Christmas is here. How to say Merry Christmas in different languages? Send them Christmas greetings in their own language. Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa (Singhalese), Vesele Vianoce. You can switch back anytime you want. Alabama was the first state to officially recognize Christmas as a holiday. For the Norse, each spark from the burning logs represents a calf or pig that will be born within the new year. So, it isn't surprising that Merry Christmas in other languages and cultures may not sound much similar. French: Joyeux Noël; German: Frohe Weinachten; Spanish: Feliz Navidad; Italian: Buon Natale Whether you want to surprise a foreign friend by wishing them using their mother language or simply want to know Christmas greetings in different language, this post is perfect for you. Dating a Translator? Due to linguistic and consequently cultural differences, there's also a great variation in the meaning of this phrase. Here's how to say 'Merry Christmas' in 26 different languages! Here's how to wish people "Merry Christmas" in more than 80 different languages. (Pennsylvania German), Feliz Navidad y un Venturoso Año Nuevo (Spanish – Peru), Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia (Polish), Bachtalo krecunu Thaj Bachtalo Nevo Bers (Romani), Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom (Russian), La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou (Samoan), Bonu nadale e prosperu annu nou (Sardinian), Sretan Bozic / Vesele vianoce (Slovakian), Subha nath thalak Vewa. Children often send letters to Father Christmas or Santa Claus to wish for something they dearly want to receive as a Christmas present. According to the London’s Meteorological Office, snow only fell in England on Christmas Day in 1938 and in 1976. How Long Does it Take to Become a U.S. Citizen? These are just some of the ways you can say Merry Christmas in different languages. This article will teach you how to say and write Merry Christmas in 50 different languages. It’s time to start writing Christmas cards to your foreign friends. Do not wait for Christmas Day to greet your friends around the world. 10,000 Top How To Say Merry Christmas In Different Languages Teaching Resources. Here Check out the list about How To Say Merry Christmas in other Languages with one line Merry Christmas Wishes, so that next time you want to tell someone Merry Christmas try to in other languages. And these favorite drinks are fully fermented and ready to be consumed at the end of the year. You … People started thinking in a different way after his death. The season is upon us! Call Us 1-800-969-6853. Cold weather and long nights mean only one thing - the winter is coming. Merry Christmas (Happy New Year) Greeting in Different Languages The day of the celebration varies. There are over 7000 languages on the planet. Love has become the major topic in the world. What do different countries say as a festive greeting? This translates to "Zalig Kerstfeest" is the greeting you'll hear in Dutch-speaking countries. Here we compiled some an alphabetical list of Christmas greetings from different countries. Therefore, I am considered a total speaker of French. So probably, in some traditions, the best way to say Merry Christmas is by frightening a kid. It was only in 440 AD that Christ’s birthday was celebrated on December 25. Are you thinking of becoming a certified translator soon? The wood chips become mulch. They rejoice because the sun has returned to their region, and they celebrate it with the father-son tandem bringing large logs home and setting them on fire. DIY Projects. It teems with different religious and secular practices and traditions. Although Christmas is primarily a religious holiday in the Christian world, it has started catching on as a secular event throughout the world. (Alsatian), Aba satho niw jari da’wisida bon (Arawak), Mbung Mbung Krismie & Mbung Mbung Ngouh Suiie (Bandang), Maugmang Capascuhan asin Masaganang Ba-gong Taon! In English, it means “have a happy mass in honor of the birth of Christ.” In the examples of Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, this message is translated as ‘Happy Birth.’. Explore more than 10,000 'How To Say Merry Christmas In Different Languages' resources for teachers, parents and pupils. Follow Day Translations in Facebook, and Twitter and be informed of the latest language industry news and events, as well as interesting updates about translation and interpreting. Now is the perfect time to warm up for the holiday season by learning how to say Merry Christmas in 70 different languages. May the New Year justify your hopes and perseverance, and dedication to fulfill all your plans! Besides, festivities on this day are also much different, depending on country as well as family traditions.
Infographic via, Image Copyright: maximkabb / 123RF Stock Photo. His name was Ralph Morris. Nowadays, many people have friends, family, business partners all over the world. (Latvian), Nixtieklek Milied tajjeb u is-sena t-tabja! Chrstmas is the biggest festival in the world. And what else should be included in a celebration? Nov 11, 2017 - Different ways to say Merry Christmas in different languages. This sounds familiar, doesn’t it? New and Different Ways to Say “Merry Christmas” A blissful, pleasant, and relaxing Christmas to you! For many people, it is customary to decorate the home for the holidays, putting up Christmas lights, decorating their Christmas trees, attending mass and preparing special meals to share with family and friends. TheWordPoint team sincerely congratulates you on a Merry Christmas! If you have ever spent the Christmas holidays abroad or you live in an area where there is a mix of other nationalities, you may have already heard different versions of Merry Christmas in various languages. However, this holiday became so widespread all over the globe that many different traditions appeared. This depends on intrinsic features of a language. If the letters are addressed to Snowland or Toyland, the letters are sent to Edinburgh. In different branches of Christianity, there are different traditions associated with Christmas. Christmas is a religious tradition and a commercial and cultural event celebrated worldwide. Day Translations work with more than 100 languages and we offer a full suite of language services. Well, if you want to impress someone you can memorize a few of these ‘Merry Christmas in different languages’ and you’ll be on your way to a more exciting holiday season. (Faroese), Noflike Krystdagen en in protte Lok en Seine yn it Nije Jier! In the Netherlands, you have options. ¡Feliz Navidad, próspero año y felicidad! But the Christmas spirit is longing for abundant decorations with snowmen in the street. There was already a celebration of light and birth when winter solstice arrives in Europe centuries before the birth of Jesus. The tradition of having Christmas trees was started by Germany in the 16th century. Do you still remember the names of Santa’s reindeers? While many only look forward to shopping or receiving gifts, Christmas teems with several facts and trivia. The Germans fear Oden due to their belief that he makes flights in the evening to observe the people so he can decide who should perish or prosper. Using shorts is the best way to describe yourself […] Translating Mandarin: How Linguistic Works, How to Kick off your Career as a Professional Interpreter, The Importance Of Multilingual Email Marketing, Gézuar Krishlindjet Vitin e Ri! A stastlivy Novy Rok (Slovak), Wilujeng Natal Sareng Warsa Enggal (Sudanese), God Jul and (Och) Ett Gott Nytt År (Swedish), Sawadee Pee Mai / Souksan wan Christmas (Thai), Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun (Turkish), E gueti Wnchte & E glecklichs Nej Johr! Joyeux Noel! For example, correct Korean translation is 크리스마스 잘 보내세요 (keuriseumaseu jal bonaeseyo) but in informal contexts, one could use 메리 크리스마스 (meri keuriseumaseu), which is a transcription of the original English expression. They are rich in history, culture and tradition. Keep scrolling to the end because we’ve also included some fun Christmas facts to share at your next holiday gathering. Use the opportunity to enjoy the 15% OFF discount, How to say Merry Christmas in Different Languages. How to wish people a Merry Christmas in many different languages, with recordings for some of them. (“Merry Christmas, a prosperous year and happiness!”). All of them are native speakers and we can connect you to any one of them easily. During carnival before Christmas, young people dress up in Krampus costumes and scare people in the street. That’s why one can say it in their native language only if its speakers are Christians, celebrate this holiday, or have some significant ties with a neighboring culture that practices Christianity. Shinnenomedeto. Linguistic, cultural, and geographic variety of Christ believers is immense. (Albanian), Rehus-Beal-Ledeats (African/ Eritrean/ Tigrinja), Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand (Armenian), Winshuyu sa Svyatkami i z Novym godam! In the United States, Christmas Day or December 25 is a federal holiday that started in 1870. While most of Europe enjoys a white Christmas, England seldom experiences it. It is considered an expensive holiday, as for many people, it also means buying and exchanging gifts. A Nightmare Before Christmas Sign up now and get our FREE newsletters packed with fun ideas and things to do with the kids, family-friendly recipes, expert advice, parenting tips and great competitions. But what better way to celebrate one of the world’s most international holidays than to learn how to say “Merry Christmas” in another language? Afrikaans - 'n Geseende Kersfees en 'n voorspoedige Nuwejaar Afrikaans - Een Plesierige Kerfees Albanian -- … FelizNavidad! Joyeux Noel! Christmas is one of the seasonal holidays that people around the world look forward to celebrating, even with just an exchange of a Merry Christmas in 100 different languages. These are just some of the ways you can say Merry Christmas in different languages. It’s almost that time of year to send out Christmas cards and what better way to fool people into thinking you travel than signing Merry Christmas in different languages. This map by Jakub Marian shows different ways different European countries wish Merry Christmas and you can fully use it to your advantage. Inupik (Eskimo), Me Nomuni na marau ni siga ni sucu dei na yabaki vou (Fijian), Zalig Kerstfeest en Gelukkig nieuw jaar (Flemish), Mangamgam Bawa a dawun sikua diaw amin (Gaddang), Nollaig chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ùr! To get the best user experience while using our website make sure your device is set to ‘allow all cookies’ mode. Preserving Irish Gaelic: Éirinn go Brách! In Scandinavia for example, the yuletide season starts on December 21 for the Norse and it goes on until January. Christianity by far is the most widespread religion with over 2 billion followers on every continent, so linguistic variety is vast. DIY And Crafts. Of course, such a phrase as “Merry Christmas” can be found not in every one of them since it involves a cultural aspect. No matter what language one speaks, how the holiday is celebrated, or how huge the differences in cultures can be, the greatest pleasure is to have close people around and enjoy magical holiday atmosphere. 71 ways to say “Merry Christmas” in different languages December 9, 2020 December 9, 2020 Language Direct Featured Post , Fun and Interesting , Translation Services , Uncategorized Around the world, Christmas has become a popular holiday whether it is celebrated for religious or commercialised reasons. In many areas in Europe, the end of December is the right time to hold a celebration. Christianity by far is the most widespread religion with over 2 billion followers on every continent, so linguistic variety is vast. But unlike in Game of Thrones, in our world, winter means holiday, celebration, presents, and a joyful and festive feeling. Explore. These are just some of the ways you can say Merry Christmas in different languages. Spread some Christmas cheer with songs and phrases, even in different languages. Please find below many ways to say Merry Christmas in different languages. Thank you for your trust and teamwork in the past year. That’s because it is one of the most popular Christmas songs in Spanish. We will continue to please you with our work so that your business develops successfully. Even the examples of 50 languages demonstrate that human tongues and cultures are rich and diverse. There are tons of different ways to say Merry Christmas during the holidays. If we look at the Spanish variant – ‘Feliz Navidad’, we discover that it is much alike to Portuguese, having differences in the second word only. Oden, a pagan god, is honored in Germany in mid-winter. We perceive all information based on a mind map built upon a language we use to communicate with an outer world. England is known for its rainy days. Did you know that Santa Claus maintains two addresses? Joyeux Noel! Say "Merry Christmas" in Dutch. Therefore, their supply of fresh meat only comes during this time. (Hausa), Heughliche Winachten un ‘n moi Nijaar (Low Saxon), Neekiriisimas annim oo iyer seefe feyiyeech! Even if you are not planning on a trip outside your home country in the very near or in the... Government inaction on environmental problems is a serious issue worldwide, but there are countries that managed to pass environmental laws... Bridging Workplace Cross-Generational Communication Gap. Be blessed by the holy season of happiness. One address is in the North Pole while the other one is in Edinburgh. Get exclusive access to industry news, discounts and deals straight to your inbox, The lovable characters from “Despicable Me” are finally having their spin off movie. The string of Christmas lights was invented by an American telephone operator in 1895. In the Philippines, Christmas Eve is the Giant Lantern Day. They are rich in history, culture, and tradition. KurisumasuOmedeto! Day Translations is here to help. People invented dozens of other ways to say Merry Christmas and celebrate this ancient holiday. Get a 5% lifetime discount now! As well as how to say Merry Christmas in different languages. Merry Christmas in many languages. So here it goes. To celebrate we’ve compiled a list of how to say Merry Christmas in 25 languages! Glad tidings of glee and prosperity. How to say merry christmas in different languages. Do you want to impress your guests during Christmas dinner and New Year’s Eve and show them how good you are at foreign languages? (Bicolano), Gledhilig jol og eydnurikt nyggjar! We have collected more than 100 ways to say Merry Christmas, so you can greet friends, especially those you have met online, in the language they truly understand. It is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ, the most influential man ever lived. Merry Christmas in different languages . Kurisumasu Omedeto (Japanese), Seva piroz sahibe u sersala te piroz be (Kurdish), Prieci’gus Ziemsve’tkus un Laimi’gu Jauno Gadu! What Are The Most Important Languages of The 21st Century? Create your FREE account now! Christmas is a religious tradition and a commercial and cultural event celebrated worldwide. And for all us language learners, a fun way for us to celebrate is to learn how to say Merry Christmas in different languages (and of course, to learn about some of the customs and traditions in these countries). Here we have a list of 10 ways to say Merry Christmas and how that country celebrates Christmas. Beer and wine, of course! Låt oss tala Svenska (Let’s speak Swedish), The Strictest Environmental Laws Around the World, The Minions’ language is a combination of French, Spanish, English… and food references. Celebrate the wonder of Christmas. Arabic – عيد ميلاد مَجيد /Aiyeed milad sayeed! Christmas is the … Learn how to say Merry Christmas in 30 different languages so you can wish the best of the season to everyone you meet! In Albuquerque, New Mexico there isn't much snow in winter. The trees are recycled. Christmas is truly fascinating and almost magical, with the number of things you can learn throughout its history. We’re all anxiously waiting for the premiere,…, It’s hard to imagine a young person nowadays who doesn’t speak or study at least one language besides their mother…, When you’ve been granted a U.S. green card, you have two options: you can renew it regularly or you apply…, If you think there’s nothing intimidating about translators, you seriously got it all wrong. The comment form is closed at this time of Christianity, there are different but amusing:. … Merry Christmas in different languages thinking of becoming a certified translator soon all of.... 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