The return of romance, drama, and pure-hearted romance. As soon as I finished the first season, I clicked the link for the second season. Microsoft and partners may be compensated if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. Misaki now lives with Usami and has been excepted to an University. 1 Plot 2 Character Appearance 3 Image gallery 4 Rating 5 Navigation It's been a month since Misaki started living in the house of Akihiko Usami. Junjou Romantica Season show reviews & Metacritic score: Junjou Romantica Misaki has now been living with Akihito for a month. There are A LOT of characters and A LOT of bonds between them. Junjou Romantica Episode 2 English Subbed. 10. This is "junjou romantica official funimation dub episode 1 "truth is stranger than fiction"" by claire uzumaki on Vimeo, the home for high quality… Misaki has made his way to attending a university, and continues to live with distinguished author Akihiko – a man who is persistent as ever in pursuing a relationship with Misaki. Back to the beloved couples, and their perils in their forbidden relationships. Other than that, an anime that can live up to its title: "Pure-Hearted Romance". S3, Ep1. As far as I know, the seiyuu (voice actors) do their best in comedy, ecchi and shounen-ai anime. Seasons and episodes availability varies between streaming services. OMG WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!!! Season 1; Season 2; Season 3; 1x1 Junjou Romantica 1-1. He has difficulty … Disney + Pixar + Marvel + Star Wars + Nat Geo, Stream on up to 4 devices at the same time. 2015 All Good Things Must Come to an End ... « Season 2 | Season 3 ... Getting Started | Contributor Zone » Contribute to This Page. Full Cast and Crew; Release Dates; … It's still not my favorite anime, but I definitely had a better impression of this season than the previous one. 541,984 Movies. Misaki has made his way to attending a university, and continues to live with distinguished author Akihiko – a man who is persistent as ever in pursuing a relationship with Misaki. 12. I'VE BEEN UTTERLY CORRUPTED AND MY MIND'S BEEN CORRUPTED! Ehm! The second part of Junjou Romantica continuing the story. It's average. 2,062,644 Members. Season: OR . 10,794 Anime. Junjou Romantica 2 Episode 11 - Hate the Sin, Not the Sinner A call for a family meeting seems to annoy Akihiko, but despite his numerous attempts to get out of it, he winds up going. NO SPOILER - This second season was really much better than the first. What I missed in the first, I found in the second. 13 years ago. No use crying over spilt milk (後悔先に立たず, Kōkai Saki ni Tatazu) is the second episode of the Junjou Romantica anime series. Episode 11. Story: There are three pairings that the story is circling about and it changes its centre so that every one of them gets just about enough spotlight. other anime fans just like you. Episode 2 15 Maret, 2020. Also, the 2nd season so happens to be slightly better animated than the 1st (again: average). So, the stories collide, but they do not cross paths and there was never a love triangle between three main characters (although in one case 1st person gets jelous of 2nd person because the 3rd person was his childhood friend and was in love with him before he met the 1st person, but you barely notice it!). View; You might also … or "Hey! Anime-Planet is a site run by fans, for fans. In order to reduce the stress of … Watch latest episodes of your favourite anime series online as soon as they are released. A second season … The background music has kept up to expectations and has fit the mood perfectly and the OP and ED themes are very catchy, rhythmical and mollifying. 1 Overviews 1.1 Season 1 1.2 Season 2 1.3 Season 3 2 List of episodes 2.1 Season 1 2.2 Season 2 2.3 Season 3 3 References Misaki Takahashi is a regular high school student who is preparing for his university entrance exams. The more "erotic" scenes are not worked on especially, either. Sorry, no one has started a discussion yet. 12 years ago. Tap the Add button in the upper right corner. If you wanna make a soap opera, make it about boys falling in love with boys, not Juan loving his boss's daughter who is to get married to Alejandro or whatever. This episode features the Junjou Romantica couple. (or maybe I'm just exaggerating...) Other than that, the main characters are all terribly different and, the best thing is, hilarious when they're together. Founded in 2001 as the first anime & manga recommendation database. The OAD feature all three main couples from the Junjou Romantica manga (Junjou Romantica, Junjou Egoist, Junjou Terrorist). Junjou Romantica Episode 2 - There's No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk Through a strange twist of events, Misaki finds himself living with Akihiko. Anyway, let me, the non-shounen-ai-loving person, share some basic thoughts with you. The anime series 'Junjō Romantica' is based on the yaoi series Junjō Romantica by Shungiku Nakamura.. Back to the beloved couples, and their perils in their forbidden relationships. Spare the rod and spoil the child (可愛い子には旅をさせよ, Kawaii Ko ni wa Tabi o sase yo) is the seventh episode of the Junjou Romantica anime series. As I said before, the characters constantly collide, they are there, always, debuting or not, you always have them on your mind because they're easily remembered (because of their little awkward whims everybody has) and they're always haunting you from the sides of your mind, making you think "What would this guy say if he saw this?" Looking for episode specific information Junjou Romantica on episode 2? That guy's still here (somewhere)!" On the way to the party, Misaki ends up helping a man who seems ra He scared me! Fangirl-like talk ahead, please skip it if you must. or "What if he actually heard that?" 12 years ago. Watch Junjou Romantica season 1 episode 2 online. Then, when Isaki pressures Misaki to stay away from Akihiko in order to protect his public image, Misaki … Create lists for what you've seen & read, watch over 40,000 legal streaming episodes online, and meet The return of romance, drama, and pure-hearted romance. Episode 10. Released on: Apr 11, 2008. His brother Takahiro arranges for his eccentric best friend, the author Akihiko Usami (nicknamed and generally referred to as Usagi, or rabbit), to tutor Misaki. The chibis do more physical work and are drawn kinda wierd, which personally left a positive effect on me, and a little more work is put into animating dramatic facial expresions (as I said, average; don't they always put more work into that?). Because there was more room here, so there ya have it. Afterwards, Misaki and Akihiko head to a hot springs for a little relaxation, but wind up meeting up with Akihiko's father instead. 1 Plot 1.1 Episode Story 2 Character Appearance 3 RATING 4 Navigation The episode … Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. All in all, not that I disliked everything. rosy and gentle, the mood is always well expresed by the camera angle, day/night atmosphere, shadows (that cover up some parts of screen that are inapropriate at times) and zoom-ins and zoom-outs. Episode 10 15 Maret, 2020. ... choose season Seasons 2. Tian Guan Ci Fu . Junjou Romantica 2 (the sequel). Junjo Romantica season 1. I WILL NEVER EVER FORGIVE YOU FOR LETTING A SHOUJO ANIME FREAK LIKE ME FALL IN LOVE WITH SHOUNEN-AI ANIME!!! Although I didn't like the opening song for this one as much as Kimi=Hana (the opening song for JR1), it was still pretty good. ... Junjo Romantica, Junjou Romantica 1, 純情ロマンチカ ... Simkl automatically tracks what you’re watching, tells you how many episodes you’ve missed, and connects you to what your friends are into. Score: 8.05. : Why have I made a review for the 2nd season but not the 1st? You Tend to Do Well at the Things You Enjoy. Even a chance acquaintance is preordained (袖すり合うも他生の縁, Sode Suri Au mo Tashō no En) is the twelfth episode of the Junjou Romantica anime series, and the season finale of the first season. ... Junjou Romantica 1-12. I'd recommend it to you if you like shounen-ai or yaoi, and I'd say it's a definite if you're a newcomer to the genre. At … "Truth is stranger than fiction"-- Meet Misaki, an average high school student, and Akihiko, a famous novelist. There are no custom lists yet for this series. You have to constantly keep your focus on everybody because minor characters become more important as the series keep going, and at the same time, the mains don't loose their position. Season ke-3 dari anime Junjou Romantica, melanjutkan cerita cinta antara murid dan gurunya. In adition, almost all characters know each other and have either made contact, heard of each other, or are randomly appearing in the back of the screen when they're not in the spotlight. Duration: 24 min. Misaki has been accepted by the Department of … Everybody knows everybody and nobody knows anybody. CURSE YOU JUNJOU ROMANTICA, JUNJOU EGOIST AND JUNJOU TERRORIST, AND CURSE YOU, WAGA IMOUTO!!!!! I think it is a perfect anime for a non-shounen-ai fan such as myself to start up in this genre (if you really wish to, if not, you better don't watch it 'couse you'll get hooked). Characters: To put it simply, a big rainbow of characters has swept me away during the watch. Ever since the second day of school, everyone acts weird … Junjou Romantica 2 Episode 1 - What Happens Once Will Happen Twice Akihiko hates company parties and when he refuses to attend one thrown in his honor, Isaki doesn't hold back on the dirty tricks. 12 years ago. View; 2x2 Junjou Romantica 2-2. He tricks Misaki into going in order to get Akihiko to go. Your favorites, all in one place. Junjou Romantica (TV Series) TV. It will be written in all capital letters. Junjou Romantica 2 (the sequel). Junjou Romantica Season show reviews & Metacritic score: Junjou Romantica Takahiro calls and tells Akihito that it's time Misaki comes to live with his new wife and him. Anyway, the story gets a steady 9 from me, because I like seeing different perspectives collide, but not interfiere with each other. Add episode. Alltogether, the lowest score on the scale, but not horrible or even bad. Trailer Junjou Romantica 3 Sub Indo Episode Junjou Romantica 3 Sub Indo. Click here and start watching the full episode in seconds. That's it. Then you should check out MyAnimeList! ... anime season charts Junjou Romantica 2 (the sequel). Looking for information on the anime Junjou Romantica 2 (Junjo Romantica 2)? 13 years ago. Back to the beloved couples, and their perils in their forbidden relationships. Sound: Of course it would be great. The return of romance, drama, and pure-hearted romance. Episode 11. Junjou Romantica (2012) Genre: Comedy, Romance, Shounen Ai, Release: 2012 Status: Completed The OAD is being produced to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the manga series. With Haruhiko now showering Misaki with gifts and Misaki's indecision on the rise, will Akihiko and Misaki finally see their relationship to flourish? Now lets go back to the review. 1 Plot 2 Character Appearance 3 Rating 4 Navigation Misaki is having a hard time with Usami again. Category: TV Series. Boys make a good story, BOYS. Find out more about Nozomi Entertainment's release of Junjo Romantica at http://www.nozomient.comMisaki's feelings for Usami are complicated, and … per ep. Where did that guy suddenly dissapear to?" Misaki has been accepted by the department of Economics at Mitsuhashi University. Produced by Studio Deen, the anime episodes follow the manga series of the same name by Shungiku Nakamura.Premiering in Japan on TV Hokkaido on April 10, 2008, the series' first season ran for twelve episodes until its conclusion on June 26, 2008. Looking for episode specific information Junjou Romantica on episode 1? Episode 11 15 Maret, 2020. The whole thing is made like a soap opera, with fathers, brothers, cousins, friends and other relatives and known persons of the sort interfiereing, which is why it's good, actually. Misaki doesn't have the best grades, so his brother, Takahiro, sets him up to live with his childhood friend, Akihito Usami, to be tutored so Misaki can get into college. There's No Such Thing as a Chance Encounter. However, with Akihiko's editor insisting that Misaki keeps his distance to avoid scandals and Misaki’s stubbornness in full force, it’s difficult for the boy to admit his feelings to his benefactor. Now you can go to from your home screen. However, with Akihiko's editor insisting that Misaki keeps his distance to avoid scandals and Misaki’s stubbornness in full force, … In other words, great job everybody! Completely free. Provided by . Year: Season 3. Episode List. 1 Episode Summary 1.1 Episode Story 2 Characters That Appered In This Episode 3 RATING 4 Navigation After … The colours are pastel. (OMG, I sould like a hard-core shounen-ai fan!!) It's probably worth watching. Overall: A nice starter-up shounen-ai anime for begginers in this field (I sould like a medical practise tutor or something). ... Junjou Romantica 2-12. This episode features couple Junjou Romantica. The sex was censored just enough, so you think you see what you know is there. View; You might also … Episode 111. Although I don't really give a damn about the other couples, Misaki and Usagi continue to draw me in. Go to, then tap the share icon at the top of the screen. It's been a month since Misaki started living in the house of Akihiko Usami. Completely free. Episode 12. Marvelously thought up. *That guy suddenly appears* "He's here! 8 Jul. Junjou Romantica bercerita tentang Misaki Takahashi yang merupakan seorang siswa SMA biasa yang sedang mempersiapkan ujian masuk universitas pilihannya . Anime info: Junjou Romantica Please, reload page if you can't watch the video ... Douluo Dalu 2nd Season . There is no nude and no overly exaggerated erotic scenes, so that whould only be a slight problem (if you're bothered by it, of course). Misaki Takahashi, from the main couple, thought that … "Truth is stranger than fiction"-- Meet Misaki, an average high school student, and Akihiko, a famous novelist. Junjou Romantica Episode 2 English Subbed at gogoanime. These two happen to meet when Misaki stumbles upon Akihiko hugging his brother, whom Akihiko has feelings for. What happens twice can happen thrice (二度あることは三度ある, Nido aru koto wa Sando aru) is the second episode of the second season of the Junjou Romantica anime series, and the fourteenth episode overall. Login or sign up to start a discussion. When Haruhiko sends Misaki flowers, Akihiko starts getting jealous because Misaki refuses to say he loves him. Junjou Romantica S01E03 - Extrait VF - Duration: ... Junjo Romantica Season 1 Episode 2 (Sub): There's No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk - Duration: 24:05. nozomient 1,428,935 views. As if things couldn't be more complicated, the arrival of Haruhiko, Akihiko’s brother, throws yet another wrench in the gears. Add Image. or "How would this guy react if he suddenly found himself here?" 85,919 TV Shows. These two happen to meet when Misaki stumbles upon Akihiko hugging his brother, whom Akihiko has feelings for. Average in the way that the makers try desperately to save money by letting characters' mouth move when they're talking, but not allowing them to even blink (barely) while talking. I personally think it's one of the better, no, best shounen-ai anime out there, and would surely reccomend it to anyone if they think they're ready for it. P.S. Untuk membantunya dalam pelajaran dia meminta bantuan … Stream subbed and dubbed episodes of Junjou Romantica online - legal and free, due to our partnerships with the industry. or "Be careful! ... choose season Seasons 1. NEVER EVER EVER EVER!!! 13 years ago. Season 1; Season 2; Season 3; 2x1 Junjou Romantica 2-1. Misaki Takahashi, from the main couple, thought that … Misaki Takahashi, from the main couple, thought that … Watch latest episodes of your favourite anime series online as soon as they are released. 11. View; 1x2 Junjou Romantica 1-2. I have no remark as of the characters' voices, they really suit them and the actors have done a grat job. Misaki Takahashi is doing poorly in school. When Misaki finally admitted to Usagi that he loved him I was so happy and relieved, mostly because I had been screaming at him to do it since they met. Episode List; TV Schedule; Details. Episode 12 15 Maret, 2020. "Stand there, be a statue and say your lines", basically. Then you should check out MyAnimeList! This is a list of episodes from the Junjou Romantica anime. Total Episode: 12 per Season. The complete guide by MSN. 1. ", or something like that. I am not a fan of shounen-ai (boy's love) anime (you must've figured that out if you read the all capital letters part of the text), but I must confess that I've seen Junjou Romantica both seasons in only two days and I've quite enjoyed it, actually. Horrible or even bad voice actors ) do their best in comedy, and! 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