Shinpachi, Kagura, and Sadaharu browbeat Gintoki into buying a new pair of glasses for Sarutobi. It was shown later that Sougo won enough money to purchase the King as his weapon. Hijikata drinks the entire chuubert and breaks the pillar. She draws a map, and gives it to Sadaharu to deliver it to Gintoki and Shinpachi. Sougo and Hijikata investigate a string of murders, all killed with their head being held on only by a bit of skin. Rie KugimiyaKōji Ishii (Dekobokko arc) Height: Sometime later Kagura and Sadaharu come across Okita who is surrounded by Jouishishi. Together with Okita Sougo, they destroy Hasegawa's shop and also his sunglasses, just to find Gengai's robots starting to attack the Shogun. Sougo is talking to his cellphone about Kyuubei's monkey Jugem Jugem's long name in Episode 222. Eventually Umibouzu accepts the Yorozuya as the new home for Kagura and allows Kagura to stay with them. MyAnimeList is the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Kagura and Otae cannot see the ghosts but are possessed by them at the hot spring. Eye Color: Interestingly, however, in episode 35, when Sougo fell of a roller-coaster after forgetting to belt himself, he admitted in his panic that his sadism stems from being actually sensitive and weak deep down ("glass no tsurugi"). Physical Features Hijikata helps her to find another dish but she insists that she wants to use a really big dish. Gin-chan and shinpachi had a job, that Kagura … While at home, Kagura was left with taking care of her sick mother and she would wait for Umibouzu to come back from his alien-hunting work. As Gintoki tried to forcefully take the battery from Hijikata's tight-gripped hand by punching him in the face, Kagura randomly knee-kicked the frozen Sougo in the face. He enjoys seeing women fight, finding the ugly looks on their faces as they grab each other hilarious. As Gintoki and Shinpachi learn that Kagura is being scammed, they go to the bank to retrieve Kagura, just to see her being attacked. Kagura (神楽, Kagura) is a member of the Yorozuya and the main female protagonist of Gintama. While at home, Kagura was left with taking care of her sick mother and she would wait for Umibouzu to come back from his alien hunting work. Counter-attacking, she kicks Utsuro only to be stopped by Utsuro punching her leg and kicking her away. His features were handsome and unassuming, supported by the soft halo created around his sandy blonde hair in the light; but Kagura … Thinking that they are here to kill him and the rest of the Shinsengumi because of its disbandment, he prepares to fight them, warning that since he is now a vagabond since the Shinsengumi ceased to exist, he could go all out on them. Although Gintoki and Shinpachi are not very keen on this, Kagura seems to get along well with Pirako. While Seita and Shinpachi get into comical trouble with some adult toys, she and Gintoki express that this ending is so far so good anyway. The Yorozuya visits Hasegawa at the prison while bringing him information from outside. Not really knowing much about love and dating, Kagura said she and Dai would be just like friends, and she didn't mind if Dai fell in love with someone else as that just how love rolled. Kagura is extremely disappointed as she cannot control herself just then and thanks Shinpachi for stopping her. Sometime later appears in the dojo, where he trains his commander. The Yorozuya sets off the protect her with the reluctant Zenzou. Hair Color: Alive Later it turns out that Hijikata embarked on a self-proclaimed mission. Kagura can be described as naive to a fault as seen in her introduction where she was tricked by a gang into thinking that she was protecting them when she fought their rival gang. Sougo wonders who Umibozu is. He is also very observant and aware of political movements, as he is often the one explaining situations to the Yorozuya. The two fought and later engaged in a battle of S&M, using the gang members as their targets. Age: When refuses to attack him by surprise, but loses the fight. Sougo arrives for a duel with Gintoki and covers the demon sword with dog poo. As Gintoki finds their target, Shinpachi and Kagura is captured by a member of the largest pirate group, Harusame. Chapter: Dark Vader, Kagura, Okita Sougo, Nobume and Gintoki vs. Utsuro. A Deux: Adjective. Kagura and sougo. Amanto (Yato Tribe) Shinpachi runs in to warn the others about the invaders, which consisted of Otae, Tsukuyo, Kyubei, and Sarutobi, and had named themselves "Diamond Perfume." turns out that the amantos are addicted to the game Mon-Hun (Monkey Hunter). He knows his attacks are futile due to how powerful Utsuro is. Having woken up from her sleep by the disturbance, Kagura beat Gintoki and Umibouzu down. While Matako is enraged by Kagura, Takechi is rather amused. It later turned out that Kirie was being made use of by Soukaitou, the organisation that took part in the Rokkaku massacre, in an attempt to take revenge against Sougo. But Kagura believes that even if she is just one branch in his memory tree, she will still cling and believe in him. After a brief conversation, Mitsuba starts choking and spitting Tabasco sauce, then worried Sougo. When she receives a confession from a boy, Shinpachi remarks that going by just looks she's a beauty. Men discharging her home. She weeps as they are going to leave. I first started to watch Gintama in clips, because I didn't know if I should watch the show or not, I just kept hearing it was funny. During a dinner of sekihan with Gintoki, Shinpachi, and her father, Kagura was asked if she really got a boyfriend, and Kagura answered that she decided to at least date the guy in respect to the effort he put in his letter. Kagura arrives with Gintoki and Shinpachi on his first assignment. Volume: Kamui and Sougo then start to fight to the death for a short while before being interrupted by Hattori Zenzou, showing the Shogun's head to the Harusame to end the battle. Shinsengumi 1st Division Captain Kagura was only able to get out of this state because Shinpachi's words reached her and refuse to ever enter this state again as she fears she might completely lose herself to the Yato heritage within herself. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Kagura is minimized as well due to Gengai's latest invention. Hair Color: Sougo showed an expected side of him to the rest of Shinsegumi as his personality took on a 180 degree change in front of his sister. 1. At night, Kagura goes to see the dog and meets Katsura there. Kondo is forced into an arranged marriage with a gorilla. After being admitted to the Shinsengumi, Katsura was introduced to Saito Shimaru by Sougo. Her Gender Bender form is based on the historical warrior Xiahou Dun from the Three Kingdoms Era of Chinese history. However, he only arrives with the team after it ends. She and Kamui fight back and return to the bloodied Gintoki and Takasugi. Titles: When Otae breaks into the wedding and destroys it with a blast, Kagura runs off with the Yorozuya and Shinsengumi in joy. Kagura throws Kirie over her shoulder and the three-run. Without at home, she is staying at Gintoki's place. She also wore goggles. Knowing her brother and father weren't around, she traveled to Earth to start a new life. As Nobume is about to be attacked by Utsuro, Kagura intervenes by stopping Utsuro with her umbrella. The woman behind all the plots, Ryugujo owner Otohime then lets the poison spread inside her palace. Kihentai and Kamui originally plan to meet in Rakuyou, which is the home-planet of Kagura. As Gintoki turns into a cat as well Shinpachi continues the job with Kagura. Mommy and everybody else left you behind, so you're sniveling and putting on a brave face. Despite their attempts to reason with him, Gintoki leaves them behind. Sougo discovers Senbee been possessed by an evil amato sword named maganagi. #' before the current Inugami Sadaharu came along. Kagura-chanLeaderChina GirlGuraGurakoQueen of the Kabuki DistrictKanna In seconds time, she is attacked by Kijima Matako and Takechi. She had a scar on her left eye and was wearing a Chinese armor. He fights alongside with Sarutobi and Tsukuyo and is regarded as the strongest trio among the group. The perpetrator of the whole event turns out to be Yamazaki. Affiliation(s): However, Kagura eats those curry as well, so she ends up getting diarrhea too. To turn back to normal, they join the game. After the training, Kagura is dressed as Red Ninja. Okita Sōgo At the beginning of the arc, Pirako appears in Otose's wanting to become part of Yorozuya. It turns into a mess with girls vs. guys, and Kagura's opponent is Sougo. Hijikata offers Sougo to sleep, but after talking a little they both agree to sleep. Shinpachi and Kagura refuse to answer their questions and so Kagura is almost forced to walk the plank. Read more information about the character Sougo Okita from Gintama? Umibozu bald and racking up Kagura. Human Instead of asking them to go, Kagura drags the two so that they are all almost devoured by the alien. As an anonymous confessor, Kagura claims to come to earth to marry, and that her husband is a 'diarrhea bastard'. As a public stunt, the Yorozuya and Shinsengumi compete against each other for the Owee. Yet Gintoki agrees with Umibouzu and tells Kagura to leave. After Gintoki's victory, Katsura orders everyone to leave. Kagura, having gotten tired of violence, decides to run away. Maroon coloured (Anime)Blue (Manga) Kagura had a number of pets named 'Sadaharu No. There, Sougo faced off Imai Nobume, who claimed that Sougo shared the same killer eyes as she did. Sougo brought Kirie to the Yorozuya to have them deal with her instead. The second appearance was when Toushirou, in place of Kondo Isao lead an attack against Joui Patriots. Sougo, Kirie and Kagura ended up being kinapped by Soukaitou. They visit the place and find it is in trouble as Kurogoma Katsuo is picking on them. They are stranded onto an island as a battle breaks out between the turtles taking Hasegawa, Otae and Kyuubei, and Katsura respectively. 150 cm (4"10") During a mission under extreme heat, Gintoki takes away Kagura's umbrella to get himself some shades. Kagura and Gintoki are fighting over a electric fan in Episode 21, Kagura and Soyo are hugging in Episode 307. Okita Sougo offers a job to the Yorozuya to track down the champion of Rengokukan, an underground fight club called Kidoumaru. Yato Mode: Kagura, in a panic, once tapped into the full potential of her Yato heritage which transformed her into a monster bent only on killing Abuto. Otae is the only woman Kagura is afraid of and respects the most. After the battle, the Yorozuya is thanked by both diviner families during their departure and Ketsuno Ana via television. Kagura claims that she is intoxicated so she can no longer walk. He tries to save Sougo but the ground shackles. A brief appearance at the beginning, where Kagura is helped home by Shinpachi while Gintoki and the rest continue their all-night party. Gintama Images on Fanpop. Childhood Latest "Gintama" Visual Shows Post Apocalyptic Kagura and Shinpachi posted by maix14 With Gintama: The Movie: The Final Chapter: Be Forever Yorozuya slated to debut in Japanese theaters July 6th, a new visual shows older versions of sidekicks Kagura and Shinpachi against what looks like a post apocalyptic version of the … Okita attempts to fix Kagura's wrist by snapping it back but this painful action only incurs Kagura's wrath, causing her to crush Okita's leg in retaliation. Because of this, he never had many friends, until he caught the eye of Kondou Isao who took him in as a trainee into his dojo. Gintoki then proceeds to throw him into the nearby river in a fit of rage. At night, Sougo is approached by Joui members. She eats a lot when she is on the ship, much to Matako's amazement. While Katsura brings along his Uno to bid a last farewell to Elizabeth, the Yorozuya and Kaientai show up, revealing that their memories are still there. Kagura and Gintoki draw on the only photo they have and eventually come to suspect Hachirou, a man who wears a big afro. Kagura fights her way through with Sadaharu, but is hit and falls down from the height. Sougo made a brief appearance, with Gintoki wanting to put an infant in the care of the police. Official English Name: He carries it around with him and is rarely seen without it. Kagura picks on Shinpachi and calls him a virgin after Seita calls him one. Sougo use the sword to cut the rope to escape along Kagura and Kirie in Episode 187. He feels that Gintoki's memory tree has withered and their existence is like a small branch of the tree, not being able to rustle Gintoki's memories. When Hijikata makes the decision to return to the Shinsengumi headquarters, Sougo is among the other members standing in line and saluting. See more ideas about Okikagu, Gin tama, Anime. Later on, at Iga, she and Gintoki and Shinpachi run away with the shogun Tokugawa Shige Shige to safety but are ambushed by a group of Yato leads by Abuto. 2 Years later (shinsengumi) She herself admits later that she spoiled him because of their parents' death, which caused him to be aloof and distant. He and Gintoki later use the Excalibur Amanto swords in a battle against each other; Sougo's sword eventually breaks. Sougo boards the ship and fights off the attackers until Kamui appears before him. report. She appears with Gintoki again outside the hospital while Kada comes back to revenge. Gintoki and Katsura save the day eventually. In the end, on his way to purchase a cake for his prank, Sougo received a letter from Kirie, implying that she had moved on with her life and understood Sougo's kindness. Reveals that he knows why Hijikata could not tie his sister, but he hates it. Voice Actors Sougo lifts himself up, and declares to the Joui that he is still a member of the Shinsengumi. Suddenly, the tv opens and Jigsaw (parody of the movie ‘’Saw’’) appears and explains the game. She could just make out the silhouette of iron-cast railing that ran around the park in front of her. Although she acts like she doesn't care for the Yorozuya (e.g., beating up Shinpachi and Gintoki) she really does care for the Yorozuya as seen through her actions towards them such as trying to protect them when they're hurt in a fight. Kagura/Okita Sougo; Kamui (Gintama) Kagura (Gintama) Okita Sougo; Sakata Gintoki; Summary. The mother later asks the Yorozuya to help her to find her son, who leaves her to Edo to seek success. The anime is based on Hideaki Sorachi 's manga of the same name. Together with the Yorozuya and Shinsengumi, Sougo stood by Gintoki (who had lost his memories), and the sight of his friends protecting him caused Gintoki's memories to return. He and Kagura charge at the Joui but they are stopped by Yamazaki and the other Shinsengumi members who have joined the Joui patriots and explain their reasons. In the Timeskip arc, however, at 16 years old, she was taller than him at 170 cm. Shinpachi and Kagura are walking on the streets while the other; living or non-living have been frozen. Gintoki and Shinpachi take the doll and back home as Kagura stays in the veterinary to accompany the hospitalized Sadaharu. They meet various characters like Otose, Catherine, Katsura, Sachan, Otae, and Kondou. Though he often acts lazy and slacks off on his jobs, he is very attentive when needed and does not hesitate to kill or cut down his enemies. But while they are running, Kagura gets sniped in the leg. After the final match, she hits Shinpachi hard and claims Shinpachi only wins because of Gintoki's help. They successfully make three members of the Shinobi 5 get sick. ILoveGINTAMA18 Bad Sougo, hahaha! As the days go on Sadaharu is angered by the neighbors and turns into his Inugami form. Shinpachi expresses his sorrow as well since he is too weak. Unfortunately I'm not scared. His attempts appear real enough that Hijikata was afraid he would get killed during the Shinsengumi Death Game arc. 2 years later (mafia) The Yorozuya is commissioned by a local gangster to persuade his son out of his room. She is still sleepy so she does not realize the appearance of this new customer. One night met a man named Senbee want to fight. As the news comes in, the Yorozuya is being attacked by a group of robotic maids. During her hospitalization, she deliberately feigns her illness so that she can get all the care and love. Later on, in retaliation to Kagura throwing him to the cliff, Sougo throws Kagura all the way up, hitting a Naraku member. Kagura's consciousness comes back and she stops the killing. Episode: Sougo was attacked by a girl, Kirie, who claimed that her father was murdered by him during the Rokkaku massacre years ago. Sougo fights battle himself in Episode 187. Sougo's most prominent trait is his sadistic nature, which was revealed on and on as the series goes. Both Nobume and Kamui have stated that Sougo has the eyes of a killer, yet he doesn't wish for innocent people to walk the path he has taken and be stained by blood. She visits her mother's grave where she finds Umibouzu's bouquet for Kouka. تصویر of Sougo and Kagura for شائقین of Gintama 24617325 She continues her pretension of grave sickness and sees no way out as Okita is blocking every chance available. The Shinsegumi together with Yorozuya later worked together in search of the stranded Shogun. Kagura comes across him by chance and notices that he is in a depressed state. Kagura became an idol at Terakado Tsuu's side and gave to Tsuu the bad habit of poking her nose in front of people. In an accident half of the mop pierces her husband, but she leaves him impaled. Kagura arrives the festival and meets Hasegawa there. In that form, she had long hair that was slicked back and she had a beard. But Sougo tells her that there are some things in this world that no one should know. Which gets them chased by the gangsters from her sleep by the alien and leave with Gintoki and try... Gengai 's robot which shares the same kind, Abuto saves Shinpachi and Kagura investigate Haga relationship. After being admitted to the Yorozuya to have an insatiable appetite, with the Yorozuya to their. Evidence during the battle with Utsuro, Kagura gets sniped in the factory where is. Some people live their whole lives without ever making a real jail warden of,... While, it turns out that the son is no longer control sword. Remember anything, so Shinpachi steps in says she does n't like.. After Shinpachi hits her with the other ; Sougo 's picture was used! 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