You must book a slot to visit Sandwell's tip. Access key details If you change your mind, you will have up to 2 days before your booking to amend or cancel it. Visits to the site are by pre-booked appointment only. There are now no restrictions to the number of visits a car user can make, however you may only have one appointment open at a time. ... a spokesman for Sandwell Council … You must bring the email to prove you have booked a slot along with one form of ID. Stay informed - if your review is disputed. If you change your mind, you will have up to two working days before your booking to amend or cancel it. The centre at Shidas Lane, is now open every day - … Search facility The stark warning comes after Sandwell council followed government advice and closed its Shidas Lane tip in Oldbury for an indefinite period. Updates from the council on coronavirus. The Household Recycling Centre (the tip) Restrictions for tip access to residents using vans, pickups or cars with trailers If you use a larger vehicle such as a van, pickup or car with a trailer your vehicle you are restricted to the type of vehicle and the wastes that you can bring onto the site. Search for waste management, disposal and recycling services near you. Good to avoid a weekend if possible as queues can be long. Those planning on using the site will need to bring proof of address, such as a drivers licence, recent utility bill or current council tax summary, which they would be asked to show against closed car windows. If members of the public wish to view footage taken of them, they can request it in writing to the Waste Transfer Station Manager, Serco Ltd, Shidas Lane, Oldbury, B69 2BP. This include's Walsall boroughs two centres, the tip in Stourbridge run by Dudley Council, Sandwell Council… Sandwell Council is reopening a tip in Oldbury next week – but residents are being warned of potential queues. The site will now be … Please note that there maybe traffic management in place around the site. Anyone who is self-isolating or has COVID-19 symptons MUST NOT visit. No under 16s are allowed onto the site. You can use your MySandwell account to view your Sandwell council tax, benefits and business rates, request services, report problems and track any enquiries you put in to the council. Do not leave home and visit the tip if you or anyone in your household has symptoms of Coronavirus.. You are now able to use this service, as long as you follow social distancing guidelines. No trade or commercial waste will be accepted and visitors on foot will be NOT allowed. Log in to your account Not registered? … Book your slot for the tip. Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council was created in 1974 to administer the newly formed Metropolitan Borough of Sandwell, in the West Midlands county of England.. Sign in Access to the tip is from Rounds Green Road and Brades Road – the road is closed at Portway Road. National Lottery bosses are in a desperate search for the winner of a £1 million lottery ticket bought in Sandwell who has just days left to claim. Tips in Dudley and Sandwell were back in action today, as other authorities across the Black Country and Staffordshire prepare to open their sites. Skip to main navigation, Check restrictions on van, trailer and pick up bookings, Restrictions for tip access to residents using vans, pickups or cars with trailers, Bank holiday recycling and rubbish collections, Text alerts for recycling and waste services, Waste and recycling services coronavirus update. Book your slot for the tip. Opening days have been extended at Sandwell Council's Oldbury tip - and bulky waste collections are being reintroduced next week. If you need help doing this you are allowed to bring one extra adult with you. The tip at Shidas Lane, Oldbury, will be open every day except for Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day. Landlords and other businesses are strictly prohibited from using the centre and all waste deposited at the site is monitored. Search facility Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council is a local authority in the West Midlands and provides services to residents of the borough. An online booking system has been introduced to access Birmingham’s network of Household Recycling Centres (HRCs) in recognition of the fact COVID-19 social distancing measures are set to remain in place for the foreseeable future.Only city residents with a booking, linked to the registration plate of their vehicle, will be permitted access to the HRCs. Top of the page The tip on Shidas Lane in Oldbury will remain open during the third national lockdown. What happens to your recycling and rubbish? Please note that CCTV is in operation at the tip and staff are fitted with body-worn cameras at all times. The council offices are located at the Council House, Freeth Street, Oldbury town centre, which opened in 1989. Please see the list below to see where the different containers are located. Report a problem Report a missed bin collection or other waste and street cleaning issues. Sandwell Council. Sandwell Museums & Arts Service. Get notified - if an advertiser responds to your review. The tip is open daily, including weekends 8am to 4pm. Please note that site staff may refuse access to anyone if there is reasonable suspicion that the waste brought to the site is from a business activity or of a type that cannot be accepted at the site. We just need your name, your home address and email address. To ensure social distancing rules are upheld, staff on site will not be able to assist the public with their waste disposal and unloading. Weekdays are good & open till late on summer evenings Site map Terms and disclaimer Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes before your time slot. Check the latest advice on COVID-19 including national lockdown restrictions →, The tip on Shidas Lane in Oldbury will remain open during the third national lockdown. Book a slot at Sandwell's tip You must book a slot to visit Sandwell's tip. Please don’t all rush at once. Terms and disclaimer Itâ s really easy to register for a MySandwell account. We do not accept any trade or business waste. Florescent tubes and energy saving light bulbs (limit 10 tubes), Plasterboard (eight bags or 200kg maximum per month), Soil and ceramics (eight bags or 200kg maximum per month), Hard-core and rubble (eight bags or 200kg maximum per month), Tyres (4 non-commercial vehicle tyres maximum per month). So, for example, you can book an appointment for a Saturday, then once Saturday has passed and you have taken your items to the tip, you may book another appointment for later that week if you wish. Sandwell Council took … Sandwell Tip is owned and operated by Sandwell Metropolitan Council, Sandwell Recycling Centre allows you to dispose of the following items here: Engine oil (limit 5 litres) Household Recycling Centre (the tip) Dispose of large items at the Household Recycling Centre in Oldbury Bulky item collections We can collect your unwanted household items. Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council has announced that they have now reopened the tip at Shidas Lane, in Oldbury. The tip in Shidas Lane, Oldbury The site in Oldbury will be back open on Monday with limited … At least one of them must be either your driving licence or current council tax bill: Plus one of the below, showing the address where the waste is from : Site staff may refuse access to anyone if they are unable to prove they are a Sandwell resident or that there is reasonable suspicion that the waste brought to the site is from a business activity. The new system will launch on Monday, July 6. Respond to advertisers - if they reply to your review. A tip has been closed and changes to rubbish collections in Sandwell have been made following the Prime Minister's drastic announcement last night. Appointments are available between 8am - 3.45pm daily. Sandwell Council will be reopening the tip at Shidas Lane in Oldbury from 8am-4pm on Monday (1 June). Sandwell Council closed its joint tip and recycling centre in Oldbury on March 24 in the wake of the pandemic, following Government guidance. The massive queue for the tip in Oldbury Queues are being reported outside a Black Country tip after it opens its doors for the first time in seven weeks. There are now no restrictions to the number of visits a car user can make, however you may only have one appointment open at a time. ... Will oldbury rubbish tip remain open now we are on national lockdown Got a slot booked for tomorrow morning Just … Site map Sandwell Council has become the latest Black Country authority to announced its tip will reopen. It must be within 31 days before the footage is deleted from the system. There are signs advertising camera usage and all data recorded is treated in line with current General Data Protection Regulations. Only one adult per visit, per vehicle, unless you need another adult to help you remove your waste from the vehicle into the waste containers. Skip to main navigation, Bank holiday recycling and rubbish collections, Text alerts for recycling and waste services, Waste and recycling services coronavirus update. Contact the Council Contact the Council So please follow the signs when you are near the site. There is a strict limit to the number of vehicles allowed on the site any one time – you must have a booking when you arrive otherwise you will be turned away. If two people are required they must be from the same household. You can check our Facebook page (search Sandwell in Facebook) or follow @sandwellcouncil on Twitter for updates. Sandwell Council download - Towns Fund | Business | Regenerating Sandwell On the right hand side as you drive in – these are the smaller containers and cages in front of the staff Portakabin. The site is for Sandwell residents only and you should bring proof of your address with you to show against your closed window. There are now no restrictions to the number of visits a car user can make, however you may only have one appointment open at a time. More services are being added all the time. What's new Frequently asked questions Visits to the site are by pre-booked appointment only. See trade waste collections for further details. Homepage What happens to your recycling and rubbish? Already registered? Sandwell Council Environmental Health. To make your visit quicker, please separate the different types of rubbish or recycling before you get to the tip. This tells you how much rent you should pay and how much Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction and tax credit you should expect to get. All users must make sure that they keep at least 2 metres away from all other users and staff at the site. Sandwell Council's Oldbury Household Recycling Centre and Walsall Council's sites in Merchants Way, Aldridge, and Fryers Road, Bloxwich, also show no signs of reopening just yet. Feedback Sandwell Council is introducing an online booking system for anyone planning a trip to the tip at Shidas Lane, Oldbury. Community Museum. Top of the page If you have a van or trailer, you can book one visit to the tip every two weeks. If you are bringing plaster or other dusty materials to the tip, put it in sealed bags before you get to the site and dispose of the whole bag without opening it. Search this site. NEW winter opening hours have come into operation at Sandwell Council’s Household Recycling Centre in Shidas Lane, Oldbury. Bank or building society statement (less than 6 months old), Mortgage statement (no older than 12 months). What's new You will need to bring in two pieces of identification with you when you visit the tip. After working closely together on the re-opening of the Household Recycling Centre, the Council and its environmental services partner Serco, is happy to announce that site will now return to its normal opening hours. The use of these devices is for public and staff safety and to help investigate complaints and incidents which may happen on site. Check the latest advice on COVID-19 including national lockdown restrictions →. Government Organization. What can I do if my bin hasn't been emptied? Sign up for a MySandwell account to manage your service requests and accounts with us. Queues formed at Sandwell Council… Appointments are between 8am - 3.45pm daily. You can get extra information from here about how to claim, and how to do different calculations based on changing circumstances. Skip to content Given that the coronavirus pandemic is not over, social distancing will be maintained on site at all times, which means the site may operate in a different way to normal. Residents with vans or trailers can book a slot once every two weeks. Once your booking is made and you change your mind you have up to 2 days before your booking is due to amend or cancel it and you can only make one booking every week. On the right side past the staff Portakabin – these are the lowered skips behind the railings: On the left hand side - these are the ground level skips and containers. Check restrictions on van, trailer and pick up bookings. A to Z of Services Education. There are clear signs on the skips, but if you can’t see the one you need, please ask one of the site operatives. Feedback Homepage Sandwell is divided into 24 Wards and is represented by 72 ward councillors. A to Z of Services Remember that most items can be recycled rather than putting them in the general waste container. Only one person will be permitted in each vehicle, unless you are bringing a bulky item that requires two people to unload it or if the person is registered as having a disability and carries an authorised Blue Badge. What can I do if my bin hasn't been emptied? Due to social distancing our staff won't be able to help you remove your waste from your vehicle into the waste containers. Access key details Sign into or create an account. All users must make sure that they keep at least 2 metres between themselves, all staff and any other site users. Sandwell College. So, for example, you can book an appointment for a Saturday, then once Saturday has passed and you have taken your items to the tip, you may book another appointment for later that week if you wish. Frequently asked questions Find Rubbish Tips near Sandwell on Yell. No under 16s allowed. That means if you want to change a  Saturday, Sunday or Monday appointment, you must amend it by the Thursday before. Council bosses have said they will only open local tips when it is safe to do so. Only residents of Sandwell with waste from their own property in the borough is permitted. Please be aware that it is very busy already with queues building up. Skip to content Read reviews, find opening hours, and contact details with If households have had COVID-19 symptoms, waste should be left for at least 72 hours before disposal and personal waste should be safely double bagged.