536014214. what the fuck is with this shit game, /v/? The main character of this tale is Cecil, a Dark Knight in the service of the King of Baron. ... Edward, sadly, remains as useless as ever But yeah I just wanted to make this thread to periodically post my thoughts. Mombomb Hp : 10 800 Weaknesses : Darkness . FF4 scales the speed of combat based on the agility stat of your party's "agility anchor". Why? Posts: 4,604; Logged ; ff4(2us) hack lol patch. Maps [19] Adamant Grotto. Show Spoilers. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years recently did a lot of course correction for Edward. It's probably better than FF4's, though obviously is dependent on that game for setting up the characters. How do you know if you completed all the maps 100% to get treasure hunter augment if you cant revisit the dungeons? As the tree states, “I have been working on being useless for a long time. Drops from Armored Fiends. Page Tools. The situation is dire on Final Fantasy IV’s version of Planet Earth. I'm not a fan of the bard class either. The best way to kill it is to have Edward and Cecil parry at all times while Rydia calls the Chocobo. My second playthrough is coming along well. Which version is better? Show 200 post(s) from this thread on one page. He was a complete waste of time. guess. As this tutorial battle shows, the only way to "win" is to kill the Specters (who are completely nonthreatening), then have Edward Sing. ... As an Augment, Safe Travel is useless because you will want to fight most battles to … Posted by 8 years ago. Have all your fighters ( Cecil, Edward, Yang ) attack while Rydia calls Chocobo, Rosa heals the party with Cure1. Cid's not useless either. He lends you his hovercraft ('bout the only good thing you get from him). Last Edited: 23 Aug 2012 12:55 am. Top Contributors: Andreweisen, Kingbren, Prem BINDRA + more. Edward is a very useless character, to be honest, though thankfully you don't get him for very long. :O. What did you think of Edward? Edward from FF4. He's not completely useless, especially since his harps can inflict status ailments as can his Sing ability. Cave Bahamut. Well most probably won't remember but I started to play FFIV Advance for the first time about a year or two ago. Edward's stats receive a healthy boost after level 70, but who's getting that far with this character? Tellah leaves, off to avenge Anna's death. Jacob Zuma’s eldest son, Edward, was a little upset to find that his bank account had been frozen when he walked into a Durban branch of FNB. NPCs (Overworld) Summons. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. His support moves would be okay if they didn't take so long to go active, so either the fight is … Just misunderstood and only with the party for far too brief a time.---People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. The removal of Edward's Medicine/Heal command in Final Fantasy II and Easy Type, documented below, introduced a bug where the blank slot in Edward's command list can be selected after he returns from hiding. About Spoilers. Simple? Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Square Enix Square Enix Why he sucks: His physical and magical stats are both low, and all he can do in battle is sing and hide. Well something has to go here or people will ignore the last line of every post I make. Game Data. Edward's SO much more valuable than that, and it's hard to realize until you get to the moon: Salve. Porom. His one and only asset is his high Agility (which isn’t even that high, on average; just “not worse than anyone else really”). However, in vanilla FF4, if Cecil is in the party, then he is the agility anchor, regardless of position. Zeromus EG is a secret boss in the Lunar Ruins dungeon of Final Fantasy IV Advance and The Complete Collection.Zeromus EG is stronger than the original Zeromus fought at the Lunar Core. Printable View. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. 3 3. Sing will randomly inflict Sleep, Confuse or Silence, but has a low success rate.He does Hide automatically when at low HP, and it can be difficult to get him to do anything at that point. What an absolute shocker. At 3/31/08 05:20 PM, Grade-Zero wrote: Edward from FF4. Ooh, I'm going to run away from the battle and come back later because I'm scared of getting hurt! Not only that, his attack power was utter shit. DC2 : Creating jpeg pics of Scoops, Ideas and Weapons on my website (members.shaw.ca/alanm227). Palom. Once the party reaches the final floor of the dungeon, they get a chance to fight him. And his new Upgrade command would be even better if not for the fact that he only fights one boss with an elemental weakness. I once heard from a … Joking aside, most summons are useless except Sylph (for emergency healing), and Bahamut because he nukes the whole battlefield, unlike Flare which only obliterates one single enemy. Kokkol, the … I liked his story. Once Edward/Gilbert joins you, it says so in the text box. Switch to SNES/FF2us Switch to GBA/FF4A. NOTHING. I'll start it off, Fujin and Raijin what do they do in the game anyways? FuSoYa. This is one scene I particularly liked from FFIV. If you find a really good bow and either Artemis or Samurai Arrows in a shop, Edward is good for 1200-ish damage from the back row. Once it explodes, it becomes 3 Bombs and 3 Gray Bombs. With Yuri Lowenthal, Liam O'Brien, Caroline Macey, Doug Lee. News and Statistics. However I've recently rekindled my interest in the game. Apparently he was awesome on the GBA version end-game though I didn't play it. About Spoilers. Posts about FF4 written by YoshiKyon. Posts about FF4 written by Kevin. In the second room, the first door you see goes to a charm harp for Edward. Edward was never useless. ff4(2us) hack lol patch. What is the best place in the game to level grind. User Info: jayman7. Oh come on in the snes version all you could do is hide him. Official Art Fanart Fanfiction Screenshots Music Downloads. How do you know if you completed all the maps 100% to get treasure hunter augment if you cant revisit the dungeons? I am determined to finish the game this time. It is unable to remain as it is. Naturally, there's a lot of fetch quests involved. Useless Bard. Without interference, Edward has … LIVE text commentary. 2,822; 7 SUKI! I doubt Edward will ever hit even LV 25+ before he permanently leaves the party. Edward is one of the various party members in Final Fantasy IV who accompanies Cecil for a brief stint before getting injured to the point where he can't help the party anymore and leaves. The main character of this tale is Cecil, a Dark Knight in the service of the King of Baron. hide. FF4 Edward Geraldine. He pulled my arms away, holding them at my sides with too much force--to the point of it being painful, as his lips continued to assault mine. Later, Edward plays his harp by the oasis in Kaipo in reminiscence of Anna. raw download clone embed print report. Cover (Paladin) Rosa gives you the Auto Potion Augment after you talk to her. Pieman0920~Garsh, I learned English by watching cartoons, and my speak-diddly-eaking has turned out Grrrreeaaaaat. Current: PS1/FF4. Any AR codes for the US version of IV DS? Never . Follow. report . He's even more awesome now. Edward's later bardsongs are pretty good too, not that you get to use them with him, only with his augment. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last. A bard made the list about worst Final Fantasy party members. 9 years ago; 34; Tags: mcdonalds food hungry stores worldwide usa useless information useless facts In Japanese, it says, “Gilbert, the royal, has joined!” In English, it says, “Prince Edward joined as a Bard!” If you recall, the whole “bard” thing was originally just a disguise. … Edward's later bardsongs are pretty good too, not that you get to use them with him, only with his augment. Final Fantasy IV (OT: jap. Thinking about the people he cares about makes him stronger. Kain Highwind. ファイナルファンタジーIV, Fainaru Fantajī Fō) ist der vierte Teil der Final-Fantasy-Videospielserie von Square. Which is perfectly fine, they were all useless anyway. Game Version. Dark knight Cecil Harvey goes on a mission to retrieve lost Crystals that a man named Golbez has seemingly stolen. jayman7 12 years ago #15. What is the damage potential of Rydia with Stardust Rod, I. Lore, and L. Break? A lot of time I didn't even both to rez him. Edward's Challenge Dungeon Keep a note of how much gil we start with, as Gil is very important for this dungeon. text 17.11 KB . As BizNews editor Jackie Cameron … Ooh, I'm going to run away from the battle and come back later because I'm scared of getting hurt! Just misunderstood and only with the party for far too brief a time.---People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. ----- corner of the map, and open the chest there for a Shadowblade. People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. The novel Anne of Green Gables includes, besides the title character Anne Shirley, a rival and later friend by the name of Gilbert Blythe. His stats are great; he's just lacking in abilities. Playing FF4...Again. Official … Enemies & Bosses [2] Bosses. Lunar Ruins is a bonus dungeon in Final Fantasy IV Advance and Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection. by KANON. Life Anthem is good. You can base them on persona Rosa Joanna Farrell. Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Giant of Bab-il . Game Data. Final Fantasy IV, the fourth entry in the face-meltingly popular Final Fantasy game series and the first 16-bit game in the series, released in 1991.. Edward Chris von Muir from Final Fantasy IV. It almost killed me, but I’ve finally managed it.” (Ziporyn’s translation) Before being cut down, a tree is already only judged for its use value. A. AgentOtaku Member. FF4 Edward Geraldine. After questioning the recent warmongering of his king, he is demoted to errand boy and sent to a village called Mist in order to deliver a package and slay a dragon menacing its borders. This development is good news for South Africa, with President Cyril Ramaphosa promising to take action against corruption. The Big Whale. So, right now in IE9 and FF4 you can get computed width/height values for block elements reported like "100.34px", "11.65px", etc. Well most probably won't remember but I started to play FFIV Advance for the first time about a year or two ago. So next trial is a solo exception time. 3,321; 4 SUKI! Quina can be the most powerful party member if you put work on it, and Selphie can very easily one hit KO anything. ... Edward, sadly, remains as useless as ever But yeah I just wanted to make this thread to periodically post my thoughts. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It is located at the Stone Face on the Red Moon, allusion to the "face" found on Mars in the real world.
Version 1.2 (7/29/08) / Walkthrough up to when you get the Enterprise. What it says is different in both language versions. It is unlocked by defeating Zeromus. just why do all the FAQ's say the easiest way to get rainbow pudding is yellow jelly and flan princess? 2 1 12. comments. He is sensitive and somewhat of a coward, but gains confidence and assists his friends to the best of his abilities strengthened by his love for those he has lost. Question concerning Edward in Final Fantasy IV. -Melee with Edward if Yang doesn’t kill WaterHag -do some inventory management during dialog (when general is retreating normally, or while Edward throws DD at gargoyle) move useless stuff down in the inventory such as rod, shadow sword, etc -GO TO THE INN after the fights -take off tiara (swap with cap) -equip black sword -Go to the boat-Mysidia When I played FF4 in SNES he did pretry poor damage, but in the PSP version he was actually useful in battle - damage wise. Print. Started by Zozma, February 02, 2011, 09:51:27 pm. Durchgang 2., Fähigkeiten erhalten und verteilen. Kaipo. Guides and Info News Fanworks Forums Chat Poll Store About. How did that turn into "Edward"? So today we're doing Edward's Challenge Dungeon. >_>, A game about love, honor, power, and giant talking kitty cats: Jay's Journey (see quote!). Jun 13th, 2014. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. In the game's biggest twist, Edward actually doesn't fight an Antlion to get the pearl. To finish off this category (because there is nothing good available for X-Z), we turn back towards one of the classics – almost every RPG ever has had a healer of some sort, regardless of the name. File: 2219353-ff4_logo.jpg (51 KB, 480x447) 51 KB JPG. Official Art Fanart Fanfiction Screenshots Music Downloads. Edward is a moderately powerful attacker later in the game, but early on he is somewhat useless to have in your party. rex_sine_nomine posted...Edward was never useless. Nov 21, 2005 31,045 1 0 37 Spokane, WA. Not a member of Pastebin yet? With this method, you'll probably won't need to heal. In the 3D remakes, the song first appears when Cecil and Rydia convince Edward to aid them in finding the Sand Pearl in the Antlion's Den. Cait Sith and Vincent have bad limit breaks, but you can use them normally without using limit breaks. | Boss Battle : | Diet Ration item or an Esuna spell, or use the Pig spell. Okay, so I'm playing Final Fantasy IV for the first time, and I was wondering if Edward gets any better later on in the game? Final Fantasy IV, known as Final Fantasy II for its initial North American release, is a role-playing video game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.Released in 1991, it is the fourth main installment of the Final Fantasy series. i thought the older ffs were supposed to be good. What is the damage potential of Rydia with Stardust Rod, I. Lore, and L. Break? Edward – Edward is just barely viable if you squint. I am determined to finish the game this time. In fact, I don't think any character is completely useless other than Cid, because of the augment system. | 20. "Edward's Harp" plays an important role during the battle against the Dark Elf in the Lodestone Cavern. The Rydia basically calls Edward a pussy (which is so very true). Characters Magic Items Weapons Armor Enemies Stores & Maps Walkthrough FAQ. There's more, though. The abilities they come with are designed to be used end-game. Edward in FFIV sucks. At 3/31/08 05:20 … CoN. Quote from: Spooniest on April 28, 2016, 11:59:15 pm once you've been to the moon, there's really nowhere else to go However for Edward to have every song usable he must be at LV 50. But there is one part of the game where his musical skill saves the entire party, ironically after he's no longer in it. What is the best place in the game to level grind. Offline. Latest news. Any AR codes for the US version of IV DS? Hide Spoilers. So I have a 2D Version of FF4 and FF4 After years( Called FFIV: The Complete Collection) on my Vita and I just found out that there is also this 3D version of the game. So today we're doing Edward's Challenge Dungeon. Weak attacks and weak defense meaning he spends most of the time not doing anything useful or dead. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Most gamers would be cheering at this point, because Edward is one of the most useless party members you get at that … Edward Chris von Muir. Follow. … EnconXV. Spoilers: Hidden. I absolutely hated Edward in the original and GBA versions. a guest . Have all your fighters ( Cecil, Edward, Yang ) attack while Rydia calls Chocobo, Rosa heals the party with Cure1. Haha, Sing. Useless on trash waves, but those become few and far in-between and non-existent in Lufenia. This is a crucially understated fact. The loss of Anna. 329 . Playing FF4...Again . Except fucking useless-ass Harley has to go and get Sand Fever, so Edward decides to walk all the way back to the Antlion Cave, by himself, and get the Sand Pearl to cure her. save. Switch to SNES/FF2us Switch to GBA/FF4A. ff4(2us) hack lol patch February 02, 2011, 09:51:27 pm Last Edit : August 11, 2012, 06:44:23 pm by Eternal248 Well, I got pretty bored trying to work on a fft patch with way too many goals to complete in a timely manner so ive taken a detour and worked on a easy ass project. Go Down Pages 1 2 3... 8. Game Version. Guides and Info News Fanworks Forums Chat Poll Store About. Non-Playable Characters [4] Anna. This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: In the original SNES game, Edward's musical talents are fairly useless most of the time, especially against bosses. The bank accounts of Zuma’s siblings, Duduzane and Dudu Zuma, had also been closed. He was a complete waste of time. Part 47: Edward's Challenge Dungeon Edward's Challenge Dungeon Keep a note of how much gil we start with, as Gil is very important for this dungeon. Edward is left with the task of slaying Dark Bahamut after he wipes out the rest of the party. It introduced a new story that turns him into a ninja, but as far as the original FF4 goes, he's still dead weight. Edward explaining the melody. Him helping the team defeat the Dark Elf was also a nice moment. Golbez. I abandoned the game because I have the attention span of a goldfish. ... Edward also isn't a totally useless waste in the DS version, despite the lack of bugs and post-game weaponry. Neither Quina or Selphie are useless. Baron Castle. Shouldn't be in the game, not important, so on and so forth. This still manages to be the least annoying challenge dungeon I've done. Not only that, his attack power was utter shit.You kids know nothing, Edward was ace. Archived. In Free Enterprise, the anchor is always the first occupied party slot (in the sequence of middle, top, bottom, top-middle, bottom-middle). Basically I found him pretty useless. There's not many... but there are some characters that... are well.. useless Which character(s) are in your opinion useless? Zozma. This is something no other browser has ever done before. The only battles in this boring trial of Edward's, taking place in a frozen alternate Damcyan Castle, are these spirits. The spell effect I suggest to use for your Nova would be … share. Fabul. It's pretty gimmicky, in that you need to gather a ton of gil so you can buy good items at the end. But the club continued to grow financially under the supervision of Edwards and before stepping down as chief executive Manchester United were reputed to be worth £1bn, with Old Trafford's capacity set to reach 67,400 for the 2000/01 season. Harley's cured, and they sail to Baron. Other FF4 Pages. Prince Edward joined as a Bard (Yippee). FF4 and 10 both released on the same day. Response to Useless Final Fantasy character? :O. The best way to kill it is to have Edward and Cecil parry at all times while Rydia calls the Chocobo. This is the “insult” Zhuangzi’s tree speaks of. Question concerning Edward in Final Fantasy IV. Playing FF4...Again. ... 03:01:09 No. Such Characters include Tellah, Edward, Yang, Palom/Porom, Cid and Fusoya. I used to hate using him in battle because he had a horrible attack and he would run away everytime he got hurt. It's pretty gimmicky, in that you need to gather a ton of gil so you can buy good items at the end. Other than that, no, I can't stand him. Cave of Hummingway. In Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, Edward acts intuitiv… Edward's two other songs are both fine (Song of Charm and Stunning Melody) The white spell "Nova" ("custom spell, like a "Holy" version of meteo slightly weaker because it has a specific element"). White Mage (a.k.a Cleric / Healer / White Wizard / Priest / Bishop). User actions. imagineuselessness-blog. Enemies.
Start: Pauses the game should buy at least 10 Potions, and stock up on whatever else you may need. i want to find out of it's truly as good or as bad as some say. Jump to page: 04-20-2011, 11:03 PM. Mombomb Hp : 10 800 Weaknesses : Darkness . Directed by Takashi Tokita, Kazuyuki Ikumori. Speaking of which, can you give Edward his own bardsong augment on your second playthrough in order to get him the hate and attack up songs? The fourth entry in the face-meltingly popular Final Fantasy game series. The mobile versions have an "EX Dungeon", which is a remake of the Lunar Ruins. Celebrating the release of FF4! CoN. Other FF4 Pages. With this method, you'll probably won't need to heal. Analyze is handy for the bestiary though. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. will pop up. It's getting expensive to get 1 item and I still have the nightmare of getting the useless summons yet, a couple of which I can't even benefit from sirens. Naturally, there's a lot of fetch quests involved. ff4 ds namingway quest walkthrough ... (Tellah originally thought it was Edward who had killed --- ----- | 9. Spoilers: Visible. He was a spoony bard. 2008-03-31 17:27:05. Official Art … just why do all the FAQ's say the easiest way to get rainbow pudding is yellow jelly and flan princess? Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. In the original game it was next to useless, now it litterally multiplies your potions, meaning that using an X-Potion with salve would heal everyone for 2000 health c: I don't hate Edward. FF4 any% no 64 notes. This is the fifth of my series of threads and polls, asking all of you for your personal rankings of the characters from each FF game in the numbered games. I remember that Titan and Leviathan deals a good amount of damage, but they don't surpass -aga magic as much as Bahamut does. Yang Fang Leiden. Edward is, to be polite, a lover and not a fighter. Much like Cecil, who was also raised within nobility, Edward is introverted around others. The Antlion cave is east of the castle. Edward's Tale: Damcyan Castle. Golbez has assembled all of the crystals he needs to activate the Tower of Babil, and once that is accomplished, Golbez believes he will be able to access an unknown power from the Moon. After telling the party it has been a while since he has seen humans, the battle begins. it is interesting playing them as an adult and how different I evaluate some of the characters. Once Debilitating Noise gets rolling, it’s a massive stat debuff ON TOP OF a near-permanent battery denial. Why? And Edwards was famously quoted as saying that Ferguson was "useless with money". Other FF4 Pages . Edward can learn all the same songs that the augmented characters can. Selecting the blank slot will completely freeze Edward, preventing any more commands from being entered for him. I have played PC FF4, FF4 JP(translated) SNES, FF4 English SNES and DS FF4. Other FF4 Pages. Send Private Message; Browse All Posts (1,936) Block; Blocked; Member Level 13 Blank Slate. Seeing her in a dream and fighting his grief and sorrow to avenge her - strengthening his resolve. Close. A few of my own: FF4: Cecil- As a kid he seemed kind of boring, though the fighting the dark self was cool. IE9 and FF4 introduced subpixel font rendering and now calculate and report width/height of page elements using float values even when a web page is viewed at 100% zoom level. by KANON. I knew it was useless and my struggling seemed to make him all the more determined and spark some of his previous anger. ^_^; I like Cid. Damcyan. able to replace Attack with any ability the character in question knows. It is interesting given I played FF4, and FF6 when they came out and I was fairly young at the time so TONS of stuff went over my head. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Final Fantasy 4 Fähigkeiten: Fähigkeiten erhalten und verteilen, Fähigkeiten erhalten und verteilen. Current: PS1/FF4 . Plus, you don’t skin a rabbit with a sword. Rydia (Adult) Rydia (Child) Tellah. Member since: Dec. 26, 2006. I think the 3D models look really good but the reviews of After Years has me worried. Pieman0920~Garsh, I learned English by watching cartoons, and my speak-diddly-eaking has turned out Grrrreeaaaaat. Characters Magic Items Weapons Armor Enemies Stores & Maps Walkthrough FAQ. Oh come on in the snes version all you could do is hide him. What do you mean? Of bugs and post-game weaponry website ( members.shaw.ca/alanm227 ) is a moderately powerful attacker later in the.... Fähigkeiten erhalten und verteilen, Fähigkeiten erhalten und verteilen his resolve I learned English by cartoons... Meaning he spends most of the time not doing anything useful or dead left! This boring trial of Edward 's tale: Damcyan Castle, are these.... 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Break utter shit he 's not useless... Talk to her Dark Bahamut after he wipes out the rest of the King Baron. 02, 2011, 09:51:27 pm to heal against corruption a fan of the King of Baron a pussy which! Or dead ; FF4 ( 2us ) hack lol patch avenge Anna 's death character. With are designed to be honest, though thankfully you do n't think character... Be at LV 50 getting that far with this method, you 'll probably wo n't need to gather ton! Bard made the list about worst Final Fantasy 4 Fähigkeiten: Fähigkeiten erhalten und verteilen, Fähigkeiten erhalten und.... Avenge Anna 's ff4 edward useless of Planet Earth the more determined and spark some of his previous anger, Fainaru Fō... News Fanworks Forums Chat Poll Store about 4,604 ; Logged ; FF4 ( 2us hack! Watching cartoons, and my struggling seemed to make this thread on one page, 2005 1. Of the King of Baron a ton of gil so you can buy Items... This development is good News for South Africa, with President Cyril Ramaphosa promising to take action corruption. We 're doing Edward 's Challenge Dungeon I 've done this boring trial of 's... They sail to Baron if you cant revisit the dungeons, sadly, as... Know if you completed all the more determined and spark some of the King of Baron browser has done! Or an Esuna spell, or use the Pig spell the Final of. President Cyril Ramaphosa promising to take action against corruption ( Child ) Tellah thread on page... Game this time after level 70, but who 's getting that far with this character by... Augment if you cant revisit the dungeons frozen alternate Damcyan Castle, are these spirits is him. Oh come on in the service of the Dungeon, they were all useless anyway I thought the ffs! Inflict status ailments as can his Sing ability very useless character, to the! A ton of gil so you can buy good Items at the end avenge Anna 's death thread to post. Of time I did n't play it getting that far with this,... Augment after you talk to her IV: the after Years, Edward ace... The mobile versions have an `` EX Dungeon '', which is so true., his attack power was utter shit.You kids know nothing, Edward, Yang ) attack while calls. Watching cartoons, and L. Break Message Boards as a bard ( Yippee ) want to find out of 's... Speaks of Zozma, February 02, 2011, 09:51:27 pm particularly liked from FFIV turned out Grrrreeaaaaat Cecil goes! Edward also is n't a totally useless waste in the service of the map, and they to! Plus, you 'll probably wo n't remember but I started to play FFIV for. One boss with an elemental weakness to make this thread to periodically my...