few have seen things go from trail wear to trash, damage, trail locations that look and smell like an outhouse and this year more graffiti. Also, for those looking for something less intense, while the Brook Trail and Parker Ridge Trail both involve some rock scrambling near the top, the Pond Link Trail is more mellow, the tradeoff being that it's a longer route. This weekend, Emily and I made the trip up to the charming town of Kingfield, Maine. The Weld region is an awsome area.Icamped at weld lake did the tumbledowns,also found the unmapped trail up the backside of Little J.Over and up to Jackson and a wack over to North Jackson and back. This trail passes through a property that was acquired in part with funds from the Land for Maine’s Future program. Tumbledown Mountain is located in the western region of Maine, North of Weld. On our way up we were joined by two dogs - local dogs according to their tags- they were great hiking companions. The bare summit facilitates a full 360-degree view of the Mahoosuc Range. Your log in attempt was not successful. Wouldn't recommend going down the Loop Trail or taking pets or small children. I've heard of grown adults being reduced to tears at that particular spot because it's so difficult. To gain access to this trail, leave from the Brook Trailhead and follow the Little Jackson Connector for 1.1 miles. and Little Jackson) for your leisure or corporate travels.We sell the best motels and hotels close to Tumbledown Mt. Download this stock image: View of Tumbledown Pond with Little Jackson Mountain - AAGK5A from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. Apr 21, 2017 - The Tumbledown Mountain and Little Jackson Mountain trail network is composed of six trails and two official trailheads and provides advanced hiking to Tumbledown/Jackson is my favorite area in western Maine. 360 degree view at the top! Trash on trailsides. Smarten up folks! Trail Overview & Camping:There are a multitude of trails to ascend Tumbledown The trail here is wide and pretty easy to negotiate. and Little Jackson (in Tumbledown Mt. It's not the tallest mountain in Maine, but exploring the area will provide some incredible views, beautiful plants and even a near-summit pond. We hiked on the Friday before the 4th of July and the trail was packed with hikers. Recently hiked Little Jackson Trail to Pond Link Trail and down Parker Ridge-which we do often. Approaching the summit, the trail traverses a series of ledges with great scenic overlooks towards the east. Photo: Noah Meyerhans , CC BY-SA 2.0 . For more information about the LMF program and the places it has helped to protect, please visit the LMF webpage. The Tumbledown Mountain and Little Jackson Mountain trail network is composed of six trails and two official trailheads and provides advanced hiking to some of the most unique features in Western Maine. Tumbledown Mountain is a mountain in Franklin County, Maine.The mountain is a popular hiking spot in western Maine, with trailheads located on Byron Road in unincorporated Township 6, north of Weld.It is distinguished by an alpine pond (known locally as Crater Lake or Tumbledown … From the 360-degree view on the summit one can see Saddleback and Sugarloaf to the north, Mount Blue and Webb Lake to the East and to the south, some 600 feet directly below the peak, Tumbledown Pond. The hardest climb was ahead, but also the greatest reward. Trees being torn down, bark stripped off birch trees for kindling, trash and noise. At the intersection with the Pond Link Trail, Little Jackson Mountain trail takes a sharp right (going straight will take you on to the Pond Link Trail). Browse our hotels to find accommodations near Tumbledown Mt. Rising gradually for the first mile, the Loop Trail has two stream crossings until it reaches a large boulder (Tumbledown Boulder). Little Jackson Mountain is located in western Maine and forms the northern side of the Tumbledown Pond basin. Tumbledown is not your trash can. This trail begins at the Loop Trailhead and is the only trail leaving from this location. I counted around 100. While there are always a few jerks in any sport that will not act responsibly, I believe the majority of damage to the Tumbledown trails is from the high number of hikers. These are real climbing trails, wear proper shoes/boots. I am a hiker and a 4-wheeler. Interested in learning more about trails in Maine? Get ready to scramble over rocks as the ascent gets steeper and narrower. The ridge walk affords excellent views across Byron Notch, as well as to Tumbledown Pond, the surrounding Tumbledown massif, and to neighboring Little Jackson Mountain. It's tough to beat that view. Web. I wanted to ascend the Loop Trail and descend the Brook Trail so we would not have to back-track all the way to the Loop Trail. Hemmed in by the craggy Alpine summits of Tumbledown Mountain and Little Jackson Mountain, Tumbledown Pond is easily one of the prettiest – and most popular – hiking destinations in Maine’s western mountains. They are causing other issues. This close-quarters night battle was later dramatised in the BBC film Tumbledown. Tumbledown range trails ; Bald Mountain. Visit Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands online for more information and a detailed trail guide or contact: From West: Starting on ME Route 17 in Byron (22 miles south of Oquossuc or 13 miles north of Mexico), take Dingle Hill Road over Coos Canyon and the Swift River and drive approximately 4.5 miles until you see a pullout and signs for the trail on the left. The view south is dominated by the Tumbledown massif. Please consider visiting only during low-use times like weekdays. Respectful use of property. A new password has been emailed to you. Tumbledown Mountain and Little Jackson Mountain I never heard of Tumbledown Mountain when I moved to Maine seven years ago. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Yes - Fat Man's Misery is tough but you know you're not going to die because you can pull yourself up. Shortly after the turn, Byron Road is unpaved; continue to follow Byron Road approximately 5.6 miles (past the Brook Trailhead) to the Loop Trailhead pullout which will be on the right. The upper reaches of Little Jackson consist of scrub, dwarf spruce, and bare rock allowing excellent views in all directions. Wow. Tumbledown Mountain is not the highest mountain in this area, but with three peaks, 700-foot cliffs and a pond (or mountain tarn) near the summit, Tumbledown stands out among its taller rivals. Not only are there far fewer hikers here, but this trail rises above the lake before it gets there, and opens up to a stunning vista of the lake, Tumbledown Mountain, and the surrounding valleys. (Dingle Hill Road changes name and becomes first Weld Road and then Weld to Byron Road. There was an issue with your submission. (Byron Road changes its name to Weld to Byron Road.). The Parker Ridge Trail gently climbs through second-growth forest for about a mile before rising steeply over three ledges and continuing on a steady ascent of Parker Ridge. Log in or create an account below to unlock all the great features of Maine trail finder: keep track of trails you want to do, preserve memories of trails you’ve done, earn badges, and more! It's appalling. This is a great hike, It is just fantastic up top. Those photos are amazing! and Little Jackson so you can review the discounted Tumbledown Mt. This last, as well as parts of the Blueberry Mountain, Little Jackson, and Parker Ridge trails are still on privately owned land. Carry in, carry out and tread lightly apply here. Each Trail section is described below including mileage, difficulty, points of interest along the way and its connecting trails. Granted it is labor day weekend but in the decade I've been hiking these trails I've never seen as many people. The ones whose burn pits and camping trash or used toilet paper is left for others to experience or deal with. ), From West: Starting on ME Route 17 in Byron (22 miles south of Oquossuc or 13 miles north of Mexico), take Dingle Hill Road over Coos Canyon and the Swift River and drive approximately 5.8  miles (past the Loop Trailhead) until you see a pullout and signs for the trail on the left. Hike: Tumbledown/Little Jackson – 12 December 2015. I never heard of Tumbledown Mountain when I moved to Maine seven years ago. Little Jackson Mountain Trail (3.7 miles, Advanced): The first 1.1 miles of this trail is called the “Little Jackson Connector” because it connects the Brook Trailhead with both the Parker Ridge Trail and the Little Jackson Mountain Trail. Greetings from Poland :). Saturday still sounds rain free. (Dingle Hill Road changes name and becomes first Weld Road and then Weld to Byron Road. I've noticed that the trails are "widening" due to folks straying. Another Great Day Mountain Biking the Sugarloaf Ar... Mountain Biking the Sugarloaf and Bigelow Region. References: “Tumbledown Mountain.” summitpost.org. We went up brook trail and down loop trail, I recommend doing it in the opposite direction. While I do describe my destinations and routes, it is your responsibility to properly research any destination and prepare and equip yourself for any conditions that may exist. I hiked to the top with a 3-year old strapped to my back (my husband walked down with her) and there was one moment when I had to take her out of her pack to scramble up a rock and then pass her up the steep part. Though described as a "moderate"-level hike, the Brook Trail is an example of one word meaning different thing to different people. Tumbledown Mountain is situated 3700 feet southwest of Little Jackson Mountain. The walk on road back to Loop Trailhead (1.3 mi, 250' higher) is a real drag, get a ride if you can. Tumbledown Mountain and Little Jackson Mountain. Sin embargo, el sendero entre Tumbledown y Little Jackson no está particularmente bien marcado o … The views at the top are gorgeous. Find the perfect mount tumbledown stock photo. (needed for the 451) Did Blue next day which is very nice.....shoulda done Cranberry(me 200) nice blog Missinlink, I found your blog because im a big fan of "Tumbledown" movie. I'd recommend going up the Parker Ridge Trail. There's a very protective hawk that's nesting about 3/4 mile to a mile into the Little Jackson trail that dive-bombed me for about 20 minutes yesterday. PLEASE NOTE: no fires are permitted here and pets must be on leash, to protect the fragile habitat along these trails. If you're short or don't have the upper body strength (or both) don't attempt this trail alone. Because rock scrambling is an integral part of this trail, this is not an appropriate trail for novices, for less agile hikers, or for dogs. trails, a blue sign indicates the start of the Little Jackson Mountain Trail. The Brook Trail is an excellent hike for a family. The fairly sizable trail network at Tumbledown includes trails to the summits of both Little Jackson (3,434 feet) and Big Jackson (taller than Little Jackson). The Tumbledown Mountain and Little Jackson Mountain trail network is composed of six trails and two official trailheads and provides advanced hiking to some of the most unique features in Western Maine. If you see people trashing the trail, say something. To casual hikers this may seem daunting, but the payoff is worth it. Each trail may be explored separately as a day hike, although many experienced hikers prefer to string several trails together into a larger loop. Little Jackson Mountain Trail (7 miles roundtrip, 6 hours, challenging): This trail with good birding, attractive brooks, and splendid views can be reached via the Little Jackson Connector trail from the start of the Brook Trail. SummitPot.org. Trail, which provides an attractive route to Tumbledown Pond, including a section of open ridge with far-reaching views. I hadn't done it in 28 years and it was definitely as challenging a trail as I remember. Natural Heritage Hikes is a project of the Maine Natural Areas Program in partnership with Maine Trail Finder. The trail rises steadily from this point. Forest managers notice and it's not going to bode well if popularity rises and trends continue. 4 season beautiful mountain! The parking areas are usually full pretty early in the morning, but it's not a problem to park along the road. The 1.4 miles of Little Jackson Mountain trail (heading to the summit of Little Jackson) from the junction with Pond Link trail are steep to tree line. Loop Trail (1.5 miles, Advanced): This is the most difficult trail on Tumbledown Mountain. After the road crosses Tumbledown Brook, turn right and follow the trail as it begins to closely parallel the brook. Milan Records is an independent label that has been operating for 30 + years. I agree with the previous comments that this might be on the advanced side of a moderate hike. Soooo many people. View of Tumbledown's cliffs from Great Ledges, Rungs inside Fat Man's Misery as J Man climbs out of cave, Looking toward Little Jackson in background, Little Jackson beyond rocky Tumbledown peaks, Tumbledown Pond from ledges high on Little Jackson, Approaching Little Jackson's summit breaking into alpine area, Looking over alpine vegetation toward Tumbledown's peaks, Distant mountains with Jackson Pond below. While I love this mountain range, I hate to hike it as the crowds have become ridiculous as well as the disrespect for Leave No Trace (LNT) principles on this trail. If parking lot is full, you should consider the trails to be full and too crowded for social distancing. After rains the day before, Loop Trail on Sept. 4 was prob more challenging than usual, esp for shorter adults less able to span and scramble. Distance from the trailhead to the pond outlet is 2.2 miles with approximtely 1,700 feet of elevation gain. Please try again. The Tumbledown Mountain and Little Jackson Mountain trail network is composed of six trails and two official trailheads and provides advanced hiking to some of the most unique features in Western Maine. Lovely, refreshing swim as a reward - maybe a dozen folks scattered around the pond perimeter, all cheerful and respectful of others. Enter your username, and we will send you a new, randomly generated password to your email account. After about a half mile of easy hiking, Tumbledown Mountain’s … So we decided to go back to Tumbledown Mountain. Hemmed in by the craggy alpine-like summits of Tumbledown Mountain and Little Jackson Mountain, Tumbledown Pond is easily one of the prettiest—and most popular—hiking destinations in Maine’s western mountains. We took our dog, so we decided to go up and down Brook Trail. This hike felt like an extremely long 1.9 miles, but the reward at the top was definitely worth it. At the end of this climb, The Loop Trail ends at the Tumbledown Ridge Trail. Has anyone run into these dogs up there? I expect this sort of behavior from the snowmobile/4 wheeler crowd-but not from hikers. Do not overfill the parking lot or park on the road, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. :(. Pond Link Trail (1.1 miles, Connector): Starting at the outlet of Tumbledown Pond, the Pond Link Trail follows the eastern shore of Tumbledown Pond before turning east along the ridge between Parker Ridge and Little Jackson Mountain. It is often associated with Little Jackson Mountain, with which it shares its trail network. Most people visiting seem to go up and down the Brook Trail, with more adventurous visitors going up the Loop Trail and down the Brook Trail. Folks don't realize how delicate the ecosystem is. You cross a few small drainage runoffs, but nothing of any consequence. Hopefully you'll get a chance to make it before the foliage passes. 6, including Jackson Mountain (3,568 ft), and 126 adjoining acres in … Now I've seen 2 or 3 reports. My daughter and I took the day off to do some hiking. I disagree that the trash problem on the trails is due to snowmobilers and wheelers. All Rights Reserved. It is also easier to ascend this trail than to climb down. At this point, the Little Jackson Mountain Trail will bear right; follow the Parker Ridge Trail towards the left. Parker Ridge Trail (2.9 miles, Advanced): According to the Appalachian Mountain Club, this is the oldest trail to ascend Tumbledown Mountain. Little Jackson Mountain is part of the same range as Tumbledown Mountain, but it is higher elevation and ledges offer a different perspective. The pond includes some unofficial tentsites and an island, along with views to Webb Lake, North Peak, and West Mountain. Tumbledown and Little Jackson Mountains (3,470 ft) and the Stockbridge Branch valley to the north were acquired from Handcock Land Co. Aug. 2004: 6,063 acres on the southern part of the Unit in Twp. We saw couple parties w dogs, and think these should be prohibited from this trail, as well as a strong discouragement to descending on this trail--crazy! ), From East: From the intersection of ME Routes 156 and 142 in Weld, follow ME Route 142 north 2.3 miles and turn left onto Byron Road. Dogs off leash. Tumbledown Mountain in other blogs: Smudge Ink – 24 July 2015 Writing for Myself – 29 June 2015 1 Happy Hiker – 22 September 2013 Living in Portland – 1 August 2012 Northeast Adventures – 17 October 2009. We've hiked it off and on for last 20 yrs and doesn't seem like the trail has changed much either. If the lot is crowded, please protect your health, the health of the community, and the trails themselves, by choosing a different property and/or trying again later. After a dip, we continued walking along the lake to the left onto the .08 mile Tumbledown Mountain Trail. Folks who have zero respect for the places they use. Please try again. The Battle of Mount Tumbledown was an engagement during the Falklands War.Mount Tumbledown, Mount William and Sapper Hill lie west of the Falkland Islands capital Stanley and due to their proximity to the capital, were of strategic importance during the 1982 War. Coming down the Brook trail can be a bit treacherous if the rocks are wet, but it wasn't too bad for a young family. Fires are also prohibited here. Starting at the Brook Trailhead, the trail follows an old logging road for about a mile. Its popularity, however, isdrawn from its unique features. Tumbledown Ridge Trail (0.7 miles, Connector): Starting at the outlet of Tumbledown Pond, this trail connects the ends of the Brook and Parker Ridge Trails with the end of the Loop Trail and, further on, the West Peak of Tumbledown Mountain. The top of the trail loomed over the pond and provides sweeping vistas of Mount Blue, Webb Lake and Little Jackson Mountain. Shortly after the turn, Byron Road is unpaved; continue to follow Byron Road approximately 4.3 miles to the Brook Trailhead pullout which will be on the right. You'll need your hands free to grab a rock or tree or root to pull yourself up or around. Please be cautious. Most of the photos were of the Katahdin area, a few of the mountains in Acadia National Park, and several of Tumbledown. The Little Jackson and Tumbledown trails began together at the far end of the parking area. I could see debris at the bottom of the pond from the little Jackson trail. As a local resident I can assure you that the graffiti on the rocks, the damaged outhouse and other trail damage occurs from our "wonderful" hiking visitors, not the motorized recreationalists. It has definitely become a lot more popular in recent years. The activities I describe are not without risk. I'd estimate that we saw more than 50 hikers and a dozen (all well behaved) dogs. This sucks. ), From East: From the intersection of ME Routes 156 and 142 in Weld, follow ME Route 142 north 2.3 miles and turn left onto Byron Road. The plan was to hike Tumbledown and Little Jackson. Success! Climbing further into a steep gully, the trail reaches Fat Man’s Misery, a narrow, chimney-like fissure in the mountain. And this venting really doesn't apply to the folks who past here, I'm confident that you enjoy and respect this privilege as much as I. Great report and photos. The attacking British forces consisted of the 2nd Battalion, Scots Guards (2SG), mortar detachments from 42 Commando, Royal Marines and the 1st Battalion, 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles, (1/7 … Just above Fat Man’s Misery is a particularly steep climb; iron rungs assist the climber in some sections of this boulder scramble. Apparently everyone was hiking Tumbledown; we headed for Little Jackson instead via the connector trail and saw maybe six people in all. Overall, a worthwhile hike! I followed that rough trail, and ended up near the back (north) side of Tumbledown Pond. For more information about the interesting geological features of Tumbledown Mountain and features visible form the trail, check out A Geological Tour of Tumbledown Mountain on the Maine Geological Survey's website. It was a beautiful day and we only saw one person- oddly enough it was someone I knew from Portland- small world. Doesn't look like the weather is going to cooperate though.Thanks for sharing,Joe. Tumbledown Mountain is a mountain in Franklin County, Maine. On the night of 13 June – 14 June 1982, the British launched an assault on Mount Tumbledown, one of the highest points near the town of Port Stanley, the capital and succeeded in driving Argentinian forces from the mountain. It it is nice, but pretty rough on the eastern portion. Along the way, the trail ascends the East Peak and then drops into a saddle where it intersects with the Loop Trail before a short quarter-mile final ascent to the West Peak. We both heard good things about the hiking and scenery in the area but neither of us had been there. Back to Tumbledown Pond with Little Jackson Mountain above. Which meant parking at the Brook Trail, trail-head, and doing a 1.3 mile road walk to the Loop Trail. Talking with the J Man about a destination for a hike Sunday, we decided on Tumbledown. This is a really, really nice and fairly easy route with big payoff in scenery and small crowds I hesitate to say that we started at Morgan Rd because it seems to be still fairly undiscovered. With a stupendous forecast for Sunday, we made the trip to Tumbledown. Several years ago, at the top of Little Jackson, I noticed something like “NORTH PEAK TRAIL” painted on rocks on the west side of the peak, pointing toward a rough trail. The crowds, trash and general carnival atmosphere in and around the pond is getting worse. Then it’s a hike up the rocks to … Some of the headquarters trails connect to Center Hill and the base of Mt Blue, and the snowmobile trail connects with the statewide ITS. Tumbledown Pond can be found right beneath the western side of Little Jackson Mountain. Above Tumbledown Boulder, the trail begins to rise steeply until it reaches the Great Ledges, a beautiful point with views of Tumbledown’s 700-foot southern cliffs. Once you're past the half-way point, things get a bit more serious. They stayed with us the entire way up and down. I hike this at least once a year, and I just never get bored with it. For an area this size it's a lot. Tumbledown Mountain is my favorite hike to date! Had I not had my son with me I'd still be on that ledge. There's a comment about the damage and utter disrespect for the trails, access and future of this mountain being a result of atv or snowmobilers. 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Misery is tough but you know you 're not going to die because you can the! Summit, the trail was packed with hikers daunting, but also the greatest reward choice! 'Ve heard of grown adults being reduced to tears at that particular spot it. The top of the world where a decent pair of hiking shoes is useful I never of... West Mountain photos of Maine our way up and down Brook trail, from.