Benefits Consultant, Compliance Officer, Financial Advisor and more on Law and Economics offers you the opportunity to study two areas of great significance in contemporary society in a three-year programme which combines the foundations of law alongside compulsory and optional modules in economics (taught by our highly ranked and regarded School of Economics). Economic consultants can also act as expert witnesses in legal cases to assess economic damages, analyze intellectual property and antitrust violations, and to address regulatory violations. Increased interest in biotechnology, the pervasiveness of biotechnology products in daily life, and escalating numbers of patent filings and intellectual property (IP) infringement cases, has caused a high demand for lawyers with scientific and technology backgrounds. Today's top 3,000+ Law And Economics jobs in United States. They devise graphs and charts to convey their decisions to members of the management team. The curiosity that economics majors often possess about how the economic world functions is essential for success in this field. This site uses cookies. Economic consultants use analytical and research skills to carry out studies regarding economic scenarios. Salary: According to the BLS, the median annual lawyer salary was $122,960 in May 2019. Other common economics careers and roles include auditor, stockbroker, insurer, business manager, retail merchandizer, pricing analyst, statistician, financial consultant and salesperson. Given the breadth of the major, there are many possible career choices for people with an economics degree. Lawyers draw on research and writing skills to carry out their work. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Accessed June 25, 2020. The bottom 10% earned less than $34,350 and the top 10% earned more than $122,630., Job Outlook: The BLS projected that employment of market research analysts will grow 20% from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations.. The bottom 10% earned less than $43,430 and the top 10% earned more than $145,840.. Take 27 credit hours of economics courses and share three (3) credits from a law course, allowing nine (9) credits of economics courses to apply toward the JD program. They create reports and present their findings to senior management, and might also work with their company's human resources department. Actuary 2. Business development manager 3. Indeed may be compensated by these employers, helping keep Indeed free for jobseekers. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Their analyses often require the advanced quantitative skills possessed by many economics majors. Accessed June 25, 2020. Financial risk analyst 9. By evaluating the many systems â such as markets, corporations, and unions â that continually affect the international arena, students develop a strong ability to objectively analyze the role of economics on both political and social levels. Deal broker, with responsibility for matching acquiring firms with targets, both in a legal and an economic sense, while taking special responsibility for the quality of covenants. 17,223 Economic Law jobs available on Browse the LinkedIn profiles of some of our graduates in Law and Economics. A degree in economics (or joint honours including economics) is essential to become a professional economist. If you're the analytical type, fascinated by the world around you, then an economics major might be a good choice for you. They also create models to predict the impact of investments, policy decisions, industry trends, demographics, climate change, and much more. "Credit Analysts." Solicitor, ScotlandJobs where your degree would be useful include: 1. The bottom 10% earned less than $59,670 and the top 10% earned more than $208,000., Job Outlook: The BLS predicts that jobs for lawyers will grow by 6% through 2028, about as fast as average for all occupations.. Find out how to use your economics and politics degree in your career on Wednesday 22 July from 1â3pm BST EU and Greek flags in front of the ancient Parthenon temple in Athens. Both the School of Economics and the School of Law have an average of 12 PhD students who are working under the supervision of a professor toward a doctorate.