Regardless, I have heard they are really affectionate and loving. save. First time posting here so thanks in advance for any feedback from the BT community. your own Pins on Pinterest Our home is calm. I know I know, a Boston Terrier is essentially the exact opposite of a Dalmatian. Did you get them around the same time? Patellar luxation is a condition in which the kneecap slips in and out of place, causing pain and inflammation. My girl on her 1st bday. I was going to wait until my Dal is at least a 1 1/2 to 2 years old before I would get a Boston Terrier. Health issues also arise from a Boston Terrier's reaction to extreme heat or cold- due to the short muzzle the breed cannot regulate internal temperature causing adverse reactions. I will personally never have a house without them - they are wonderful, weird, goofy little dogs! This mega sloucher can’t take his eyes off Dinosaur shows ️ 104. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. So far, I know they don't require a lot of exercise, can overheat if they are out in the heat for too long and can potentially having health/respiratory problems. share. A Guide to Finding a Responsible Boston Terrier Breeder. She stated he walked on a leash very well but hasn't been going to the bathroom outside. Various colours. She's also super cuddly with humans. The Boston Terrier is a breed of dog originating in the United States of America. The health problems are primarily eye, knee, and cardiac issues, but any breeder that you should consider should be screening their breeding dogs for these issues and post the results on Boston Terriers have few health issues and they are not life threatening. What's good about them? We have concerns about his medical issues, particularly the yeast infection. My friends husband enjoys watching sports, and their dog usually gets very stressed out when he gets excited or upset about a team losing. The health problems are primarily eye, knee, and cardiac issues, but any breeder that you should consider should be screening their breeding dogs for these issues and post the results on So she gets between my gf and I's shoulders to get warm. In the house he's absolutely manic, charges around like a cannonball, bounces off furniture and plays til he physically can't play any more. They have their breed issues, but every breed has health problems. We have this one Boston terrier that when he comes in with his pajamas on, all he would want to do is sleep. The Boston Terrier is a lovely, active little dog and they certainly know how to keep themselves and their owners busy. 1 1. comments. About Boston Terrier Health. She says : “Hello, I have an 8 mo old puppy who already had a knee surgery 2 months ago, and now it seems she needs an operation on her other knee. He’s on MyOllie food so I know he’s getting all of his nutrients, and really it’s just a handful of plants he goes back to again and again. Dogs are just like humans and come with their own set of health problems. I hope i'm not violating any rules by posting:,placement%3A1. I have yet to meet a Boston terrier that couldn't get along with another dog (unless the other dog was being aggessive). The foster mom said he "didn't like anything around his neck" and was instead wearing a harness. They have some family that they see often, and they have dogs. Is this the only one that you've had? Thank you for getting back to me! 190. She destroys every toy she gets within a few hours. Tips on how to handle would be greatly appreciated! Breeding Boston Terriers require knowledge about the health issues plaguing the American Gentleman, including birth difficulties, c-sections, and the scary brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome. Any issues with them chewing stuff up that isn't their toys? Crossposted by 14 hours ago. Here is a question from Monica asking if someone has any advice about her Boston Terrier puppy who has a problem with her knees. u/drophie raised her Boston Terrier and also owns a Husky. share. For best results, only purchase English spaniels from reputable, licensed breeders and inquire about parent genetics and health testing to ensure you are getting a strong, thriving pup. Can’t figure out what is going on with our little guy. Boston Terrier Health. He has the following medical issues: Cherry eye, heartworm, yeast infection on his butt (which he has ointment for and the rescue said its a permanent condition) and dental issues. He was extremely sweet, calm and submissive and rolled on his belly for us to give him tummy rubs. 2 4 3 342. Boston Terriers are generally a healthy breed. She's now pretty regular, her tummy issues got much better, her coat is healthy, and the vet said she's at a perfect weight and to keep doing whatever we're doing. I'm considering getting a Boston Terrier in the next year or so. The Bug dog may inherit that from its parent. Compared to some other brachycephalic and bull breeds the Boston Terrier has fewer characteristics which cause problems and is classed as a Category 1 breed by the UK Kennel Club with no particular points of concern causing welfare issues at the time of writing. She would rather hang out with humans than dogs. Did you ever have issues with your BTs as puppies? This "American Gentleman" was accepted in 1893 by the American Kennel Club as a non-sporting breed. Like so many other short-faced breeds, they do tend to suffer from breathing issues and are known as brachycephalic. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. We both have dog experience. I already have an 11 month old Dalmatian. The Kerry Blue Terrier (also known as the Irish Blue Terrier) (Irish: An Brocaire Gorm) is a breed of dog. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Though many of the breeds most highly prone to musculoskeletal issues are larger dogs, the Boston Terrier has a fairly high risk for patellar luxation and other joint problems. It's really, really important for Bostons to have these screenings because poorly bred BTs can have a lot of health problems. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. If you own a Red Boston your Boston will have the same health issues as a standard color Boston. Don't breed any with known health issues" All our breeding bostons with the traditional short snout get a xray done on their throat to verify they do not have a collapsed or hypoplastic trachea and/or elongated palate before being bred or being used as a stud. " They are prone to some health conditions that are common in their parent breeds as listed below. Do Red Boston Terriers Have Health Issues? He's friendly to humans but dog reactive. As with most breeds though it can suffer from some hereditary health issues. According to pet experts, Boston Terrier Dogs score out of 5 in the scale of breeds that are considered the most healthy dog breeds. They tried dog parks and daycare but she usually avoids other dogs and likes to stay close to other people. Bostons are also among the flat-faced, or brachycephalic, dog breeds. Consider using a prong collar instead of a chain collar. The Boston Terrier is a loving, funny, smart, and h Can’t figure out if it’s a game he’s trying to play or if it’s something I need to be concerned about? Boston Terrier Health Issues. In all fairness to him, I think he would be a lot better if he had more training and exercise. One health issue related to the color of a dog is alopecia. Haha that's awesome. In addition, each condition is treatable or able to be maintained with medication. While endearing, flat faces bring with them many health problems, some minor such as snoring and snuffling, and some major, including life-threatening breathing difficulties that may require surgery to correct, if they can be corrected at all. Hello! Just then I wouldn't be raising two puppies at the same time haha. The Boston Terrier is, like the bulldog and pug, a brachycephalic breed, meaning literally, “short head.” As a result, one of the most serious of health problems with this breed is an inability to properly breath when the dog is hot or excited, or even exercising moderately. 190. Obesity – it is a known fact in the doggie world that a Pug has the tendency to overeat. Boston Terrier Dogs Health Problems . They are 2 of the most affectionate dogs I've ever had. If you are rescuing, knowing these potential issues can help you know what to watch for in your new best friend so you can get him to the vet when he needs attention. We liked him very much and think we can give him a good home and are willing to address his health issues but the foster said he may need a yard which we don't have. That being said, you'd be able to just incorporate your Boston into the exercise routine you have for your Dal and they'll be totally fine. 14. Does the dog in your life have a cat in theirs? A little about us: We're a heterosexual couple in our early 40's, both with stable employment, my wife works from home exclusively. Plus there is not any breed of dog that doesn’t come with their own unique health related issues. He is also not neutered. This shortage of breath can be mild, and may pass quickly, but can at times result in cardiac arrest and death. Now it's gotten to the point if I lift up the sheets/comforter, she'll crawl all the way to the bottom of the bed and pass out. Even if the Boston Terrier is a dog breed that has a long and healthy life expectancy, there is some health problems that are common of the breed.. Health issues may occur even with the best of care and some of these problems and diseases are due to a genetic vulnerability. A huge thanks to Kaitlyn Dutton for writing this article; she is documenting her own journey to being a Boston terrier breeder on her blog. Press J to jump to the feed. She's pretty lazy, and they only do a few short walks with her as well as some training and play inside. Originally bred to control "vermin" including rats, rabbits, badgers, foxes, otters and hares, over time the Kerry became a general working dog used for a variety of jobs including herding cattle and sheep, and as a guard dog. Discover (and save!) They generally have very big personalities. I've heard a few clients had some difficulties with training their pups at first. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read before putting it to use in your daily life. My wife had a BT for a few years. She's a bed hog for sure haha. I just started letting my Dalmatian sleep with my girlfriend and I. Health Issues Common to Boston Terriers. Allergies are typically a lifelong problem unless you can identify and remove the assaulting allergen. The Boston Terrier is a smart-looking dog, bred originally for fighting. /r/dogs is a discussion-based subreddit, meant for asking questions, sharing information, and learning about our beloved canine companions and related dog-centric topics. Here's his profile on petfinder. I was wondering what your guys' experiences are with having a Boston Terrier. I have a bonded pair of Boston terriers (aged12 and 5). We live in NYC in a large one bedroom apartment. I hope the Boston Terrier health issues that I talked about in this post don’t scare you away from considering these dogs as a pet. Are you concerned about health issues related to your Boston Terrier? 4 comments. One of my friends has one who's just turned 3. My friends have had a BT for about 4 years now. Boston Terrier Pug Mix Health Problems. But they can be prone to certain health issues such as breathing problems, they shouldn't be exercised too heavily or exposed to extreme heat or cold, knee problems, skin tumors and heart problems as well as eye trauma due to the prominence of the eyes. The Boston Terrier’s Bulldog ancestry has contributed to the breed’s appealing looks, but it has also led to some serious health problems. They're adorable little punks that have spurts of high energy then crash for an hour before jumping right back into the fray. Looking to own a Boston Terrier and want to know what are the common diseases or health problems that Boston Terriers are prone to? save. They should be either black, brindle or seal with white markings. The following are the top 3 health concerns for your Boston Terrier. Here are the articles posted related to the health of the Boston Terrier Dogs. Nay. Cheaper price. How did your Siberian Husky and BT get along initially? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, disasterrier, cumulobiscuit & whackadoodle. While that’s not surprising since we aren’t born speaking “dog,” it can cause issues and even lead to fear biting. save. That way I wouldn't be raising 2 puppies at the same time haha. It’s important to limit this crossbreed’s food intake to ¾ to 1.5 cups of dry dog food per day. Though they're very friendly over all. Not bred to CKC standards. How much exercise does your Boston require? No issues having the two dogs in the same household? Let me know if I can answer any questions for you. Posted by 4 hours ago. When he comes in without clothes he's always playing. It's really, really important for Bostons to have these screenings because poorly bred BTs can have a lot of health problems. That being said they can be bullies during playtime. She also does agility with her BT and she is a pretty energetic and loving gal! She's very gassy (they have tried different foods and according to the vet she's healthy). She's about 4 and they haven't had any health issues yet. Boston Terriers have over twenty eye problems associated with the breed. Any other Boston owners have issues with their babies eating plants? Foster family said he seems to get tense when voices are raised and barks at night if left alone. Their health problems often arise from their facial structure, but even then they’re not common. There are no known health issues related to Red Boston Terriers. Also this doesn’t mean that every Boston Terrier in the world is going to experience these health conditions, some go unaffected throughout their lifetime. Unfortunately the Boston Terrier are predisposed to specific health problems which is thought to be due to a genetic vulnerability. What we know about Bruce is the following: He's five years old, weighs 40 lbs and has been in foster care for 72 hours in NJ and was rescued from North Carolina. Press J to jump to the feed. What's bad about them? Bostons can also have a hereditary defect of the spine where the vertebrae … Juvenile Cataracts The most common eye disease affecting Boston Terriers, juvenile cataracts is genetic and will cause total blindness in young dogs between the ages of 8 weeks and 12 months. No children. Advice on this forum is absolutely not a substitute for professional advice from a certified behaviorist, trainer, lawyer, or medical professional. Color and markings are important when distinguishing this breed from the AKC standard. They're very silly dogs. It's 45 bucks a bag on Amazon, and each bag lasts us a few months for a 20 pound Boston. The only real con I can think of is that they can be really stubborn and can be bullies. I haven't personally owned a Boston terrier, but we get many of them at my daycare. We both suspect he was either the victim of a puppy mill or just a lousy owner and has obvious signs of neglect and possibly abuse. Are you wondering what the difference is between the Pug and the Boston Terrier? However, over the years this particular breed was bred down to a companion dog, which is what makes it such a popular choice. He's a pretty mild mannered guy, and his enthusiasm and anger are very mild compared to other sports enthusiasts. I've found that the respiratory stuff is minor, and the heat stuff is easy to maintain. She doesn't like interacting with the other dog at all, even though the other dog loves her (he's also a BT). While English spaniels are generally a healthy breed with limited serious health issues, poor breeding can exacerbate some conditions the breed is prone to. Feel free to discuss your experience with having a Boston Terrier. Image Source: evdropkick Via Flickr #1 – Eye Problems. They are very playful and people loving dogs in general, mine need play time/cuddle time with me or they'll start little jealousy tantrums. Boston Terriers can be allergic to foods as well as things in the environment like cleaners, weeds, or pollen. He humps my leg relentlessly if I start ignoring him. They don't need a ton of exercise, but they need more than other companion dogs. The foster mom said he had diarrhea from heartworm meds. 9 8 89. Posted by 6 hours ago. I think Bostons are the best small dogs to have in the house with bigger dogs - they are sturdy little tanks and very confident. Several health issues are of concern in the Boston Terrier: cataracts (both juvenile and adult type), cherry eye, luxating patellas, deafness, heart murmur, and allergies. Hi. share. That's all the foster family was able to tell us about his history. Is there any solution to the gas problem? Any feedback, opinions and comments are welcome. Dogs do not show stress in the same way we do and some of their signs are easily missed or misinterpreted by us. I'm considering waiting till my Dal is at least 1 1/2-2 years before I were to get a BT. My wife and I have been considering adopting a BT for a long time and found one on Petfinder named Bruce and visited with him and his foster family yesterday. If that allergen can’t be removed, your pup may need treatment with antihistamines, omega fatty acids, or others. History of Boston Terrier Breeding. As far as exercise goes, they need out to pee (I walk them on a leash as our yard isn't fenced) about 4 times at day for 5 minutes each time, and then one hour (ish) walk or hike a day (so a leisurely but not too slow 3-3.5 miles). Alopecia is … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,,placement%3A1. Don't miss out on the perfect companion to life with a purrfect friend. Boston Terrier health problems may include issues with intestinal gas and respiratory problems which may get worse in hot climates. For heat, I basically make sure in very hot weather she has access to water to drink and splash around in and that pretty much takes care of it. He was a stocky dog but 40lbs for a BT seems obese. However, she's also very sensitive to people's emotions. No BAER/CAER Boston Terrier health problems should be your primary concern when it comes to training, not your dog’s ability to obey your command! Sep 17, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Kristin A. Talley. Many people find Boston Terriers to be extremely attractive thanks to their bulging eyes and pushed in face; indeed, many proud Boston Terrier owners claim that the dog’s characteristic face was what initially sparked their love affair with the breed. The Happy Cat Handbook - A unique guide to understanding and enjoying your cat! No matter how happy-go-lucky your Boston Terrier is, they all get stressed from time to time. One of them is actually laying on my face as I type this because she is such a cuddler. As with any dog breed, it’s important that—before a puppy is purchased—the parents are identified, evaluated, and the breeder can provide health clearances from validated establishments. Did you raise yours by itself or were they around any other pets? 8 comments. I sleep with the fan on and my Dal hates it. Yes, I've got both a Boston and a Siberian husky. Many of them think they're big dogs and are pretty damned brave. I even picked him up and held him for awhile which didn't seem to bother him. Minor, and his enthusiasm and anger are very mild compared to other sports enthusiasts about health issues related Red! That is n't their toys crash for an hour before jumping right back into fray! 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