Every time you “fail” the Odin quest after 20:00 minutes you will get kicked out of the Centra Ruins. The Centra Ruins is located on the southern most continent and can be easily reached once you gain control of the Balamb Garden during Disc 2. The difference being the King's greater diversity of attacks and a weighty increase in maximum HP. This can increase a bit if you junction magic to Luck, but Luck-J is fairly uncommon itself, innately being possessed by only one as-of-yet undiscovered GF. The Tonberry King is larger, but he’d not necessarily much more powerful than normal Tonberrys. Odin is not a normal Guardian Force like the others you have obtained throughout your travels. Even Ultima junctioned to Evade only boosts you up by 24%, meaning Evade+30% might increase your Evade score by a whopping… 7%? The Tonberry King will only attack you after you've killed twenty to fifty Tonberry's within Centra Ruins. The GF will simply stand there, daring you to defeat him before the time limit expires. Centra Ruins (optional) Rare Cards N/A Draw Points N/A GFs Tonberry King Magazines N/A Enemies N/A Blue Magic N/A Head northeast from Edea’s Orphanage to the Centra Ruins (where you fought Odin). Tonberries also have an absolutely fierce counterattack called Everyone's Grudge. The first level of the ruins has a statue, said to be of a sorceressand a knight, in the center of a round platform with small steps leading up to it. Cactuar Farming in the Kashkabald Desert. To get to Tonberry King, you have to kill between 18 and 22 Tonberries, and you can actually go outside and save while doing this. The battle against Tonberry King at the Centra Ruins. You'll have to keep her HP topped up with the others and use her strongest attacks. – Luck+50% is much like Evade+30% in that most characters have a terrible base Luck score, so much so that this ability will probably only give them roughly a +10 point boost. Getting the Tonberry King (Disc 2 Strategy) First of all, you must locate the Centra Ruins, which is in the Centra Continent. Examine the statue and take out its left eye. While you were seeking Odin in the Centra Ruins, you might have also noticed a Tonberry or two popping up. Climb the stone ladder on the left and enter another chamber. – Haggle reduces the price of items at shops by 25%, which will further allow you to increase gains made via the infinite Gil trick, and generally make it easier for you to buy choice items in bulk. At the back behind the statue is a set of stairs leading up before forking; the left path … You can also leave your HP low and spam limit breaks - Squall, Zell and Irvine all work wonders, especially if Squall has his Lionheart. (1 of 2) The Tonberry King is larger, but he’d not necessarily much more powerful than normal Tonberrys. With the proper junction, a single round of Squall's Renzokuken can kill a Tonberry. It's really a two-part area: the lower section (with the Tonberry GF), and the upper section (with Odin). Centra Ruins - Odin. Initiate the curing process and quickly activate the other character's Limit Break while the healing takes effect. 36. Collectively the four shop abilities take quite a bit of AP, far more than you’re going to want to grind Fastitocalon-Fs for… but we’ll deal with that issue shortly. Maintain Squall and your third party member at full-strength at all times. When you've finally vanquished enough Tonberries to raise the Tonberry King's ire, Its Regalness will appear in place of the last fallen Tonberry. As foolish as this may seem, Tonberries are extremely hesitant if at all willing to counterattack Angelo. Finally, the Tonberry King also has a physical attack, although his Strength is only slightly higher than a normal Tonberry. If you wish to accept his invitation, proceed through the ruins and enter the tower's first chamber. Tonberry King is also found in the Centra ruins, like Odin, but you'll want to get this one after you have Odin and so after the time limit in the area is removed. Like the lesser Tonberrys, the Tonberry King has a healthy amount of HP, but unlike the lesser Tonberrys, Tonberry King’s HP scale more as he levels up. Strangely, Odin will not attack you. This being the case, you might want to exit to the world map when the timer hits 10:00 or so, just to prevent any complications. Recommended Setup: Begin with Rinoa's HP in Limit Break territory. Fisherman's Horizon. The exact number is random but it's between 18 and 24. Location: You must first defeat 15-30 Tonberries in the Centra Ruins, before you will face the King. This will be a lot tougher as you are required to fight many battles against very, very, very annoying and powerful creatures. This is a wonderful tool for a low-level party, as they’re no longer restricted from getting higher level gains from enemies. ... Laguna Dream - Centra Excavation Site Final Fantasy VIII. You’ll find the Centra Ruins on the western part of this Centra Crater landmass. (left), He, too, can be quickly cut down by spamming limit breaks. Information on how to acquire each GF and a discussion of their abilities, including where to assign them. Relevance. Once you defeat him, he will be yours to call upon. This boss will appear after defeating about 25-30 tonberries, but due to the timed nature of the section, we recommend running away from all tonberries until you defeat Odin to make the timer disappear. Final Fantasy VIII (FFVIII) Related Links Information on all characters, including stats and how to acquire all their weapons and limits. Take Squall and Quistis along, and have one or both at critical status in … Shumi Village. Make sure he/she has a healthy stock of strong curative magic and/or access to fully-curative items (junction the Recover ability if possible). This battle could take a long time, but as long as you play it safe you should be fine. FF10 and FFX-2 boast even larger and far nastier versions, such as the Don Tonberry. In addition the guide will cover all side quests and will also include in-depth mini-guides for Chocobo World and Triple Triad. Yikes. As simple as it seems, this will be no mean task. How to Beat Tonberry King. Restore her HP immediately and finish the fight. Though you can also draw Triple from Cerberus later, Odin is the best and easiest source for it. Tonberry King. Especially handy for a low-level party that still needed Dragon Skin for Zell’s Ehrgeiz weapon. Remove this ad - … These macabre little things with their rusty knives and shuffling gait have a lot of HP, so you might not have bothered battling many of them. ... Balamb Garden in Crisis. Tonberry King. It is the crystal looking structure in the middle of the desert. #2, is the tonberry's. Final Fantasy VIII (FFVIII) Related Links Tonberry. Odin is not a normal Guardian Force like the others you have obtained throughout your travels. Centra Ruins - Tonberry King 33. At level 10 he’ll have a mere 25,000 HP, which is a bit, but only roughly 50% more than your average Tonberry. You need not kill them all in one go - you can return to the world map, even rest in Balamb Garden if you need to. Read on to see this GF’s Abilities, Stats, the effect of their Summon Ability, and how to obtain Tonberry. Demi works well, as will Diablos (if you leveled him, not so much if not). + Final Fantasy III - Final Fantasy IIIFinal Fantasy III Game Basics - Basic Controls - Quickstart - Important Terms Information - Armor - Battle System - Bestiary - Black Magic - Bosses - Classes - Items - Level Up - Maps - Secrets - Summons - Terrain Magic - Tips & Tricks - Travel - Weapons - White Magic Take out both eyes, return to the other statue, and insert the eyes. 25. Just run around the second screen in the Centra Ruins and if the timer runs out, pick “Try Again” to return to the world map. Begin each battle by attacking with Rinoa's Limit Break and the strongest attack Squall and your third character have. Sorceress Assassination Mission. Still, it’s… something. While Tonberry King can be a nuisance with his high HP and “It’s Sharp!” attack, but he’s also got a generous selection of spells you can draw. Tonberry King: The king of the Tonberries. In FF8, if you collect twenty Chef's Knives and defeat the King Tonberry which appears in the Centra Ruins, you can call Tonberry in battle as a GF! When Tonberry King eventually shows up, he will replace the Tonberry that you have just beaten. For Final Fantasy VIII on the PlayStation, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Question regarding the timer in Centra Ruins and getting Tonberry King. Anonymous. ". The Centra continent is a shattered collection of landmasses on the south-central part of the world map. Suffice to say, he’s best fought early. From the screen you start out in head up one screen to reach some ruins, including an arched doorway behind a “My Blue Heaven” sign. Information on Triple Triad, including the location of every card in the game and how to best use them. Tonberry King Quest After you defeat Odin, exit the Centra Ruins and heal up. Tonberry is all about the abilities, and he’s got some real winners, although some of them won’t be immediately useful. The Centra Ruins is located on the large island-continent north of the the main Centra (southern-most) continent. 35. 3 An Audience With The Tonberry King. There's two GFs for you to obtain here, Tonberry King GF as well as the Odin GF. 6 Tonberry King While you’re finding your way to Odin in the Centra Ruins, you’ll probably notice that another familiar Final Fantasy face calls this place home too: the Tonberries. For feedback or questions, e-mail IGNguides at: editors@ignguides.com . ". – Sell-High can be learned after you acquire Haggle, which sets the value of items you sell to 150% the normal rate. He has the greatest animation scene ever. – Call Shop can be learned after you acquire Familiar, and allows you to shop at stores you’ve previously visited from anywhere. In a normal game, that’s fine, but if you’re trying to keep your levels down, occasionally deigning to fight when you need to Mug items or harvest spells, this GF can get annoying. At level 10 he’ll have a mere 25,000 HP, which is a bit, but only roughly 50% more than your average Tonberry. 32. The Centra Ruins is located on the southern most continent and can be easily reached once you gain control of the Balamb Garden during Disc 2. You'll be addressed by a voice identifying itself as Odin, the legendary GF. Continue in this fashion until the Tonberry falls. They walk slowly forward, being incapable of quickly closing the distance between you, and when they are adjacent the the party they’ll go to work with their Chef’s Knife attack, which can grow to be fairly painful. To get Tonberry King GF you have to kill 20 tonberry's in a row, without leaving the area, so no saving. 24. Head left, climb the ladder to reach the top of the dome, and examine the statue. 34. This guide will cover the main quest-line chronologically, giving advice on leveling (and how to avoid it), where to find the best spells, how to acquire all GFs and defeat all bosses. If you fail to do so, Odin will use his sword, Zantetsuken, to cut your entire party in half and end your game. To get Tonberry King you have to re-enter the Centra Ruins and fight against 20 Tonberry's at the same place. 2 Answers. The fight with Tonberry King starts immediately after defeating the Tonberry, so you’ll need to be wary of the potential to be ambushed by this foe. 37. To make this boss appear, players must defeat 20+ normal Tonberries in the Centra Ruins, and once the correct threshold has been hit, Tonberry King will immediately appear at the end of the last battle. Actually, you can leave the area and dave on the World Map. Well, you need to kill around twenty Tonberrys to lure out the Tonberry King, which is the entire point of this trip. 39. This place is home to two GFs, although Odin isn’t a GF in the traditional sense, and you’re not really here for him. Trabia Garden. Rewards: Odin [GF], Odin Card, Tonberry [GF]. This critter is interesting enough, and you’ll have to fight enough of them, that it’s worth going over a bit. The battle with the Tonberry King will resemble every other Tonberry skirmish in most ways. Boost them to level 30+ and they should drop multiple Dragon Skins (4-8 per Anacondaur) almost every time (95%). If that character has defeated 100 foes, they’ll take 2,000 damage - no blocking, reductions or complications. Final Fantasy VIII walkthrough - Part 34: Centra Ruins (Odin Boss Battle) From where the party enters the Centra Ruins and fights against Odin. This quest is exhausting and you're likely to grow impatient. Use the time remaining to mug Odin and stock the valuable magic carried by the GF. To obtain the Tonberry King GF what you're going to want to do is defeat around 20 Tonberry enemies in Centra Ruins. This page is about the GF Tonberry from the game Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVIII). Why not join us today? You must then defeat him so he'll join the party. Attack: Chef's Knife Starting Level: 30 Starting HP: 2596 Element: None Location. When you insert the left eye, you'll be given a five-digit code. This includes the following items: Potion, Potion+, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion+, X-Potion, and they’ll be used in the order in which they are found in the item screen, not in proportion to damage dealt. Complete walkthrough of the main questline. Save, and enter again if you wish to fight and gain Tonberry King, a new GF. Centra Ruins - Tonberry King 33. Two obvious uses for this are to make enemies weaker, which is its own reward, but you can also use this to level up a monster so they have better spells to draw or items to drop. (1 of 3) Find the Centra Ruins in the Centra Crater region. – Move-HP Up will restore you HP as you walk, which is… fine, but not game-breaking. If you slay enough of them (expect to exterminate at least 20), their King will appear to seek vengeance. Tonberry King will also counterattack every several hits with “Junk”, which will cause a cascade of… well, junk, to fall on the party. Quickly cast Aura and whip out some Renzokuken on them. Attack him with everything in your arsenal to bring him to within a single blow of defeat. The number of Tonberries the player needs to defeat to engage the Tonberry King is 20–50. 31. You can leave Centra Ruins at any time you like as long as you don't die before saving your game. Instead, Odin randomly shows up at the conclusion of random battles to finish off the enemy for you. Defeat the Tonberry King and the Tonberry GF is yours. Winhill. Tonberry is also in the Centra Ruins, but it's much easier to acquire once Odin is defeated and the time limit on the ruins is removed. There are also several worn pillars, as the floor has been eroded over time. Centra Ruins - Obtaining Odin Side Quests. How to Beat Tonberry King. Otherwise, Tonberry King is very similar to other Tonberrys, being immune to almost every status effect (functionally all of them if you don’t have Selphie) while being weak nor resistant to no elements. Odin will challenge you to climb his tower and defeat him within 20 minutes. Tonberry King. (1 of 3) Use Tonberry’s LV Up ability to empower enemies. There’s a range of kills that Tonberry can show up during, and he’ll appear after you kill a normal Tonberry, extending that fight rather than starting a new one. The coolest GF right before Jumbo Cactuar! Centra Ruins (optional) Rare Cards N/A Draw Points N/A GFs Tonberry King Magazines N/A Enemies N/A Blue Magic N/A Head northeast from Edea’s Orphanage to the Centra Ruins (where you fought Odin). (right). Centra Ruins - Obtaining Odin Side Quests. You do not equip and junction him like a regular Guardian Force. Cast Diablos a lot of times and he'll be dead soon. Even then, limits only outright killed a Tonberry roughly half the time, so the odd Phoenix Down/Life spell was needed to bring back characters felled by Everyone’s Grudge. Just for comparison, a low-level party junctioned with Str+60% and Tornado junctioned to Strength could boast around 120~ Strength. – His Initiative ability will start a character with a full ATB bar - useful for hunting Cactuars, or for any other actions you’d rather do quickly and not leave up to chance. Occupied Balamb. One Tonberry, one AP, which should make it easy to track. Big plus. A low level party with good magics junctioned and easily dispatch him with a few limit breaks. You’ll keep your Tonberry kill progress, and Odin’s timer and taunts are irrelevant to your goal of killing Tonberrys. Now, after defeating Odin and getting all of the requirements as listed above, Head to the Centra Ruins. Centra Ruins (Odin Side Quest) - FF8 Guide. Head for the top of the steps and climb the ladder on the left. After you defeat around twenty Tonberrys the Tonberry King will have a chance to show up every time you defeat another Tonberry. This walkthrough is organized as such, because they really end up being two very separate quests in one area. Cactuar Farming in the Kashkabald Desert. Tomb of the Unknown. Luck does have an effect on Hit%, Evade% and critical hit rate, however, so it may be worth equipping on every character not named Squall - his accuracy is already max and he lands a critical hit whenever you pull the trigger on his attacks. Examine the glowing device to eject the set of steps on the right. To get Tonberry, players need to beat 20 Tonberry enemies while in the ruins. In any event, you’re done with Tonberry, and really, that’s all you need to do in the Centra ruins for now. 34. 38. When you enter you’ll see a counter pop-up, and some being - Odin - will communicate with you. Sounds nice, but unless that character has Eva-J and some magic equipped, it’ll… well, what’s +30% of 1%? Violence, Suggestive Themes, Mild Language, Animated Violence, Best Movie, TV and Comics of the Year Awards 2020, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. In this case, their high HP is actually somewhat slanted against lower-level parties, as they start out with 15,200 HP and max out at 35,000 HP - a staggeringly low growth rate of x2.3 over 100 levels. Throw the switch, exit the chamber, and climb down the ladder. 29. Appears to seek revenge for all defeated Tonberries. Via: Almar's Guides. Cast Scan to determine Odin's HP. Tonberry King in Final Fantasy 8? Maintain discipline and you won't get knocked out.). A bit dubious, honestly, unless you know roughly how much damage will be done, which items to have equipped to counter said damage, and enough stock to blow. Defeating Tonberrys is one thing, but what’s the point? It’s worth pointing out that it’s not too late nor very difficult to win the Zell and Pandemona cards, which will give you Str+60% and Tornado, respectively, and both can be found in Balamb. Break territory that character has defeated 100 foes, they ’ re probably better off just using to... Ff8 Guide [ GF ], Odin is the best and easiest source for it Tomb and proceed you... Have one or both at critical status in … ¤ Tonberry King appear. Fine, but what ’ s LV up ability to empower enemies your “ Abilities ” menu to shopping. To best use them Tonberries have high HP and an odd fighting style it ’ ll take 2,000 -! That 's what I did when I played and went to the other statue, examine... 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