The sequence of menu abilities that must be used to complete this refine formula; each step in a sequence uses all of the results from the previous step ... or card that is … The following is a list of items in Final Fantasy VIII. If you only want to go as far as punishment, you only need to play Dr. Kadowakai, she's got all the cards you need. Filling the in-game card list has a gold star appear next to the Cards menu. It is that easy! Then select the ability from your menu and refine. In order to be able to refine things, you have to make your GFs learn the needed ability. If the player has had a card but lost/refined it, it will be grayed out. You can also make a lot of money by buying … which cards should i mod to get the best spells Final Fantasy VIII PlayStation . Items: Occult Fan I, MiniMog Card, Quistis Card, Ifrit Card. You can obtain the card again later in disc 4 … 20 elnoyle(i think thats how you spell him), Playing: SMT:Strange Journey, Final Fantasy 13, Castlevania Chronicles. Tweet. They cover the details of how to manipulate rules and win cards at every step through the game. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Battle and junction effects and refinement/drawing information for the Force Armlet item in Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVIII, PlayStation Network, PS, PS1, PSX, PSN) Final Fantasy. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. 100 Death (Tonberry card + life magic refine) 100 Quake (Armadodo and T-rexaur card) 100 Doubles (Draw from Elvoret) 100 Holy (Draw from lvl 30+ Diablos) 100 Flare (Draw from lvl 30+ Diablos) 100 Meltdown (Gayla Cards) You can get Squalls Lion Heart before the end of disc 1, but you can get all of the above before you go on your first seed mission. You can complete the entirety of this quest once you obtain access to the Ragnarok at the end of Disc 3 or you can complete portions of the quest at various points of the game during the regular story. In this Deep Look I show off the different ways you can refine items in FF8 and how refining items makes the game COMPLETELY BROKEN. If you only want to go as far as punishment, you only need to play Dr. Kadowakai, she's got all the cards you need. According to the Final Fantasy VIII Ultimania, the card game was created by a psychic named Orlan who modified fortune-telling cards for use in a game, coining the name "Triple Triad." Dollet & the Siren Card. Card Mod the Quistis card for 3 Samantha Souls and the Zell Card for 3 Hyper Wrists. It suggests OP cards to collect and refine as they come up. And it does all this while not explaining stuff you don't need explaining, and without using too many words. Triple is to be drawn from Odin and Cerberus. Cheats. Junction this to status attack (Siren notably) and you have 100% chance to cause instant death to anything not immune to it (almost every non-boss mob is not resistant to it in the game). Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. What are your top 5 cards for triple triad? The following is the list of Triple Triad cards in Final Fantasy VIII. It feels like it was just yesterday when I played Final Fantasy VIII to 100%. the cc members will be located on the ragnarok on disc 4 where they will randomly play any player/gf card … Rinoa Card - Acquired from Caraway in Disc 2 while on Selphie's team in Deling City by first losing the Ifrit Card; Leviathan Card - Acquired from Card Magician Joker, who randomly appears on the bridge going right from the first screen of Balamb Garden's Training Center; if he doesn't show up, re-enter the screen until he does In the more modern-styled world of Final Fantasy VIII the print business ... 1 Ochu Card = 1 Ochu Tentacle; Pulse Ammo. Level 10 is the cream of the card crop here, as main characters begin to feature and once broken down, these cards will deliver the best items and materials in all of Final Fantasy 8 Remastered. I'm going to guess the restriction in your 'optimal' disc 1 is time. Refining cards leads to many great items, for refining spells and weapon parts and is the best way to go in a low or no level game. Accompany Quistis to the Classroom. They only drop Adamantine, you can't mug them. A great spell to junction on Str, Mag, and HP, it is also one of the best to junction for Speed, Eva and Hit . FINAL FANTASY VIII. Basically I don't care about low levels, I just want a guide on how to use triple triad to get all the best spells, all of the blue magic limits for Quistis, all of the rare cards, and all around breaking the game to hell and back. Flare not worth it since I'd still rather draw that spell then having to win 150 Ruby Dragon Cards for 300 Flare spells. Forbid Mag-RF. You can complete the entirety of this quest once you obtain access to the Ragnarok at the end of Disc 3 or you can complete portions of the quest at various points of the game during the regular story. I'm not a fan of Absolute Steve, he waffles on far too much. This is a great … The enemies in FF8 scale with your level, so the more you level up, the … ... Now you will need to refine the Elnoyle cards to get the 2 Energy Crystals using CardMOD, yes it was a hard grind but your doing the right thing. In order to be able to refine things, you have to make your GFs learn the needed ability. It's ace, and brings real depth to the game. You want to be fighting level 30+ Adamantoises, they have the best chance to drop them (75% chance that they'll drop an item but it's always an Adamantine). Through the Queen of Cards side quest you can earn several top-notch cards including the Kiros Card, the Irvine Card, the Chubby Chocobo Card, the Doomtrain Card and the Phoenix Card.