You shouldn’t need to use spray on your dog in conjunction with the Advantage. Also, other flea products for dogs sometimes contain permethrin, (e.g. Fleas, flea eggs, and flea larvae in the dog’s environment are killed following contact with an Advantage II for dogs treated dog. My question is whether I can give her another does of Advantage and when. The infestation may continue if the manufacturer’s instructions aren’t followed. ● Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor. 11556-130. I asked the guy at the store which one to get and he gave me the small dog (10 lbs and under). With three-way protection that kills the eggs, larvae and adults, it breaks the flea life-cycle to help prevent re-infestation of both your house and hound. If signs persist, or become more severe, consult a veterinarian immediately. Use your judgement here to determine if early re-treatment is necessary or not. Treatment of dogs with Advantage II for dogs rapidly kills fleas within 12 hours which may reduce the incidence of this condition. Advantage II for dogs kills adult fleas quickly within 12 hours, inhibits the development of immature flea life stages and prevents them from reaching the biting adult stage. Is it mainly for liability that it says “do not use on cats”? 7. I have a 150 pound great Dane I’ve been giving her one application is that enough? Medication should be applied once a month, being careful to give the correct dosage based on your dog’s weight. There’s no “dose per pound” measurement. Dogs 11-20# – 1.0 ml. Retreating early won’t prevent this. Reinfesting fleas are killed within 2 hours with protection against further flea infestation lasting for four (4) weeks. Please help!!!! Advantage® II Flea Treatment for Small Dog 6 Dose A monthly topical solution that kills fleas through contact, so you can help prevent the misery of biting fleas. Individual sensitivities while rare, may occur after using ANY pesticide product for dogs. A single dose kills adult fleas on dogs. Advantage Multi ® for Cats (imidacloprid + moxidectin) CAUTION: Federal (U.S.A.) law restricts Advantage Multi ® for Cats (imidacloprid + moxidectin) to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. Does this product have am experation date? Part the hair on the dog’s back, between the shoulder blades, until the skin is visible. Is it harmful to use the medium dosages (21-55 of K9 advantix II. As with any product, consult your veterinarian before using this product on debilitated, aged, pregnant or nursing dogs. Here are the benefits you can expect from Advantage® II for dogs: - … I came home weighed the dog and she only weighs 17lbs. Place the tip of the tube on the skin and gently squeeze to expel a portion of the solution on the skin. Also, keep in mind, fleas themselves can cause hair loss in pets, especially for animals with flea allergy dermatitis. The dog should be standing for easy application. My 130lb German shepherd gets a 4ml tube every 3 weeks but after 1 week he as starts scratching can I apply more single cell he is such a large dog? ADVANTAGE II small dog - For Dogs and Puppies 7 Weeks and Older and Weighing 3-10 lbs. 11556-DEU-1 EPA Reg. I’ve been trying to figure out what it was and have now discovered it is the Advantage II topical flea treatment that we just finished (we had the 6 month supply). Advantage, with its 21-55 lbs and then 55 and up—if your dog is 57 lbs it hets 4.0ml instead of 2.5ml for only 2 lbs more weight?! However, this is a valid concern about under-dosing with such a large dog, so I’d recommend contacting your veterinarian. Will it help to put bedding in plastic bags? Advantage II is also available in a formula for cats. How long would the dryer need to run at the hot temp for them to die? If i use this will it harm her. There’s one for small dogs (3 to 10 lbs), medium dogs (11 to 20 lbs), large dogs ( Also, will the tube stay good for 30 days after I open it? .. been doing that for years now … why does box say “no cats?”. Causes moderate eye irritation. Remove a bottle from the package and prepare it for use. These are well tested compounds, and there have been few cases of adverse skin reactions, from what I’ve read. Do I put the whole tube on her? The full dose of the product corresponding to the dog’s weight should be administered. Once-A-Month Topical Treatment for Fleas and Lice, For use on dogs and puppies 7 weeks and older, For the Prevention and Treatment of Flea and Lice Infestations on Dogs, ● Prevents fleas on treated dogs from infesting your home, ● One treatment prevents further flea infestation for a month, ● Kills fleas on dogs within 12 hours of application, ● Treats, prevents and controls lice infestations. Pesticide Disposal and Container Handling: NonrefiIlable container. Can i use it on a 50lb. K9 Advantix ® II is for use on dogs only.. Advantage II flea control for dogs is available in packs of four or six monthly applications for dogs of all sizes. If applied to a cat or ingested by a cat, contact your veterinarian. Individual sensitivities, while rare, may occur after using ANY pesticide product for dogs. “Do not use on puppies under 7 weeks of age or weighing less than 3 lbs. However, in case of severe flea infestation, retreatment may be necessary earlier than four weeks. Gary, I can only advise you to follow the labeled directions. You can view our page on this compound: Imidacloprid toxicity. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. That is the correct product size to use. No. No. However, if you look at the dosage chart, the small dog dose is 40% of the dose of the medium dog, not 50%. Thus, giving cats a dog’s treatment could be lethal if a thoughtless habit is formed. Do not use on puppies under 7 weeks of age or weighing less than 3 lbs. hello… My dog is rate on the cusp of the medium dog and large dog weight for Advantage 2… My dog weighs 21 lb… Should I use the medium for dogs up to 20 lb or the large for dogs 21 to 55 lb… Just don’t want to overdose him. Select one or more newsletters to continue. I don’t recommend any off-label use of insecticide products. 6-dose topical flea treatment for small dogs 3-10 Pounds; Easy-to-apply and pre-measured application tubes, fragrance-free and designed specifically to treat and prevent fleas on dogs; Advantage II 6-dose topical flea treatment for small dogs kills fleas through contact, meaning fleas don’t have to bite your dog in … Would it hurt her to also use a spray on her underside and legs? Under-dosing commonly occurs when pet owners split treatments between different animals. I buy the large dog box for our dogs, and measure it out for my cats (0.4ml for small cat, 0.8ml for big fat cats!) Advantage comes packaged in individual plastic bottles. As with any product, consult your veterinarian before using this product on debilitated, aged, pregnant or nursing dogs. Solution should be applied along the back of the dog, in 1-3 locations between the shoulders and base of the tail. However, as per the label, you can re-treat early to establish control, which may be an option for your large dog. Twist cap to break seal, then remove cap from tube. My pup is about 7 pounds 5 months old and I have k9 advantix for medium-sized. 2. Keep cats away from treated dogs for 24 hours. However, the fleas that are bothering the dog are likely emerging from the environment, and will likely continue to do so for a few weeks. Help protect your petite pup from parasitic pests and the potentially harmful diseases they can transmit with Advantage II Flea Treatment for Small Dogs. Alternatively, you can visit Bayer’s contact us page. Here’s a summary of the reproductive toxicity of imidacloprid (the active ingredient in Advantage): ● Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Four 0.034 fl oz (1.0 mL) Tubes. I use Advantage II with my med sized dog and every time we do a treatment she scratches out of control, won’t eat and seems depressed. Tammy, in tricky borderline situations like this I’d recommend asking your veterinarian. Usually the imidacloprid kills new fleas within a few hours, but occasionally it can take a bit longer. Pesticides News No. Updated: 2020-12-31. Advantage II for dogs is waterproof and remains effective following a shampoo treatment. For consumer questions call 1-800-255-6826. The main active ingredient in Advantage II is imidacloprid. Each application only lasts a month. Here’s a snippet from Toxicology of newer pesticides for use in dogs and cats about imidacloprid: “Clinical effects from Advantage are expected to be mild and caused primarily by the carrier or other ingredients in the formulation… Animals exhibiting hypersensitivity reactions to the topically applied product should be bathed with a noninsecticidal shampoo and treated symptomatically and supportively.”. advantus ® is available in two varieties: Small to medium dogs, 4-22 lbs. K9 ADVANTIX II ® medium dog - dogs and puppies 7 weeks of age and older and weighing 11 - 20 lbs. No. For medical emergencies call 1-800-422-9874. ● Do not apply more than one (1) tube per treatment. 2. Lauren, yes, you can retreat her earlier than 30 days in order to establish control. My dog weight 11.5 pounds, which type i should use, 4_10 pounds or 11_20 pounds. Once flea control is established, return to the monthly re-treatment schedule. If you’re considering doing this yourself, ensure you pay very close attention to dosage and insecticide concentration. How soon to having pups can I treat a dog? Subscribe to newsletters for the latest medication news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates. I apply K9 Advantage II monthly to my 90 lb Lab yet I still see fleas on her and they annoy her quite a bit. Hello Patti, unfortunately I’m not qualified to answer this question. 6. If so what type of complication can it cause? ● Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. ADVANTAGE II extra large dog - For Dogs and Puppies 7 Weeks and Older and Weighing Over 55 lbs. No. Do not allow the product to run off. Please advise. Pesticide Storage: Store in a cool, dry place inaccessible to children and pets. However, in severe infestations, it may be necessary to retreat the dog earlier in order to attain control. It’s been 12 days since the last does and she still has some fleas biting her, but the environment is under control. For medical emergencies call 1-800-422-9874. Kindest regards, Dr. … ADVANTAGE II medium dog - For Dogs and Puppies 7 Weeks and Older and Weighing 11 - 20 lbs. Don’t under-dose or over-dose pets. Should apply more frequently than every 4 weeks? Avoid contact with eyes or clothing. It’s possible there may be toxic effects. Use the correct product (as per the label) for the dog’s weight. I can only advise to follow the labeled directions and to use the correct product which corresponds to your dog’s weight. The recommended minimum dose is 4.5 mg/lb (10.0 mg/kg) imidacloprid and 0.45 mg/lb (1.0 mg/kg) moxidectin, once a month, by topical administration Multiply 0.045 times your dog’s weight for more precise dosage. Unfortunately, I can’t legally give advice that deviates from the labeled instructions. Read more here! K9 Advantix II) and this active ingredient in highly toxic to cats. Advantage II flea control for dogs is available in packs of four or six monthly applications for dogs of all sizes. 11556-125. Dose: 1 7.5-mg imidacloprid soft chew. As per the instructions, you can re-treat your dog once every 7 days in severe infestations. This end is the applicator. Available for Android and iOS devices. Can I use a portion of the extra large dog treatment for a smaller dog? Dogs (7+ weeks of age, weighing 3+ lbs), Cats (8+ weeks of age, weighing 2+ lbs), Ferrets (10+ weeks of age, weighing 1+ lbs) EPA Est. The active ingredients are imidacloprid and pyriproxyfen. If signs persist, or become more severe, consult a veterinarian immediately. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information -, Warnings and cautions for Advantage II Small Dog, Direction and dosage information for Advantage II Small Dog. Place in trash or offer for recycling if available. The dogs should be standing for easy application. I am not a veterinarian or expert. Therapy and Prevention of Parasitic Insects in Veterinary Medicine using Imidacloprid Every other day † For dogs under 10 lbs., chewable tablets are recommended. swimming or after exposure to rain or sunlight. I … Pull the cap off the tube. A monthly topical solution that kills fleas through contact, so you can help prevent the misery of biting fleas. The size of the dose is the only difference with this product. If you are worried about this, and potential negative effects, then I’d recommend contacting your dog’s veterinarian. As a result, it gets transported in the dog’s natural oils across the skin and hair. However, imidacloprid may adversely affect reproduction and cause developmental delays as a result of maternal toxicity. Advantage II for dogs is available in four products, each corresponding to specific weight ranges of dogs and puppies. She is on Trifexis and the vet said it’s OK to give her Advantage as well. Advantage II for Dogs is intended for use on dogs and puppies 7 weeks and older. Even though the ingredients are same in Advantage II for Dogs and Advantage II for Cats, there are different dosages for each animal. No. If your dog is on medication, consult your veterinarian before using this or any other product. A highly effective pest treatment, the formula is for dogs and puppies older than 7 weeks and weighing over 55 lbs. The Advantix dose for 0-10 lbs is .4 ml. Dermal application (10% spot-on) to pregnant or lactating bitches up to three times the recommended dosage twice two to four weeks apart did not cause any side effects at various stages of lactation and gestation. How to apply Advantage ® II for dogs:. I would assume it is for liability reasons. Or you can research the toxicity information of the active ingredients. Advantage® II. If your dog is on medication, consult your veterinarian before using this or any other product.”. Do not apply to puppies or dogs weighing less than 3 lbs. I am not a licensed professional and can only refer you to the label. Laboratory studies on imidacloprid have shown it can have an impact on reproduction. Applying Advantage ® II for dogs flea control to your canine companion is easy and convenient. Before using or dispensing any product, read and carefully observe the label directions. In K9 Advantix II, the ingredients would be imidacloprid, permethrin, and pyriproxyfen. If your dog falls outside of the given specifications on the labels, then it’s best to contact your veterinarian for determining a safe and effective dose. However, you can purchase a package of 6 monthly doses. See the dosage by weight chart below. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. I bought Advantage II for 21-55 lb dogs. Advantage II eliminates fleas and lice and now offers better protection for your dog. Dog? Here’s the excerpt and phone number found on that page: If you have a question about one of our products, please contact a member of our Veterinary Technical Services team at (800) 255-6826. According to the research I’ve seen, any imidacloprid that enters the body will metabolized quickly. No. It didn’t have max weight or a guideline?? See the Re-dosing Early section on this page, or corresponding data on the product label. Do not use on underweight cats. See the dosage by weight chart below. {6WCZDJ3I};{RCKS2P2F};{FQK2W4P4};{2EHUIWES};{44QVDVF7},, Pesticides News No. Small (3 to 10-lbs, Green Color Code) Once-A-Month Topical Treatment for Fleas and Lice Fleas can make your dog miserable, which is why killing fleas with monthly treatment is so important for your dog all year round. This highly-effective, veterinarian-recommended treatment is specifically formulated to kill all life stages of … Can i get this produced to last a year yes or no. The dosage is higher for heavier cats. Last advantage given now has been over a month, how long before it leaves her body and will there be any long term health issuesl I did not take her to the vet after last treatment… But I’d urge you to do your own research. Advantage II for dogs kills existing fleas on dogs within 12 hours. If desired, the number of Dasuquin Advanced soft chews may then be reduced to a maintenance level. Is it safe to use this? EPA Est. 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