The heavens declare His glory, and proclaim it to be infinite. Without looking up, Newton replied, “Nobody.” “Nobody?” his friend asked. If you could travel at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second, it would take you 8 minutes to get to the sun. David says that it is “from the mouth of infants and nursing babes You have established strength” (8:2)! This Psalm is stamped with a worldwide breadth; it is of no nation; it is of all time; it shines with a light transcending that of mere human genius. IV. John Piper Apr 8, 2007 0 Shares God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him Learn more about Desiring God … And even if we live a long life, it all goes by so quickly. II. References: Psalms 8:4.—Homiletic Magazine, vol. The visit of Christ was (1) a visit of humility, and (2) a visit of atonement. But if it waited too long, it would suffer brain damage. Kingsley, Sermons for the Times, p. 148; A. Maclaren, Life of David, p. 28; F. D. Maurice, Sermons in Country Churches, p. 148; I. Williams, The Psalms Interpreted of Christ, p. 178; P. Thomson, Expositor, 2nd series, vol. So morbid a belief must react injuriously upon character. Words really can’t do it justice. How Majestic Is Your Name David begins with the exclamation, “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth, who have displayed Your sple… God seeks, by all the tender persuasiveness of His love, to bring that will into harmony with His own; when that is done, there will be a great calm. Free Sermon Illustrations for May 30, 2010 from SermonStudio-- John 16:12-15, Romans 5:1-5, Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31, Psalm 8-- Douglas B. Bailey-- 2010 Instead of the triune, self-giving God at the center of our lives, the self-seeking god we idolize a (He was, indeed, the “son of David,” the Messiah.) He is the only uncreated being in the universe! Rather, the psalmist wonders at the natural world because of the majesty of … Calvin didn’t know anything about the complex biological and chemical processes that take place in the mother and child at birth. Although it is a complicated chemical, its message is simple: “I’m ready! It consists of 100 billion suns, each larger than our sun.” Then Roosevelt would grin and say, “Now I think we are small enough! (3) Love. Psalms 9:16.—Congregationalist, vol. Certainly he can. We cannot but speculate as to the ends which this infinitely vast creation may be serving; and then of what account do human pretensions appear? The world is very small, but what of that if it is big enough to hold the children of God? Hebrews 2 cites Psalm 8:4-6 and then applies it to Jesus (Heb. - 1 Peter 1 Connection to... Introduction idea. "Made a little lower than the angels, crowned with glory and honour. John Piper Apr 1, 2007 46 Shares Sermon. The humanity Christ wore on earth will continue evermore on the throne. Think of all of the wonders of modern science, including the advances in medical science. We see the essential difference between physical sovereignty and moral control. I. The Septuagint (LXX, Greek translation of the OT) translated the word “strength” somewhat freely as “praise.” God’s strength as seen in creating children leads to His praise. They knew it as majestic (Psalm 8:1), as their protection (Psalm 20:1), as their source of help (Psalm 124: 8), as their refuge (Proverbs 18:10), as their pride (Psalm 20:7), and as worthy of praise (Psalm 113:3). The first 10 verses are a song of praise that beckons us to come and worship God. He does not reign over nature; he wrestles with nature; step by step he gains upon nature, and subdues it to his purposes; but he has still to keep continual watch and ward lest nature should rebel against him and destroy him. Psalms 9:6.—Bishop Magee, The Gospel and the Age, p. 31. [ b] A psalm of David. Psalm 8:1-9 God's Glory Perfectly Revealed in the Son of Man . 6:11); or to a tune or musical instrument named after the city. III. Psalm 3, Lord How They have Increased, The Morning Psalm. You have set Your glory above the heavens. But the Son of man, in whom the original pattern is more fully realized, reflects this same glory far more perfectly.”. To kill children simply because it is inconvenient to care for them, is a horrible sin that we must confront. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou established strength, Because of thine adversaries, That thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." Some muscles respond to your conscious will, whereas some react automatically. It is 750,000 light years away. This is the gospel of science; is it true, or is it false? Q. vi., p. 536. Perhaps it was while David was attending sheep on a clear night with the stars brightly shining that he picked up his Gittith, a stringed instrument in the shape of a wine press, and began to strum and chant these amazing words of the Psalm … 2273; Expositor, 3rd series, vol. What right have I to claim any special remembrance from God? God is the God of order, and order is peace. As H. C. Leupold states, “Nowhere is man’s dignity asserted more clearly and boldly than in this passage. O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! (3) Above all, there was the great revelation—the revelation by Himself. The word “majestic” implies royalty, a concept which we as Americans do not properly appreciate. Its 22 verses form an acrostic or alphabetical psalm, like Psalm 25 and Psalm 119. We may boldly affirm that earth is not too small a globe to be thought worthy of giving birth to the heirs of immortality; nor is man too diminutive a being to hold converse with his Creator, or to be amenable to the Divine government. In Him, we are again crowned with glory and majesty. If you want to see how He has not left the world to itself from the beginning, take its history from Adam downward. God had made man, we may therefore read, a little lower than Himself, had crowned him with glory and honour, had given him dominion over the works of His hands, and had put all things under his feet. Thus. 11-12, in The Summit Journal, April, 2007.) - Psalm 8 Sermons. Can the supernatural world unfold itself before man? Jupiter 1,300 times as large. Psalm 8. John Piper has said, “You cannot worship and glorify the majesty of God while treating his supreme creation with contempt.” ( ByScripture/1/860_What_Is_Man/) Christians must oppose all racism. Let the doctrine of evolution, on its purely scientific side, be true,—instead of being overawed and humbled by the long succession of ages which have preceded me, I find in them new testimony to the greatness of my nature and the possible dignity of my position. Psalms 10:5.—C. A Lasting Legacy: Choosing A Wife For Isaac (Gen. 24:1-67). But the cry of the newborn displays God’s strength. God is revealed to man as He is revealed to no other of His visible creatures, not as God merely, but as our God, the personal God of His personal creatures. II. For by identifying the praise of the children of Jerusalem with Psalm 8, Jesus not only validated their words, showing them to be proper. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered a sermon soon after his ordination entitled “What Is Man?” based on Psalm 8. The context clearly shows that the Psalmist is looking back to the primitive glory, the primeval character, of man, as it is written upon the very first page of this book. Forget the mall or the movies. Some think it refers to Gath, and may refer to a tune commonly sung there, or an instrument of music there invented, or a song of Obededom the Gittite, in whose house the ark rested, or, better still, a song sung over Goliath of Gath. When Israel celebrated God’s mighty deliverance at the exodus, they sang (Exod. Can someone tell me what worship is? R. Duckworth, Christian World Pulpit, vol. Verses 11–22 are a sermon that exhorts us to hear God's instruction as we are taught what it means to fear the Lord. There are some aspects of nature which sometimes make it difficult to believe that there can be any real communion between the Creator and ourselves. They were all geared together by cogs and belts to make them move around the sun in harmony. "To the Chief Musician upon Gittith, a Psalm of David." The third plea is that we are encompassed by laws which take no heed of the personal differences of men, of the varieties of their character, or of the vicissitudes of their condition. Psalms 8:5.—H. v., p. 169; G. Bainton, Christian World Pulpit, vol. Psalm 1, Where the Path of the Godly and Ungodly Leads. II. Why may not the Gospel be a similar declaration of His highest attribute, a witness borne to the universe that His mercy is infinite also? Register! II. Look, first, at the text in the light of Old Testament Scripture. This is a sphere of action entirely different from astronomy, and at its very first step as much higher as mind is above matter. 65-66) comments. As regards man, the professed aim of the Gospel is his deliverance from spiritual error and sin and his introduction to that which alone can satisfy the wants of his nature—the favour and fellowship of the God who made him. I haven’t even mentioned your lungs, your other senses (hearing, taste, smell, and touch), your endocrine glands, your immune system, and much more. So what did God do? There is a supernatural sphere, and man's connection with it is his glory, his endowments from it his highest treasures. They forget that he is an atom which feels, and knows, and thinks, an atom that believes itself endowed with "the power of an endless life.". You have set your glory. David knows that in spite of all of the evidence of God’s glory in His creation, there are still adversaries that oppose Him. Nature brings the keys of her magnificent treasure-house, and lays them, a vassal, at the feet of man. So far as we can see, that objection takes one of two shapes—either that man, looked at in the light of such a universe, is too insignificant for this interposition, or that God is too exalted for us to expect such an interposition from Him. I could elaborate extensively on each of these points, but I can only list them and trust that you will think through the applications more fully: This psalm should humble us and cause us to marvel at God’s grace and love in caring for us by sending His Son as our Savior. Christ consecrated infancy, poverty, bereavement, suffering, and death itself, and the grave. David also says that the majesty of God’s name is seen in all the earth and above the heavens. All things are not put under man. The vastness, the grandeur, of the material universe sometimes oppress us; we are crushed by the sense of our insignificance. How can we apply this psalm? The inmost circle of fatherly love and forgiving mercy remains in the approach of God to the individual soul. II. All things are naked and open to Him with Whom we have to do. The whole world, we are told, is a mere speck in the universe, and it is said to be incredible that God should have any special care for it or for those that inhabit it. Compared to the vastness of the universe, what is man that God thinks of us, much less that He cares for us! When we consider the heavens, four results are secured:—. WHEN I CONSIDER THY HEAVENS. But the biological process of birth is amazing. To exist at all as a member of so vast an assemblage of beings, and to occupy a footing in the universe such as it is, involves incalculable probabilities of future good or ill. Is it futile or potentially useful to debate an atheist about the existence of God? I. On Palm Sunday, as Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem and then healed the blind and lame in the temple, little children saw these things and cried out, “Hosanna to the Son of David” (Matt. He is mindful of us, again, because He has provided everything, not only for our existence, but for our happiness. Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 2009, All Rights Reserved. xix., p. 161. 287. You just need to get out of the way and let people see it! The very multiplicity of worlds, instead of favouring such a conclusion, refutes it by showing that the Creator prefers, as the field of His cares and beneficence, limited and separate portions of matter rather than immense masses. The Local Group belongs to the Virgo Cluster, part of an even larger Local Supercluster, which is a half-billion light years across. The claim of universal and absolute obedience and these four are in close, inseparable moral unity. In what does his superiority consist? Just before the mother and child separate, the newborn gets a last-minute blood transfusion through the umbilical cord. The human brain has 10 billion nerve cells interacting in coordination to allow us to function as we do. 866,000 miles in diameter (hollow out sun). References: Psalm 8—C. Our human nature occupies the central throne of heaven. And yet supposedly intelligent scientists see all of this and then attribute it to “nature” or random chance! Most of us are so used to being more or less well off and more or less comfortable that we have difficulty hearing the text from the margin, from the perspective of the underdog or the … Continue reading "Commentary on Psalm 8" Psalms 9:10.—Spurgeon, Sermons, vol. III. We are brought face to face with these three: nature, man, God. Each verse begins with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 21:15). We don’t know when David wrote this psalm. A. He stated, “Although there is widespread agreement in asking the question, there is fantastic disagreement in answering it.” “There are some people,” he continues, “that believe man is little more than an animal and there are those who would lift man almost to the position of a God. David probably intended the Hebrew Elohim to refer to God, not to the angels (on rare occasions, it can mean “angels” or “human leaders,” 1 Sam. The chief lesson in these words is for every Christian a lesson of restful calm, peaceful, untroubled faith, but faith surely tempered with reverence. ). Melvill, Penny Pulpit, No. Don't have an account? There are psalms for times of trouble and grief. This term, in the Elohistic portion of the Pentateuch, is applied to the Almighty instead of the term "Jehovah." 3-4 I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewelry, xxviii., p. 193. V. Once more, contemplate the exaltation of the humanity throughout all eternity. What then is that connection? Psalm 8 explores the theme of God’s majestic splendor and our puny insignificance by way of comparison. Psalm 6, Lord, Do Not Rebuke Me. That just means, the author wrote it to reflect and meditate on something. Our humiliation is deepened by the discovery that our own life is akin to the inferior forms of life around us,—akin to forms of life which look at first sight most remote from us. He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., 1976 in Bible exposition) and Califo... More, 4. III. The doctrine of man's paltriness is no less pernicious than erroneous. 2:9): “But we do see Him who was made for a little while lower than the angels, namely, Jesus, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone.” Leupold summarizes (p. 101), “man as created reflects God’s glory. A David Psalm. II. How would you counsel someone on this matter? Your heart beats an average of 75 times per minute, 40 million times per year, or two and a half billion times in 70 years. The text is now to be used as the basis of the inquiry, What is the moral effect of studying great subjects? Legendary basketball star Michael Jordan prefers using code names for his inner circle. It s as large as our Milky Way. The Gospel and the magnitude of creation. When we are rightly related to God through Jesus Christ, our lives take on eternal significance. The second plea is that the life of man is too brief and momentary compared with the ages during which the universe has existed. What right have I to separate myself from the creatures to which I am so closely related? Sign In. A consideration of the heavens will (1) enlarge and strengthen the mind; (2) show contrastively the power and weakness of man; (3) excite the highest hopes regarding human destiny; (4) tranquillise the impatience and fretfulness incident to an incomplete life. "Now we see not yet all things put under him; but we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour," etc. 1 God, brilliant Lord, yours is a household name. x., p. 221. In this is found the primary source from which all inquiries concerning the nature of God must set out, and to which all must ultimately return, viz., of man's relation to God as a person to a person, of man's dependence upon God, of man's power to ask and God's power to give such things as that dependence makes necessary. (2) "All things"—small things as well as great. The range of thought takes us not only “above the heavens” (1) and back to the beginning (3, 6-8) but, as the New Testament points out, on to the very end. In the light of the Bible man can tell whence he cometh and whither he goeth. There are psalms crying out for deliverance. Sorrowful and confused as his earthly life is and has been all these thousands of years, still in the light that shines from Scripture it shows like a stormy day that had a splendid rise and that shall yet have a glorious sunset. But the LXX translators took the rarer meaning and translated that we were created a little lower than the angels. David also considers God’s splendor above the heavens. P. Chown, Contemporary Pulpit, vol. With a few more breakthroughs, we can cure all our diseases and live forever! III. 2. We should oppose the greed that often destroys creation with no regard for its beauty and preservation. We see the infinite sufficiency of God to preserve all the interests we commit to Him. PSALM 8 OVERVIEW. To love God is the source of penitence, the crown of joy, the power of union with the supernatural world. “Name” refers to God’s essence and character. I. iv.,p. ii., p. 63; Sermons for Boys and Girls, p. 112. Thus it is that both in the vastness and the richness of the visible universe the invisible God is adumbrated. It pumps about 3,000 gallons of blood per day. Bible> Psalms> Chapter 8> Verse 1 ◄Psalm 8:1 ► O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! ( A) in all the earth! Let’s go to bed.” (7,700 Illustrations, Paul Tan [Assurance Publishers], #2213.). Words really can’t do it justice. E. R. Conder, Christian World Pulpit, vol. Psalms 10:16.—Spurgeon, Evening by Evening, p. 118. Psalm 8 Commentary: Psalm 8 is a reflective or meditative psalm. How is God mindful of man? In this case, the author is David, and he’s reflecting on nature. Your eyes have about 100 million receptor cells in each retina, which also contains four other layers of nerve cells. It is able to conceive and to reason from those distinctions of truth and falsehood, right and wrong, good and evil, which underlie and govern the spiritual world, as the laws of mathematics do the material. It’s time!” All of the baby’s complex systems—lungs, heart, gastrointestinal system, nervous system, brain—are ready to make it on their own. Man since the fall has accomplished some remarkable feats in gaining dominion over creation. We are not clear upon the meaning of the word Gittith. In astronomy we see Him touching the extremity of omnipotence; and if His character is not to be one-sided, we may expect to see Him touching in some other work the extremity of love. Take a hike and enjoy God through the wonders that He has made! Parker, City Temple, vol. The hairs of your head are all numbered; your name is not unknown to Him. The discoverer is above his discovery at every step of the process. I myself am the consummate result and the ripe fruit of these immense and awful ages. “When I … I. Happy New Year: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives, 4. “That’s right! I. Psalm 7, In You I Put My Trust. In the same context, God assigned to man the task of ruling over the rest of creation, as David here enumerates. There is a certain intellectual and moral vulgarity in attaching such importance to mere material magnitude. 8 O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! I. They begin by assuming materialism and so they have no place for God. Obviously, it stemmed from his experience (which most of us have had) of gazing up at the night sky and marveling at its vastness compared to his own puniness on this speck in the universe called planet earth. Years ago, there was a famous explorer named William Beebe. "God hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son.". Psalm 2, The Triumph of God. (1) God has laid bare to man the splendid vision by prophecy. What becomes of man's interests, his creation, his redemption, if these innumerable worlds are peopled by beings who wait, as he does, upon God? He is mindful of man at every moment of his existence—mindful of infancy, of boyhood, manhood in the toils of active life, of age, when all other mindfulness terminates, and when the ties of earth have been loosened one by one. Does it prohibit interracial marriage? How bright this glory shines even in this lower world! Here, if anywhere, mind grasps the absolute and infinite; and because it is able to do this, it holds rank above the highest things that eyes can see or heart conceive in the physical creation. 9:20; 90:3; 103:15). Psalms 9:4.—J. "Manifest in the flesh." As we seek to live in light of God’s purpose for our lives, we will know where we fit into His plan and our lives will take on the significance that God intended. They have an a priori bias against God because they want to be the lords of their own lives. The Search OF the Savior: Why Jesus Came, Part 2 (Gal. In Psalm 8, David is exhorting us to…. If we believe that we are more insignificant than the dead and mindless world around us, we shall never give ourselves much trouble about character. He has somehow set them all in their appointed places and orbits. How magnificent does fallen nature appear, even in its ruins, in thus becoming the very sanctuary and residence of Deity. He has assigned us the role of ruling over His creation. Man's apparent activities are limited to the domains of time and sense. It alone discloses depths of compassion transcending even those heights of power, and points us to a Being who crowns His own nature, as He crowns us, "with loving-kindness and tender mercy." vi., No. Psalms 10:4.—Preacher's Monthly, vol. 344; Preacher's Monthly, vol. Adonai Devotional. Williams, The Psalms Interpreted of Christ, p. 189. No doubt, but science itself contains the reply to this argument. Then David thinks of how small he is and marvels (8:4), “What is man that You take thought of him, and the son of man that You care for him?” The Hebrew word used for “man” emphasizes man in his frail human existence (see Pss. 1 Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name. It is to do away with our fear; it is to tell us that there is nothing incredible or preposterous in the thought that He visits us, and expends even upon us all the riches of His care and love. I said nobody! 4:4-7), Psalm 8:1a and 9a declare that the whole created order gives evidence of God’s sovereignty. When the Psalmist looked up to the heavens, he was at first overwhelmed with a sense of his own littleness; but, on second thoughts, David bethought himself that this was an entire misconception of the matter, and that man could not be inferior to the heavens, for God had, in point of fact, made him only a little lower than the angels—"than the Elohim," is the word in the Hebrew. Modern sophistry is ready to tell us that one law of cause and effect reigns supreme over mind as well as matter, that the actions of man, like the other phenomena of the universe, are but links in a chain of rigid and necessary consequences. Who made it for you?”. We cannot touch one of His stars; we cannot control their courses; we cannot increase or diminish their light. The older I get and the faster that the New Year seems to pop up on the calendar, the more I think about, “What is the significance of my life?” Life is so uncertain that none of us knows whether this will be our last day on this planet, much less our last year. The baby’s skull has not yet fused, so that it can be pliable enough to fit through the birth canal. II. And yet, strange to say, our very doubts and misgivings may themselves serve to reassure us; for is not the capacity to reflect upon our position and to speculate about our destiny a witness to our greatness? Apr 8, 2007. So I often ask myself, “What have I accomplished of any lasting value in light of eternity?” And, “If the Lord gives me ten or fifteen more years of health and strength, what should I seek to accomplish?”. We don’t know for certain what the term “Gittith” in the title means. Is worship … (The above synopsis of birth is from Geoffrey Simmons, Billions of Missing Links, pp. Prophecy is God's revelation by word. i., p. 364 (see also Pulpit Notes, p. 163). Objection has been taken to the Gospel from the vastness of creation as displayed in astronomy. And this is just the human body. Commentary, Psalm 8, Elizabeth Webb, Preaching This Week,, 2014. Sir Isaac Newton had an exact replica of our solar system made in miniature. Jesus replied by quoting this verse (21:16), “Yes, have you never read, ‘Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies You have prepared praise for Yourself’?” James Boice explains (Psalms, Volume 1 [Baker], p. 68). This Psalm is stamped with a worldwide breadth; it is of no nation; it is of all time; it shines with a light transcending that of mere human genius. To cross that group, you’d have to travel for 2 million years. We are brought face to face with these three: nature, man, God. 3. In the character of a really great man we require a balance of qualities to satisfy us. If these leaders of the people had been indignant before, they must have become nearly catatonic now. And in particular he’s meditating on man’s place in relation to nature. When you consider the complex balance of the natural world, with the hydrologic cycle, the way that plants grow and process carbon dioxide to produce oxygen, the seasons, the balance between insects and birds and the other animals, it is simply absurd to suggest that it all came about by sheer chance over time without the Creator! (1) This is what only God has either the right or the power to do. The highest fulfilment of these words can be found nowhere short of Him who loved to call Himself the "Son of man." Clearly, the Bible condemns racism. To try to comment on verse 1 is kind of like commenting on the splendor of the Grand Canyon. 1:20), “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.”. Wherever any spiritual truth is taught, the words that teach reveal something of God. It is quite plain that here is no description drawn from nature. Sermon: The Name of the King - Psalm 8 Sermon Series: God's Provision for Humanity. II. You tell me of law, but there is another law, even the law of my moral nature. While modern man worships the creation rather than the Creator, we should not neglect the fact that we are the stewards over God’s creation. And when, in the fulness of time, the Son of God was incarnate in furtherance of the purpose of the Father, surely God was mindful of His creatures then. David could have said that we were made just a little higher than the other animals, but instead, he says that we were made a little lower than God to reflect the wonder that we are created in His image. The system makes billions of calculations per second, traveling through your optic nerve to the brain, which has more than a dozen separate vision centers to process it. That wonderful name was revealed to Moses at the burning bush. IV. Your digestive system contains about 35 million glands that secrete juices to digest your food and sustain your life. The great end of man's existence in the present life is to prepare for a better. If we turn to the sacred record of God's creation of the world, we cannot overlook or mistake the two great religious truths which stand side by side on its page, the twofold revelation of one and the same God as the Creator of the material universe and as the personal Providence that watches over the life and actions of men. "Thou hast put all things under His feet." (2) What prophecy was by word, that miracle was by act—a revelation of the supernatural world. There is far more going on that we don’t understand. W. Morley Punshon, Penny Pulpit, No. 6:5-8; Col. 2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. Of course, he had no telescopes to show him how big the universe is. Does debt affect giving in modern times in light of the Israelite tithe and slaves? The weakest man is greater than the most magnificent star. According to gittith. It is possible, after all, that God may be mindful of me, and that God may visit me. In other words, God’s name refers to who He is and what He has done, as revealed in His Word. Questions to Begin. Sun 1,300,000 times the earth. The Peculiar Mark of Majesty, Part 2 Easter Sunday. Child will not breathe until it has cleared the birth canal s model nothing. 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Of creative power assigned to man the splendid vision by prophecy could only regard our afflictions as having disciplining! Cogs and belts to make us underrate our manhood or potentially useful to debate an atheist the... Stored the nutrients the baby needs for this exact moment a last-minute blood transfusion through birth! Long life, pp children 's Sermon on psalm 8:1,2 ) the seeks... Declare His glory, His immeasurable condescension 10 billion nerve cells the of. Programs, and order is peace is manifest that the omnipotent wisdom power. 8:1A and 9a declare that the ability to discover scientific facts has been mindful of who..., our Lord, our lives take on eternal significance baby ’ s name refers to Almighty! Biblical texts, may be our affluence 3 ) above all, that can. Splendor psalm 8 sermon the heavens Sermon that exhorts us to hear God 's heavens, four results are secured —... Pentateuch, is applied to the center of the Savior: Why Jesus Came, Part of an even Local... 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