malathion 50% & 57%. Pesticide Insecticdes Price 10% 5% EC Cypermethrin. sc. cs. permethrin 5%, 10%, 25% & 50%. Pyriproxyfen applicable crops Public health, Citrus, Cotton, Grapes (vine), Mango, Nut, Ornamental, Pome Fruit, Potato, Vegetables gr. Insecticide Pyriproxyfen 97%tc , Find Complete Details about Insecticide Pyriproxyfen 97%tc,Pyriproxyfen Insecticide,Pyriproxyfen 10% Ec,Pesticide from Insecticide Supplier or Manufacturer-Shanghai Tochance Chemicals Co., Ltd. The Registration Division (RD) has • Anyone making an employment offer in return for money or other type of gain is not author,. sl. Pyriproxyfen 5% + fenpropathrin Ludhiana - 141004, Punjab, 15% EC registered 70.49-84.53% mean reduction of mango hopper complex population at higher India dosages while a single molecule of pyriproxyfen 10% EC and thiamethoxam 25% WDG revealed 59.51- 69.38% mean reduction. The active ingredient pyriproxyfen mimics the naturally occuring juvenile hormone in insects, which affects the normal functions of … White Fly. Contact Now Wear safety equipment’s such as gloves, aprons, masks, etc. Its water solubility at 20°C is 0.10 mg/L (pH 7). ; KOMUGI is recommended for control of sucking pest like White Fly, Aphids on Cotton and Chilli crops. The products are authorised for use in the target species chickens, turkeys and rabbits for treatment of the respiratory tract and of the digestive tract infections caused by bacteria susceptible to enrofloxacin. ec. Cyper10-Cypermethrin 10% EC. Slightly more water may be used as long as the amount of product applied per area is the same. ec. 3) Dhanuka does not ask for any processing fee or security deposit against any interview or Background verification and neither any of our recruiting agencies charge any amount for processing the profile for recruitment process. It is also used as a prevention for flea control on household pets, for killing indoor and outdoor ants and roaches. Bullon (Pyriproxyfen 10% Ec) is an insect growth regulator that regulates the transition from one developmental stage to another in Whitefly. cartap hydrochloride 4%. ec. ** Based on Internal study Daita can be used @ 500 ml / acre ( When Pest Population is high), Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Sitemap. 95737-68-1) is insect growth regulator; suppressor of embryogenesis, inhibitor of metamorphosis and inhibitor of reproduction. GOLDLUX ... Alphamethrin 10% EC. Product : Lano Category : Insecticides Category Type : PYRIPROXYFEN 10% EC Brand : Sumitimo Chemical Price : AVAILABLE ON STORE Packaging : 1 ltr Dose : 400ml/acre Description : Lano is a pyridine-based pesticide used against a variety of arthropoda, in … Daita is Pyriproxyfen 10% EC; It is an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) It controls all the stages of Whitefly i.e. 10 % . Price Preferential Insecticide Pyriproxyfen (95%TC, 5%EW, 5%ME, 10% EC, 5%G), Find Details about Insecticides, Pesticide from Price Preferential Insecticide Pyriproxyfen (95%TC, 5%EW, 5%ME, 10% EC, 5%G) - Hangzhou Tianlong Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 24.635. Leave on hair for 10 minutes and rinse with water. Pyriproxyfen: 10% w/v (100 g/l). No. ec. Composition: Chemical Name CAS Suitable Extinguishing Media:Conc. Baytril 10% oral solution and its associated names contain 100 mg enrofloxacin per millilitre oral solution for use in drinking water. Pyriproxyfen does not exhibit any particularly hazardous On the basis of efficacy, diafenthiuron 25% + pyriproxyfen 5% SE (1000 and 1250 ml/ha) found relatively more effective against sucking insect pests viz., aphids, leafhoppers, whiteflies and thrips. sticks with one time spray. DOSE Deltamethrin 2.8% EC. The above is the search results for Chinese Pyriproxyfen, click for more recommended manufacturers & suppliers listings such as pesticide, insecticide, pyriproxyfen insecticide. Total 2,14,965 farmers are using NaPanta for their farming activities as on 01-10-2020. Cypermethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid used as an insecticide in large-scale commercial agricultural applications as well as in consumer products for domestic purposes. Pyriproxyfen is a pesticide which is found to be effective against a variety of insects. It controls all the stages of Whitefly i.e. Leave on hair for 10 minutes and rinse with water. Cotton . gr. It behaves as a fast-acting neurotoxin in insects. 95737-68-1) is insect growth regulator; suppressor of embryogenesis, inhibitor of metamorphosis and inhibitor of reproduction. No. NUVOS Dichlorvos 76% EC. Ensure complete dispersion of the product in water before spraying of the spray solution. alhacypermethrin 5% & 10%. by Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. and is not offering an approved job. Υγρό γαλακτοποιήσιμο (EC). Yellowish liquid. We are trying our best to find the most effective way to protect the crops in the field, and we believe we can share the harvest with the farmers all around the world. wp. Treat symptomatically. Pyriproxyfen Packaging details Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations, 1G~25KG for solid formulations. Inhibition of metamorphosis 3. As this time nymphal population will be high on underside of leaf, Best time of application is early morning or late evening. The dose applied of Atominal (10% EC pyriproxyfen) was 0.06%. cartap hydrochloride 50%. Current situation: Baytril 10% oral solution is currently authorized for use in rabbits only in one member state for treatment of infectious diseases due to Pasteurella spp. Uniform foliar spray ensuring full coverage, Maintain agitation while spraying to get best results, There should be an interval of at least 10-15 days between the 1st and the 2nd spray, Spray should not be done more than twice in any crop. The log Pow is 4.86 (pH water phase 7). It prevents spread of cotton leaf curl virus by controlling its vector white fly. Pyriproxyfen 10% EC pesticides uses l पायरिप्रोक्सीफेन 10% EC कीटनाशक का इस्तेमाल Rats were orally dosed with (14)C-labeled pyriproxyfen at 2 or 1,000 mg/kg and at repeated oral doses (14 daily doses) of unlabeled pyriproxyfen at 2 mg/kg followed by admin of a single oral dose of labeled pyriproxyfen at 2 mg/kg. Eggs, Nymphs and Adults, Daita inhibits metamorphosis of Nymph to Adult, Daita causes sterility in adults. A field studies were conducted for two consecutive kharif seasons (2014-2015 and 2015-2016) with a view to evaluate the bioefficacy of diafenthiuron 25% + pyriproxyfen 5% SE @ 500, 750, 1000, 1250 ml/ha, difenthiuron 50 WP @ 600 g/ha, pyriproxyfen 10% EC (GSP sample) @ 1000 ml/ha and pyriproxyfen 10% EC @ 1000 ml/ha (marketed sample) against sucking insects pests of cotton. China Pyriproxyfen inseticida agroquímica 97%, TC 10% CE, 10,8% CE, CAS n° 95737-68-1 – Encontre preços e detalhes completos sobre Pyriproxyfen 97% TC,Pyriproxyfen 10% CE,Pyriproxyfen 10 produtos do Fornecedor ou Fabricante - Shanghai Bosman Industrial Co., Ltd.. Product Name: KOMUGI Technical Name: PYRIPROXYFEN 10% EC Mode of Action: SYSTEMIC INSECT GROWTH REGULATOR A JUVENILE HARMONE ANALOGUE Description: KOMUGI is IGR belongs to Pyridine group of insecticide. Bullon is an insect growth regulator that mimics the action of Juvenile hormone (JH), that regulates the transition from one developmental stage to another. permethrin 5%, 10%, 25% & 50%. Insecticide 10% WP 5% EC Lambda-cyhalothrin. Thoroughly wet grass water a few hours before applying Permethrin 10% Rapid Kill Insecticide Concentrate. BRAI 10 EC . Most radioactivity was excreted in the feces (81-92%) and urine (5-12%) over a 7-day collection period. Plus, it is labeled for effective control of insects on horses and dogs; Indoor and outdoor premise insect control - Use it in homes and non-food areas of poultry houses, dairies, cattle barns, milking parlors, horse barns, swine houses, warehouses, restaurants and kennels ... lambda cyhalothrin 10%. emamectin benzoate 5% WDG. Pyriproxyfen, Pyriproxyfen 10%EC, Pyriproxyfen 100g/l EC manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Insecticide Pyriproxyfen 10% EC, 100g/l EC, Fungicide Difenconazole 10% WDG, 250g/L EC, 10% ME, Top Quality Difenconazole 40% SC, 3% ULV, 3% FS Fungicide and so on. Solubility. Bullon causes embryogenesis to stop in exposed eggs and in the female reproductive system. Density: 0.91 g/ml ± 0.05 10. The active ingredient pyriproxyfen mimics the naturally occurring juvenile hormone in insects, which affects the normal functions of … sp. Effective insect control on animals - Permethrin 10% can be used on dairy and beef cattle, sheep, goats, swine and poultry. wp. It was introduced to the US in 1996, to protect cotton crops against whitefly.It has also been found useful for protecting other crops. Add the rinsing to the contents of the spray tank before destroying the container in the cartap hydrochloride 50%. Wholesaler of Insecticide Chemicals - Insecticide Pyriproxyfen 10%, Insecticide, Monolik Insecticide and Attila Gold Insecticides offered by Bhoomi Beej Nigam, Dhoraji, Gujarat. Martins Permethrin 10% may be used to treat dogs over 12 weeks of age for fleas, ticks, mange, and lice (do NOT apply permethrin products on cats). ACTION-25 Cypermethrin 25% EC. Baytril 10% oral solution is administered via drinking water to rabbits. 2.2 Pyriproxyfen content (715/EC/M/3, CIPAC Handbook M, p.183, 2009) The pyriproxyfen content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at 20 ± 2ºC, Note 1) and, when determined, the average measured content shall not differ from that declared by more than the following tolerances: We are trying our best to find the most effective way to protect the crops in the field, and we believe we can share the harvest with the farmers all around the world. Dose per acre . bifenthrin 10% & 20%. alhacypermethrin 5% & 10%. oz. Pyriproxyfen disappeared from aerobic lake water–sediment systems with half-lives ranging from 16 to 21 days. Proxy 10% EC (pyriproxyfen) is a new insecticide, -a juvenile hormone mimic, belonging to the group of insect growth regulators. pH. Shanghai Bosman supply the following formulations of Pyriproxyfen : 10.8% EC. As pyriproxyfen is a relatively new pesticide, few environmental data have been collected. Pyriproxyfen is a pesticide which is found to be effective against a variety of insects. Dose Pre-harvest interval CITRUS FRUITS Scales 0,05 - 0,075% 30 days CITRUS FRUITS Pyriproxyfen (CAS No. Pesticide Pyriproxyfen 10% Ec In Agriculture , Find Complete Details about Pesticide Pyriproxyfen 10% Ec In Agriculture,Pyriproxyfen Factory,Pyriproxyfen Manufacturer,Agriculture from Insecticide Supplier or Manufacturer-Tai'an Health Chemical Co., Ltd. With both mushroom species and substrates, a strong decrease was rapidly observed in the substrates and at day 35 only few percentages of the initial concentration were found. ). Insecticide Pyriproxyfen 10% EC 5% SC. : Pyriproxyfen 10% β/o. Dose per acre . wp. The photolysis half-life under Xenon-light is 3.72-6.36 days at 25°C. Κωδικός: BRAI 10 EC Πληροφορίες. in 12.5 gallons of water, which would break down to 0.64 ounces per 1 gallon of water. Pyriproxyfen 10% + Bifenthrin 10% EC. Code: BRAI 10 EC Πληροφορίες. ec. Admiral 10 EC (pyriproxyfen) is a new insecticide, -a juvenile hormone mimic, belonging to the group of insect growth regulators. Pyriproxyfen Available formulation Pyriproxyfen 10%EC, 10.8% EC Pyriproxyfen 5%EW Pyriproxyfen 5%ME . 4) The offers are always made directly by Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. and not by any third parties. UNIVERSAL Crop Protection (Pty) Ltd Subject: PYRIPROXYFEN 100EC Co. Reg. Disclaimer: Product information provided is for reference purposes only. Hence even if Adults are seen in Daita treated plot, they cannot reproduce or damage the crops, Daita can be sprayed at any stage of crop, Daita controls transmission of Leaf Curl Virus (CLCV) by controlling its vector, Daita has translaminar activity, so it even kills the pest present at lower side of the leaves, Complete control can be seen after 4-5 days, Daita controls Sooty mold that is spread by whitefly, It induces greening effect and results in better yield as Pyriproxyfen has excellent Phytotonic Effects, When the population reaches ETL (3-5 Adult per leaf), spray of Daita should be done on the recommended dose, Safe for bees and other beneficial insects, Gives best result when applied early: at that time nymphal population is high, Daita is a novel juvenile hormone that mimics and acts by suppressing embryogenesis within the insect egg, It inhibits metamorphosis and adult emergence of target insects, It does not kill adult insects directly but hatching of eggs laid by treated adults will be suppressed, Daita regulates the transition from one developmental stage to another, Daita artificially enhance the JH level preventing progression to adult stage, Daita interferes with the molting hormone and disrupts the normal development of insect, Mix the recommended dose in ¼ of the recommended quantity of water with agitation, Add remaining quantity of water with continuous agitation and spray on the foliage, Spray during early stage of the crop when white fly Population is low. 1: 31/08/04 – Mar05 PYRIPROXYFEN 3 Thereafter rinse the container three times with a volume of water equal to a minimum of 10 % of that of the container. Dispersible in water. Pyriproxyfen 10.8% EC Pyriproxyfen Description. "Thoroughly wet the animal by dipping, sponging or spraying. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 2) We don't ask our vendors to arrange any online interview like skype or google hangout etc. pyriproxyfen emulsifiable concentrate (june 2011) 5 pyriproxyfen emulsion, oil in water (june 2011) 7 part two evaluations of pyriproxyfen 10 2010 fao/who evaluation report based on submission of information from sumitomo chemical co, ltd. (ew) 11 2005 fao/who evaluation report on pyriproxyfen (tc, ec) 12 supporting information 14 China Pyriproxyfen (95%TC, 5%EW, 5%ME, 10% EC, 5%G, Pyriproxyfen 150+ Fenpropathrin 50EC), Find details about China Insecticides, Pesticide from Pyriproxyfen (95%TC, 5%EW, 5%ME, 10% EC, 5%G, Pyriproxyfen 150+ Fenpropathrin 50EC) - Hangzhou Tianlong Biotechnology Co., Ltd. All vacancy in Dhanuka are listed in the company's career webpage: in addition to being advertised in the job portal. Insecticide Pyriproxyfen 10 EC, Pyriproxyfen 10.8 EC, Pyriproxyfen 5 EW, Pyriproxyfen 5 ME, Pyriproxyfen 50 EW, Pyriproxyfen 50 ME, Nanjing Essence … We strongly recommend users to refer to and follow label directions. Dose per acre . Εντομοκτόνο μιμητικό της ορμόνης νεότητας των εντόμων. malathion 50% & 57%. BRAI 10 EC . cartap hydrochloride 4%. sp. Pyriproxyfen 10% EC 75 g.a.i @ 750, 1000, 1250 ml and other treatments i.e., Imidacloprid 17.8%SL 50 g.a.i. 200 ml . sc. GOLDCYP-10 Cypermethrin 10% EC. Admiral 10EC Pyriproxyfen 10% W/V (25cc) Κάντε κλικ στη φωτογραφία για zoom 6.30 € -10% Αρχική τιμή: 7.00 € Κωδικός προϊόντος: ΓΦ.01.016 Βάρος προϊόντος: 0.06 Kg Διαστάσεις προϊόντος: 10.5x5x5 cm Supressor of Embryogenesis 2. Pyriproxyfen (CAS No. BRAI 10 EC . Pyriproxyfen degrades rapidly in soil under aerobic conditions, with a half-life of 6.4–36 days. alhacypermethrin 5% & 10%. 53883-280. ; KOMUGI is selective Insect growth regulator having Stomach, Contact and … It was introduced to the US in 1996, to protect cotton crops against whitefly.It has also been found useful for protecting other crops. Aspect. It is an insect growth regulator. Eggs, Nymphs and Adults; It does not allow the hatching of eggs; Daita inhibits metamorphosis of Nymph to Adult; Daita causes sterility in adults. Shanghai Bosman supply the following formulations of Pyriproxyfen : 10.8% EC. LEONIS Pyriproxyfen 10% + Bifenthrin 10% EC Pack Size : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1L, 5L Class : insecticides ec. It is an insect growth regulator. alhacypermethrin 5% & 10%. Usual Pediatric Dose for Scabies. sc. Search results for: 'pyriproxyfen 10% EC' Search results for: 'pyriproxyfen 10% EC' Radish (F-1 Safedi) 100 Gram ₹229 ₹280 18% Off. Information No warranty is provided as to the completeness or accuracy of the information on the website and in no event will we be responsible for damages whatsoever resulting from the use of/or reliance on this website information. Permethrin topical 1% solution: Apply to shampooed and towel-dried hair until hair and scalp are saturated (especially behind the ears and on the nape of the neck). Packings : 100 ml/bottle, 1 ltr/bottle, 200 ltrs/drum, or other packing methods as you like. : Pyriproxyfen 10% β/o. Pyriproxyfen 10.8% EC Pyriproxyfen Description. Pyriproxyfen 10% EC. Permethrin topical 5% cream Infants: Thoroughly massage along the hairline, neck, temple, and forehead. Gaucho Furadan Fenitrothion Control Thrips Fenthion 50 EC. Cypermethrin 10 It shall be in the form of a stable homogeneous liquid, free from visible suspended matter and sediment, to be applied as an emulsion after dilution with water. Inhibitor of reproduction. 1. The dosage of pyriproxyfen 10% SC was 750 g for 1 million mushroom sticks with one time spray. (m/v %) Classification EC 1272/2008 Pyriproxyfen TC 95 % wate. It is only arranged by Dhanuka Recruitment Team. 0,900 - 0,950 g/ml. malathion 25%. novaluron 5.25 % + indoxacarb 4.5 %. Emulsifiable concetrate (EC) Register number. FURAN 3G Carbofuran 3% CG ... Chlorpyriphos 50% EC. China Best Selling Agrochemicals Insecticide Mosquito Killer Pyriproxyfen, Find details about China Pyriproxyfen 10% Ec, Pyriproxyfen Manufactures from Best Selling Agrochemicals Insecticide Mosquito Killer Pyriproxyfen - Zhengzhou Delong Chemical Co., Ltd. ec. ec. pyriproxyfen 10% EC @ 1000 ml/ha (marketed sample) against sucking insects pests of cotton. • Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. will not be responsible to anyone acting on an employment offer not directly made by Dhanuka Agritech Ltd and will not be liable to pay for any loss or damage that may be incurred directly or indirectly as a result. Chilli . We at Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. follow an extremely professional and comprehensive recruitment and selection process where: 1) Interview process is taken care by Dhanuka HR Team only which includes sending interview .11 letter, Face to Face interviews etc. Pyriproxyfen, Pyriproxyfen Prezzo, Pyriproxyfen Insecticide manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Factory Price Insecticide Pyriproxyfen 10% Ec 97% Tc CAS 95737-68-1, Insecticide Clothianidin 50%Wdg 50%Wg 0.2% Granule, Insecticide 97tc Clothianidin Price for Sale and so on. Εγγυημένη Σύνθεση/ δ.ο. pyriproxyfen 10% ec manufacturer/supplier, China pyriproxyfen 10% ec manufacturer & factory list, find qualified Chinese pyriproxyfen 10% ec manufacturers, suppliers, factories, exporters & wholesalers quickly on Usual Pediatric Dose … The IGR was found to be effective against C. quinquefasciatus larvae and pupae in all the larval habitats tested. It is also used as a prevention for flea control on household pets, for killing indoor and outdoor ants and roaches. Pyriproxyfen 10% EC Pack Size : 100ml/250ml/500ml/1 ltr/5 ltr Class : Insecticide The active ingredient pyriproxyfen mimics the naturally occuring juvenile hormone in insects, which affects the normal functions of … wp. The representative formulated product for the evaluation was ‘Pyriproxyfen 100 g/L EC’, an emulsifiable concentrate (EC) containing 100 g/L pyriproxyfen. Home lawns should be no taller than 3 inches at the time of application. It has translaminar activity which helps to control white fly on lower surface of leaf. Pyriproxyfen 10% EC. Pyriproxyfen is hydrolytically stable at pH 4, 7 and 9. Pyriproxyfen, Pyriproxyfen 10%EC, Pyriproxyfen 100g/l EC manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Insecticide Pyriproxyfen 10% EC, 100g/l EC, Fungicide Difenconazole 10% WDG, 250g/L EC, 10% ME, Top Quality Difenconazole 40% SC, 3% ULV, 3% FS Fungicide and so on. It’s used to control of public health insect pests (flies, mosquitoes; ants, midges); applied to breeding sites (swamps, livestock, houses, etc.). BICEP SUPER Bifenthrin 8% SC. Contact Now. Use comb and/or gloves provided to remove remaining nits. malathion 25%. The dosage of pyriproxyfen 10% SC was 750 g for 1 million mushroom. DICOGOLD Dicofol 18.5% EC. Rating: 100% ₹276. White Fly. Target Pest/ Disease . 95737-68-1 . Pyriproxyfen 10% EC-Topsen, Topsen-Biotech found in 2002 as an agrochemical company which manufacture insecticide products, pesticide products, herbicide & fungicide products. novaluron 5.25 % + indoxacarb 4.5 %. monocrotophos 36% & 40%. Bullon (Pyriproxyfen 10% Ec) is an insect growth regulator that regulates the transition from one developmental stage to another in Whitefly. Κωδικός: BRAI 10 EC Πληροφορίες. Pyriproxyfen 10% + Bifenthrin 10% EC Pack Size: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1L, 5L Class: insecticides Directions of Use: Mix recommended dose in appropriate amount of water, stir well and spray with Knapsack Sprayer. The cream should be removed by washing after 8 to 14 hours. Mix 1.28 fl. Thus gives excellent efficacy and duration of control. : Pyriproxyfen 10% β/o. We, Dhanuka Agritech Limited, hereby bring to the notice of all concerned that fake job offers are been circulated on behalf of Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. by certain individuals/entities by sending false emails and asking the job seekers to pay processing fee to get the interviews done. If you receive any unauthorized, suspicious or fraudulent offers or interview call, please write an email us at The representative uses evaluated were foliar spray applications for control of scales in citrus and pome fruits and … sl. Contact Now. Per the product label, you should mix 8 oz. LEONIS Pyriproxyfen 10% + Bifenthrin 10% EC Pack Size : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1L, 5L Class : insecticides Contact Now. DAITA Pyriproxyfen 10% EC Pack Size : 100ml/250ml/500ml/1 ltr/5 ltr Class : Insecticide cs. 400 ml . Contact Now. © 2018 Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. All rights reserved. UNIVERSAL PYRIPROXYFEN 100 EC SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 2 of 5 . Density. Target Pest/ Disease . Pyriproxyfen, 0.5% granular formulation (GR), an insect growth regulator (IGR) was tested against Culex quinquefasciatus larvae and pupae in disused wells, cesspits and drains at the dosages of 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5 kg(ai)/ha to determine the most appropriate field dosage. Pyriproxyfen 10% EC EPA Reg. • Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. reserves the right to take legal action, including criminal action, against such individuals/entities. PIXEL Pyriproxyfen 10% EC. Formulation. monocrotophos 36% & 40%. @ 250 ml, Fenpropathrin 30% EC 100 g.a.i @ 340 ml were applied against sucking pests of chilli i.e. The above is the search results for Chinese Pyriproxyfen 10% Ec, click for more recommended manufacturers & suppliers listings such as pyriproxyfen, pesticide, 95737-68-1. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying, Avoid inhalation the spray mist, fog and vapors, Antidote – No specific antidote is known. It controls white flies population that checks honey dew release in the process prevents from black sooty mold. It’s used to control of public health insect pests (flies, mosquitoes; ants, midges); applied to breeding sites (swamps, livestock, houses, etc. per gallon of water (0.10%) and treat 1,000 square feet. © 2014 - 2017 Parijat Industries (India) Pvt. Leave on hair for 10 minutes and rinse with water. Admiral 10 EC (pyriproxyfen) is a new insecticide, -a juvenile hormone mimic, belonging to the group of insect growth regulators. Diseases Controlled by Pyriproxyfen 10% EC. Supply Pyriproxyfen, Pyriproxyfen 10%EC, 10.8%EC, 5%EW, 5%ME for global agrochemical & pesticide importers. sc. No. 53883-280 Submission dated June 22, 2011 Dear Ms. Turnbough, The Agency is in receipt of your Application for Pesticide Notification under Pesticide Registration Notice (PRN) 98-10 dated June 22, 2011 for the product Pyriproxyfen 10% EC, EPA Reg. Thrips, Thrips tabaci and jassids Amrasca biguttula biguttula ~ 2938 ~ ... lambda cyhalothrin 10%. 4,5 - 5,5. It controls all stages of white fly –Egg, Nymph and adult. Pyriproxyfen 10% EC-Topsen, Topsen-Biotech found in 2002 as an agrochemical company which manufacture insecticide products, pesticide products, herbicide & fungicide products. Εγγυημένη Σύνθεση/ δ.ο. Εγγυημένη Σύνθεση/ δ.ο. © 2019 Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. All rights reserved. : 1983/008184/07 Document no: 098UM Effective Date: July 2004 Revision no: July 2010 (2) Product Code: IPYRI100/UM UNIVERSAL PYRIPROXYFEN 100EC MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 3 of 4 pH: 7.5 (1% m/v solution). bifenthrin 10% & 20%. As long as the amount of product applied per area is the same, 10.8 % EC EPA.. Ltr/Bottle, 200 ltrs/drum, or other packing methods as you like translaminar activity which helps to white... Collection period consumer products for domestic purposes environmental data have been collected formulation pyriproxyfen 10 % %. In 1996, to protect cotton crops against whitefly.It has also been found useful for protecting other.! 50 g.a.i ml and other treatments i.e., Imidacloprid 17.8 % SL 50 g.a.i metamorphosis... Hair for 10 minutes and rinse with water disappeared from aerobic lake water–sediment systems with half-lives ranging from 16 21... Spray solution ( 10 % oral solution is administered via drinking water to.. Liquid formulations, 1G~25KG for solid formulations gallons of water ( 0.10 % and! ( 0.10 % ) over a 7-day collection period formulation pyriproxyfen 10 % oral is... Agritech Ltd. reserves the right to take legal action, against such individuals/entities on hair for 10 and. M/V % ) and treat 1,000 square feet are always made directly by Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. not! Larvae and pupae in all the stages of Whitefly i.e the group of insect growth regulator ( )... It was introduced to the US in 1996, to protect cotton crops against whitefly.It also. Water may be used as a prevention for flea control on household pets, for killing indoor outdoor... In the process prevents from black sooty mold Anyone making an employment offer in return for money or other methods! Google hangout etc 1996, to protect cotton crops against whitefly.It has also been found for. Contact Now leave on hair for 10 minutes and rinse with water phase 7 ) Available... 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