Ryuuichiro Isaka • If you combine his academic skills with Usagi's, you'd end up with someone well above average. On the day of his parents' funeral, Misaki's relatives fought over who should take care of him, Takahiro declared to them he will be raising Misaki by himself (who was only 18 at the time). He was born in Hokkaido. *sigh* but for now i am making brecfest for us to eat before i have to go to class when i get there, it's still only senpai that talks to me. He lives off of the allowance that his parents give him and from the food Misaki cooks for him. They’ll end up having a conversation about Misaki needing to prove that he’s capable of taking care of himself as an adult regardless of whether he’s with Usagi or not. In the manga of Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi, Misaki appeared as a part-timer (in the form of a chibi) at Marukawa Publishing. Later in the manga she is seen wearing a hospital gown. Due to his reluctant nature, he has trouble accepting that he loves Akihiko, although his actions show that he is very much in love with his caretaker and easily swept away by his whims. And can we take a moment to appreciate Usagi’s chibi face, he felt so happy just receiving this gift from Misaki because just look at him! Usagi doesn’t hide her attraction to Haruka Tennou in any version of the story. Misaki did later inform Usagi the "love" he feels for Ijuuin is different from the "love" he feels for Usagi, which is the relationship (lover) type of love towards Usagi. Name Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! Haruhiko Usami • Meanwhile, Berthier begins to spread Dark Power via a cosmetics store. Usagi gets Misaki drunk by having him drink wine and 'kidnapped' him to one of the many Usami vacation homes which has no mobile service. With the relationship getting stronger, we always have someone to break it apart. Misaki told his brother he loved Usagi and was going to stay with him. Risako Takatsuki • He wants to become a playwright, and later attends a … 18 (Season 1)19 (Season 2)22 (Season 3) Usagi tells Misaki that he is going to go back to living with Takahiro. "I got to hurry before he thinks I hate him." Occupation I want Usagi-san to take off his clothes, too." Birthday When Misaki got home, he was dumbfounded to see a man (Akihiko Usami) in a romantic position with Takahiro Takahashi (Misaki's older brother). Kaoruko Usami • "Will do." Misaki tries to prevent them from spending time together, in fear that something is going on. There are, however, plenty of times the two are shown to be attracted to other people. With a new rival on the horizon, Usagi worries about Misaki's feelings towards him. Asked By Wiki User. Usui tells her he loves her, Misaki tells him she hates him (just being stubborn), and they kiss. She is very nice to him, often giving him treats and offering him a job in the manga as her assistant. In the manga, he's smart enough to attend a top-tier high school; in the anime, he's in college at 17. Misaki even declared "I LOVE YOU" in his visitation, and this was heard even by Usagi, which resulted in his jealousy. Do you know any comic books based on the Holocaust. She has pale skin accompanied by red eyes and long pale blonde hair that reaches her waist. She gives Misaki and Usagi her support, saying that even she doesn't know how would Takahiro react to the truth. Misaki was deeply touched by his brother's actions. Why else would they agree to live for one another. "Wa-Wait! But it seems like not everyone knows they are a couple (Misaki's sister knows she likes a boy but doesn't know who). If they don't end up 'officially' together in the anime what about the manga? However, we can always speculate, based on our current knowledge, meaning chapter 125. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. Haruhiko became jealous of Akihiko because he felt he lacked something that Akihiko had. "Bye, cousins," Kaoruko gushed through a smile. The next day, Misaki goes to Akihiko's house since a said person was to be his tutor since Misaki had very poor grades and would not be able to get into the university that Takahiro was going to attend before the death of their parents. Despite being orphaned in childhood, he’s calm and easygoing, though he doesn't always maintain that temperate with Usagi. Misaki Takahashi usui confess her feeling 1st (may be in episode 6) but misaki was to naive to accept tht. Favorite Answer. Misaki became afraid but confronted Akihiko for what he was doing yet Akihiko instead began to sexually harass Misaki much to his shock. There are, however, plenty of times the two are shown to be attracted to other people. Her first name is composed of the characters for "control" and "pray", and her surname carries a "honey bee" motif, which was later decided by Kamachi to illustrate Misaki as someone who eats through societal structures. He is very attentive to what others are feeling. Determined to not be a burden to Takahiro, Misaki began learning how to do household chores (cleaning, cooking, etc). Unnamed Mother † (Deceased)Unnamed Father † (Deceased)Takahiro Takahashi (Brother)Mahiro Takahashi (Nephew)Manami Kajiwara (Sister-In-Law) After being rejected by Misaki, Haruhiko respected Misaki's decision and left him alone. He is also fascinated by Kyo Ijuuin's work "THE KAN". At the start, he is depicted as a hopeless human being destined to rot in his apartment room. As usual, Misaki and Takumi resume their usual back and forth throughout the series, but a couple of moments stand out. In a rage, Misaki stormed up to Akihiko's room and proceeded to rant on what Akihiko was doing with his brother. Usagi's answer is to go on a date and end up at a fancy restaurant. Junjou RomanticaMisaki Takahashi ❤ Akihiko Usami, Junjou EgoistHiroki Kamijou ❤ Nowaki Kusama, Junjou TerroristYoh Miyagi ❤ Shinobu Takatsuki, Eri Aikawa • The manga is still ongoing. Akihiko wakes up and is in a bad mood when he hears Misaki, and he gets up and pulls the younger boy onto his bed where Akihiko came on to him. It has been noted many times in the series that she is very beautiful and she also has a very slim physique. In the manga, the 2 do become a couple but Usui ends up transferring to another school. He is also upset and frustrated about the fact that Akihiko writes BL novels about the two of them. Satou Tatsuhiro is a 22 year old, socially withdrawn, parasitic hikikomori. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The second Mamoru and Usagi remembered their past together, how they fell in love, and who they once were, poor Rei didn't stand a chance. In her debut episode, Misaki was jealous of her because he thought she was in a relationship with Usagi but once this was proven wrong he continued liking her although Misaki often feels weird around her since she is a major yaoi fangirl and the one who gives the ideas behind the love scenes between "Akihiko and Misaki" in Usagi's BL novel Junai Romantica and gushes whenever she catches the two in a lovers situation. What do you think of the answers? All it amounted to was that her future was not by Mamoru's side-- he was destined to be by Usagi's. Misaki tries to prevent them from spending time together, in fear that something is going on. Misaki also becomes more mature in their relationship throughout the series. Usagi wakes with a start and picks up a framed photo of Mamoru and herself, but to her horror the glass cracks. On the small coffee table in the living room, Misaki noticed a book. She usually puts it in a ponytail while exercising. He even went to the extreme of locking Misaki away in the main Usami house. Usagi gets Misaki drunk by having him drink wine and 'kidnapped' him to one of the many Usami vacation homes which has no mobile service. Once the two were gone inside the elevator he rested a hand over his stomach. Do the two end up together? In the later part of the Manga series, Misaki and Usagi (Akihiko Usami) try to work out a way for them to be together and has been trying to think about a way to tell Takashiro about their relationship. Kyo Ijuuin was later more involved in their storylines once Misaki joined the company to work. Misaki did use his effort to try and reject Ijuuin but this still causes Usagi to be jealous but keeps his promise about his trust with Misaki. Sumi is Misaki's senpai in University. Yea they become pretty close, very affectionate, a recent chapter showed a touching scene on the school roof after she was re elected as … Misaki has no significant role in the plot nor is he seen speaking at all. Anime debut At his brother's home he realizes this is what a normal family should feel like, but ends up getting mad when Takahiro starts criticizing Usagi. Akihiko (who awoke from his sleep) realized that Misaki had read his BL novel. He is saddened by the fact that he seems to only attract those of the Usami family, which makes him often think he has a Usamone (Usami+Pheromone) which Usagi-san said doesn't make any sense. He finally becomes a couple with Misaki during the fifth novel. Despite all the differences, though, their love endured. Misaki laughed. Mizuki gives Usagi a special first edition of a book and Misaki becomes a bit jealous. Isaka is removed, and later Usagi and Misaki are on a large slow Ferris wheel. He's first seen helping Misaki when the latter falls over, then explains to him why the other students seemed reluctant to be near Misaki. Kaoru Asahina • He even confessed his infatuation towards Misaki at a point in which Misaki tried to decline his feelings as politely as possible, as he was his favorite author. Still have questions? (Topic ID: 27316) In the anime, Usui confesses to her and they kiss and they go back to the school festival holding hands. He started to wonder whether he can get accepted to the college he is trying to apply to. So yes - they do end up together. Age when usui understand tht he kiss yukimura in front her as a sign of sexual harrasment' to misaki!!!!yuck! Keiichi Sumi • Junjou Romantica Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. It's chapter 57, http://www.mangareader.net/kaichou-wa-maid-sama/57. She has blonde hair styled held back by a black headband with a red streak going through it and large gray eyes, sometimes drawn as light blue. 1.03 Knock and it shall be opened unto you, 1.04 Fear is often greater than the danger itself, 1.08 Away from home, one needs feel no shame, 1.14 What happens twice can happen thrice, 1.19 Life often brings misfortune in times of great happiness, 1.21 Out of the frying pan, into the fire, 1.29 Even the longest journey begins with a single step, 1.31 The darkest place is under the candlestick, 1.34 Hours are like days to lovers parted, https://junjouromantica.fandom.com/wiki/Misaki_Takahashi?oldid=12255, Volume 7 Chapter 1 (Case of Onodera Ritsu # 12), Volume 8 Chapter 10 (Case of Onodera Ritsu #19). Male She was up against everything: fate, destiny, their pasts. This gave Manami an idea. Manami is Misaki's Sister-in-law who has been in good terms with him just like a family. This is hinted when Takahiro told Mahiro that the two and Manami were going to go on a family trip without Misaki; which resulted in Mahiro crying frantically. So yes - they do end up together. He starts to admit his love for Usagi, for example, his "I love you" has no more "maybe" and such. Usui tells her he loves her, Misaki tells him she hates him (just being stubborn), and they kiss. Manga debut I don't think they'll end up formally together but I do think that they'll both be able to eventuall interact healthily and from that their feeling could be subtly implied to be mutual. He has been involved with Angelic Layer for many years, in large part because it was what brought him and Icchan together after their parents married. Junjou Romantica Act.1 (Volume 1) Misaki is young girl with an average height and figure. Even once she’s aware that Haruka identifies as female, there’s no hesitation from Usagi about admiring her. Misaki's first name can be translated as "Wish For Control" and her name as a whole can be translated as "Dominated Psychology". Misaki is nervous about one particular class that seems to break or make students. Takahiro Takahashi • Usagi-san!" 11 Age difference Manga Mamoru is a high-school student of seventeen, while Usagi's only fourteen. University student Misaki is a petite woman with a determined expression. Haruhiko Usami is Akihiko's older brother. Why did youtube sell off the rights of Cobra Kai to Netflix? Even after attempting to steal Usagi away, Misaki continues to be his friend. at the last episode (26) they finally become couple. Finally, Takahiro said: "I can't see it. I can't see you two together." I'd like tom think at the end they did somewhat feel romantic love for one another. Isaka is removed, and later Usagi and Misaki are on a large slow Ferris wheel. Then they leave the classroom they are in holding hands as they go back to the school festival. Over time, Misaki developed great skills in cooking and cleaning. After living together for three years, Misaki Takahashi and Akihiko "Usagi" Usami's relationship has been progressing smoothly. also it makes her uncomfortable in front of usui. Misaki is actually enjoying himself till Usagi's drunken editor-in-chief, Isaka-san, interrupts and Misaki realizes he hardly knows anything about Usagi's past. Tanaka • Misaki is actually enjoying himself till Usagi's drunken editor-in-chief, Isaka-san, interrupts and Misaki realizes he hardly knows anything about Usagi's past. Misaki told his brother he loved Usagi and was going to stay with him. August 18th Misaki refuses to accept the Professor's reasoning, and believes that there is still some path other than what the Professor is taking. Misaki believes that he has become a burden to Usagi, so he doesn't object. Takahiro revealed to Misaki that this man is his friend named Akihiko and he will be Misaki's tutor for the college exams. She urged them to end the conversation there. http://www.mangareader.net/kaichou-wa-maid-sama/57... the next page is when she confesses but this page was just too cute. At the end of episode 26 they both confess their feelings for eachother during the school festival's fireworks. Usagi's answer is to go on a date and end up at a fancy restaurant. Usagi sighed and started standing up. But shows no true discontentment to having Akihiko force his feelings on him, accepting them wholeheartedly, if hesitantly. He has dated several girls, including Fuuka Kamiigusa, but in the end he breaks up with all of them. Misaki Takahashi (高橋 美咲, Takahashi Misaki) is a main protagonist in the Junjou Romantica series. Outraged over the fact Akihiko was using his brother as a model for his book, Misaki barged in to Akihiko's room demanding an answer. She is usually seen wearing her school uniform, or the Maid Latte uniform with two silver bobby pins on the left side of her face that pulls her side bangs away from her eyes. is 15 years old and is Icchan's younger step-brother. My thoughts and guts helped me gather up all the courage I need to cheer up Usagi and tell him the truth. 高橋 美咲 Usagi doesn’t hide her attraction to Haruka Tennou in any version of the story. I then ground my hips down onto his, rubbing our erect members together through our boxers, earning me a surprised moan, and a groan from myself. Kyo Ijuuin • There was confusion, tears and anger. Sumi. Misaki noticed to his dismay that his grades are not looking good. Throughout the anime/manga, Misaki slowly opens up and becomes less shy in their relationship. Because Misaki has an idealistic view of relationships, he is reluctant to admit his feelings for Usagi. Curious, he began to read the book where much to his shock, the characters resembled his brother and Akihiko engaging in sexual activities. Even after the two move in together, many challenges come their way. Haruhiko realized that Akihiko was happier because he was dating Misaki. He is Misaki Kamiigusa 's childhood friend and a giant playboy. Physically she is actually considered quite beautiful underneath her tough exterior. Usagi looked up, "I thought you have nothing to say…" "I-I do! Misaki is a very kind uncle to Mahiro which makes him fond of Misaki; sometimes to the point, Mahiro would rather spend time with Misaki than his father and mother. Takahiro is Misaki's older brother with a ten year age gap. Aikawa and Misaki talked to each other about Usagi's manuscripts and such on the phone multiple times until they finally met in person. The anime then made Mamoru into a cold, rude jerk in the 1st season and most of the 2nd, and because of how he was portrayed in the anime, some fans felt Usagi should be with Seiya. "Please keep me updated on wedding plans!" she thought usui just teasing her. He becomes Misaki's first friend and the only one seen in the anime. By the time he entered his senior year in high school, Misaki made the decision of entering the university his brother got accepted to before prior to their parents' deaths. Season 1 Episode 1 While it seemed Sumi had a crush on Misaki, he was only using the boy to get closer to Usagi. He managed to do it with Usagi's hand on his knee and his Manami's encouraging smile. How to have the sexiest blonde boobs, like an anime character? At the end of episode 26 they both confess their feelings for eachother during the school festival's fireworks. how do i watch anime in front of my parents without feeling judged? Family He also tries to prove his worth to others who know about their relationship. Is it something just suggested, or are they like officially together? Quote: in all honesty takahiro would first probably object, i feel like it be like you know miyagi and nowaki fight except akihiko wouldnt fight back he kinda try and just block i think and misaki would probably get hurt in the process. I can't see you two together." She is often seen in the school uniform (which consists of a white collared short-sleeve shirt, red tie, a sky blue vest, light magenta pleated skirt with a black stripe hem, white knee-high socks, and brown dress shoes), if not, in … Mamoru begins to experience bizarre visions, which prompt him to break up with Usagi. Ohjiro Mihara (三原 王二郎 Mihara Ōjirō?) I don't think they'll end up formally together but I do think that they'll both be able to eventuall interact healthily and from that their feeling could be subtly implied to be mutual. She has light, brownish amber eyes with a golden tint and black shoulder length hair. Usagi goes to Mamoru's apartment while Chibiusa and Luna wait for her outside. Because in the end, when Misaki (without Usagi knowing it) went and bought him 1 candy (assortment) of each kind, it just makes it all the more adorable. Although his brother was accepted into a university, Takahiro refused to allow himself and Misaki to be separated. Or fighting the Nazis? Kanji Tsumori. Mahiro is Misaki's infant nephew. Akihiko Usami Whenever i do that i always end up with a sore butt and a weird feeling in my stomach and im always lying naked beside Usagi-San. Once again, he was dumbfounded by what he views in Akihiko's room. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. not sure about the manga but they end up kissing eachother at the festival's fireworks scene, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaaMFOXeXkg, i dont knw abt manga but in anime they end up together. Finally, Takahiro said: "I can't see it. However, when Misaki was eight years old, his parents died in a car accident. The epilogue shows everyone going on with their daily lives. Like on Misaki's Birthday, where she and Takumi share a day packed full of fun, and teasing. She pounds in vain on Mamoru's door while he tries to get her to leave, but when she finally mentions her nightmare he allows her inside. However, all great relationships have problems, and theirs is just beginning. Misaki Takahashi With a new rival on the horizon, Usagi worries about Misaki's feelings towards him. Ryou Shizukuishi • It starts though the first few episodes, particularly after Sailor Mercury shows up: they become closer friends than she has had before, take study breaks together (although Usagi reads manga instead of her books). Misaki is young man with slightly messy brown hair, lightly tanned skin and long thin eyebrows above his big dark green eyes. There’s no way Usagi and Mamoru weren’t going to end up together. The last place he attended school was H… However, all great relationships have problems, and theirs is just beginning. Misaki is very proud that she's the first girl to declare she loved him, then felt disappointment to learn she's a direct Usagi member, confirming his Usamone theory. He managed to do it with Usagi's hand on his knee and his Manami's encouraging smile. Part 1~They spent four years together so far, Misaki isn't so stubborn anymore. Until one day, he came across a mysterious young girl who will eventually save him from his Hikikomori state. Although this is the end of the anime, the manga keeps on going till chapter 87. Remembering how he told his parents to hurry back home, Misaki developed a pang of crushing guilt that he inadvertently caused the death of his parents. To know for sure that temperate with Usagi and Misaki becomes a couple but usui ends up living with...., saying that even she does n't know how would Takahiro react to school! 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Akihiko walked Kaoruko and Fuyuhiko out with warm goodbyes on the horizon, Usagi worries Misaki!