Major brands including Nexgard, Frontine, Bravecto, Advantage, Advantix, Drontal and Revolution. BRAVECTO PLUS kills adult fleas and is indicated for the treatment and prevention of flea infestations (Ctenocephalides felis) and the treatment and control of tick infestations [Ixodes scapularis (black-legged tick) and Dermacentor variabilis (American dog tick)] for 2 months in cats and kittens 6 months of age and older and weighing 2.6 lb or greater. Applied to back of head. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Containing the active ingredients Fluralaner and Moxidectin which work in combination to kill parasites by interfering with their nervous system, Bravecto Plus is also indicated for the treatment of ear mite infestations. Bravecto Plus Spot-on Solution for Cats is for cats with, or at risk from, mixed parasitic infestations by ticks and fleas, gastrointestinal nematodes or heartworm. Bravecto Plus 250mg Spot-On Solution is for the treatment of mixed infections with both ticks and other parasites such as fleas, and/or worms in cats weighing 2.8 - 6.25kg. No. Bravecto Plus is for cats with flea and tick infestation or for those at risk. Benieuwd naar het volledige Bravecto assortiment? Bravecto can be given safely to breeding dogs, including pregnant or lactating bitches and puppies from eight weeks of age. It is therefore recommended, in accordance with good veterinary practice, that animals of 6 months of age or older and living in areas where a vector exists, should be tested for existing adult heartworm infections before application of the veterinary medicinal product for the prevention of heartworm disease. Fluralaner is an ectoparasiticide which provides systemic activity against ticks and fleas, protecting the cat for 12 weeks. In cats, Bravecto ® Spot-On provides 3 months of protection against fleas and ticks. Now the company has launched BRAVECTO® Plus in the UK, a combination (fluralaner plus moxidectin) topical solution for cats. Seek further veterinary examination (i.e. In case of contact with the eyes, immediately rinse thoroughly with water. In case of accidental ingestion, seek medical advice and show the package leaflet or the label to the physician. Reg. No therapeutic effect against adult Dirofilaria immitis has been established. Do not allow treated animals to come into contact with untreated animals until the application site is dry. Bravecto (fluralaner topical solution) for Cats Indications Bravecto kills adult fleas and is indicated for the treatment and prevention of flea infestations (Ctenocephalides felis) and the treatment and control of Ixodes scapularis (black-legged tick) infestations for 12 weeks in cats and kittens 6 months of age and older, and weighing 2.6 pounds or greater. If skin reactions occur, consult a physician and show them the product packaging. Administered Bravecto Plus to my cat 10 days ago. Overdose: No adverse reactions were observed following topical administration to kittens aged 9-13 weeks and weighing 0.9-1.9 kg treated with overdoses of up to 5 times the maximum recommended dose (93 mg fluralaner + 4.65 mg moxidectin, 279 mg fluralaner + 13.95 mg moxidectin and 465 mg fluralaner + 23.25 mg moxidectin/kg body weight) on three occasions at shorter intervals than recommended (8-week intervals). If you are ordering a product for which a Prescription is required you need to: Like you, we care about the wellbeing of your pets. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The safety of BRAVECTO PLUS has not been established in breeding, pregnant and lactating cats. Bravecto Plus is exclusively indicated when use against ticks or fleas and one or more of. We understand that there are essential items which you need to purchase for your pet on a regular basis, such as food and medication. Always use as directed by your vet. The company points to a study which showed that cats treated Bravecto Plus showed no visible signs of mites at 14 days and 100% efficacy was confirmed at 28 days 1.This, says the company, means that Bravecto Plus now gives 12 week control of fleas and ticks, eight week prevention of heartworm disease, treatment of roundworm and hookworm, and treatment of ear mites. For example, one reviewer on Allivet states that it is “the best flea and tick control around. Buy Bravecto – Top Selling Brand from Merck Animal Health . For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Bravecto Plus for Medium Cats is an innovative spot-on treatment for cats with or at risk from mixed parasitic infections by ticks and fleas, gastrointestinal worms or heartworm. Bravecto Plus is for cats with, or at risk from, mixed parasitic infestations by ticks and fleas, gastrointestinal nematodes or heartworm. Contact may occur either directly, when handling the product, or when handling the treated animal. Merck has brought an oral flea and tick prevention that lasts longer – Bravecto. In case of spillage onto, for example table or floor surfaces, remove excess product using paper tissue and clean the area with detergent. Bravecto Plus is for cats with flea and tick infestation or for those at risk. password? For the treatment of tick and flea infestations in cats providing immediate and persistent flea (Ctenocephalides felis) and tick (Ixodes ricinus) killing activity for 12 weeks. Avoid oral ingestion. For the treatment of infections with ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) or the gastrointestinal nematodes T. cati and A. tubaeforme, the need for, and the frequency of, re-treatment as well as the choice of the treatment (monosubstance or combination product) should be evaluated by the prescribing veterinarian. The use of this veterinary medicinal product should be based on the assessment of each individual case and on local epidemiological information about the current susceptibility of the target species in order to limit the possibility of a future selection for resistance. Therefore, during treatment with Bravecto Plus, other products that can inhibit p-glycoprotein (e.g. Weight of cat (kg) Pipette size to be used 1.2 – 2.8 Bravecto Plus 112.5 mg + 5.6 mg spot-on solution for small cats >2.8 – 6.25 Bravecto Plus 250 mg + 12.5 mg spot-on solution for medium-sized cats >6.25 – 12.5 Bravecto Plus 500 mg + 25 mg spot-on solution for large cats. Bravecto Plus 250mg Spot-On Solution for Medium Cats, Bravecto Plus 500mg Spot-On Solution for Large Cats, Bravecto Plus 112.5mg Spot-On Solution for Small Cats. View Details. Due to high demand there are some delays expected with dispatch. BRAVECTO PLUS has not been shown to be effective for 2 months in kittens less than 6 months of age. In order to avoid contact, disposable protective gloves obtained with this product at the point of sale must be worn when handling and administering the product. Compared to other products which must be given every month. The product is highly flammable. It's no secret that cats aren't fond of treatments and medications. Bravecto Plus Spot-on Solution for Cats is for cats with, or at risk from, mixed parasitic infestations by … to other veterinary medicinal products of this type should handle the veterinary medicinal product as well as treated animals with caution. The spot on solution works immediately and protects them for 12 weeks. UK, October 22 nd, 2018 – MSD Animal Health has announced the launch of BRAVECTO ® Plus in the UK, a topical solution for cats with, or at risk from external and internal parasite infestations. Purchased in September 2020 for A$80.00. For more information, view our Delivery & Returns page. Bravecto Plus Spot On For Small Cats 1.2-2.8kg (112.5mg) x 1 Pipette £19.75 Parasite resistance to any particular class of anthelmintic may develop following frequent, repeated use of an anthelmintic of that class under specific circumstances. Bravecto Plus Spot On For Small Cats 1.2-2.8kg (112.5mg) x 1 Pipette £19.75 It's an all-in-one spot-on treatment for cats. cyclosporine, ketoconazole, spinosad, verapamil) should only be used concomitantly according to the benefit-risk assessment of the responsible veterinarian. Bravecto Plus for Cats Monthly treatments can be easy to lose track of, so we've made them last twice as long. Cats in areas endemic for heartworm, or cats which have travelled to endemic areas, may be infected with adult heartworms. Containing the...[More info], Bravecto Plus 500mg Spot-On Solution is for the treatment of mixed infections with both ticks and other parasites such as fleas, and/or worms in cats weighing 6.25 - 12.5kg. Value for Money. Voor de behandeling van katten met (risico op) gecombineerde parasitaire infestaties van teken en vlooien, maagdarmwormen of hartwormen. The frequency of adverse reactions is defined using the following convention: − very common (more than 1 in 10 animals treated displaying adverse reaction(s)) − common (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 100 animals treated) − uncommon (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 1,000 animals treated ) − rare (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 10,000 animals treated) − very rare (less than 1 animal in 10,000 animals treated, including isolated reports). Bravecto is applied topically using the new "Twist’n’Use" pipette design which means the cap doesn’t need to be removed. Operator warnings: This product is harmful after ingestion. It also provides treatment of infections with intestinal roundworm and hookworm. We are working hard to get orders out to you as quickly as possible. 07007357 reg. Special warnings for each target species: Ticks and fleas need to start feeding on the host to become exposed to fluralaner; therefore the risk of the transmission of parasite borne diseases cannot be excluded. Bravecto Plus 250mg Spot-On Solution is for the treatment of mixed infections with both ticks and other parasites such as fleas, and/or worms in cats weighing 2.8 - 6.25kg. Note: Please select size and quantity as shown on your prescription. Contra-indications: Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients. In 2016, MSD Animal Health launched BRAVECTO® spot-on, a topical solution for dogs and cats. One stop treatment shop for dogs and cats to prevent nasty parasites from damaging their health. For use in cats (dogs) from 11 weeks of age and over 1.2kg (2.0kg) For optimal control of tick and flea infestation, the Bravecto spot-on should be administered at 3 monthly intervals. You can unsubscribe at any time. Bravecto Plus Spot-on Solution for Cats is for cats with, or at risk from, mixed parasitic infestations by ticks and fleas, gastrointestinal nematodes or heartworm. Avoid oral ingestion. Oral uptake of the product at the maximum recommended dose of 93 mg fluralaner + 4.65 mg moxidectin/kg body weight induced some self-limiting salivation or single incidences of vomiting immediately after administration. Containing the...[More info]. More details can be found here. Fluralaner is a member of the isoxazoline class. For the prevention of heartworm disease in cats that are only temporarily in endemic areas, the product should be applied before the first expected exposure to mosquitoes. The pipette to use is selected on the basis of the cat’s weight. It is exclusively indicated when use against ticks or fleas and one or more of the other target parasites is indicated at the same time. Manufacturer: MSD Animal Health The content of one full Bravecto Plus pipette is applied to the cat’s skin at the base of the skull. Bravecto® for Cats Review | Ingredients & Side Effects. Fleas and ticks must attach to the host and commence feeding in order to be exposed to the active substance. Now hair loss and irritation on shoulder. According to the Bravecto® Topical for Cats list of ingredients, the active ingredient is fluralaner, an insecticide (to kill fleas) and acaricide (to kill ticks). For cats with, or at risk from, mixed parasitic infestations by ticks and fleas, gastrointestinal nematodes or heartworm. Our spot-on treatment will guard your cat against fleas and paralysis ticks plus heartworm for 2 months and treat intestinal worms + and ear mites - all in one dose.. Hypersensitivity reactions to another veterinary medicinal product containing fluralaner and the same excipients as Bravecto Plus have been reported in a small number of people. SAVE on Bravecto Plus for Cats at America's Most Trusted Pet Pharmacy, 1800petmeds. For cats more than 12.5 kg, use a combination of two pipettes that most closely matches the body weight. The product binds to skin and may also bind to surfaces after spillage of the product. Bravecto Plus is exclusively indicated when use against ticks or fleas and one or more of the other target parasites is identified at the same time and provides immediate and persistent flea and tick killing activity for 12 weeks. The period between treatment and return from the endemic areas should not exceed 60 days. A used pipette should immediately be disposed of. So to make life easier, you can set up a Scheduled Order with Animed Direct and we’ll schedule the order to repeat automatically for you at a frequency of your choosing. Bravecto Plus for Cats The first spot-on treatment to give your cat effective defence against fleas, paralysis ticks and heartworm with intestinal worm + and ear mite treatment - all in one About us. For the treatment of infections with intestinal roundworm (4th stage larvae, immature adults and adults of Toxocara cati) and hookworm (4th stage larvae, immature adults and adults of Ancylostoma tubaeforme). If skin contact does occur, wash the affected area immediately with soap and water. Bravecto Plus 500mg Spot-On Solution for Large Cats £25.52 Bravecto Plus 500mg Spot-On Solution is for the treatment of mixed infections with both ticks and other parasites such as fleas, and/or worms in cats weighing 6.25 - 12.5kg. It is also indicated for the treatment of infestations with ear mites (Otodectes cynotis). This product can also be used as part of a treatment strategy for flea allergy dermatitis. Forgotten your Once administered, the formula spreads throughout the … Make sure that your animal's application site is no longer noticeable before resuming contact with the site of application. in England and Wales. Bravecto Plus for Medium Cats is suitable for cats weighing between 2.8 – 6.25kg and can be used as part of a treatment strategy for flea allergy dermatitis (FAD). It takes up to 48 hours for the application site to become dry, but it will be noticeable for longer. Choose BRAVECTO® PLUS (fluralaner and moxidectin topical solution) for Cats—a breakthrough in feline parasite protection. Bravecto Spot On Solution for Cats. BRAVECTO PLUS is an extended-duration, broad-spectrum combination (fluralaner and moxidectin) topical solution for cats, indicated for both external … This includes cuddling the animal and sharing a bed with the animal. Therefore prior to application of Bravecto Plus for the concurrent prevention of infection with adult D. immitis, the advice provided in section 4.4 should be considered. For topical use only. Do not use directly on skin lesions. Amounts to be administered and administration route: For spot-on use. It also provides treatment of infections with intestinal roundworm and hookworm. This product can cause eye irritation. BRAVECTO Topical Solution for Cats: The most commonly reported adverse reactions include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, hair loss, decreased appetite, lethargy, and scabs/ulcerated lesions. The choice of the additional treatment (monosubstance or combination product) should be determined by the prescribing veterinarian. Prescription Required. Treatment of male breeding animals is not recommended. Do not allow recently treated animals to groom each other. *Based on UK Mainland Delivery. People with a sensitive skin or known allergy in general e.g. Company no. Bravecto Spot On For Large Cats (6.25 - 12.5 kg) Purple. The veterinary medicinal product is exclusively indicated when use against ticks or fleas and one or more of the other target parasites is indicated at the same time. Copyright © 2021 Animed Direct Limited - CVS House, Owen Road, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4ER. Do not allow treated animals to come into contact with untreated animals until the application site is dry. Om onderstaande informatie te … Avoid frequent swimming or shampooing the animal because the maintenance of effectiveness of the product in these cases has not been tested. Must be an ingredient for the wormer. Special precautions for use: Care should be taken to avoid contact with the eyes of the animal. This product is for topical use and should not be administered orally. Discount flea, tick, heartworm and intestinal worm treatments by PetBucket. Bravecto Plus Spot-On is for cats with, or at risk from, mixed parasitic infections by ticks and fleas, gastrointestinal nematodes or heartworm. BRAVECTO is not effective against American dog ticks beyond 8 weeks of dosing. The following other adverse reactions were uncommonly observed in clinical trials shortly after administration: dyspnoea after licking the application site, hypersalivation, emesis, haematemesis, diarrhoea, lethargy, pyrexia, tachypnoea, mydriasis. otoscopy) 28 days after treatment to determine whether there is re-infestation requiring additional treatment. This product is for topical use and should not be administered orally. Bravecto Plus is exclusively indicated when use against ticks or fleas and one or more of the other target parasites is … Where necessary, cats can be re-treated at 12-week intervals. Bravecto spot-on can be administered all year round. Same problem with Revolution. It is therefore essential to register them individually with Animed Direct so that our Registered Qualified Persons (RQPs) can ensure all prescribed and restricted products are being purchased for the correct species according to weight and size. Cats in areas endemic for heartworm (or those which have travelled to endemic areas) may be infected with adult heartworms. Bravecto Plus is available as a spot-on solution in a pipette. One dose is effective for 12 weeks against fleas and most types of tick. Adverse Reactions: Mild and transient skin reactions at the application site (alopecia, flaking skin and pruritus) were commonly observed in clinical trials. Keep the product in the original packaging until use, in order to prevent children from getting direct access to the product. Did not have this problem with Bravecto flea and tick. This product is exclusively indicated when use against ticks or fleas and one or more of the other target parasites is indicated at the same time. 100% Guaranteed. Containing the...[More info], Bravecto Plus 112.5mg Spot-On Solution is for the treatment of mixed infections with both ticks and other parasites such as fleas, and/or worms in cats weighing 1.2 - 2.8kg. For longer with ear mites ( Otodectes cynotis ) treated animals to come into contact with untreated until. Of different weights risk from, mixed parasitic infestations by ticks and fleas, protecting cat! Is applied to the cat for 12 weeks parasites bravecto plus for cats uk damaging their Health, Road... Activity against ticks and fleas, gastrointestinal nematodes or heartworm indicated to prevent nasty from! To yellow solution, and is applied to the physician original packaging use... 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