Truth Publishing International, LTD. is not responsible for content written by contributing authors. Occupations with risk of exposure include: carbonyl workers, ceramic workers, cemented W. carbide workers, cement makers, dye makers, dyers, flameproofers, high-speed tool steelworkers, incandescent-lamp makers, industrial chemical synthesizers, ink makers, lamp-filament makers, lubricant makers, metal sprayers, ore-refining & foundry workers, paint & pigment makers, paper makers, pinpoint makers, petroleum refinery workers, photographic developers, spark-plug makers, textile dyers, tool grinders, W. & Mo. However, despite these “revision surgeries”, cobalt or chromium poisoning can cause problems that require ongoing medical treatment for a long time. And you stop wasting money on products that don’t address your actual toxins! Because cobalt-60 is absorbed by the livers, kidneys and bone tissues, it can compromise the functions of these organs. Cobalt (Co) and its compounds are widely distributed in nature and are part of numerous anthropogenic activities. Food sources – brazil nuts, liver, garbanzo beans, hummus, chocolate, flax seeds. dry cell batteries). Through TESTING. Yet, when it happens, cobalt is very toxic to the heart muscle. Heavy metals like lead and mercury are toxic and can make you sick. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to these terms and those published here. You can swallow too much of it, breathe too much into your lungs, or have it come in constant contact with your skin. Sources – vaccines, anti-perspirants, aluminum foil, aluminum cookware especially when exposed to salty, acidic foods, teas especially mint and peppermint (most teas have aluminum), animal feed, antacids, aspirin, astringents, auto exhaust, used as an anticaking and drying agent (in flour, baking powders and table salt), beverages in aluminum cans (soda, beer, juice), ceramics, cheese (processed), cigarette smoke, color additives, cosmetics, mercury amalgam fillings, ‘natural’ deodorant stones and crystals, tap water (used to cause sediment to sink to the bottom of municipal water sources), some medications, nasal spray, pesticides, pollution, toothpaste, vanilla powder, occupational exposure, paper manufacture, sugar refining, wood preservation, leather tanning, waterproofing textiles, scrap metal recovery, aluminum welding, coal combustion, cereals especially rye, antidiarrheal medications, renal dialysis & phosphate binder treatments, I.V. ACE is meant to identify a brain disease or associated neurological symptoms caused by elevated levels of cobalt from a metal artificial hip. Besides the symptoms associated with other forms of metallosis, cobalt toxicity can cause patients to suffer from fever, inflammation, and low thyroid levels. Once you know and provide the exact nutrients your whole body needs thru diet and supplementation, in the exact combinations to properly balance your body chemistry, your body starts to heal itself. fluids, parenteral feeding, Symptoms – ALS, Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, anemia and other blood disorders, appetite loss, autism spectrum disorders, behavioral problems, breast cancer, cavities, colds, colic, colitis, confusion, constipation, dementia, dry mouth, dry skin, excessive perspiration, fatigue, flatulence, headaches, heartburn, hyperactivity hypoparathyroidism, inhibition of enzyme systems, kidney dysfunction, learning delays and disabilities, liver dysfunction, lowered immune function, memory loss, neuromuscular disorders, neuropathy, numbness, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, peptic ulcers, psychosis, reduced intestinal activity, senility, skin problems, spleen pain, stomach pain, ulcers, tingling, and weak and aching muscles, Sources – coal combustion, recycling centers especially lead battery recycling, manufacture of flame retardants for plastic/vinyl/synthetic fibers, waste incineration, cement kilns, non-ferrous metal mining, smelting, & refining,  glass for hypodermic syringes, glass manufacture, coal combustion, forest fire vehicle brake linings (released as dust), indoor firing ranges, Sources – conventionally raised poultry and eggs, commercial chicken feed, some beer, treated wood (wood preservatives), coal combustion, drinking water (Argentina, Chile, Mexico, United States, China, Bangladesh and India), pesticides, fungicides and insecticides, glass and mirror manufacturing, paints, pigments, table salt, tobacco smoke, rice and rice products (organic has much less), cosmetics, seafood from coastal waters (especially oysters and shrimp), soil, Symptoms – resistant weight loss, weight gain, fatigue, abdominal pain, anorexia, brittle nails, burning in mouth/esophagus/stomach/bowel, cancer, confusion, convulsions, dermatitis, diarrhea, drowsiness, edema, fever, garlicky odor to breath or stool, goiter, hair loss, headache, herpes, hyperpigmentation of the nails and skin, increased risk of liver/lung/skin cancers, interferes with the uptake of folic acid, inhibition of sulfhydryl enzyme systems, jaundice, keratosis (hardening of the skin of palms and soles of feet), kidney and liver damage, liver fibrosis, mucus in nose and throat, muscle aches and spasms, muscle weakness, nausea, nervousness, peripheral neuritis, respiratory tract infection, sore throat, stomatitis, swallowing difficulty, sweet metallic taste, throat constriction, vasodilation, vertigo, vitiligo, vomiting, impaired healing, and weakness, Sources – contaminated groundwater, cigarette/tobacco smoke, barium sulfate beverages (used in certain medical procedures), cathode-ray tubes (in plasma TVs, LCDs/liquid crystal displays/ TVs, LCD computer monitors, and laptop computers), flat panel display devices/FDPs (such as TVs, computers, and smart phones), clay slurries used in drilling oil wells, filler for rubbers and plastics, manufacturing of ceramics, paint pigments, paper filler, petroleum production, pyrotechnics (signal flares, fireworks), rat poison, mining & processing of barite ore, phosphate fertilizers, insecticides, black tea, soybeans, soy baby formula, Symptoms – abdominal pain, cardiac arrhythmias, gastrointestinal dysfunction, diarrhea, high blood pressure, hypokalemia, lesions on lungs, low blood potassium, muscle twitching, muscle weakness, respiratory failure, respiratory issues, vomiting, Sources – tobacco smoke, air pollution (burning fossil fuels), coal burning, dental crowns/dental alloys used in dental prostheses, electronics, glass, manufacture of plastics and household products, industrial dust, metal work, mining, steel alloys, volcanic ash, and X-ray tubes, fuel oil combustion, waste incineration, recycling plants, electric utilities, copper -berrylium wire used in electrical devices, fertilizers especially phosphorus, fertilizers & sewage sludge, Symptoms – adrenal insufficiency, arthritis, bone spurs, bursitis, depression, disturbance of calcium and vitamin D metabolism, fatigue, magnesium depletion, lung cancer, lung infection, osteoporosis, rickets, symptoms of slow metabolism, and vital organ dysfunction, Sources – cosmetics and makeup, stomach remedies (Pepto Bismol), some medicines, occupational exposure, coal combustion, low melting point alloys used in fuses/sprinklers, glass, ceramics, electronic devices, food processing equipment, mining, smelting, chemical plants, waste incineration, fertilizers & sewage sludge, Symptoms – anemia, diarrhea, headache, nausea, pain, reduced metabolism, sperm reduction and infertility, Sources – cigarettes and marijuana, airborne industrial contaminants, artist’s paints, auto exhaust, batteries, burning coal, ceramics, coffee and instant coffee, copper alloys, dental alloys and amalgam filling, dyes, electroplating, fossil fuels, fungicides, galvanized pipes, hydrogenated oils, incineration of tires/rubber/plastic, shellfish and large ocean fish (tuna, cod, haddock), metal coatings, motor oil, organ meats (kidney), paints, pigments, plastics, processed foods, rubber (especially rubber tires and rubber carpet backing), sewage, silver polish, smelters, solders (including in canned food), water (tap, softened, well), welding material, occupational exposure, phosphate fertilizers, gypsum byproduct, sewage sludge, crab (mostly in hepatopancreas – part of the digestive tract), Food grown on cadmium contaminated soil due to sewage sludge, chemical fertilizers, and contaminated irrigation water: Potential contaminated foods can be broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, carrot, onion, potato (significant dietary contributor), tomato, spinach, fruit, sunflower seeds, Symptoms – abdominal pain, aches, alcoholism, alopecia, anemia, arteriosclerosis, arthritis (oust and rheumatoid), bone disease, bone pain in middle of bones, brain fog, cancer, cardiovascular disease, cavities, cerebral hemorrhage, cirrhosis, cramps, depression, diabetes, diarrhea, digestive disturbances, emphysema, enlarged heart, flu-like symptoms such as chills, fragile bones, growth impairment, headaches, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hyperkinetic behavior, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, hypoglycemia, headaches, impaired bone healing, impotence, infertility, inflammation,  joint pain, kidney disease, learning disorders, liver damage, low energy, lung disease, memory loss, migraines, muscle weakness, nausea, nerve cell damage, osteoporosis, ovary damage, prostate dysfunction, reduced fertility/reproductive disorders, schizophrenia, shortness of breath, smoker’s cough, strokes, stomach problems, swelling of the nose, pharynx, and larynx (when chronically inhaling cadmium), testicle damage, tooth deformities, vomiting, Sources – Fukushima fallout, contaminated fish and shellfish, occupational exposure in the nuclear power industry, explosion of nuclear weapons, radiation therapy for certain cancers, accidents associating nuclear powered satellites, mining and milling of certain ores, flora (including lichens and moss), accidents including nuclear powered submarines, contaminated rice, Sake from contaminated rice, some fungi/mushrooms, contaminated tea (10), surface soils near Fukushima nuclear site, Symptoms – chronic fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, weakened heart, gastro-intestinal anomalies, chronic blood disorders, malfunctioning thyroids, Sources – cement, cheese (American), dental materials, jewelry, oysters, paint pigments, tattoos, tobacco smoke, steel & stainless steel production, welding, chrome plating, ferrochrome alloy production, chrome pigment, cement, asbestos brake linings, Symptoms –  allergies, asthma, calcium deficiency, fatigue, kidney damage, iron deficiency, nausea, sinusitis, ulcers, vomiting, Sources – batteries, hair dyes, radioactive solutions, inhalation and contact exposure in hard metal industry, tungsten carbide industry, coal and metal mining, smelting and refining, and chemical production industries, tires, homeopathic remedies.