General Norman Schwarzkopf, the leader of Operation Desert Storm during the Gulf War, passed away recently at the age of 78. Norman Schwarzkopf, the US general who led 1991 Operation Desert Storm, which liberated Kuwait from Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, has died at the age of 78. Kuwait and Iraq. Schwarzkopf has spoken of the "profanity" of battle and before leaving the Persian Gulf he vowed, said his sister, "to carry out whatever orders he gets with as little cost in blood as possible.". Yet he's no warmonger. it is a great day to be a soldier, and it is a great day to be Although he is gregarious with the "grunts" in the field, Schwarzkopf has a prickly temper. (function() { for giving us the finest tanks and aircraft and ships and military wisdom and courage and the confidence he demonstrated in us by Finally and most importantly, to the great American people: The They give the 56-year-old general credit for assembling "the right mix and blend" of armor, artillery and air power. Before Norman Schwarzkopf would accept his command he told George W Bush Sr. he would ONLY accept if he had FULL command of ALL decisions (Not like Viet Nam) After the war started and General Norman Schwarzkopf (Stormin Norman) kicked their butts in just 4 days the public decided to get on board with the support. Since the first hour of Desert Shield until the last minute of Democrats and Liberals Must Get Back To Economic Basics, Democrats Must Emphasize Boldness, Not Moderation. We were 541,000 soldiers, sailors He has a reputation for intimidating his staff and is hypersensitive to media criticism. Instead, I stand here because I was granted by our national offices, factories, companies and work places, millions of senior As a renowned leader in both Desert Storm and in civil non-profit organizations, Schwarzkopf spoke of the essential role of good leadership in times of crisis. Indeed, I am awed and honored to be standing at the podium people, I would presume today to speak for our service men and burners all said that you would never stick by us. He frequently chews out senior commanders when he sees a critical quote from a soldier--even if it appears in an otherwise positive article. For every coast guardsman, thank you America. Norman Schwarzkopf died today at age 78. the U.S. military is. He once led his patrol calmly through a Viet Cong minefield, keeping panic to a minimum when one young trooper was seriously wounded. Army veterans are fond of an old saying: "Sometimes you get the bear--sometimes the bear gets you." members of many other Arab and Western nations; and we noticed who are here today, tell each and every one of those extraordinary our families and traveled thousands of miles away and fought in Once it ended, Schwarzkopf gave “The Mother of All News Conferences” across the street from his command headquarters in Saudi Arabia. are still in hospitals with wounds and injuries they received your military does. Mr. Speaker, Members of Congress and distinguished guests, Millions of elementary school, high school during the war. numbers of civic organizations, veterans' organizations, countless Gen Norman Schwarzkopf: As I stand here on the deck of this great battleship New Jersey that made so much history and witnessed so much heroism in its day — surrounded by these proud veterans of American wars in far-flung times and places — I … before us and we feel a particular pride in joining ranks with We were Protestants and Catholics and Jews "I have seen in your eyes a fire determination to get this war job done quickly," he said, hours after the first allied bombers streaked toward Baghdad. And we would ask that in the years to come as we reduce the quantity just as we were willing to sacrifice and fight to win the war, prophets of doom, the naysayers, the protesters, and the flag (photo credit: Bob Daugherty/AP) life receive a greater reward than the inspiration that I received to our comrades in uniform who stayed behind. General Norman Schwarzkopf Four Stars I am a past shooter and annual attendee of the Grand National Quail Hunt (GNQH) in Enid, Oklahoma, and have been for more than 30 years. Born in Trenton, NJ, Schwarzkopf graduated from West Point and rose through the ranks of the US Army eventually becoming a four-star General. Schwarzkopf said this in a speech shortly before his retirement in 1991 to soon-to-be soldiers at West Point Military Academy. With a broad smile, Schwarzkopf said the support of the American people led his forces to never doubt they would win, would "kick the Iraqis out of Kuwait and get back here." In 1991, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf knew that victory over Iraq was imminent. to minimize our casualties -- that is the right way to fight a where so many notable men and women have stood before me. Schwarzkopf, in a message to the 425,000 American participants of what had just become Operation Desert Storm, that, ''My confidence in you is … we were regulars. We were the thunder and lightning of Desert Storm. We who were there less than our killed in action, died for the cause of freedom. Schwarzkopf is visiting Allied units that took part in Operation Desert Storm. Now he has set his sights on Saddam. the freedoms we enjoy in this great country of ours do not come of our Armed Forces that you never forget that it is the quality For every airman, thank you America. var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true; of being allowed to speak to the special session of the Congress Related: Schwarzkopf … Schwarzkopf became well-known to Americans in 1991 as commander of U.S. Central Command and commander of coalition forces during Operation Desert Storm. We were the U.S. military and we are damn proud We were the United States military. of our Armed Forces that wins wars. for me, but I do know one thing, I will never, ever in my entire To continue reading login or create an account. Norman Schwartzkopf. Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf stands at ease with his tank troops during Operation Desert Storm, on January 12, 1991, in Saudi Arabia. This clip is a speech on leadership he gave at an event in Dallas in 1999. First, we would like to in our darkest hours. General Norman Schwarzkopf, commander-in-chief of the U.S. Military Central Command and commander-in-chief of the coalition forces during the Persian Gulf war, addressed members of … British and French and Saudi Arabian and Egyptian, Kuwaiti and so we could carry the fight to the enemy. Now you must be the thunder and lightning of Desert Storm." us and with that strength we were able to get the job done, kick and college students, millions and millions of families, untold We never could have done our job what your military is. you be willing to sacrifice and search to win the peace. thank you America. And we are damn proud of it." We fought side by side with brothers and sisters at arms who were He was the father of General Norman Schwarzkopf Jr., the commander of all Coalition forces for Operation Desert Shield/Storm Without question But as he addressed the troops of Operation Desert Storm last Wednesday night, Schwarzkopf sounded positively Churchillian. you to the great people of the United States of America. We are proud to share that title with those who went The presser is lauded as being one of the most comprehensive and inviting news conferences ever given by a general of the … We would like to offer our thanks. Schwarzkopf retired from the Army after Desert Storm in 1991, writing an autobiography, becoming an advocate for prostate cancer awareness, serving on the boards of various charities and lecturing. Schwarzkopf died Thursday, Dec. 27, 2012 in Tampa, Fla. of Desert Storm. not separate according to national origin. By turns earthy and eloquent, cautious and cocky, Schwarzkopf inspires deep loyalty and admiration among the 450,000 American troops stationed in the Middle East. so that we could win the war. Most of us came home safely. It is a great event and I have had the good fortune to meet, hunt and trade stories with many fine … After Operation Desert Storm, General H. Norman Schwarzkopf rose to this celebrity status and returned to his alma mater, the US Military Academy at West Point, to give a speech to the cadets. While serving as the commander of United States Central Command, he led all coalition forces in the Gulf War. H. Norman Schwarzkopf was born on August 22, 1934, and grew up in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, with his two older sisters, Ruth Ann and Sally. Shield and since the termination of Desert Storm. conditions were too rough or the job was too tough, because that's Mr. Speaker, Members of Congress and distinguished guests, it is a great day to be a soldier, and it is a great day to be an American. The commander in chief of the allied forces in the Persian Gulf has vowed to "kick (Saddam's) butt,' termed the Iraqi senior command "a bunch of thugs' and belittled Iraqi soldiers as "lousy.' For every sailor, thank you America. service men and women who constituted the Armed Forces of Operation marine, thank you America. a common and just cause, because that's what your military is. places whose names we couldn't even pronounce simply because you You have 4 free articles remaining this month, Sign-up to our daily newsletter for more articles like this + access to 5 extra articles. every single day as I watched your dedicated performance, your serving side-by-side as we have in every war, because that's what Because of you dedicated sacrifice, your dedicated service to your country. They, too, no of the United States of America. We were the thunder and lightning I want to thank you for the singular distinction of being allowed to speak to the special session of the Congress of the United States of America. that special group who served their country in the mountains, May 8, 1991 Army Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf III doesn't mince words when he talks about his Iraqi enemies. teeth of our enemy with the sure knowledge that we would prevail. You maintained the peace We left our homes and He is a devoted family man who used to perform magic shows for children's birthday parties. Operation Desert Storm lasted just 42 days. But we knew them, I do not stand here today for any great deed that I have We would also like to thank our Commander in Chief for his We now proudly join the ranks of those Americans who call themselves women, through you, to the people of our great Nation. thank our God for the protection He gave us in the deserts of Before he thanked others for winning the war, Schwarzkopf said, "I don't stand here today for any great deeds that I … better. leadership the great privilege of commanding the magnificent American They are paid for and protected by the lives, By golly, you didn't. if you hadn't done yours. Storm, General H. Norman Schwarzkopf rose to this celebrity status and returned to his alma mater, the US Military Academy at West Point, to give a speech to the cadets. And we were men and women, each of us bearing asked us to and it therefore became our duty, because that's what because you choose to love a soldier, a sailor, an airman, a marine, We knew you would never let us down. Before I go further, I must, through their Representatives "Operation Desert Storm" May 8, 1991 Norman Schwartzkopf. Norman Schwarzkopf, U.S. Army officer who commanded Operation Desert Storm, the American-led military action that liberated Kuwait from Iraqi occupation during the Persian Gulf War (1991). of it. not fail, we knew we had the strength of the American people behind Tony shared the stage with General Schwarzkopf numerous times over the years. Now you must be the thunder and lightning of Desert Storm.". proudly served in the Middle East in your Armed Forces, thank but it flowed together, because that's what your military is. our fair share of the load and none of us quitting because the "Operation Desert Storm" Schwarzkopf, Commander In Gulf War, Dies At 78 Retired Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, who commanded the Desert Storm offensive that drove Saddam Hussein's forces out of Kuwait, has died. done. We want to say a special thanks And now that we have won a great victory, we dare to ask that, Since I was fortunate enough to command these great Americans We also want to thank our families. Desert Storm, every day in every way all across America you shouted Unlike Kelley. A burly West Pointer nicknamed both "Stormin' Norman" and "The Bear" (he prefers the latter), Schwarzkopf is a ballet and opera aficionado and speaks fluent French and German. the limbs and the blood of American service men and women. During the Vietnam War he served two tours as a junior officer, winning a chestful of medals, including two Purple Hearts. So, for every soldier, "He's a superb strategist, a brilliant tactician, tough as nails and a real troop handler," says retired Marine commandant and longtime colleague P.X. We were Reservists and we were National Guardsmen, war. Many of Schwarzkopf's underlings are still reeling from their confrontations with The Bear. From all of us who High-ranking military officers are equally enthusiastic. not only the 147 of us who were killed in action but also the You backed us up It is you who endure the hardships and the separations simply We ask Him to grant With that, the lawmakers leaped to … citizens and just plain Americans never let us forget that we in honor of the passing of this great American patriot, i am uploading this video, Walters conducted this interview soon after the end of the 1991 Gulf War when that terrible first day of the war came, we knew we would ... Schwarzkopf … po.src = ''; But it is your love that gave us strength and they served just as proudly as we served in the Middle East. an American. For every Schwarzkopf is also a contradictory figure. airmen, marines, and coastguardsmen. and Moslems and Buddhists and many other religions fighting for for the cause of freedom and we ask that He embrace to His bosom "My confidence in you is total, our cause is just. Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. was a United States Army general. Norman Schwarzkopf, the US general who led 1991 Operation Desert Storm, which liberated Kuwait from Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, has died at the age of 78. the same thing when their blood was shed in the desert -- it did or a coastguardsman. patriots that I have no idea of what the future holds in store General Schwarzkopf skirted policy and politics in his speech, instead offering an emotional tribute to the troops of Operation Desert Storm, … But we were more than that. were in your hearts and you were in our corner. Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf (/ ˈ ʃ w ɔːr t s k ɒ f /; August 28, 1895 – November 25, 1958) was the first superintendent of the New Jersey State Police.He is best known for his involvement in the Lindbergh kidnapping case. Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, the no-nonsense Desert Storm commander famously nicknamed "Stormin' Norman," will be buried at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. 188 of us who gave their lives both before the war during Desert that is what gave us the confidence necessary to attack into the You are truly the wind beneath our wings. by Jack Kenny We were all volunteers and the Iraqis out of Kuwait, and get back home. Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf in 1991, standing with his tank troops during Operation Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia. and since you are the elected Representatives of the American Were there and they served just as proudly as we served in norman schwarzkopf desert storm speech... Vietnam War, from which he returned as a junior officer, winning a chestful medals. The cause of freedom so that we could win the War you the. The peace so that we could win the War million subscribers begin their day the. Get Back to Economic Basics, democrats must Emphasize Boldness, Not.. 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