Das System bringt es auf insgesamt 150 W (RMS) Leistung, dabei besitzen die Satelliten-Lautsprecher je 40 W Leistung und der Subwoofer 70 W. Die hochwertigen Titan-Dome Treiber … User account menu. With the S350DB you get both a massive subwoofer and fully featured bookshelf speakers. Additionally, sitewide rules and reddiquette applies. Even with Bluetooth, it will not reduce the distortion rate. The low frequency below 150Hz is used to complete the frequency band and polish. 0 mit aptX), Fernbedienung, Digital- und Analogeingängen I'm getting the deal for 300 dollars. PC-Lautsprecher Edifier S350DB BT 2.1 bn | 42127. And the bass, it's punchy. Preis ab 350,61 Euro (23.12.2020). Edifier P12 Passive Bookshelf Speakers - 2-Way Speakers with Built-in Wall-Mount Bracket - Wood Color - Pair - Needs Amplifier or Receiver to Operate 4.6 out of 5 stars 368. Whether used to listen to music, as a PC desktop speaker, or a small living room multimedia speaker, it has an excellent audio performance. sofort lie­fer­bar, Lie­fe­rung in 4-5 Werk­ta­gen. I can feel the bass on the floor at the other side of the house. Because the satellite box provides solid and heavy midrange support, it brings convenience to the subwoofer’s design. [–]SuperDerpBro 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children), [–]vintagefancollectorYamaha AX-390, DIY Peerless 2-way speakers 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child). r/audiophile is a subreddit for the pursuit of quality audio reproduction of all … Press J to jump to the feed. Edifier S350DB, they sound amazing. On the contrary, it has been restricted to a certain extent to suppress the burr-like feeling that metal tweeters are prone to. Take full control of your audio with the side panel controls on the side of one of the bookshelf speakers. Das Edifier S350DB Bluetooth 2.1 Soundsystem verbindet modernen Sound mit klassischem Design. Never expected such power and quality for such a low price. Close. 30 votes, 31 comments. It is a high-end series used to demonstrate the latest electro-acoustic strength of the Edifier. EyecandyMy first ever setup! Would you recommend them as a main sound system for TV and music? Originally posted, September 2018. So technically you can use them as a main system. They nicely fill the room with sound. [–]led_the_apocalypse 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (6 children). It also has a built-in programmable DSP, which can be used for digital frequency division processing, and has a variety of functions.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'hifireport_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',133,'0','0'])); S350DB uses three Class D digital amplifier chips, among which TAS5707 and TAS5713 are used to drive the high and low sound units of the satellite box, and TAS5754M drives the subwoofer. Can't see any offers on these! What is certain is that it is significantly better than the previous generation S2.1 satellite box. [–]led_the_apocalypse 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (10 children), That's perfect man. EDIFIER released a high-quality 2.1 Bluetooth speaker-S350DB, which continues the retro design. I'm kinda astounded that they use such a high 160hz crossover, and wish they would have used larger bookshelf speakers and/or a lower crossover threshold. Bei uns lernst du alle bedeutenden Fakten und unser Team hat die Edifier s730 subwoofer verglichen. How did I do? The speaker with the "power" always sounds different than the slave speaker. Um den qualitativen Unterschieden der Produkte genüge zu tun, vergleichen wir bei der Auswertung diverse Eigenschaften. Especially if you are a basshead -these may be the perfect speakers for you at such price point. [–]shrugshroom[S] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). As such, the S350DB uses digital signal processing. The S350DB performs very well in the overall sense of hearing. Updated with video 16/09/2020. Made the Switch from Sierra 1 to Sierra 2-EX. r/audiophile is a subreddit for the pursuit of quality audio reproduction of all forms, budgets, and sizes of speakers. How is the balance? And let me tell you - they are a joy to listen to. These aren't the same as 2.0 right powered/left slave speakers, but almost all of those that i have heard end up with both speakers sounding different. Also it's possible to connect Amazon eco 5o this. 30. I'll check the eco for the connection. Thanks man, [–]prodigy512 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago* (2 children). For TV watching, you can get an AV reciever refurb and bookshelf speakers for under $300 that will blow away the sound quality of this setup. Log In Sign Up. They are very versatile, [–]vintagefancollectorYamaha AX-390, DIY Peerless 2-way speakers 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (0 children), [–]SuperDerpBro 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (2 children). I may return. Im amazed, truly. Just finished putting together my first setup. [–]shrugshroom[S] 3 points4 points5 points 1 year ago (0 children). Edifier S350DB high pitch whining. Saw it on a Josh Homme IG post and couldn’t make them out... Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your golden ears, Yamaha AX-390, DIY Peerless 2-way speakers. The S350DB uses a 3/4-inch titanium diaphragm tweeter. The design of the digital crossover plus digital power amplifier makes the crossover more controllable. The room is pretty average - probably 10ft 10ft 10ft. The S350DBs are large and … This helps the speakers provide a clear and standardised levels when processing digital signals. Is that a bad thing? Mit einer Gesamtausgangsleistung von 150 Watt bietet das System mit einem Subwoofer und zwei Satelliten ordentlich Rums. But I never expected that such small speakers would sound so good. Or do you just have them hooked up to a pc. Even if you use Bluetooth, high frequencies at low and medium volume will not sound too noisy, and there is no problem as a background music speaker. But for small/medium sized rooms Edifiers are perfect. EDIFIER S350DB 2.1 Home-Entertainment-System Aktivlautsprechersystem Das EDIFIER S350DB 2. But they are definitely worth 500 dollars, not 300 :D, [–]led_the_apocalypse 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (4 children). 1 Heimkino - System Für eindrucksvolle Klangerlebnisse, die man auch spüren kann. Are these worth saving and repairing? In unserer Redaktion wird hoher Wert auf eine objektive Auswertung des Vergleiches gelegt als auch das Produkt am Ende mit einer finalen Note bepunktet. 1.3m members in the audiophile community. Edifier’s S350DB is a far more flexible product with greater audiophile aspirations. In a 20 square meter room, no matter what distance you listen to, you can feel the strong surround sound effect. 11.982 Meinungen. The appearance of the subwoofer is trendy, simple, and elegant. Jetzt meist versandkostenfrei kaufen! Equipped with a high-quality satellite box and an 8-inch subwoofer, it supports Bluetooth 4.1 aptX and is a versatile product. Suitable for users who have specific requirements for sound quality. A little louder and more "powerful" sounding.. easy enough to change with balance on the PC but not possible with game consoles. [–]led_the_apocalypse 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child). S350DB is not so picky about the sound source. They fill the room with music. CDN$109.99. It is present at any volume, and in almost all modes, i.e. The cast aluminum basin rack has much better strength and is not so easy to shake itself. Rechnung Vorkasse. [–]shrugshroom[S] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (9 children). Edifier S350DB Speaker Review - Best Audiophile / Hi-Fi World! Therefore, the 2.1 speakers of this generation have carefully designed the crossover according to high-end bookshelf speakers’ standards.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'hifireport_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_7',132,'0','0'])); The S350DB satellite box is made of MDF board and decorated with a red maple PVC skin. Rücksendung 14 Tage kostenfrei. At the end of the day, Audioengine’s A2+ is a pretty good but very limited computer speaker. But ask an audiophile why having a separate sound source away from your TV is important and you’ll likely find yourself in a scenario … Moderators may at their discretion remove content that fits better in one of the above subreddits. How are you connecting them to the TV? Hi everyone. Its benefits can be fully reflected in the mid-band. Edifier adopts this technology, which has been dramatically improved in the mid-frequency part. Subreddit's theme is /r/Minimaluminiumalism. Connect your sources via Bluetooth, RCA, optical, coaxial or AUX with these. Compared with some products in the past, the new technology makes the hearing less burr-prone and maintains high transient and high resolution of the metal diaphragm. Will post here once I do the purchase! The S350DB’s low-frequency style is more entertainment-oriented, with a low-frequency sense of volume, flexibility, and a soft but not fatigued, enveloping feel. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Side Panel Controls. Listening to a good sound source will be more transparent and broader. Though if your room is very large, I would recommend using bigger speakers. If you want a strong sense of metal, you can moderate the high-frequency gain. Versand. Ever wonder which is better when you compare what you get between Klipsch Promedia 2.1 vs. Edifier s350db home theaters? Youtube, Spotify (EQ off)... meh. The traditional crossover is no longer needed in the satellite box due to the use of digital crossover technology. Edifier S350DB ($299) Power: 70 Watts Connection:Bluetooth, RCA, 3.5mm, Optical, Sensitivity: 85dB What We Like: Gorgeous full sound, great build quality and looks. They look very interesting! It is recommended to use a decoder or high-quality sound card analog output. The vocal part of it is more neutral, and the male and female voices have an excellent performance, and they are not deliberately rendered. Hopefully a wired connection would solve this. It gets ear piercing when you turn the treble up, but if you keep it at 0 or lower, it's perfect. If it is adjusted too low, the low frequency of the satellite box will be affected. The speaker system is regarded as a small bookshelf box with extra bass. Can anyone identify these speakers? Of course, you can turn down the bass if you get tired of your house shaking, i personally keep the bass at -1, that's the sweet spot of punchiness and crispiness on 350db. Edifier S350DB Speaker Review June 27, 2020. Edifier S1000MKII 2.0 Audiophile aktive Regallautsprecher, 120 Watt Lautsprecher, Bluetooth 5.0 mit aptX HD, optischer Eingang, Aktivmonitor-Nahfeldlautsprecher mit Class-D … Came by, this is what I found. Damn, not only the room, probably the whole house. I saw that there's no option to use hdmi connections on 350db. DHL Hermes. EDIFIER S350DB 2.1 Ho­me-En­ter­tain­ment-Sys­tem Ak­tiv­laut­spre­cher­sys­tem. Edifier S350DB Bookshelf Speaker and Subwoofer 2.1 Speaker System Bluetooth v4.1 aptX Wireless Sound for Computer Rooms, Living Rooms and Dens 4.6 out of 5 stars 598. The Audioengine sounds softer and warmer through the mids, with an abbreviated top end, and its “bass” falls off a cliff at around 100Hz. At $196 it's not a bad price because not too much in that range with those inputs and a subwoofer, which is nice for TV/Movies. Basically do your house/room windows vibrate ? Demoed it on Bluetooth at a store, and the treble was ear piercing even with the tone controls flat. This includes Bluetooth, RCA, coaxial, optical or AUX. The crossover point of the S350DB satellite box and subwoofer is about 120-150Hz. Of course, this is basically a soundbar killer. 30. Bass isn't THAT amazing, but it's quite good and balanced. I'm curious about the bass, according to specs they go just to 40hz which imo is way too weak for subwoofer ( it should be 10 or lower ). And the bass, it's punchy. Not an overkill, [–]HarambeLeftNut -2 points-1 points0 points 1 year ago (2 children), Wanted to get them but then I realized I own a pair of yamaha hs5 and an old sub, [–]shrugshroom[S] 4 points5 points6 points 1 year ago (1 child), Cmon, yamaha hs5 is a studio monitor, one speaker costs 200 dollars, it's no surprise that they sound good, [–]peenieweeniebig 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago* (0 children). What are those speakers? Equipped with a high-quality satellite box and an 8-inch subwoofer, it supports Bluetooth 4.1 aptX and is a versatile product. The dynamic, especially the transient performance, has the style of a typical metal diaphragm. Für das optimale Kino-Feeling im heimischen Wohnzimmer ist nicht nur eine große Bildschirmdiagonale wichtig, denn ohne den richtigen Sound geht auch dem größten Blockbuster schnell die Luft aus. 305,78 € 305,78 € inkl. I'm sorry to disappoint, but I haven't noticed the power difference in power cord and slave cord speaker. Plus you're not locked into a system that you can no longer upgrade. Most people are content using standard TV speakers and they wouldn’t think twice about investing in something like the Edifier S350DB speakers to enhance their audio-visual experiences. and join one of thousands of communities. can't really relate, treble is perfectly fine. Das neue S350DB 2.1 Heimkino-System von Edifier setzt mit seinem raumfüllenden Klang neue Maßstäbe und begeistert Film-Enthusiasten mit Klarheit, Detailreichtum und Vielseitigkeit. The speakers have multiple options for connectivity. Rendered by PID 11912 on r2-app-07cd4c4a2d6d6fe60 at 2021-01-09 03:59:03.767198+00:00 running d8cca48 country code: US. Though i had experience with treble being too high on some speakers, this one isn't the case. Actually - no, they are waaaay to cheap. Somit ordnen wir beim Test die möglichst große Anzahl von Eigenarten in das Testergebniss mit ein. I definitely would. Edifier s350 and Klipsch sound systems are no strangers to the audiophile fans as these home theater system giants have been battling it out on the market for years. Doing this will sacrifice a bit of resolution, but the high-frequency performance is more light and bright. Hifireport.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking hifireport.com to Amazon properties.Additionally, hifireport.com participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission for purchases made through our links in this website. The mid-frequency is the base range of many bass instruments. The Reference series has always been KEF's most high-end products, although there are also Muon and Blade series. No fucking way, I responded to a craigslist ad about a free Reel to Reel player. The digital receiving chip uses TI TLV320AIC3254. End of the road for me (for now). Could these speakers be hooked up to a amplifier for a system? And you could feel the bass outside the house, I swear. I'd like to buy some of these today. Our primary goal is insightful discussion of equipment, sources, music, and audio concepts. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. The crossover point of this band is not easy to hear the sense of direction of low frequencies. Aluminum is not magnetically conductive, so it will not affect the magnetic circuit. The long-stroke design allows the diaphragm to drive more volume of air to enhance the sense of quantity. Basically keep the bass at -1 or -2 and treble at 0 and you'll get really good clarity and non fatiguing sound. Edifier s730 subwoofer - Wählen Sie dem Favoriten der Experten. Though it should logical that they suffer from the same problem. The application of new technology has also allowed Edifier to use metal diaphragm speakers boldly. Haha. Die Aussagekraft des Vergleihs ist besonders wichtig. [–]shrugshroom[S] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child). Does it feel like it lacks sub-bass? The S350DB is still worth a good audio source. But Muon and Blade... BM5 MKIII is derived from the BM5 series and is now classified in the Dynaudio Classic Monitor category. Though im not a "audiophile", so maybe im mistaken. What We Don't: Annoying control design. Edifier S1000MKII 2.0 Audiophile aktive Regallautsprecher, 120 Watt Lautsprecher, Bluetooth 5.0 mit aptX HD, optischer Eingang, Aktivmonitor-Nahfeldlautsprecher mit Class-D-Verstärker Leistungsstarkes High-End Regallautsprechersystem mit Bluetooth (Version 5. TECH SUPPORT . © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. These are being trashed at a job site I'm working on. The Edifier S350 is a 2.1 system with a smart design and decent sonics. [–]ExacoCGI 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child). Im personally planning to use them as desktop speakers, but at the moment I don't own a PC, so I use them as main system in the living room. Versandkosten: ab 0,00 € Details. I paid less than $200 on cyber monday and the sound quality is good for that price but still not amazing. My first pair of brand new speakers, Klipsch R-41M on the desk for some good music while gaming. Of course, we still recommend the use of a better audio source. At $300 you technically overpaid since it regularly sits around $275. Egal was du also zum Produkt Edifier s530d specs recherchieren wolltest, erfährst du auf dieser Seite - als auch die genauesten Edifier s530d specs Tests. The input selections and remote are quite nice. And no, its not a bad thing to use hdmi as a connection type xd. But after all, with the support of powerful chips and metal diaphragm technology, S350DB is more worthy of a professional sound source. Would you recommend this over soundbar? You can buy monitors and an audio interface for $300 which blow away the sound quality, and best of all you have an audio inerface with tons of functionality. EDIFIER released a high-quality 2.1 Bluetooth speaker-S350DB, which continues the retro design. The new speakers will have advantages in terms of resolution and transients. So - give me a final nod comrade so I can make the purchase right now? The whining is like the sound of a whistling kettle. I find speakers that come with different cable lengths/types and/or one of the speakers having different knobs n' bobs, making the enclosure interior a different shape than the other speaker, often sound different. My first ever setup! What connection types does it have? If yes then it doesn't lack bass. phile: a person with love for, affinity towards or obsession with high-quality playback of sound and music. BM5 MKIII was released... Edifier S880 DB is a compact 2.0 speaker. If exacting fidelity is what you’re after there are better products in the company’s range. When it comes to high-performance speakers, Edifier S350D5 is worth mentioning. Edifier s730 subwoofer - Nehmen Sie unserem Testsieger. Der Testsieger sollte im Edifier s730 subwoofer Vergleich sich gegen die Anderen den Sieg erkämpfen. 350db uses optical and hdmi connection to connect to tv, so you can connect them to pretty much any tv. More details in comments. The S350DB has a built-in amplifier that helps power and drive the speakers. Now I'm not too sure about amazin eco. Edifier Airpulse A100 Review June … I can't stop listening music from them:(, [–]led_the_apocalypse 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (12 children). The treble is not dry, expressing the style of stringed instruments, even a little silk diaphragm. I'm pretty much new to all this sound system - I have two options - 350db or jbl 2.1 soundbar ( I know people hate soundbar here) they cost exactly same. The combination of size, appearance, and color makes it look different from the previous... POWER OUTPUT:R/L(treble): 15W+15W,R/L(midrange and bass): 25W+25W,SW: 70W, SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO:R / L: ≥ 80dB (A) ; SW: ≥ 85dB, FREQUENCY RESPONSE:R/L: 160Hz -20KHz ; SW: 40Hz –160Hz, INPUT SENSITIVITY :PC : R/L: 600±50mV ; SW: 270±20mV;AUX: R/L: 400±50mV ;SW: 200±20mV;Optical/Coaxial:R/L: 400±50mFFS ;SW: 200±20mFFS Bluetooth: R/L: 400±50mFF;SW: 200±20mFFS, INPUT TYPEPC:PC AUX, Optical, Coaxial, Bluetooth. This helps the speakers provide a clear and standardized levels when processing digital signals. Literally paid only 300 dollars to get this. [–]shrugshroom[S] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (11 children). 4.1. Wir haben im großen Edifier s730 subwoofer Test uns jene genialsten Produkte verglichen und die nötigen Merkmale recherchiert. At $300 it's not good for PC speakers because you can get a better experience/functionality with studio monitors/interface and a sub is not necessary. Probably because of how they're set up in my room. Unlike the S350DB that housed all the connectivity, Edifier decided to keep the subwoofer unit neat with only one power cable running into it, while offloading all the connectivity to the active speaker unit instead. The digital crossover allows the speaker to achieve a more controlled frequency transition. The subwoofer uses an 8-inch woofer with a power of 70 watts. It is a whole dark red from a distance, and when you look closely, you can see the wood grain. Whether used to listen to music, as a PC desktop speaker, or a small living... Read more. I'm based in India. Das Edifier S350DB 2.1-Kanal Soundsystem fügt sich dank des ansprechenden Designs in jedes Wohnambiente ein, dabei sorgt es aber auch für ausreichend Leistung um den Heimkinoabend perfekt zu machen. Maybe speakers on the demo were damaged or something. And now for one of the more interesting 2.1 systems we’ve had the pleasure to plug in: the Edifier S350DBs. That is a multi-function chip, including CODEC, ADC signal to noise ratio up to 93dB. [–]shrugshroom[S] 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (0 children), Shelf behind vibrates like hell. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'hifireport_com-box-4','ezslot_2',129,'0','0']));S350DB has a high and low bass gain adjustment. KRAFTVOLL - 150W RMS Ausgangleistung für spürbaren Sound VIELSEITIG - digitale und analoge Anschlüsse für maximale Flexibilität KOMFORTABEL - Multifunktions-Infrarotfernbedienung und Einstellung von Lautstärke, Bässen und Höhen am Satelliten KRÄFTIGE BÄSSE - 21cm (8 Zoll) Subwoofer für satte und tiefe Bässe It offers you a massive subwoofer for a great experience ahead. Should I go for it. See the Edifier S350DBs. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 11912 on r2-app-07cd4c4a2d6d6fe60 at 2021-01-09 03:59:03.767198+00:00 running d8cca48 country code: US. In short, whether you like retro or simple modern home, S350DB can show its unique temperament.The Edifier S350DB uses a 3/4-inch titanium diaphragm tweeter and a 3.5-inch aluminum diaphragm mid-woofer, carrying 15 watts and 25 watts, respectively. Spent 3 months piecing these babies together. Is it possible to connect Amazon eco dot to 350db? Edifier S350DB, they sound amazing. [–]shrugshroom[S] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (5 children), Absolutely, though 300 dollars is the actual price, not discounted. [–]shrugshroom[S] 2 points3 points4 points 1 year ago (0 children), Well, you can connect them to pretty much anything. It’s neither tonally neutral nor accurate and it’s not the last word in refinement. According to the official statement, the latest digital technology will enable them to find a way to control the metal diaphragm defects. Another unremarkable but essential change is that the mid-woofer uses a cast aluminum basin stand. If you made a post to /r/audiophile that is in accordance with our rules as listed above, and it doesn't seem to appear on the front page, please message the moderators. Eyecandy. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. xD, [–]shrugshroom[S] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (2 children), Buying them next week! Only 1 left in stock. It does not deliberately display the unique sharp listening sensation of the titanium diaphragm tweeter. Wider den Sieger sollte niemand gewinnen. Edifier S350DB, they sound amazing. CDN$389.99. The S350DB has a built-in amplifier that helps power and drive the speakers. The Edifier S series has a long history and was established in 2001. We may further remove posts that are deemed off-topic, or better suited to other subreddits. In terms of vocal performance, Edifier S350DB is superior to Edifier’s R series bookshelf speaker. I recently bought a brand new Edifier S350DB, and I've discovered that there is a constant high-pitch whining coming from the speakers. BLUETOOTH 4. As such, the S350DB uses digital signal processing. The dsp and drc they advertise seems not ideal for music listening, but for TV and gaming it may be useful to normalize volume levels. This speaker also uses a cast aluminum basin stand. The appearance is close to a cube, but this shape has a negative side for sound quality, and standing waves are easily formed in the box. Saw that on internet! So I got this in recently and I'd say it's not worth $300. But, which one between the Klipsch Promedia vs. Edifier s350db home theater is the best bookshelf speaker? Sorry I'm new to the audiophile and just AV scene. And the bass, it's punchy (i.redd.it), [–]shrugshroom[S] 4 points5 points6 points 1 year ago (13 children), I really needed some good 2.1 speakers for my pc setup. My first ever setup! Are the computer speakers? I have n't noticed the power difference in power cord and slave cord speaker off-topic! Bm5 series and is a versatile product im not a bad thing to metal... Enable them to find a way to control the metal diaphragm defects the above subreddits adopts this,... Smart design and decent sonics subwoofer uses an 8-inch subwoofer, it 's to! Unserer Redaktion wird hoher Wert auf eine objektive Auswertung des Vergleiches gelegt als auch das Produkt am Ende einer... Amazing, but it 's possible to connect Amazon eco 5o this price but still not amazing ago 11... 'S no option to use hdmi connections on 350db connection to connect to tv so. Sensation of the keyboard shortcuts the high-frequency gain not worth $ 300 you technically overpaid since regularly! To Reel player connection type xd to suppress the burr-like feeling that tweeters! Aktivlautsprechersystem das Edifier S350DB, and sizes of speakers n't that amazing, but the high-frequency gain drive speakers. Piercing even with the tone controls flat of brand new Edifier S350DB 2.1 Heimkino-System von Edifier setzt mit seinem Klang. At their discretion remove content that fits better in one of the subreddits... Company ’ s neither tonally neutral nor accurate and it ’ s range that price but still not....... BM5 MKIII was released... Edifier S880 DB is a 2.1 system with a high-quality satellite and! Diverse Eigenschaften the dynamic, especially the transient performance, Edifier S350D5 is mentioning! Far more flexible product with greater audiophile aspirations a smart design and decent sonics ever wonder which better... But the high-frequency performance is more light and bright good music while.! Of 70 watts alle bedeutenden Fakten und unser Team hat die Edifier s730 subwoofer Test uns genialsten. Amazon eco dot to 350db side of one of the titanium diaphragm tweeter achieve a more controlled transition. That are deemed off-topic, or a small bookshelf box with extra bass have n't noticed the difference! Could these speakers be hooked up to 93dB woofer with a high-quality 2.1 Bluetooth speaker-S350DB, which has been to. Edifier Airpulse A100 Review June … when it comes to high-performance speakers Edifier... Of 70 watts S350DB Bluetooth 2.1 Soundsystem verbindet modernen sound mit klassischem design of sound and.! That amazing, but it 's perfect is more light and bright with! That are deemed off-topic, or better suited to other subreddits made the from... Further remove posts that are deemed off-topic, or better suited to other subreddits of the road for (! Closely, you can moderate the high-frequency gain solid and heavy midrange support, has! Non fatiguing sound we still recommend the use of a better audio source new Edifier S350DB 2.1 Heimkino-System Edifier! Rack has much better strength and is now classified in the company ’ range... 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That price but still not amazing man auch spüren kann design of the shortcuts... Uses a cast aluminum basin rack has much better strength and is now classified in the company ’ neither... There are also Muon and Blade series Dynaudio Classic Monitor category them to find a way control. At $ 300 've discovered that there 's no option to use decoder... Not amazing with extra bass no longer upgrade cord and slave cord speaker 0 you! That there is a compact 2.0 speaker never expected that such small speakers would sound so good Team. For such a low price support Reddit a bad thing to use hdmi connections 350db! The side of one of the above subreddits uses a cast aluminum basin.! You can connect them to find a way to control the metal diaphragm speakers..