You can also check out my cast and director interview HERE, for behind the scenes moments! Finally he escapes and his mother puts him to bed. Required fields are marked *, Hi! See the video story below, Peter Rabbit Story Video The movie also shares countless lessons which by example will inspire children. I might take them to it this weekend! It makes the movie so perfect and takes you on a journey down their path to discover who they are, how to learn from mistakes and a deeper sense of how the bunnies feel about humans, nature and in particular, their side of the story in the Beatrix Potter’s tale, which was originally concentrated on the narrator’s point of view. I can’t wait to see this movie with the kids. The film's story focuses on Peter Rabbit as he deals with new problems, when the death of Mr. McGregor brings his great-nephew to the area who quickly discovers the trouble Peter's family can cause. The Tale of Peter Rabbit. The live action grabs interest of children who are used to and like more engaged stories. […] I was invited to Cali to attend a series of Peter Rabbit Movie events, if you would like to hear my thoughts on the movie, you read them here. I love that about the movie and how the message is clearly shared on a level that even little ones will understand. One thing I really liked in the movie was that Peter took responsibility for his actions. Peter Rabbit and his gang look adorable. This sounds like a fabulous movie. Love the trailer. You can check it all out HERE. I’m Claudia! The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a moral of compliance. The animation does look incredibly realistic! It seems to be an adorable movie! So be true to your heart and check out these life lessons. Mr. McGregor tries to catch Peter, but he escapes. 1. Print Lesson. The cast is amazing and hilarious! The successful combination of comedy, animation, life’s lessons makes this movie a classic, to be enjoyed by all generations! LESSON 13: Character Motivation - Peter RabbitLESSON 14: Character Contributions- Peter Rabbit. While I think the moral of the story is an important lesson for kids to learn, I don’t believe that I learned obedience from The Tale of Peter Rabbit. The main character of the story was Peter Rabbit, who had three sisters by the names of Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail. Peter teaches Wendy a valuable lesson when he says “I gave my word.” It makes me sad that, unfortunately, it can be hard to find someone who keeps their word and it’s even harder for me to deal with it. We plan on seeing it this weekend as a family! Share. Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal 4 teachers like this lesson. Objective. This is definitely the kind of film that’s fun to see with family. I can’t wait to watch with my family. “Peter Rabbit” is an entertaining movie with some concerns and some redeeming qualities. Peter became very sick in the evening. The four bunnies lived with their mother, Mrs. Rabbit, underneath a huge tree in the woods. Lesson Summary. Peter Rabbit opens in theaters on Feb 9th! I grew up With Peter Rabbit when I saw the trailer I couldn’t wait to take my grandkids. I bet a lot of families love this movie, haven’t seen it yet. We’re taking our granddaughter to see it tomorrow! I loved the books when I was a child and it makes me happy that I can share this part of my childhood with my kids. Can’t wait to see it. The animation looks so real. This moral lesson is something that almost everyone can relate to, but it’s also timeless. AD- I want to bring a serious conversation to you. Peter's mother warns her four children, in her absence, not to do something. The story combines humor and adventure and is accompanied by beautiful watercolors. In the story, Peter Rabbit's mother tells him... See full answer below. Peter Rabbit was one of my favorite stories growing up as well. After a few minutes, you will forget that the bunnies are animated characters and will follow their journey through an adventurous, funny and beautiful path. This was such a great post to read as we are debating on which movie to see. ESL video lesson with an interactive quiz: Basic listening comprehension. It looks like such a cute movie! The moral of Beatrix Potter's The Tale of Peter Rabbit is that you should always listen to your parents. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Here is a visual depiction of, “Peter Rabbit Story”. We are totally excited about seeing this. I am glad that you enjoyed the movie! The names of Peter's siblings are Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail and are often used as names for chocolate Easter bunnies each year. It has such important life lessons!! I can’t wait to take the kids to go see this. Peter Rabbit disobeys his mother and goes to Mr. McGregor's garden instead of going to pick blackberries with Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail. Peter Rabbit was one of my son’s favorite books growing up. But I won’t spoil that part for you! I can’t wait to see this movie, actually my whole family is super excited for it. REVIEW: ‘Peter Rabbit’ a funny and wholesome film with plenty of life lessons. Unlike the book, the movie adds a touch of romance and give Beatrix (Bia) a more active role, when directly interacting with the bunnies and falling in love! I know we’ll all enjoy it. Loved the trailer for it. The successful combination of comedy, animation, life’s lessons makes this movie a classic, to be enjoyed by all generations! It centers on Peter Rabbit, whose disobedience leads to trouble. We are all fans of Peter Rabbit here, so we can’t wait to go see the film! […], Your email address will not be published. Welcome to my trendy space! I’m so excited for this movie! Let’s travel together! I need to see this movie with my kids. This series includes a teacher lesson plan, sequencing activities, an edible craft and other clever ways to use this book as a teaching tool. Peter Rabbit looks so cute and funny! The film was released in the United States on February 9, 2018 to mixed reviews and grossed $351 million worldwide. We are going to see the movie today. Nothing special from your basic kids film, about as good as ninja go. The naughty little bunny that goes off on his own doing things he shouldn’t. The movie offers a large amount of fun and large action scenes, which will keep you entertained and engaged in that magical world – from garden excursions to partying hard, battling against the enemies and finally a walk through London which I thought added a great touch to their on-going fast paced action. Eating breakfast is important. Your email address will not be published. This looks like such a cute movie. I can’t wait to take the kids to see this movie! Peter gets into an awful lot of trouble and faces the consequences when he gets home. The Tale of Peter Rabbit made the titular bunny's name famous, but many people forget that there were other young rabbits in this story as well. It looks like a fun movie! And, of course, the most important lesson of The Tale of Peter Rabbit: 1. I can’t wait to go see this movie, because there is so much buzz about it. Services, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. I love that about movies and new technology! We would buy activity books related to the book and do other things to celebrate his love for the story! The moral of Beatrix Potter's The Tale of Peter Rabbit is that you should always listen to your parents. Peter Rabbit is kinda funny and kinda cute. Peter nevertheless sneaks into the garden and has several close encounters with Mr. McGregor. Become a member to unlock this Educating the kids and keeping the parents entertained as well. Peter Rabbit star Elizabeth ... earnest film is tell a really important tale and also sort of deliver the really important moral lessons. Let me take you with me in a love journey of languages, colors, senses, fashion, beauty and tech trends! We are so super excited to see this movie! Still, a good time at the movies is a good time at the movies, and Peter Rabbit is just that. I have also just preordered. They are really funny and they act so alive! Bruscini, Veronica. LOVE this movie!! Add to Favorites. Its ok of Adults its good for kids why not…. I love their cast. Assessment. A CGI series, Peter Rabbit, made for the Nickelodeon Channel in 2012, anticipates the more improvisatory tone and outlook of the recent Sony Entertainment adaptation of the Potter tale, Peter Rabbit. Peter is easily frightened and avoids anything that smacks of danger or adventure. This looks like it would be such a fun movie!I think the kids would love it! Through the story, from the change of heart of Mr. McGregor with a modern spin, to the lessons learned by Peter and his family, Peter Rabbit Movie teaches children that we’re responsible for our actions and we should learn from our mistakes, taking action to correct them! March 13, 2018. I used to love the Beatrix potter books as a kid, and I went to the museum sooooo many times with my family! Objective. Works cited Potter, Beatrix. The movie looks hilarious! I’m glad you liked it! Well, after watching the movie, not only I was pleasantly surprised, but I also felt I was immersed in a world of fantasy … it was like being inside the story with a fresh pair of eyes! The trailers look hilarious. The characters, the gardens, all the beauty of the pages unveiled in a perfect combination of animation and real life acting! Peter rabbit sounds like a great movie experience. Website Designed by Peter Rabbit has been entertaining children since 1902 when he appeared in his first book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit. I’m taking them next Saturday. This sounds like an adorable movie! However, this means that it also falls into the category of animated films that try to cater to both children and adults with crude, sarcastic humor—ultimately alienating both in the process. 8. I like the animation and the lessons from the story. Then again, maybe my concern for Peter … Create your account. Peter Rabbit's mother trusts her bunnies enough to leave them alone for a day, but Peter proves himself to be quite disobedient. Intro and techniques The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter Summary of the Story. I mean totally seamless! I’ve been looking forward to taking my kids to see this! I have seen that the animation is spectacular! In the story Peter goes into the garden when his mother tells him not do to that. Peter Rabbit was one of my favorite stories growing up as well. I really enjoy this actress and would love to watch this film in theaters soon! I wonder at what age a child would be able to constructively learn a lesson from a book such as this. © copyright 2003-2021 Join our Trendy Talk Facebook Group for tips on growing your Social Media and taking your business to the next level. I can’t wait to see it! This was my favorite book as a kid. To be … Throughout The Tale of Peter Rabbit, we follow Peter on his adventures as he runs down the lane, through the Bonus points if your breakfast is happy to see you. I felt that I could reach out and touch the bunnies they were so realistic. Thanks for sharing. In the story, Peter Rabbit's mother tells him... Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. The classic children's book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, is perfect for an elementary classroom unit study. I think the blend of human actors and animation is really neat. Peter Rabbit's Life Lessons for Kids This movie has so many teachable moments, Without divulging the surprises you'll encounter during the film, Peter Rabbit goes beyond just entertaining its viewers. Legacy questions aside, what we have here is an enormously entertaining family movie … I glad that you enjoyed the movie! The animation is unbelievable. 3 | Peter Rabbit™ Tales: A Study Guide for Classroom Teachers Peter Rabbit™ Tales Show Synopsis At the beginning of the play, we meet the characters in our story: Peter Rabbit is grown-up and has his own garden. I like a movie that has life’s lessons woven in to the story. I want to eat h it for a movie night. Latina Fashion Blogger and Latina Beauty Blogger, February 7, 2018 By Claudia Krusch 40 Comments. I think it takes her from being a narrator to an active participant in the story, which for me, was a perfect addition! It really seems like real life right? Who knows, maybe 98 Degrees will magically appear at the end of this post! 2. I can not wait to see it! I can’t wait to hear what you think, as usual, give us a trendy shout! I invite you to join my Trendy Latina adventures! On the contrary, Potter enjoyed making Peter Rabbit a rebel against convention. I am excited to see this movie with my niece. This movie is going to be an instant classic for sure. Every Easter season, I would pick it up to read, because he loved it so much. Children have always disobeyed their parents, and parents will always try to keep their kids safe. His mother put Peter to bed with some tea and then gave him some medicine. Peter Rabbit was one of my favorite stories growing up as well. She looks exactly how I would picture her! Copyright © 2021 | I saw it being announced at the movies and it is so funny! Best Peter Rabbit lesson activities for a Peter Rabbit movie lesson plan, Peter Rabbit writing prompt, Peter Rabbit study guide, Peter Rabbit curriculum, free peter rabbit printables and coloring pages, and learning about characters in a story! The Tale of Peter Rabbit was a fictional story for children written by Beatrix Potter. You need to watch it! All rights reserved. I’d love to watch this movie as well. So. This has convinced me to go! Looking forward to it . I love that this is a movie for all ages. The kids really want to see Peter Rabbit. He’s also maintained his popularity with the adults who grew up enjoying the tales of his adventures and the captivating drawings by Beatrix Potter. I loved this movie. I love how the Peter Rabbit is edutaining movie goers. Whereas his brothers, Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-Tail had delicious bread, blueberries, and milk for supper. Peter Rabbit was also a favorite book in the house while the girls were growing up. I liked peter rabbit while growing up, so I can not wait to see the movie. I think my children will love the movie very much because they loved the book too! You will have to decide if the heavy comedic violence and recklessness of the first three quarters of the film are balanced out by the last fourth of the film in which forgiveness is sought and a lesson is learned. The main character in Beatrix Potter’s story The Tale of Peter Rabbit is Peter Rabbit. Character Traits - Peter Rabbit. Closure. (They won’t, but read on anyways because these lessons are both fun and heart warming!) More Info, Lifestyle Blogger, Trendy Brazilian Brand Ambassador Girl Boss Living A Busy Life in NY-NJ-PA [email protected] #Cars #Travel #Tech. I am taking my family to watch it today, because I feel it’s a movie for all ages; one that every generation will enjoy! I love that the movie also brings us back to the original story at times, even showing portions of the book with a special twist, making the whole experience magical and also inspiring children to check the book out, if they haven’t heard of it! Independent Practice. I remember the book and it brings me many great memories. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! So glad you were able to this press trip. The owner of this website,, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking Trendy Latina to Amazon properties including, but not limited to,,,,, or My brother is staying & hiking m a, I sat with hot cocoa by three last night, reminisc, This Holiday, I've worked on a bucket list for thi, This year, more than ever, I’m making a goal to, You know this Holiday will be different, no open h, I often take a look at my year and current state o, I will never forget this Halloween! SOURCE: Children’s Books and Reading. Saw Peter Rabbit at the movies with my sister and great niece (6 years old). Are you ready? Peter Rabbit is not as squeaky-clean as Paddington or Paddington 2, but nevertheless stays within the family-friendly realm and provides a story that most families will welcome.. Thomas McGregor is a self-centered department store employee who wants only one thing out of life: to climb the corporate ladder. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree, Common Core ELA - Literature Grades 11-12: Standards, Reading Review for Teachers: Study Guide & Help, Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators - Reading (5712, 5713): Study Guide & Practice, Praxis English Language Arts - Content & Analysis (5039): Practice & Study Guide, CAHSEE English Exam: Test Prep & Study Guide, 10th Grade English Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, GACE Reading (617): Practice & Study Guide, GACE Middle Grades Reading (012): Practice & Study Guide, PLACE Reading Specialist: Practice & Study Guide, NMTA Reading (013): Practice & Study Guide, NMTA English Language Arts (301): Practice & Study Guide, NES Essential Academic Skills Reading Subtest 1 (001): Practice & Study Guide, Biological and Biomedical This is such a great blend of human and animation, it’s one of my favorites about the movie too! The Tale of Peter Rabbit, one of the best-selling children’s books of all time, written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter, printed privately in 1901 and published in 1902. It´s a good idea to watch the whole video first and then play this interactive activity. The animation is getting so awesome in movies these days. Peter Rabbit has not learned, nor was supposed to learn, a moral lesson from his first adventure. London: Penguin Group, 1989. I can’t wait to go see this movie, because there is so much buzz about it. Looking forward to seeing the movie with them. I have actually seen the movie with Beatrix, where she is played by Kate Winslet, and always wondered how Peter Rabbit would be. Design a map of Mr. McGregor’s garden. Listen to your mother. When I heard that the Peter Rabbit movie was coming out, one of my concerns was: is that going to be faithful and bring the true beauty of the story to the screen? What is the moral of The Tale of Peter Rabbit? 60 Peter Rabbit activities and lesson plans make learning fun with the books and movies (Peter Rabbit 1 and Peter Rabbit 2!). Not too much g, Hosted -We had a blast at the @woodloch resort! Life Lessons from Peter Pan ~ #2 Always Keep Your Word. The Potter Project: The Tale of Peter Rabbit, or, Stay Away From the Man Who Ate Your Father January 24, 2008 by brookeshelf Peter gave himself up for lost, and shed big tears; but his sobs were overheard by some friendly sparrows, who flew to him in … Author: Beatrix Potter Plot Summary: Peter Rabbit and his siblings are forbidden to play in Mr. McGregor’s garden, as it was there that their father died. Appreciating Life Lessons from Peter Rabbit. Happy New Year! Peter Rabbit, starring James Corden, Margot Robbie, Domnhall Gleeson, and Elizabeth Debicki, bring the beloved children’s book to life in honorable fashion behind director Will Gluck; who you may know for his work in other films such as Easy A or Friends with Benefits. I have little personal history with the original stories so I’ll let some other critics carry that pitchfork. At its core, The Tale of Peter Rabbit is about a facet of human behavior that has been around forever. Modeling and Guided Practice. I love James Corden too! ★ ½. Peter Rabbit belongs to a long line of recent animated films that attempt to revamp classic children’s stories to fit modern sensibilities. Students watch the trailer of Peter Rabbit and unscramble some sentences and fill in the gaps of others. answer! Stand up for what you believe in. Click here for the complete lesson and resources. I believe that choice was crucial to making the movie more interesting and current than the original plot! 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