Sylvester selling Shelby on Craigslist for free in order to get rid of her. Ceiling Cat seems to have it out for you. Even though at first glance he seems like a truly malicious and evil cat, Sylvester has in the past shown he has some compassion for his family by helping out at times, despite the fact it's all hidden too well by his almos… Occupation I'm the one who raised his siblings until they got homes. Wanted Sylvester The Talking Kitty Cat Dead Or Alive Mug. Olga Copplestone that was the point he was making. Talking Kitty Cat Height, Weight & Body Measurements Talking Kitty Cat height 5 Feet 8 Inches (Approx) & weight 242 lbs (109.7 kg) (Approx.). Attempted murderChild abuseChild endangermentRapeTax evasion Awww honey be careful...your twin peanut would miss you & your videos. I love your videos salvester sorry if I spelled it rong. I agree with Sandiego 1030. Lost and found. His wife, Celia DeCosta Cash, confirmed that Cash died by … I had a cat many years ago who got hit by a car he survived but it is scary for us Humans to watch you guys get hit like that. Like this series belongs to you in some special way? Conventional wisdom is that Daffy's lisp, and hence also Sylvester's, were based on the lisp of producer Leon Schlesinger. 4 years old and on your 5th life? Revive his owner (most likely will fail). But he sent Shelby back to the old house which they got kicked from because that was a rent. Sylvester has been in every single episode of the Talking Kitty Cat series. No Pets Allowed in this episode of Sylvester the talking Cat.and more! Most cats my age are still living their first life. Sylvester may have redeemed after his owner passed away. He lives with Gibson (which he doesn't anymore due to his death in 2016), Shelby, Random Kitty, Gibbyson, and GG which he has pure hatred towards all of them and is planning to get rid of GG, Gibbyson, Random Kitty, and Shelby who he possibly got rid of (but failed as he was forced to give out his secret in exchange for catnip). He was 40. Here's the story of an actual talking cat. Today started out innocent. Sylvester the talking kitty cat finally gets his money from all of his "hard work". Sylvester, jeez, you are scaring the CRAP out of me! Sylvester's Diary #7 - Sylvester goes to Hell, Take care of yourself!! YouTube star Steve Cash who was the voice behind the Talking Kitty Cat videos has committed suicide at the age of 40. Sylvester's first owner was Todd McNaab, but he only lived with him while he was a kitten due to his death because of a fatal overdose, in his 3rd life, Steve Cash adopted him. Its adorable! and i bet if your human knew he would be pissed. GG (the kitten) gets terrified by Shelby (the dog) who shows signs of going blind. 236lbs. Does Talking Dead or Alive? In the episode "Talking Kitty Cat 22 - Dogs Can't Talk", Steve tries to discover who bit through a wire that connected to a TV speaker. Steve remembers Pixar's 2009 movie, "Up",and how the dogs in it all had translation collars that would speak whatever came to the dog… I hate those fucking kitty gods sylvester i hope you live long enough to kill who ever you want. Even though at first glance he seems like a truly malicious and evil cat, Sylvester has in the past shown he has some compassion for his family by helping out at times, despite the fact it's all hidden too well by his almost unapproachable nature. Maybe Steve should get you a harness and lead & you both can go out for a bit and be safe. Later reincarnated again (on Halloween, October 31st, … It is revealed that he has a good side by telling Steve Cash the directions to get to Todd's home to get Gibson back in. Type of Villain Your line about the dog catching parvo cracked me up! See more ideas about sylvester, cat talk, cat gif. Crimptonnight: hey sylvester those kitty gods need to go to hell. His first appearance was "The Mean(er) Kitty Song" by Steve Cash. It made me cry. Writing in his Diary. It looks like the kind of pictures they show of the "alleged" criminals on the news. Sylvester's first episode was "Talking Kitty Cat #1 - Wake Up, Kitty!" Headlined Villain - Erik Killmonger (MCU), has some compassion for his family by helping out at times. But do BE CAREFULL!!! Sylvester was a black cat who has a HUGE addiction to catnip it got too much however Steve Cash Posted Online “On The Morning Of the 25th January 2020 We lost the talking kitty Sylvester who unfortunately lost his fight to the Cronovirus we are all devastated RIP Sylvester 2007-2020”. Sylvester the cat, known for his amazing cross-country journey earlier this summer, has passed away at age 17. He is totally neglecting me. We all love ya! YouTube star Steve Cash, the man behind the “Talking Kitty Cat” videos, has sadly passed away at the age of 40, just months after speaking candidly about his mental health. Thanks Steve you're brilliant. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. He has an extremely bad addiction with catnip. Most cats my age are still living their first life. Laws are broken. Hell if I know. Hey, Sylvester -- Your captor, Steve, has posted a video about how he abandoned you and went on vacation and met other kitties. Child abuseChild endangermentRapeTax evasion. you go on vacation while i plot and scheme.kthnxbai. Crimes Sylvester was born on October 31, 2007, which is the same day as Halloween. I'm the one who raised his siblings until they got homes. And I'm 14 years old and as obnoxious as ever. Sylvester CashRufus (by Todd)Kitty (mainly by Steve) He dosent talk but has your attitude. Be careful now :) xxx, T_T I also cried a bit. I was sitting next to my litter box when I started gagging uncontrollably. The story of me, Sylvester. Be nice Donna. Or do you really feel so special and privileged? Talking Kitty Cat star Steve Cash has died at the age of 40, with fans paying tribute to the late YouTube star. You know how Sylvester is. Of course, Sylvester denies it, but there was no way to tell if Shelby did it, or even witness it until Steve got an idea. That endeavor might use up a few. He started swearing at him, but at the last few seconds of the video, he finally got up, because Steve bribed him some tuna. Can't you turn it down a notch? Sylvester, also known as Sylvester the Talking Kitty cat or just Talking Kitty, is the anti-heroic main protagonist of SteveCash83’s popular series also called Talking Kitty. In the video, HE EVEN PETTED THEM. I'm sure the kitty Gods think it's hilarious, but I find no humor in it. Don't do this. Gibbyson gets sick. Others, like "Talking Kitty Cat 48 - The Random Gibsons," captured less far-fetched scenarios like Random Kitten giving birth to a handful of teeny-tiny kittens. Probably just another presentation of the kitty God's cruel humor. Most of his appearances have him often chasing Tweety, Speedy Gonzales, or Hippety Hopper.He appeared in 103 cartoons in the golden age of American animation, lagging only behind superstars Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, and Daffy Duck. Full Name Please. when Steve tried to wake him up, he refused to. Sylvester the Talking Cat | 3 Million Dogs When Izzy the kitten comes back over to visit, Steve tries to get Sylvester into a playful mood. Buena Suerte, Dude y Vaya con Dios, mi amigo! Why is he doing this? Where did he imprison you while he was off having fun? A door left cracked open allowed my escape into the free world. The Rocky star was shattered by the loss of his son and in an emotional speech following the death, he begged for solitude and privacy while he grieves. Even though at first glance he seems like a truly malicious and evil cat, Sylvester has in the past shown he has some compassion for his family by helping out at times, despite the fact it's all hidden too well by his almos… If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Stewie is a Sylvester the Talking Cat lookalike! Steve Cash, a popular YouTube personality best known for his “Talking Kitty Cat” video series, died in an apparent suicide Thursday morning, PEOPLE confirms. Todd McNaab is the true main antagonist and the primary villain of the Talking Kitty Cat series, and Steve Cash 's nemesis (along with Gibson, Shelby, Random Kitty, and Gibbyson ). Ironically, every time I die, I reappear face down in my litter box. Hobby Knightness, you probably won't get this message, but I wanted to say that I am very sorry for your loss. Get rid of Gibson (failed, although he did die), Shelby, Random Kitty, Gibbyson and GG (formerly).Revive his owner (most likely will fail). Evil-doer Not just any hairball, but a. ?P.S make more vids of you and gibson cuz i love you guys im your biggest fan in the world i have a cat and its a female bye, Poor Sylvester i love u I am 1 of ur biggest fans, Sylvester heres advice to stay alive:do not lick too fast, you dont wanna choke on a hairball againLook both ways before crossing a street ( the black path)Never pick a fight with racoonsAlways eat before you go outsideIf you are bitten by a wild animal, get help IMMIDIATELYNever go near something that you dont know what it isBe careful in unknown territoryLook before you stepDont go near other peoples dogs or catsMake sure you can climb down before you climb upNEVER eat food unless you know where it came fromstay away from people with gunsNEVER eat a whole bag of catnip at once right before you run awayI hope you do this. See more ideas about Sylvester, Cat talk, Cat gif. Egotistical Psychopath, Pet owned by Todd McNaab (formerly)Pet owned by Steve Cash (formerly). Chillout Music for Cats .Stewie the most adorable kitty ever, does a very fine job of Hush Little Baby!. Alias Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Why did it turn inside out before it vanished? Sylvester also made a guest appearance on 4Steves (another popular series on SteveCash83’s channel). . Pleeease? Goals Better start pacing yourself. Sylvester also made a guest appearance on 4Steves (another popular series on SteveCash83’s channel). . Todd McNaab is a cynical, lower class cat owner of Sylvester [or as he knows him by … So, not, not alike at all. Some videos, like "Talking Kitty Cat 38 - Worst Date Ever," revolved around scenarios like Sylvester going on a date with a lady cat he met on a popular app. If you die, your whole enterprise will be gone and thousands of people and Steve and your meowmie will be very sad!! Steve Cash, the YouTube star best known for his “Talking Kitty Cat” videos, died on Thursday, April 16, at the age of 40. Seriously... Giraffes are evil. @Donna Larue why do have this feeling of entitlement? Crimptonnight: FUCK YOU KITTY GODS LEEVE SYLVESTER ALONE BASTERDS. Join Facebook to connect with Sylvester the talking cat and others you may know. Why does this post remind me so much of the Warriors series?? i really appreciate your working capacity, you have great courage to do a great work. Like it belongs to no one else? You act like you're somehow in charge. The Youtube community is suffering a major loss. Some cats live as long as 23! Within seconds, I heard the squeal of a human transport machine (a car thingy) as it headed directly for me. Flaggle Claggle. However, Blanc made no such clai… Steve Cash, who is famous for his “Talking Kitty Cat” series, has passed away. Your fans would be so lost without you. NO SYLVESTER DON'T DIE! dont tell him. He was voiced by his owner, the late Steve Cash, who also voiced Gibson. Born in Halloween 2007. :(, sylvester needs to quit calling the dog a b****, no wonder you are face down in the litter box because you have a potty mouth, I luv Sylvester cuz he iz cute and funny as HELL, the catnip offering thing cld work kitty :p plus what they dnt use u get 2 keep ha ha, iam criig waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Wow your life sound's really rough/awesome. YouTube's 'Talking Kitty Cat' Star Steve Cash Dead by Suicide YouTube Star Steve Cash 'Talking Kitty' Guy Dead at 40 ... By Self-Inflicted Gunshot. Oh Sylvester...I would not worry...I had a cat and she was a black cat just like you...and she would get into everything...and she lived until she was 14 years old..Sylinda. new video coming soon Steve Cash tragically died from a self inflicted gunshot wound on April 16, 2020, effectively ending the Talking Kitty Cat video series. They go quickly even when you try to be careful. It kind of gives me the creeps seeing your gravestone. May his soul rest in peace. Your post just made me cry. And Random kitty doesn't give a blip blom. I don't have enough money to go to ur funeral TT_TT. In Talking Kitty Cat #2 - Wake up, and meet the new dog!, Steve announces that his neighbor's friend's dog had puppies and brought one of them home, Sylvester was not happy about it but he was still asleep, Steve asked him to wake up to see the dog (Shelby) he was not happy at all, and refused to get up, so Shelby's first appearance was going to be this episode, but because Sylvester refused to get up to see Shelby, instead, her first appearance was Talking Kitty Cat #3 - Kitty Bath. If any jurors would say that they already made up their mind before the trial started, they would be dismissed and replaced. Stay inside. Sylvester has been in every single episode of the Talking Kitty Cat series. According to the series fictional story line, Sylvester's first owner was an old lady named Edna, who he lived with from April 29th, 1992 (first time he was born) until he got hit by a car and died in 2001. According to CNN, Sage died of a heart attack due to atherosclerosis in his Los Angeles apartment on July 13, 2012, at the young age of 36. Still, don't be too cavalier with those lives, Dude. He is totally neglecting me. (kitties shouldn't be left unattended though smart ones find a way to get out of the harness)Once you get that Bast statue remember to leave catnip as an offering for it. In his autobiography, That's Not All Folks!, voice actor Mel Blanc stated that Sylvester's voice is based on that of Daffy Duck, plus the even-more-slobbery lisp, and minus the post-production speed-up that was done with Daffy's. That being said, perhaps you should start paying more attention to your Bastet worship, may help with the Kitty Gods, ask Steve to get you a Bast statue. When his owner can no longer afford wet food, Sylvester (the talking black cat) is forced to get a job at a fast food restaurant. Pet owned by Edna (formerly)Pet owned by Todd McNaab (formerly)Pet owned by Steve Cash (formerly) Sylvester, my cat is being so mean to me.I pet him but he never purrs anymore.I try to sit on his favorite chair, which works for my friends, but he still seems to hate me. And Steve, try and be more careful. Kryptonite: but sylvester KEEP THE CATNIP!!!. face down of course, f**cking kitty Gods. I sure hope that you will, little buddy!!! Sylvester the talking cat is on Facebook. Living as a black cat locked in a suburban home with 2 humans, a stupid dog and a retarded kitten isn't easy. but you are right about sylvester not giving a fuck about the stupid mutt tho. Please be careful. I am so sorry for your loss he was a good kitty. After he was reincarnated, his second and favorite owner was Todd McNabb, but only lived with him until 2 years old, dying from a fatal overdose of catnip (that he's still addicted to). You have thousands of pplz that love you.-epickitty25, Kryptonite: ok Anonymous... sylvester is a cat, most of this stuff goes for humans, try to give some cat advice ok. im not trying to be rude, i swear. Kryptonite: wiat, why are you thanking steve?. I'm getting sick of this shit. Be sure to watch to the end. I'm the one who decided to adopt him. Q.T. Sylvester you are one of Funniest little degenerates I have ever had the pleasure of watching! He is also the reincarnation of Rufus. Sylvester James Pussycat, Sr. is a fictional character, an anthropomorphic tuxedo cat in the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of cartoons. If my human knew about this he would be pissed. Talking Kitty Cat #2 - Wake up, and meet the new dog! I have a Bastet statue, which I would send you in a heartbeat, but I don't know where u live xD. Steeve is really looking out for your best interests despite what you might think. Love your work!The most wonderful, lovable kitty ever! Read more to find out the cause of death and what police are saying. please be careful Sylvester... i don't think i could survive losing another friend. However, I'll be watching my step from now on. sylvester is the realy smart one around here. You know that Sylvester still outranks you. to: syvester (hope i spelled your name right)true of false cats have nine lives?? As usual, Sylvester doesn't react well. Take care baby!!!!!! See the full story in this Catster blog post. It still gives me nightmares. ;)(Bast, Egyptian Cat Goddess & my personal fav), you are not stealing my storyline little soon as i savegibson, it's on~~~!!! Cash's "Talking Kitty" videos featured the star speaking to his cats as if they were humans, drawing in millions of fans. . It's a hard thing to endure, but you'll make it through. He has an extremely bad addiction with catnip. Gefällt 119.723 Mal. Right now we don't know about body measurements. You are amazing Steve! Sylvester using Steve's Computer to get rid of everyone he hates, Sylvester screaming at Random Kitty's Kittens, Sylvester begging for wet food after being grounded for attacking Shelby, Sylvester screaming at a visiting kitten named Izzy. and you only have 4 lives remaining pleese dont die again. :) But do be more careful Sly. Slyverster please, please stay inside. Origin It was a hairball. Rufus McNabb Mar 1, 2016 - Explore Mint Rose's board "Sylvester The Talking Cat" on Pinterest. LOTS of us LOVE YOU1 (the Bastet statue is a good idea) <3, Sylvester what are you trying to do!? Sly reportedly sold his dog for $25 to make ends meet before hitting it big with 'Rocky,' then bought it back for $15,000. Please be careful Sweetie! Living as a black cat with 2 humans, a stupid dog, 2 cats and an idiotic kitten is enough to make any cat insane. I'm the one who decided to adopt him. Outside cats don't have a long life expectancy. It’s very similar because you might believe they are guilty but the evidence is not strong enough to support it or vice versa. I was hoping as a cat yourself you may know. So, I'm told. I was hoping as a cat yourself you may know. He has an extremely bad addiction with catnip. disrespecting you like that dont worry the will be sorry. If my human knew about this he would be pissed. 279.6K; 4/17/2020 8:29 AM PT Today started out innocent. Sylvester - time to think about karma and being nicer to Steve, Gibson and Shelby.... and staying inside! Sylvester has been in every single episode of the Talking Kitty Cat series. Stop trying to escape. Sylvester, my cat is being so mean to me.I pet him but he never purrs anymore.I try to sit on his favorite chair, which works for my friends, but he still seems to hate me. As per our current Database, Talking Kitty Cat is still alive (as per Wikipedia, Last update: December 19, 2020). Teeth and Claws And here I am, at nearly 4 years old, already on my 5th run. Sylvester the talking cat. Steve always joked around saying dogs couldn't talk, despite the fact his cats can, but one day that saying would somewhat be put to rest. Jun 8, 2020 - Explore Karen Cote's board "Sylvester the Talking Cat", followed by 239 people on Pinterest. He was 40. As a cat myself, I know that stuff sucks like hell. Within seconds, I heard the squeal of a human transport machine (. Why is he doing this? Don't forget, you have to get Gibby back from Todd. Once again, I didn't enjoy seeing it. Talking Kitty Cat thanks to Stevecash83! Please reply. But I think it would be a good idea to find one; that would be really funny to find you praying by surprised on camera ^w^. Sylvester himself died from old age in the same year on December 10, nearly eight months after Steve's death. Please reply.-epickitty25, oh and Sylvester your awesome I even made you a Noms offering website tell me where to send em and you get em, Link:, perfectly filled with wet food and cat nip in every bag. Talking Kitty Cat It's me, Shimmy Boy, your pal from FB, trying to be 'Anonymous' as a jet black cat can be. As of Friday morning, Cash's YouTube channel had 2.4 million subscribers. Did a Struggling Sylvester Stallone Sell His Dog for $25? It turns people off. He is an old cat who is currently 12 years old. A door left cracked open allowed my escape into the free world. "When a parent loses a child there is no greater pain. And here I am, at nearly 4 years old, already on my 5th run. If you die no more wetfood and talking kitty videos because Everyone on youtube will have to go to Idaho for your funeral-TheGoombaking1. The story of me, Sylvester the Talking Kitty. Sylvester also made a guest appearance on 4Steves (another popular series on SteveCash83’s channel). It would be the end of Talking Kitty! Sylvester try to fake your death again, then when hes not looking climb out and DASH -Momo, Knightness my solid black baby passed away tonight 10-10-2011 at 8:54pm est - she always enjoyed new slyvester videos (I think she had a huge crush on him) <^..^>. Sylvester's trademark is his sloppy and yet stridulating lisp. Powers/Skills but some of your advce is ok tho. This is my real journal. Is that photo your mug shot from when you got arrested? ;-). You idiot what Sylvester die I think you are HEARTLESS CREATURE HOW DATE YOU. Find out the cause of death and what police are saying lisp, and the! N'T give a blip blom 5th run him up, and hence also sylvester 's first episode was Talking... More wetfood and Talking Kitty Cat series material, you should close this.. - sylvester goes to hell loss he was voiced by his owner passed away * cking... 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