Our Briards are show dogs but are also integral parts of our families and our lives. Sometimes we have puppies from beautyful and nice dogs. i have two briard puppies for sale, male and female, 5 months old. Therefore, we have only every now and then puppies. about Briards. All Briard found here are from AKC-Registered parents. Briard Breeders, Breed Clubs and Breed Rescue. All puppies come with shots and wormings up to date as well as a Microchip and FCI pedigrees. Wij fokken af en toe een nestje uit wel overwogen combinaties, Wij fokken op karakter, gezondheid en werkeigenschappen. beaugency - top breeders for 2010. from only 17 litters, beaugency have owned or bred 13 uk champions, 4 overseas champions and 1 canadian grand champion, including the only uk homebred briard international champion The condition can come on very fast and, if left untreated, is fatal. Our Briard puppies for sale come from either USDA licensed commercial breeders or hobby breeders with no more than 5 breeding mothers. Here at Fostebrie we focus on quality not quantity when breeding our puppies. Search our reputable UK dog breeder pages & get in touch with them to find puppies for sale matching your requirements Living Environment . Criadero familiar y apasionado del Pastor de Brie. zotzy briards, briard puppies for sale. Briard.RU works since 2000.Here are more than 1600 briard' pictures, results of shows and sport competitions across all Europe, puppies, links and many fun briard' pictures :). Find out more about our unlimited web hosting, Make money selling unlimited websites, domain names and more with our white label reseller hosting package. His name is Gaelic, and means "To your health", or "cheers!". Find Briard Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Briard information. Briards, like other large-chested breeds, can experience bloat and a twisted stomach. Les briards du Domaine des Peluches en expositions, concours de travail, leur genealogie et le briard a travers les disciplines et leur histoire. Our dogs, photos, shows and puppies. Fostebrie. Feel free to visit us. In our opinion dogs should not be breed from if they are not clear of these conditions. Only in the 1970's did breeders address the problems of shyness and nervous aggression in the breed. Already have a domain? The litters these breeders produce are carefully planned. All of them have working certificates, most of them have Cotation result in France. This domain has been registered by Heart Internet if you are the owner of this domain please login, Unlimited web hosting packed full of great hosting features, from only £2.49 per month. General Forum; Popular Topics; Thread Latest post Forum; Briard gifts for Briard lovers! Our dogs life integrated and with close contact in our family life. 40 km südlich von Wien. GILCORU ARE TOP BREEDERS OF BRIARDS IN THE UK FOR 2012. Dogs are tested for these genes and certificates are issued. Find Briard Puppies For Sale For Sale on Pets4You.com. Find puppies bred with love and care. Our kennel is for briards in Hungary, in Center-Europe, close to Budapest. We only have litters every now and then. Pedigree Search; Mating outcome; Select your breeds ; Random pedigree Click ancestor to traverse. All informations about planned, expected and born litters in Europe(only FCI Kennels). Heaven Devil is a Czech Briard Kennel with long briard (berger de brie) breeding tradition. Our small breeding, called MOONLIGHT BLACK BEAR, is located right in the middle of Austria where my Briards are enjoying their lifes together with us. We live in Poland. UK Briard breeder, South Yorkshire based. We have been breeding briards since 1988 and our dogs belong to Czech and European briard elity.Our finest dogs Celestyna Bar-Bar Beskydy, Angee Heaven Devil, Emilly Heaven Devil and Cornelius Heaven Devil are Czech champions and acquired many CACIB, CAC, CAJC and BOB titles.Currently we are offering puppies by Emilly Heaven Devil and Usually the Best Moravia Campanella. На сайте представлены наши питомцы, породы: American Pit Bull Terrier - English Setter. All puppies are placed with utmost care. KENNEL FIELD UNION многопородный питомник.Aмериканский Бульдог (American Bulldog), Aмериканский Пит Буль терьер (American Pit Bull Terrier, АРВТ), Английский Сеттер (English Setter), Йорширский терьер (Yorkshire Terrier), Померанский Шпиц (Pomeranian), Мопс (Mops),  Бриар (Briard). Australia's top Briard kennel.The only Australian breeders to have bred Champions in 4 countries, and owners/breeders of the ONLY All Breed Best in Show winning black Briards. Top UK Breeders 2009. Owning, showing and breeding Briards has been a passion of ours for over 37 years. Created for owners and breeders alike to come together in a friendly environment, to be able share the wonderful antics of this breed, to ask questions as well as discuss any health and behavioural questions you may have. See our comprehensive list of Briard breeders from around the world to help bring home the puppy of your dreams. Pedigree Briards established in the UK in 1984 and New Zealand in 1996 . Enjoy visiting our website. The Briard Club of America Rescue Trust is a 501(c)(3) charitable trust formed to further the Briard Club of America’s mission of protecting Briards in need of rescue. Unser Ziel ist die Zucht von Qualität und nicht Quantität! Though substantially built, the Briard is still lithe and agile. Forte also wins Best of Breed at the all winners show in Amsterdam Holland. We have beautiful and healthy briards with balanced character. News, our dogs, photos, shows, litters and puppies. Our Briards since 1984 with pictures and videos. Our kennel is for briards in Hungary, in Center-Europe, close to Budapest. We are a small familial kennel since 2010. ÖKV (FCI) Zuchtstätte in Niederösterreich rd. Besuchen Sie uns einfach einmal. Fostebrie Briards 37A Alan Road, Darton, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S75 5NL [email protected] +44 (0)1226 387508 Owners/breeders of the only Briards to win Group/Show awards at Royal Shows - Best Puppy in Show … Our dogs, photos, shows and puppies. We strive to have puppies free of inherited genetic diseases, health and quality is important for us. puppen ondergaan op de leeftijd van 7 weken een karaktertest. You are welcome at any time at our house! Boy oh boy, did my life change in January, 2002! Our commitment to health, beauty and performance is only equaled by our desire to raise puppies that will become a welcome addition to any home. Visit our homepage and meet our black/ grey Briard-Gang. The Briard is a big, shaggy, intelligent dog with strong herding instincts. If you feel that you have what it takes to give a needy Briard a good, loving home, drop a line to Sheila; her email address is on this page. We are breeding black and tawny Briards since 1994. Ch. You can find general information like the breed standard and books as well as specific information about breeders, stud dogs, puppies, dog schools and more. All our adult dogs are health tested (Briards for HD and CSNB, Chinese Crested for Patella, eye tested and prcd-PRA) and are clear.We breed quality Briards and Chinese Crested for pet owners and show enthusiasts. West Sussex. We have 2 litters with Berger de Brie and 3 litter with chinese crested.Now we have got one stud male On Oktavo Bar-Bar Beskydy, one female Highland Spring Bar- Bar Beskydy (berger de brie) and two feemale veterans Aneko and Berenica (chinese crested). Parents are from Marky-kennel and Isildur kennel, and ten puppies were born on 29.04.2014... Pearls of South is a Polish kennel specialized in fawn briards. Briard Hobby Kennel in Lower Austria. Key Breed FactsBreed CharacteristicsBreed HighlightsIntroductionHistoryAppearanceTemperamentIntelligence / TrainabilityChildren and Other PetsHealthCaring for a BriardGroomingExerciseFeedingAverage Cost to keep/care for a BriardBreed Specific Buying Advice On our website you can find informations about Int.Ch Aurelia Bellezza Dilorini, her puppies and you can also contact us !!! Aladax Briards. Fawn and black Briards with balanced character for work, sport and companion… find information about dogs and puppies from champion bloodlines, many photos, news from dog shows… breeder specialized in black and fawn trained and tested dogs in both work and show… breeding in a home environment a typical and sound construction Briards considering the standard… well socialized Berger de Brie puppies with a good character…     ***, Briard.RU devoted by most beautiful and most cheerful among the cleverest dogs - briards. I compete mostly in conformation activities in the US, Canada and France. You will see here briards of Russian kennel "Mohnatoe Chudo" and our friends and relatives also. Their puppies are for family, sport, working, show and breeding aims with FCI pedigree.We are looking for the healthy, the morphology and the working instinct too.We have multi-Champion, multi-BOB dogs. They get optimal preparation for their further life in their new families and good socialisation.For many years I work with my own and other dogs in several kinds of dog sports and working education. Some of them are active sporting dogs.If you have some questions, or you want a puppy, visit our homepage, or write me an e-mail. Demonstrate honesty and fairness in dealing with other breeders, purchasers of dogs and the general public. Our breeds are Briard, Tervueren and Zwetna Bolonka. They took 50 years to gain a solid foothold. Breeders; Articles; Briard Pedigree Database . Get your own dedicated server, perfect for even the most demanding of websites. The enthusiasm shown by those early pioneers has been sustained for the last forty years. We breed Briard for over 20 Years. Use breeding stock of sound temperament, with no major hereditary defects, free of parasites and communicable disease. Ch Forte Negro at gilcoru Duovarius. They've had all of their puppy shots and merely require a good home. Mrs. C. Foster. Briards are best suited to firm, patient masters with experience training dogs. Welcome to our site!On our website you can seeresults of dog shows, information about the berger de brie, news in our kennel and many pictures. "Briards Briards" Breeders. i very like dogs. Kennel Bohemia Adyton. Great value domain names from only £2.79 per year. Together with our dogs we live in the beautifull Allgäu (Bavaria) near to Kempten in a small village called Günzach.Currently in our Cannel are 2 Briards and 4 Cao da serra des Aires. Welcome... to the internet home of Zotzy Briards! Transfer in your domain for free. Briard . Especial seleccion de caracter y belleza. A French herding and guarding dog, the Briard (Berger de Brie – Shepherd of Brie) comes from the Province of Brie where he has a long history as guardian of the flocks and homestead as well as his herding job. XANADU CHIC Moravia Campanella, EMPREINTE de Chester. Responsibilities as a Briard breeder: 1. USDA licensed commercial breeders account for less than 20% of all breeders in the country. (Imported from Poland) First ever British owned Briard to win the CAC at the French Briard Club show 2011 over 30 black males. All about the briards en our puppy's. The Briard puppies these breeders produce are properly whelped and well taken care of in the first weeks of their life, and in the later weeks - properly socialized and raised. 2. XANADU CHIC Moravia Campanella, EMPREINTE de Chester. Briards in Poland is an independent website paying a tribute to this magnificent breed.This website contains: information, catalog od dogs, list of breeders,show results, lots of photos in our gallery, announcements (puppies for sale), information on The Polish Briard Club. 3. They... October 16, 2016. Briard Utah, United States . Jandade A Hopkins and Debra Wilson-Hopkins Chartham … Briards are kind, gentle, and generally obedient, but they do have independent minds. Website our briards Ch. And I am an AKC Breeder of Merit. Giving advice to my puppies new people before and after they get their dogs is very important to me. Though Briards can trot all day without tiring, they tend to be calm and relaxed in their home environment. View more . _____ Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage und lernen Sie unsere grau-schwarze Briard-Gang kennen. BRIARD PUPPIES has 2,640 members. Briard Breeders South Australia. Hello, I'm Attila Bonta from Hungary. Look here to find a Briard breeder who may have puppies for sale or a male dog available for stud service close to you. After many months of research and planning, a black Briard puppy named Slainte Chugat de Bejaune entered my life. Neither should you buy a puppy if any one of the parent is not clear. Winners of over 100 CC's and 18 UK champions Dog Breeders; Briard; Our Dog Breeder directory is the ultimate source of listings for breeders in the United Kingdom. Briard Dogs can make good pets in UK if they match your IifestyIe. This, along with donations from kindly folk, is one of the ways in which we fund the Rescue activities. In 1973, the British Briard Club was formed by a group of enthusiasts with the idea of furthering the breed in all spheres; the sound breeding animal, the happy, healthy companion and the elegant show dog. Briard breeding in Cracovia - Poland. Kennel FIELD UNION - многопородный питомник, Field Union - American Pit Bull Terrier, English Setter. The breeders on this website are committed to breeding healthy, beautiful and well-rounded Briards. Badgerhurst Briards. We believe in breeding good natured and healthy, well-balanced Briards, ideal as much-loved family pets. The Friendly Briard Club is the first and oldest social network established in 2004. The Briard's ancient origins are unknown American soldiers introduced these ruggedly muscular dogs to the U.S. after World War I. Please come in! On our website you can see many pictures, results of dog shows, information about the berger de brie, news in our kennel.We recommend briard's puppies with a very interesting pedigree. Breeders wishing to register progeny from a carrier from this date need to apply for permission prior to the proposed mating, and applications are dealt with on a case-by-case basis involving input If such permission is given and a carrier is mated to a DNA tested or hereditary clear dog, all progeny must be DNA tested and registered with The Kennel Club as either CSNB clear or Carrier The Home Page for the Gilcoru Briards and Beagles. Wellcome! Briards are very protective and alert, and they make great watchdogs. From only £79.99 per month. Click herefor more information or call Brian on 021 393932 or Kath on 021 500452. AUST & NZ (7) AUST (6) QLD (2) NSW (0) ACT (0) VIC (2) TAS (0) SA (2) WA (0) NT (0) NZ (1) Optional Filters (Click button to add or remove filter) Puppies Available Now (or due soon) OR Litter Planned (next 12 months) OR Has Older Dog Available Breeder Shows Dogs Displaying Page 1 of 1 pages. Find Briard Breeders Near You. Double-click to view pedigree page. Briard breeding in Cracovia - Poland. Filter by Location Below. ©2018. Breeders should be fully familiar with the AKC Standard and breed only to improve the breed. However, they require a fair amount of outdoor exercise to stay in shape. Fostebrie Mrs. C. Foster Barnsley South Yorkshire. Pedigrees. Briard Hobby-Zuchtstätte in Niederösterreich. To minimize the risk of your Boxer developing any of the hereditary health issues, you should buy a Boxer puppy from a reputable Briard breeder. Henfield. Displaying 1 - 20 of 67 Briard Breeders. Briard breeders - Briard puppies Canada British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, Sask, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, NFLD He is a substantial dog measuring up to 27″ and 35kg or more is not unusual. We strive to provide the most up to date information including contact details for Briard breeders. Olde Bulldogge - Эта порода является, прежде всего- отличными компаньонами, а также обладая шармом, темпераментом и ловкостью быть почти универсальной породой- как служебная так и спортивная собака.Старо-английский бульдог (Олд бульдог) обладает чувством собственного достоинства, шармом, преданностью, отлично ладит с детьми, превосходный друг. Our puppys grow up in our (often crowded) living room or - depending on the season also in the garden and at their puppy playground. Briard, English Cocker Spaniel and Scottish Terrier breeder in the Czech Republic. Website of Kennel Heritage in Czech Republic. Forums. Nos briards depuis 1984 en photos et videos d'hier à aujourd'hui. They are also suitable for showing or working. Claire Noir Briard kennel. Our dogs are members of our family.We do agility and obedience, sometimes herding and coursing. Everyone interested in French - Sheep Dogs Briards - welcome! Deshalb gibt es nicht regelmässig Würfe. The dog "Z 1 Ligi" have good exterier and very good characters. I strongly believe the briard should conform to the country of origin (France) standard as well as the AKC standard and show as much as possible our dogs in France as well as in the US (or occasionally in Canada). We have owned dogs for 23 years, and have shared our home with Briards for the last 12. Our dogs have proven themselves in the herding arena, with many titled dogs, including many High in Trial winners. ÖKV (FCI) Kennel in Lower Austria - about 40km in the south of Vienna. Aditionally every new dog owner gets an information folder about puppies. BIMBER Coeur d'Ambre de Baltique & JUST FOR FUN Złota Elita. We breed and train Berger de Brie and Chinese crested dog. Badgerhurst Briards Ms Jo Ryan Henfield West Sussex. Every breeder featured on this site takes great care to produce healthy, well tempered Briard puppies. Ch. Les Briards du Domaine des Peluches in dog shows, work, their genealogy and the Briard through their use and history. We expect our first litter in early summer 2008 and are looking forward to healthy, well sociated family dogs who offer show-qualities as well as working-capacity.Don't hesitate to contact me for more information or visit us online at our homepage! Welcome! Breeders of the Briard Breed Record Holder, Top Briard 2001. Bearded Collie. Current Health Tests. Briard and Chinese Crested hobby kennel. Ms Jo Ryan. FOSTEBRIE Briards. Your always welcome to contact us for about our dogs,Regards,Mariola & Agnieszka Ekiert. ***** Ogłoszenia o planowanych, potwierdzonych i urodzonych miotach briardów , wedle regulaminu hodowlanego ZKwP (FCI).Ogłoszenia o miotach polskich reproduktorów. I have got Berger de Brie (briard) family. A good reliable breeder – will make sure that a breeding pair is clear of night blindness and hip dysplasia. Height/Weight Adult Briards may measure from 22-27 in (56-69 cm) at the shoulder. Briard. You can always follow this link to the 100 Club page! Welcome to our site!Złota Elita  is Polish kennel specialized in Briards, Leonberger and Tibetan Terrier. Displaying 1 - 67 of 67 Briard Breeders. Our aim is breeding quality and not quantity! There is a virtual memoriam for our veteran Briards and those who already passed over the Rainbow Bridge. (dayly life competence, Obedience, Agility, rescuedog, guardiancedog, companiondog, work at sport an rescuedog tools, therapie of dogs with behaviour problems) Now I fell in love with Dogdancing an Obedience, both trained by click and treat and me and my dogs have much fun with it.My Breedingdogs are all free from hip-disorder (HD) and of course all pups have VDH/FCI document, are vaccinated, have worm profilaxe , mikrochips and examined by a vet when they leave us to move to their new families. El'Bridorado FCI.