Frankly, I see it getting abused and being hit to 0, but I don't see an emergency banlist needed for it. In this case, your opponent can choose to either first activate the effect of "Mystic Mine" or to return "The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode" to its owner. I know this card has been a hot topic, but I’d like to keep this discussion in regards to how long you think Mystic Mine will actually fare in regards to the next ban list or even a potential emergency ban list. It takes very little skill to pilot, and promotes slow/stall plays. Advanced-4/5 Art-3/5. The absolute best card to side against Mystic Mine, in my opinion. About the MRDS Data: All mine locations were obtained from the USGS Mineral Resources Data System. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Close. Dark Neostorm. Use the links below to view any of those pages. 2 Use Judgment and Bribe to keep Mystic Mine out. Posted by 1 year ago. 76375976 + Phonetic name. Try-hard players like this will waste more than half the game because they don't have an out. A: From an open game state, you can choose to take any legal action. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Tops with Trickstar, Sky striker and Prank-kids. Looking for something fun to do? It can steal wins/tops but so can every other rogue deck. Showing 1 to 25 of 125 entries First Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next Last. For formats that exist in tabletop as well as Magic Online, banned and restricted announcements are announced on Mondays by Tabletop Studio (R&D), and are effective … 3 Mystic Mine 3 Pot of Duality 3 Pot of Extravagance 3 Wave-Motion Cannon. It is my End Phase. "Spellstone Sorcerer Karood" and "Powersink Stone" appears in this card's artwork, implying that in lore, you can mine through the cave to find these stones. Spells [32] 3 Dark Bribe 1 Metaverse 3 Solemn Judgment. Pioneer is a constructed format and therefore adheres to the following constructed rules: But this 2nd batch in 2018 I havent heard of anyone getting banned because of it. This is the format for worlds, if Mystic Mine wins world that would be best so it can get hit. Let me have your thoughts on this. Mine Mystique: Si votre adversaire contrôle plus de monstres que vous, votre adversaire ne peut ni activer d'effets de monstre ni déclarer d'attaque. Premium members have access to Google dynamic maps. It doesn't matter if the deck could go more than rogue or not, it's just not fun to play against in general. Discussion. Trap Trick also double up as Metaverse, but should be avoided if possible.When using Trap Trick to set Metaverse and then activating it … Inb4 Hoban returns to “Side out the Mine?”, No way an unofficial ban would work in the TCG, we’re many times bigger than the OCG (whose tournaments are usually much smaller as well). From playing against it alot now it feels alot like an altergiest deck it's annoying and can be a pain to play but is very vulnerable to blow out games. This is a budget version of the Mystic Mine Deck. Community content is available under. Have tons of fun playing Mystic Mine! This is why Mystic Mine should be banned. Bitchimfab on the 1st batch of banning in 2016 some accounts were banend because of it. They now go back to their ancestral hole where they can spew bile. Traps [7] Deck Total [42] 3 Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell 3 Dark Ruler No More 3 Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju 3 Mystical Space Typhoon I've heard a lot of people talking about things like Twin Twisters, which easily falls flat to counters such as Dark Bribe and Solemn, and as well, more niche counters like Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell fall easily to maindecked Red Reboots and Solemns just the same. View All Versions Number: DANE-EN064 Rarity: Super Rare Attribute /Card Type: SPELL /Field Spell Description: If your opponent controls more monsters than you do, your opponent cannot activate monster effects or declare an attack. But im pretty sure it wont due to mine being a continuous effect. Discussion. Mystic Hoodie + $50 Store Credit (can only ship in US) :(In addidion to : Steam Game Keys 50% Store Coupon for a year. It's going to wreck ygopro for a week then someone will find a consistent out and it will drop off. Use the links below to view any of those pages. Does Sky Striker deserve anymore free wins in this format? It's fits right in with cards like D Rulers, Delinquent Duo and Pot of Greed that will never get off the list. Want to Support me on TCGPlayer, just click the link to start shopping! At the time of the request I had not realized it would also reset all items in all chests as well. Once the card is activacted, the game becomes a boring and dull top-deck situation. Dark Neostorm. Discussion. Si vous contrôlez plus de monstres que votre adversaire, vous ne pouvez ni activer d'effets de monstre ni déclarer d'attaque. Q: I control Mystic Mine, as well as a previously set Ojama Trio. View All Versions Number: DANE-EN064 Rarity: Super Rare Attribute /Card Type: SPELL /Field Spell Description: If your opponent controls more monsters than you do, your opponent cannot activate monster effects or declare an attack. Find lots of genuinely spectacular games at and play absolutely for free! I know they are the most dreaded decks of all time, but would be lying if I said I didn’t love anti meta/troll decks and this could potentially be the king of them. Toggle Deck List; Monster: Destiny HERO - Plasma x1. 36 comments. ... (Ban List: 2019.01 TCG) To post a comment, please login or register a … What happens? 36 turns. I've heard a lot of people talking about things like Twin Twisters, which easily falls flat to counters such as Dark Bribe and Solemn, and as well, more niche counters like Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell fall easily to maindecked Red Reboots and Solemns just the same. 4 man Rogue Tournament Rogue Format $16 Entry 1st gets Phra Box or $60 1. Please consider becoming a member. Contents[show] Mystic Mines Mystic Mines are a post-game expansion located at Mt. Mystic mine removes any and all skill from stun/burn decks since the "strategy" is nearly insurmountable to decks that aren't specifically built to beat it. Name Modifier AP (XBOX) AP (PC) Damage Speed Effect Mystic Mine I Maul 67 67 C D – Mystic Mine II Maul 67 67 C C – Mystic Mine III Mighty Maul 64 64 B Sure main twin maybe even side 1 or 2 cosmic cyclone, tech in a naturia beast package but this deck is not nearly as dominant as people are making it seem. 14,314 + Portuguese lore. The Card Image Gallery is updated every day with the latest card previews. I don’t think it is debilitating enough to warrant a ban just yet. It will drive every rogue deck that doesn't have a sub-25 card main engine out of the format because they will not be able to run enough counters. YES you need to build your deck with this in mind if you're going to events. Neither player controls monsters. Force monsters onto your opponent's side of the field with cards like ". This card may see itself to the ban list in some form coming up, we’ll have to wait and see. The mystic mines are much like Isendel, and are divided into 3 dungeons: Gnome Mine (targeted towards 61-68, but can go there at any level at 61 and up), Orc Mine (targeted towards level 82, can go there any level at 82 and up), and Drow Mine (level 90+). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Kha Bui 4. Also unsure if this works with pseudo space(been awhile since ive read it) if it does that's another thing to consider. 3a Use all the draw power you can till you get Exodia. "Spellstone Sorcerer Karood" and "Powersink Stone" appears in this card's artwork, implying that in lore, you can mine through the cave to find these stones. 3b Use cards like Cosmic Cyclone to get your LP lower than your opponents. I asked cheritz about it but they replied an automail and only stated this: Until Next Time Sometimes cards cannot live up to the hype they received post release or cards in the archetype got banned which caused the strategy as a whole to take a blow. Those lists are maintained on the format pages themselves. Mystic Mine Exodia. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Mine was one of them. Mashōdō + Portuguese database ID. Yu-Gi-Oh! Just play a Mystic Mine and slowly burn them out from there. This duel is … Winners @EarthKing @DJ_Domiman @ChiMaster @Kataaaa Formats unique to Magic Online have their own Banned and Restricted lists. The ban list is one of the most discussed parts of being a Yu-Gi-Oh player. This video demonstrates why Mystic Mine should be banned. Mystic Mine is better than Skill Drain for obvious reasons: Only hurts your opponent, quicker, more searching options to get to it, not limited. Why not do some Gemstone Mining!!! My guess boils down to this: either it'll get dealt with quickly and kicked to curb or it will stick around for way too long and just piss people off. Mystic Mine is better than Skill Drain for obvious reasons: Only hurts your opponent, quicker, more searching options to get to it, not limited. Killjoy. Those lists are maintained on the format pages themselves. Mystic Mine Burn uses Mystic Mine to lockdown the opponent, before dealing direct damage to the opponent for the game.. Opening with Mystic Mine is vital, so the deck runs multiple methods of fetching it – Demise of the Land and Metaverse.. This format is looking to be TERRIBLE and it'll hopefully get banned asap. Magic Online Banned and Restricted Policies. It's been on ygopro for months and it's still topping OCG events, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The World event is on 10 August. Calum Cook 3. Do you think it could get the ax before it sees much play at all or that it might never actually see the limited/forbidden list? A: In this scenario, both "Mystic Mine" and "The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode" are controlled by your opponent, and your opponent is the turn player. Even in YGOPro's Replay, the video is over 5 minutes long. Recently there was a series of claim rollbacks due to lycanites random event trashing a lot of basses. Until Next Time Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. How long do you think this card will actually be playable/avoid the next ban list? Without a reliable way to activate on your opponent's turn, the deck is basically dead. Id say play it and get it out of your system now because konami will either hit it or the playerbase itself will come together and agree on it unofficially being banned, akin to whats happening in japan. Archived. One thing I've said alot to many people is understand this deck is a good rogue deck...and that's it. The Mystic Mine is a copper and gold mine located in Colfax county, New Mexico at an elevation of 12,001 feet. A side note, doesn't metaverse dodge naturia beast? User was warned to not use racial epithets, they then had a major meltdown and asked to be banned. Spells [20] 3 Dark Bribe 3 Heavy Storm Duster 3 Infinite Impermanence 3 Metaverse 1 Solemn Judgment 2 Trap Trick 2 Unending Nightmare. No one likes losing their favorite cards, and players are always hoping particularly powerful decks will eventually get hit to make them more manageable to deal with. The absolute best card to side against Mystic Mine, in my opinion. share. Even if we do decide that, not everyone will follow through with it and do fairly well since no one else will be prepared for the deck. Formats unique to Magic Online have their own Banned and Restricted lists. I imagine going to 1 next banlist, if it functions as intended. No one likes losing their favorite cards, and players are always hoping particularly powerful decks will eventually get hit to make them more manageable to deal with. Press J to jump to the feed. Am interested by the deck and/or getting the cards for it, but want to hear feedback on how long the community actually thinks this card will survive. Pioneer—a new nonrotating format featuring cards from Return to Ravnica and forward . Discuss tactics, episodes, decks, or whatever you'd like. For formats that exist in tabletop as well as Magic Online, banned and restricted announcements are announced on Mondays by Tabletop Studio (R&D), and are effective … Tycoon the Maestro Mystic Mine. MYSTIC MINE HEROES IS A VERY UTILITY DECK, THAT USE MYSTIC MINE AS A CARD IN MORE UTILITY. Enjoy the duel. 3c Use Draw of fate to stack your deck then use any draw 2 card to choose any 3 cards (like Exodia) to add to your hand. It screams instaban. Mystic mine removes any and all skill from stun/burn decks since the "strategy" is nearly insurmountable to decks that aren't specifically built to beat it. Toggle Deck List; Monster: Left Arm of the Forbidden One x1. how about just limiting or banning Metaverse? Mystic Mine is meant to be used by anti-meta decks. You've still 3x metaverse and 2x terraforming, don't see how limiting does much other than slightly hurt consistency. Toggle Deck List; Spells: Mystic Mine x3. ... hopefully konami is done sucking DANE’s teet. That being said. Next TCG banlist can drop this summer, and next OCG banlist is for 1st of July. This card may see itself to the ban list in some form coming up, we’ll have to wait and see. I just want to highlight a few reasons for why this card has become a severe nuisance, and why I disagree with those who say that it is healthy for the game. 3 Mystic Mine 3 Pot of Duality 3 Pot of Extravagance 3 Prohibition 1 Terraforming 3 Wave-Motion Cannon. Experience Southwest Florida’s LARGEST gemstone mining attraction Mystic Mines.Become a prospector as you mine for crystals, gemstones, shark’s teeth and fossils from around the … It will drive every rogue deck that doesn't have a sub-25 card main engine out of the format because they will not be able to run enough counters. The ban list is one of the most discussed parts of being a Yu-Gi-Oh player. ALL YOUR "WORK" CARDS GONNA BE YOUR HEROES. card game, video games, or fans of the Yu-Gi-Oh! What is Pioneer? I dont think theres much in between. Magic Online Banned and Restricted Policies. Mine Mystique: Si votre adversaire contrôle plus de monstres que vous, votre adversaire ne peut ni activer d'effets de monstre ni déclarer d'attaque. Sekka's light based decks have an inherit struggle against Mystic Mine. mystic mine needs to be hit. Mystic Mine is a new Field Spell released in Dark Neostorm that has caused a bit of a kerfuffle recently.. Traps [17] Deck Total [40] 3 Artifact Lancea 2 Chaos Trap … Terraforming x3 Chain Strike x1 Pot of Duality: x3 Monster: Planet Pathfinder x3 Michion, the Timelord x3 Cardcar D: x3 Traps: Just Desserts x3 Secret Barrel x3 Secret Blast x3 Mystic Mine is meant to be used by anti-meta decks. Card page + Passcode. It'll be playable for a while and probably ruin the current meta. Jeff Strain 2. Winners ANNOUNCED SOON Top Voter 1 Chooses 1 of the Following: Mystic Hoodie $50 Store Credit 1 Year Mystic Rank In addition to : Steam Game Keys 25% Store Coupon for a year. I don’t think it is debilitating enough to warrant a ban just yet. Some people are even doing right now but theyre still able to play. The subreddit for players of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Double Masters releases on August 7, 2020. This is NOT the format for worlds. This card is best used in a strategy that does not revolve around controlling monsters. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Play Mystic Mine right now and make sure its graphics are superb and music is invigorating. Si vous contrôlez plus de monstres que votre adversaire, vous ne pouvez ni activer d'effets de monstre ni déclarer d'attaque. Se seu oponente controlar mais monstros qu … Se seu oponente controlar mais monstros que você, seu oponente não pode ativar efeitos de monstro ou declarar um ataque. STRIKE IT RICH AT MYSTIC MINES! Mystic Mine + Page type. This is why Mystic Mine should be banned. Guess my initial thoughts are that it won’t last long simply because if RUM was banned than how can this exist, and that if it’s being banned from use in local stores in Japan that can’t be a good sign , but what do you guys think will happen? 0. Mystic Mine. anime series or manga. Enjoy Mystic Mine together with your friends without limitations and have lots of fun! Advanced-4/5 Art-3/5. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Showing 1 to 25 of 125 entries First Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next Last. Metaverse 3 Solemn Judgment are maintained on the format pages themselves over 5 minutes long Striker and Prank-kids in! Also reset all items in all chests as well Mines are a post-game expansion located at Mt burn out. A: from an open game state, you can choose to take any legal action Data System other... The links below to view any of those pages 'd like see itself to the ban list one. Dane ’ s teet ne pouvez ni activer d'effets de monstre ni d'attaque. 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