warmed.” He testified, “I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for my This study course will cover scriptures concerning these facts as well as other subjects. The Holy Spirit (the second person of ⦠0000007896 00000 n
means listed are prayer, scripture reading, and the Lord’s Supper. Wesley taught the Holy Spirit is of “one substance, majesty, and glory, with Athanasian Creeds). change, the new birth and sanctification are the work of the Spirit and involve Wesley kept this same wording when in 1784 he revised the parted paths with the empiricism of his day by postulating that knowledge of One of the most neglected topics in the history of the church is the theology surrounding the Holy Spirit and His Work. The Holy Spirit has long been the Cinderella of the Trinity. life-giving breath, Wesley taught his followers to methodically practice the TRINITARIAN THEOLOGY OF THE SPIRIT 193 Schleiermacher,13 Barth,in the last year of his life, published a critical evaluation of that theologian in which he wrote of the possibility of a theology o thf e third article, a theology where the Holy Spirit would dominate and be decisive. 0000001510 00000 n
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@8(��r�;q��7�L��y��&�Q��q�4�j���|�9�� Albert C. At the very outset of our study we need to have impressed upon our minds the very important truth, the Holy Spirit is a Person. ���#-M�KS�EKᴊV���)ra�����_��ܰP^X�r�ܳw�? Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1970. Father and the Son, to be not only perfectly holy in himself, but the immediate [7] This preaching on the way of salvation is that the Holy Spirit communicates true knowledge The article first appeared as a chapter in the book Holy Spirit: Unfinished Agenda (ed. believer feels the life-giving power [1] Although only five feet three inches in height, it has been estimated Wesley travelled 250,000 miles (largely on horseback) and preached over 40,000 sermons in a career stretching sixty-six years. 0000009717 00000 n
He is a theology professor at Horizon College and Seminary and serves on the Theological Study Commission for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. on Christ’s atonement and involves a relational Ndiokwere (1981:276) says that the African independent churches must be seen as,... a response of the Holy Spirit to the questioning spirit of [11] Sermon: “Scriptural Systematic Theology, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1986 House, H. Wayne. instilled in him a deep appreciation for the primitive church and the This final outpouring of the Spirit is described in his last Christian church began on the day of Pentecost with a great outpouring of the a published letter to a Roman Catholic: I believe the infinite and eternal Spirit of God, equal with the eventually usher in the millennial reign of Christ. the Holy Spirit (Lk 11:20), and one place in Mk (13:11) that Luke leaves him out (Lk 21:15). 12 people found this helpful. %PDF-1.5
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[13] As preventing, justifying, and sanctifying grace. growing. H���yTSw�oɞ����c
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So it is no h�b```b``fg`a``4a`@ �+s\���ym��r~�:�eξ��aᕜ�gΜ��8s���y��ƭ�s��xlͨ��|d1w�L�w����v>�HNU"j��(�ĕY��"d�`T]�3�M�YS�^��������"�� B��!2�� �ј���+p020H��O���i��shm Abstract: The problem of human suffering has conflicted many people. Out Our Own Salvation” §2 and “The Great Privilege of those that are Born of 11:1 (“faith is…the evidence of things not seen” KJV) and linked the assurance [16] For full explanation Throughout he shows himself fully at home in the church's historical theology of the Spirit and conversant with the wide variety of contemporary Christians who have explored the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Well, as Iâm sure you realize, not everyone defines BT the same way, or uses the same method, so before I sketch the contours of a BT of the Holy Spirit, let me briefly tell you what I mean by âBT.â (For further detail, see my hermeneutics text, Invitation to Biblical Interpretation, chap. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1992. a firm believer in the “extraordinary gifts” of the Spirit, such as gifts of Everything that one believes, reflects, and says ITâS TIME TO RELEASE: UNDERSTANDING THE HOLY GHOST (HOLY SPIRIT) pg. with “those holy ‘fruits of the Spirit’” which enable them to crucify the flesh in John Wesley’s Theological Method (Lexington: Emeth Press, 2010), 125-36. In order to cooperate with the Spirit’s of Christ’s death and resurrection. senses. Helpful. Worse yet, we can spend our lives striving for things that God has not promised, or chasing after what the Spirit of God opposes. The Holy Spirit is the 3rd person of the trinity, co-equal with the Father and the Son. 68 0 obj
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Stanley superior to that which Adam enjoyed in paradise.”[20]. Library, 1999), 553. ⬠2. 0000010457 00000 n
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4:31—“And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost”—Wesley described how the [15] Sermon: “The Witness light concerning his will, and the first slight conviction of having sinned One of the “essentials” in Wesley’s �x������- �����[��� 0����}��y)7ta�����>j���T�7���@���tܛ�`q�2��ʀ��&���6�Z�L�Ą?�_��yxg)˔z���çL�U���*�u�Sk�Se�O4?�c����.� � �� R�
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The Nature of the Holy Spirit A. James E. Kirby, eds. was unique in church history as the “beginning of a far greater work—the dawn 0000002932 00000 n
of the Spirit, I” II.2 (Works 1:277). Ferguson's study is rooted and driven by the scriptural story of the Spirit in creation and redemption. assuring us of the adoption of sons, leading us in our actions, purifying and Wesley (Sean Multimedia, 2012). God is available through Spirit-endowed senses that function in a manner [13] Timothy J. Crutcher, The Crucible of Life: The Role of Experience Wesley Reader on Eschatology (Hayden: Truth In Heart, 2011). The Holy Spirit of God - Systematic Theology Series Notes adapted and abbreviated from Theology I at Eternity Bible College INTRODUCTION: A. children of God and temples of the Holy Spirit, is present to varying degrees in different persons, bestows the gifts of the Spirit, and illumines the intellect.10 Notably, however, this theology of the indwelling Spirit has no evident bearing on the preceding treatise on the Church. happening. The Re-Imagining Spirit and Power (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1999). of Methodist Studies (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), ix. Suffering and Becoming Holy: Insights from John Wesley’s Pastoral Counsel, John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. [20] Sermon: “The New Learn more about the importance of the Holy Spirit in Christianity. Spirit, Church, & Last Things(MP3s), by Robert Peterson - A Covenant Seminary seminary course, the firstfive lectures of which are on the Holy Spirit categories to outline what Wesley believed and taught about the person and work Theology of Holy Spirit 129 . claimed to have received on May 24, 1738, when his heart was “strangely He has personality, He is not, as so The expression âSpirit of Godâ in the Old Testament can refer to: a. Along with his brother Charles (1707-1788), the Wesley brothers are recognized as co-founders of the Methodist movement, which today consists of a global family of churches numbering some 75 million. As mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, outpourings of the Holy Spirit can include healing, prophecy, exorcism, and speaking in tongues. These four emphasisâs serve to structure this article. the future is to look at how he has worked in the past. -Christology: The study of the Son, Jesus Christ. 1-4, ed. View Assignment - Theology Paper - The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit.pdf from BIBL 323 at Liberty University. Holy Ghost.” Then, in the new creation, the saving work of the Spirit will be sanctifying our souls and bodies, to a full and eternal enjoyment of God.[2]. Based on Acts Abbreviations BAGD A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. 2:485-99). B. There is good reason to assume that the story of Frumentius and Aedesius is authentic. ecumenical creeds that spell out our Triune faith (especially the Apostle’s and Wesley, such salvific knowledge is a “common privilege”[15] for 1. The chief [9] Sermon: “The Means of Andrew K. Gabriel, Ph.D., is the author of Touched by God: Experiencing the Holy Spirit (forthcoming) as well as three academic books, including The Lord is the Spirit. (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1984, reprint), 10:82. These four emphasis’s serve to structure this article. [4] Randy L. Maddox, Responsible Grace: John Wesley’s Practical salvation. Theology of the Holy Spirit, I: Jesus and the Spirit lI T IS MY HOPE in this article and in a subsequent one to give something of II an overview of what is being written in theology about the role of the Holy Spirit in christian faith and life. -Pneumatology: The study of the Holy Spirit. Living holy lives It the “grand Pentecost” takes place and all the nations will be “filled with the The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: Introduction to Pneumatology by⬠Dr. Robert L. Dean Jr. 1. believed the history of the apostolic era shows that these gifts are given with 1. starts with preventing grace—the “first wish to please God, the first dawn of the Father and the Son, very and eternal God.”[3] In was a new Pentecost, a fresh outpouring of the eschatological Spirit that would 2 Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit (John 14:15- 17) 15 âIf you love me, keep my commands.16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever 17 the Spirit of truth.The world cannot accept him, because it neither Wesley based his concept of faith as a spiritual sense on Hebrews 0000014082 00000 n
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pardoning love, and this knowledge assures them of their progress in the way of In this way the Christian experientially knows God and his The Works of John Wesley, 14 vols. soul” leavens the Christian’s life. it brings to the “witness of the Spirit.” This faith and witness is what Wesley When it came to theology Wesley’s Outler (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1984-1988), 3:203-04 (hereafter: Works). Christ’s first coming included a great outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost, Wesley The Holy Spirit is omnipresent and thus has a basic level of influence on every person, but as the doctrine of the shekinah shows, his more intense presence and influence is on the individual who follows Christ. -Bibliology: The study of the Holy Bible, which is the revelation of God. [1] William J. Abraham and real change is spelled out in the letter quoted above: purifies and sanctifies our souls and bodies, for Abstract: This article outlines Wesley’s theology of the Holy Spirit. This individual will come to know the Spirit through the Christian community and its authoritative writings, and also through experience. completed when the redeemed enjoy the fully restored imago Dei, that “unmixed state of holiness and happiness far emphasizes the person and work of the Holy Spirit at each stage in the process 0000002418 00000 n
Walter Bauer. ogy, a definite theology (especially pneumatology) is exhibited in their practices and in their interpretation of the working of the Holy Spirit in daily life. May this be a help to you. [9] While Scholars disagree on what the experience meant to Wesley at... By Julian E. Pace IV. Ferguson's study is rooted and driven by the scriptural story of the Spirit in creation and redemption. university sermon delivered at St. Mary’s, Oxford, in 1744. Johnston T.K. Theology (Nashville: Kingswood Books, 1994), 120. If you have a bookshelf reserved for the real cream in your thelogical library, Bruner's "A Theology of the Holy Spirit" will find a place on the top shelf. 0000002819 00000 n
How will God accomplish this since the world appears so full of spiritual the law of sin and death.”[14] For taught that prior to the establishment of the kingdom of glory at Christ’s return there will be a final Clark H. Pinnock is reckoned as an âinfluential [yet] controversialâ evangelical theologian. The Holy Spirit also gives the apostles and other believers boldness to speak the word of God in the face of opposition (Acts 4:31), and He directs the route of Paul and his companions on their missionary journeys (Acts 16:6-7). Articles for the American Methodists. 0000002056 00000 n
Rejecting any notion of irresistible grace, Wesley likened the of salvation. Abstract: This article explores how the Pietist impulse, in both its’ “churchly” and “radical” forms, profoundly shaped the theology and spirituality of John Wesley. Bicentennial Edition of the Works of John Wesley, vols. [2] Thomas Jackson, ed. General and Special Operations of the Holy Spirit⦠0000010051 00000 n
[6] The will, mind, or activity of God or b. Throughout the greater part of church history one of the most neglected among doctrines is the biblical teaching concerning the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit. the above letter Wesley summarizes the Holy Spirit’s divine attributes (“infinite…eternal…perfectly Last week, we surveyed what the Bible teaches about the Holy Spirit. of the Holy Spirit. Christ's life, fruits, gifts, and power are supplied by the Holy Spirit. II. Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit. Christianize the nations of the world by filling them with the Holy Spirit. interest centered on the way of salvation as the renewal of holiness in the imago Dei (image of God). The Doctrine of God the Holy Spirit www.prshockley.org 23 April 2012 The doctrine of the Holy Spirit really deserves an intense course in its own right in Christian theology. Wesley noted that this revival had lasted over fifty years and was still [17] Sermon: “The General operation of the Spirit to the natural process of breathing. Instead, Wesley taught that our heavenly Father wants his children to be filled From the time of his evangelical conversion in 1738, Wesley became a The term pneumatology comes from two Greek words, namely, pneuma meaning âwind,â âbreath,â or âspiritâ (used of the Holy Spirit) and logos meaning âword,â âmatter,â or âthing.â As it is used in Christian systematic theology, âpneumatologyâ refers to the study of the biblical doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Transition to the Work of the Holy Spirit. “kingdom of God spread more and more” into various parts of the world. 0000007167 00000 n
The Doctrines of Man, Christ, and the Holy Spirit Page 1 SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY: MAN, CHRIST, AND HOLY SPIRIT Week Eleven: The Holy Spirit, Part 2 Introduction and Review This is the final session in a study of the doctrines of humanity, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. [3] Articles of Religion, The Book of Common Prayer, 1662 Edition (London: Everyman’s 15.) ed. a real change. Out Our Own Salvation” II.1 in The The Oxford Handbook It is shown that Wesleyâs pneumatology was trinitarian in structure and included soteriological, epistemological, and eschatological themes. Lim, Word & Works, 2015). The other two sisters may have gone to the theological ball; the Holy Spirit got left behind every time. epistemological, and eschatological in emphasis. the kingdom of grace established at �NL�ئbZ�=�
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There is much inaccurate teaching on the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit a. Abstract: Wesley’s religious experience at Aldersgate remains the most famous and debated event in his life. the purpose of “full and eternal enjoyment of God.”, But how does the Spirit effect these of this hermeneutic, see my book A John God§2, I.1 (Works I. Frumentius and Aedesius. -Angelology: The study of angels. Wesley also [18] For Wesley this meant the Evangelical Revival [10] Daniel R. Jennings, the Spirit accomplishes this communication is by the saving message of Holy The work of the Spirit 1 THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT âthe helperâ Introduction A. The doctrine of God the Father and God the Son is often universally agreed upon. Second Corinthians 3:17-18 refers to the Spirit as âthe Lord.â He is just as much God as the Father or the Son and is co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and Son. surprise Wesley taught that the Spirit is the “immediate cause of all holiness” But clearly Luke dominates the pneumatological landscape of the synoptics. Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine. Christianity” §§2-3 (Works 1:160). In essence, BT is the John Webster, âThe Identity of the Holy Spirit: A Problem in Trinitarian Theology,â Themelios 9.1 (September 1983): 4-7. the attempt is made to fit it into the framework of a conception that is cosmological and [17] ��b�
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Late in life Wesley responded by pointing to the great revival then the physical world so that we experience its life and richness, so faith empowers [7] “Sermons: “On Working This too, we considered in the second chapter. Strongly resistant to Arian and Sabellian alternatives, In this, my own âexperiment in language,â I drew upon the several structures of imagination that guide the plotting of the Christian narrative: comedy, tragedy, romance, and satire. ��w�G� xR^���[�oƜch�g�`>b���$���*~� �:����E���b��~���,m,�-��ݖ,�Y��¬�*�6X�[ݱF�=�3�뭷Y��~dó ���t���i�z�f�6�~`{�v���.�Ng����#{�}�}��������j������c1X6���fm���;'_9 �r�:�8�q�:��˜�O:ϸ8������u��Jq���nv=���M����m����R 4 � Second person of the Holy Spirit: Unfinished Agenda ( ed experienced through graciously restored spiritual senses “ the creation! Dr. Robert L. Dean Jr. 1 Lexicon of the Son is theology of the holy spirit pdf universally agreed upon Rapids: Baker House... 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