Synthetic Steel Wool. So I got the water based polycrylic by minwax. Lightly sand the piece with 220-grit sandpaper, if cloudiness persists. To achieve the highest level of gloss, and to create the smoothest possible finish, wet sanding each coat of polyurethane is the preferred method. Step 3: Begin to wet-sand the clear coat. Gently sand the clear coat line. Allow your stain to cure overnight before applying the first coat of polyurethane. Wet Sanding: Plain water, or water + "soap"? The smoother you keep the surface with sanding between coats, the better the end result will be. However, once dry it is impervious to water, becoming a durable clear finish. To create a quality, high-gloss, lacquer-style finish, you must start with the smoothest possible wood surface. If you have burnt through then put more coats on. Polycrylic™ dries to the touch in 30 minutes and can be handled after 1 hour. Wet sanding, also known as color sanding, adds shine to a finished paint job. Sand the wood in the direction of the grain using fine-grade sandpaper (#220) until smooth. (0 members and 1 guests). Thoroughly remove san… Use lukewarm water and spray evenly, making sure to wet every part of the acrylic piece. He is a voice, acting and film teacher. If 100 grit is too slow, knock down the high spot with a 60-grit sandpaper and then progress to 100, then 200 to smooth out the marks a bit. Allow the Polycrylic to dry for several hours. Polycrylic is water soluble, nonflammable and odor free. Work until the surface has an equal dull haze to it. Polyurethane is the modern product most often used as varnish, or clear finish, on stained and painted wood surfaces. Yes, you can sand the final coat, but you do it with wet'n'dry paper at very fine grits. After the newly applied coats of poly have cured, wet sand the area, leveling the ridge that exists along the perimeter of where the decal was removed. After you finish sanding, wipe the area dry with a microfiber cloth. Allow it to set overnight, then sand in the same way as the first coat. Spackle and sand any remaining flaws. Reapply the finish per label directions, stirring the product as you work. Wipe the surface with a clean cloth every so often to gauge progress. This is to replace the orange peel with finer and finer scratches, which will eventually be filled in with polish. Apply a second coat of polycrylic and sand. The time now is 04:23 PM. Continue sanding until there’s a roughed-up surface to which the paint can adhere properly. Always spot test on an inconspicuous area to ensure satisfactory results. Apply the second coat using a similar technique to the first. Mike, tell me about Australian cnsumer product "Wet Look Polymer Sealant", please? I assumed soap in water used to wet area as I am working would be beneficial but I can not do that with Wet Wedge, right? check out the. In most cases where wet sanding is involved, a high gloss finish is intended. "Find something you like and use it often", Discussion Forum Related Basics & How To Articles, Headlight Restoration & Clear Plastic Detailing, Meguiar's Professional Lines - Mirror Glaze & Detailer, Meguiar's Online Forum Member Product Reviews, Pictures from Meguiar's Training Center Events & Special Projects, Pictures from Meguiar's Training Garage -Detailing 101 Classes, Pictures from Meguiar's Training Garage - Thursday Night Open Garage Classes (TNOG), Pictures from Meguiar's Training Garage - Intro to Wet Sanding & Rotary Polishing Classes, Pictures from Meguiar's "Roadshow" Training Classes & Special Projects, Auto Detailing Company who uses Meguiar's Wanted, Failed Attempt at Brand Loyalty and "WET P8NT" Sighting. There are currently 1 users browsing this thread. Allow it to dry until hazy, then buff to high shine with a soft, lint-free rag. Dry it off every few minutes to check your progress. Sand the wood down to as fine a surface as possible, using a power sander or sandpaper and working from 200-grit up to 320-grit sandpaper before applying stain and polyurethane. Apply a coat of car wax to the surface as a finishing touch to bring up the gloss to its highest level. Sanding Polycrylic I decided to use polycrylic spray instead of brush on to clear my airplane and got alot of orange peel.. (That being said I tested it on the elevator first and I went heavy with it and it looks turned milky white and dried as smooth and as nice as can be.) Whether you're talking about paint, primer, bare metal or anything in between, your car's body can be smoothed by wet sanding. I tried sanding, and then re coating with no avail. Wet-sanding is what allows you to polish the acrylic and make it look shiny and new. ... Minwax® Polycrylic® Protective Finish is also recommended, especially over light-colored stains. I know with Varnishes and stuff, the more coats you apply, the better and deeper the gloss and the look of the wood gets. Normal dried paint is too smooth and the Polycrylic will not stick right, so sand it slightly. High gloss urethanes are also typically harder than duller finishes. He also teaches stage craft and lectures on playwriting for Oklahoma Christian University. I wet sand and polish all my finishes not matter what it is. The first thing to do is sand down the area where the white spot appears if it’s a high spot. Now you want to use very fine sandpaper, just to sand it a little bit in order to get some texture going on the paint. Place a rubber sanding block with 320-grit wet/dry sandpaper on it into the pan. Sand lightly with 240-grit sandpaper between coats, then let the last coat dry for at least 24 hours. Place a rubber sanding block with 320-grit wet/dry sandpaper on it into the pan. Wet sanding is an amazing process that, when done properly, can result in a surface that's as smooth as glass. Ordinary sand is much more inviting than polymeric sand as a home for weeds. By Mosca in forum Meguiar's Consumer Line Products. It is resistant to ants. Lightly Sand With Pads and Paper I lightly sand between coats with extra-fine synthetic sanding pads. The sanding steps help diminish the clear coat until the entire surface is smooth. If unable to recoat within 1½ hours, wait at least 72 hours then lightly sand and recoat. Pro Tip: If there are stubborn nibs that stand up to the pads, grab 280-grit and be more aggressive. Pour 1/2 inch of water into a plastic pan and add two drops of detergent to break the surface tension, allowing the water to soak in better. Apply water to the surface of the polyurethane and sand, working in a circular pattern. Polymeric sand comes in a variety of colors, usually in different shades of gray and beige. Polycrylic, manufactured by the Minwax company, is an interesting clear coat for wood. you can use either. They use new, proprietary processes to ensure precise, uniform grit size. I always figured that if I got a WetWedge I’d try to rig up a water source with soap instead of just running it off the tap. So, after applying about 10 coats of polycrylic, I started to notice brush strokes in the coating. Master wood finisher Jeff Jewitt prefers the stearate coated variety for this type of rubout. Dip a piece 1500-grit sandpaper in water. Using extra fine 220-grit sandpaper, sand the surface to prime it for more coats of polycrylic. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Flat and matte sheens cannot be made to achieve a high gloss finish due to dulling agents that are a part of the formula. Select polyurethane with a high gloss or semigloss sheen. Several newer papers are available which are worth trying. what are you wet sanding, primer or paint? Maybe you could use a pump sprayer tank, or a dilution gun or something like that. A wet/dry sandpaper lubricated with water or a stearated sandpaper, like Norton 3X, will stay free of clogs almost indefinitely when rubbing out a fully cured finish. Apply water to the surface of the polyurethane and sand, working in a circular pattern. What is the "best" water to use for washing a car? At least 3 coats are recommended. Allow the wood to dry, then sand off the raised grain with #220 sandpaper. thats still way too heavy for a finish. To achieve the finish you want, select the correct gloss. Use a sponge to apply it damp in a circular motion. How to Repair a Fiberglass Shower Pan in an Existing Shower, How to Waterproof a Wood Top of a Sink Vanity, How to Repair a Minor Scratch in a Granite Countertop, How to Use Acetone on Laminate Countertop. Wipe the surface with a tack cloth after the final sanding to remove any fine dust that may become trapped in the finish. Use a medium-width soft bristle brush. All times are GMT -8. I thought I would get all green and ****. Ants will have a difficult time getting into and making homes in the spaces between your pavers if you use polymeric sand. Next, sand the area by hand, or if you want to make quicker work of things, opt for a power sander. But for those willing to take the time, brush-bound finishers can still achieve a perfect surface. Temp is around 71f humid is around 35%. Before the final sanding, moisten the wood with a rag or sponge dipped in water. It’s natural for people to run their hand over a finish, feel dust nibs and say, “This is not a great finish.” The problem is… After the decal is removed apply an equal number of Minwax Polycrylic coats to the removed decal area. Allow it to dry and sand with very fine sand paper. This is a low sudsing soap that is completely safe for all fresh paint. It’s easy to sand through to sealer or color coats with wet-sanding. Allow the finish to harden overnight. Sand the area until the line is noticeably reduced. Sand the surface to 320-grit. Check the surface to ensure that it is evenly sanded; resand as needed. Wet sand the balance of the model. Traditional steel wool is Here's how.1. I tried the breath trick to break them but I remain frustrated. He has published a novel and stage plays with SEEDS studio. level 1 After wiping off the dust, apply Polycrylic™. Wet sand the blending area. I finish wet sanding with 2000-2500 then polish with a polishing wheel and fine compound. Use a very fine-grit abrasive, sanding with the grain of the wood. The dream of a glass-smooth tabletop is always spoiled by brush marks and bits of dust and other debris. The clear coat should be wet-sanded with 400 grit sandpaper. It comes in different colors. Sanding with 220 grit with only a few passes it looks like I sanded through the two coats down to wood! Sand lightly with very fine sandpaper (220 grit) and remove all dust before applying next coat. For most of us, finishing means applying varnish, polyurethane, or paint with a brush. Mark Morris started writing professionally in 1995. Prevent your sanding paper from clogging up Enable particles to rinse more freely off the surface Meguiar's has been offering a special wet-sanding soap for about 30 plus years, use just a little in your bucket, like a capful or two for about 3-4 gallons. The idea is to build up a thick layer of finish, then polish it smooth with fine-grit sandpaper. Try about a 100 grit sandpaper first, and sand by hand so you don’t mar too much of your other work. Apply it with a tight foam roller SLOWLY. Sand the dried and cured first coat of polyurethane no sooner than 24 hours after applying it. It is environmentally friendly, and you can use it indoors. Sand the wood prior to applying Polycrylic™. Its dry time is similar to water-based paint, as opposed … Remember to make sure you remove any dust from the sanding so that additional coats adhere to the surface. Damn bubbles I have a nice synthetic brush the surface is sealed to avoid out gassing and its cleaned. Help - Sanding issue with Polycrylic over Latex and Stain by tublecane on Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:50 pm I hope some people are on this weekend, because I thought I was finally done with my boards and tried them out and they just were playing too sticky, so I tried to sand … Wet-sanding with a lubricant creates a slurry which gives a false illusion of a thick finish. Four regular coats of urethane applied one over the other is a good starting point. Work in long, straight overlapping strokes, keeping the brush wet to minimize brush marks. Uncured polycrylic cleans up with soap and water. Other than that, applying Polycrylic over paint is the same as applying it on unfinished or unpainted wood. Wet-dry silicon-carbide paper balls up like crazy if you don’t use water as a lubricant. It would be unusual to apply more than 6-8 full-strength coats of varnish and even at that only for high-end pieces, and/or where wet-sanding and polishing is being done at the end. You will need to use a separate stain and clear finish to achieve the best results possible. Wipe the surface clean with a damp rag and allow it to dry. For final polish, I'll use buffing compound - similar to the cut and polish used on cars. IMO, never use electric sander on a finish like polycrylic. I officially hate it now. ? No way will you get a shine polishing after just 1000 grit. It is imperative that polyurethane be allowed to cure thoroughly before wet sanding to get the best results. Spray the edges of the acrylic with a spray bottle. In addition to filling any voids with traditional wood filler, a wood filler paste can be used to smooth the grain of the wood. This is standard practice with any wood finishing job, and is nothing out of the ordinary. I'll start with a light sand at 600 grit to remove the dust bumps, and then 800, and finish with 1200. Morris specializes in many topics and has 15 years of professional carpentry experience. Cover the entire surface, working to prevent runs and drips. Here are the tips: If the product is thick, thin it about 10% with water and stir. The goal is to roughen the surface a bit and rub out dust motes, hairs and drips. The trouble with wet sanding is the water slurry can make it difficult to see your progress. MOL- Welcome to the world of real detailer's. Never shake a top coat product because it produces bubbles. Sand until the polyurethane finish is removed. Avoid sanding too much as this may remove the new clear coat. A smooth feel is critical when judging the quality of a finish. ...I assumed soap in water used to wet area as I am working would be beneficial but I can not do that with Wet Wedge, right? After 2-3 coats, use a soft wood block with edges softened, and wet/dry 600 grit paper and lots of water. If this is your first visit, be sure to Well, when it came to finishing it, I wanted the top to be glass smooth. Thank you Mike! Make sure to re-spray the acrylic as you switch sandpapers. There are always several bubbles left to sand out. I used synthetic steel wool on both water- and oil-based polyurethane. Wheel and fine compound lint-free rag up the gloss to its highest level wood surfaces so often to gauge.... Cure overnight before applying the first is thick, thin it about 10 % with water stir... And finer scratches, which will eventually be filled in with polish finishers can still achieve a surface. 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