(2) The attribute of personality has abundant witness as already demonstrated. A mere influence or emanation does not possess the attributes of life, even if it should proceed from God. THE PERSON OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. The Holy Spirit is included in the Trinity, which is made up of 3 distinct persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The identification is not of Person but of Essence. Christians who have an intelligent comprehension of truth regard the Holy Spirit as an object of faith. This doctrine will be considered more at length in the section dealing with it. The Christian indwelt by the Holy Spirit is indwelt by God (1 Cor 3:16; 6:19; Eph 2:22). For the sake of analysis, however, His Person will be considered first, with reference to His work only where necessary, leaving to later discussion the aspects of His work throughout the ages. That it is used typically in reference to the Holy Spirit is clear from John 4:14; 7:38-39. 1. (1) It may be noted that the Holy Spirit possesses the essential of mind or intelligence. ), and in the books of Moses. As an illustration, three of His works may be brought forward as being distinctively in the realm of divine operation. A Lasting Legacy: Choosing A Wife For Isaac (Gen. 24:1-67). (1) The unity of the Spirit is revealed in the title, One Spirit (Eph 4:4). His presence is our guarantee. (3) The deity of the Holy Spirit is conclusive evidence of personality, as sustained in the material upholding the deity of the Holy Spirit to be given in a later section. The significance of the singular points to the fact that the final name of God is, “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit is essential to the Triune God. While the doctrine of procession is more theological than Biblical, it is in harmony with the Scriptures as will be seen later, and an important evidence for the deity of the Holy Spirit. While there is some distinction in meaning in the various titles, the chief significance is to bring out the relationship of the Holy Spirit as the Third Person of the Trinity, all affirming His deity and procession. It is the Spirit who brings conviction to the unbeliever and causes him to see the truth of the gospel in a clear light.12 Those who respond to this conviction and place their faith in Jesus Christ receive eternal life and a new nature.13 The Holy Spirit unites the believer with Christ and places him in the body of Christ, the church.14 He also unites the believer with Christ in His death, enabling him to live victoriously over sin.15 The Holy Spirit controls the believer who yields to God and submits himself to God's Word.16 When these conditions are met, the believer lives in the power of the Spirit and produces the fruit of the Spirit.17, The Holy Spirit indwells the believer permanently.18 While the child of God may sin and grieve the Spirit, the Spirit will never leave the true believer.19 Absence of the Holy Spirit is the mark of the unsaved.20 The Holy Spirit seals the believer.21 This ministry guarantees the security of the believer "until the day of redemption. The type is nowhere explained in Scripture. The terms cannot be reversed. Christ spoke of being “harmless as doves” (Matt 10:16), and reference is made to the selling of doves in the temple for sacrifice (Matt 21:12; Mark 11:15; Luke 2:24; John 2:14, 16). It is a fundamental revelation that the Holy Spirit is a Person, in the sense that the Father is a Person, and the Son is a Person. The various qualities of His Person demonstrate that personality is a necessity, the center without which other qualities could not exist. stoon77. Without the Holy Spirit, the Godhead would not be what it is. The same use of the masculine may be observed in the use of the relative pronouns, and in such a connection as supporting the thought of personality (Eph 1:13-14). Abundant revelation is given in the titles of the Holy Spirit to disclose His attributes. Troy said the Holy Spirit brings life and growth. From the more complete discussion of His works to follow, these illustrations will be sufficient: (1) His work in creation (Gen 1:2); (2) His work in empowering (Zech 4:6); (3) His teaching ministry (John 16:13); (4) His guidance (Isa 48:16; Rom 8:14); (5) His comforting (John 14:26); (6) His prayer (Rom 8:26); (7) His work of convincing the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8); (8) His restraint of sin (Isa 59:19); (9) His authoritative commands (Acts 8:29; 13:2; 16:7). No other mention is made of them in the New Testament, but the Old Testament reference is more frequent. The Person and Gifts of the Holy Spirit is a thirty-one part course of study taught by Pastor Chuck Smith. In Luke 24:49, Christ told His disciples to tarry in Jerusalem until “ye be endued with power from on high.” The word translated endued is ἐνδύσησθε, which literally means, to clothe. The use of clothing as a figure to reveal spiritual truth is prominent in Scripture as evidenced in other connections in Scripture (2 Cor 5:3; Eph 4:24; 6:11-17; Col 3:10, 12; 1 Thess 5:8; Rev 19:8, 13, 14). He is spoken of as God and is identified with the title of Jehovah.5 The Christian who is indwelt by the Spirit is indwelt by God.6 The Holy Spirit possesses the attributes of deity, such as omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence and eternality.7 He does works only God can do, such as creating, regenerating and sanctifying.8 He is equally associated with the other members of the Trinity.9, The work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament differed somewhat from His work in the New Testament. (1) The work of the Holy Spirit in creation by its very nature could be accomplished only by one who is God (Gen 1:2). The reference is to the work of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Knowing the Person of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is a part of the Holy Trinity with the Father and Son. In the Old Testament, however, רוח is used over one hundred times for the Holy Spirit. • We talking about the person called the Holy Spirit. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you. Five titles are found relating the Holy Spirit to the Son: (1) Spirit of Christ (Rom 8:9; 1 Pet 1:11); (2) Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phil 1:19); (3) Spirit of Jesus (Acts 16:7 Revised Version); (4) Spirit of His Son (Gal 4:6); (5) Spirit of the Lord (Acts 5:9; 8:39). The instances of reference to oil in the Old Testament outnumber those to the Holy Spirit. The experience of the Christian life and faith enters into these realities and affirms that it is most natural for Christians to regard the Holy Spirit as they would regard a person. The Search OF the Savior: Why Jesus Came, Part 2 (Gal. We may conclude as Charles Hodges does: “He is therefore presented in the Scriptures as the proper object of worship, not only in the formula of baptism and in the apostolic benediction, which bring the doctrine of the Trinity into constant remembrance as the fundamental truth of our religion, but also in the constant requirement that we look to Him and depend on Him for all spiritual good, and reverence and obey Him as our divine teacher and sanctifier.”8. The Holy Spirit Is a Person. The person of the Holy Spirit is not only forgotten by those whom we describe as liberals or modernists in their theology (that is always true of them), but we ourselves are often guilty of … It should be clear from these citations that personality is absolutely necessary to explain these ministries. By it we are known, and by it we are clothed. It proceeds rather from the very nature of the Godhead, being necessary to its existence. 18 Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, p. 483. This word literally means WIND, even the wind associated with a BREATHE! As Charles Hodge puts it, “The personality of the Spirit has been the faith of the Church from the beginning. We may see, then, in the work of both the Son and the Spirit, an illustration of the respective doctrines of eternal generation and procession. • The Holy Spirit is the one who leads us into all … Though Christ may be said to have proceeded from the Father, it cannot be said of the Spirit that He is generated. Oh, Peace. From the various uses of oil in the Bible, we may conclude that oil bespeaks of holiness, sanctification, revelation, illumination, dedication, and healing. The Holy Spirit is included in the Trinity, which is made up of three distinct persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Generation must be guarded from all purely anthropomorphic ideas, and proceeding must be made eternal. Create. The order of discussion is alphabetical. The term God as found in the translations of the Old and New Testaments is frequently identified with the Holy Spirit. While personification of things material and immaterial is common, such uses of the personal pronouns are quite obvious and do not cause confusion. It is clear that if the Holy Spirit is God, He is also a person. It reveals the Holy Spirit as one who is always ready to help the Christian. The very character of His works makes it impossible to interpret the Scriptures properly without assuming His personality. It is customary when speaking of persons to use the personal pronouns, I, thou, he, they. The Spirit is like the wind. 19 Emblems of the Holy Spirit, pp. On the part of the Holy Spirit, the eternal procession of the Spirit issued in the ministry which ensued. In several instances, however, the masculine pronouns are found (John 15:26; 16:13, 14). The apostle Paul noted the intellectual ability of the Holy Spirit when he asked, “What man knoweth the things of man save the spirit of man which is in him? Five of the titles of the Holy Spirit refer to some extent to Him as the author of revelation and wisdom: (10) Spirit of Wisdom (Exod 28:3; Eph 1:7); (11) Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding (Isa 11:2); (12) Spirit of Counsel and Might (Isa 11:2); (13) Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the Lord (Isa 11:2); (14) Spirit of Truth (John 14:17). In connection with the sending forth of the dove from the ark by Noah, Dr. Herbert Mackenzie finds in the account an indication of the dispensational character of the ministry of the Spirit. Here are Scriptures to learn more about the person of the Holy Spirit.But when they arrest you and deliver you up, do not worry beforehand, or premeditate what you will speak. From the various uses, and from the nature of wind itself, it may be inferred that as a type of the Spirit, wind indicates His power, His invisibleness, His immaterial nature, and His sovereign purpose. The Work of the Holy Spirit in Salvation; 7. According to the Scriptures, it is possible to sin against the Holy Spirit (Isa 63:10); grieve Him (Eph 4:30); reverence Him (Ps 51:11); and obey Him (Acts 10:19-21). You can change your cookie settings through your browser. Procession like the eternal generation of Christ is not a matter of creation, commencement of existence, or analogous in any way with physical relationships common in the human realm. How has the Holy Spirit transformed your life since becoming a Christian? Likewise the apostolic benediction as recorded in 2 Corinthians 13:14 indicates an equality in respect to personality of the members of the Trinity. (2) The Holy Spirit possesses life (Rom 8:2) which is an essential of personality. That would make the Holy Spirit the “father” of Jesus, if the Holy Spirit were a person. No human mind can improve on these distinctions, even if it be admitted that the terms are inadequate to comprehend all the truth which they represent. 229-241. Q. The many titles of the Holy Spirit with their manifold meanings speak eloquently of the beauties of His Person and the wonders of His attributes. Myles Munroe - Duration: 44:45. But although he can not lose the thing itself, he can very easily lose the enjoyment of it, the experience and power of it. Expressions like the breath of his lips (Isa 11:4), and the breath of his nostrils (2 Sam 22:16) in reference to God, while anthropomorphisms, connote the power of the Spirit. The doctrine of the deity of the Holy Spirit has an intimate logical relation to the doctrine of the personality of the Spirit. A comparison of Scriptures often reveals an association of the Persons of the Trinity in terms which infer equality of association. In the flood of Noah, it speaks of judgment (cf. The many aspects revealed speak of His infinite Person, equal in power and glory with the Father and the Son. As the third member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is a Person and is also personal. The identification of God and the Holy Spirit is further illustrated by the fact that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is declared by Christ to be unpardonable (Matt 12:31-32). the Holy Spirit exercises a moral and sovereign will comparable to that of the other Persons of the Trinity. A mere influence or emanation does not create, empower, teach, guide, pray, or command. 2 ) Perfection is the third divine Person honor, position, the... Proceeding must be guarded from all purely anthropomorphic ideas, and the Son and is of Spirit... Fully God 5 ) Spirit of life affirms the eternal life of the Spirit. ] who the Spirit! Makes it impossible to interpret the Scriptures themselves to disturb the overwhelming evidence contained therein on this.. 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