Through the conviction and power of the Holy Spirit, believers will not indulge the sinful acts of the flesh ( Galatians 5:16-21 ) but will bear the good fruit of the Spirit ( Galatians 5:22-25 ). I have always known that the Holy Spirit lives within us when we be receive Christ into our life as our Lord and Savior. We can develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit that is more real than any other relationship in our lives. “How did you grow into a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit?” asks my friend on 3 Healthy Ways to Deal With Constant Guilt. Every relationship … We have the first one going to Evangel Men, six to 10 guys. Finally, He receives the Spirit at His … Intercessor—He prays for us and through us when we don't know how to pray on our own. And that’s all God asks , 3 Easy Ways to Stay Focused When You Pray You are a marvel. I listen to one episode every morning while I walk, and bookmark the ones that are especially powerful. I call her Ruach, which is the Hebrew word for Holy Spirit. For me, it’s more like a nudge and a whisper. He is always hovering, whispering and nudging…even when we’re barely awake or aware of His presence. You have to risk the possibility of an awkward encounter with another in order to make a new friend or take a friendship to the next level. By talking about your friendship, marriage, working relationship, life together. The Holy Spirit isn’t often mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures — though He does show up occasionally. God bless your hand works as you help touch peoples lives. Counselor—always go to God first for counsel and let Him speak to you His way, through the people or things He chooses. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. He was the disciples comforter while walking on the earth but today the Holy Spirit is ours. Maybe you hoped a relationship wouldn’t lead to divorce, a loved one wouldn’t die, a home wouldn’t be lost, or a dream wouldn’t be shattered forever. You are already responding to the Spirit’s nudges and whispers. ( Log Out / Discover how you Uniquely Connect with the Holy Spirit (and put it into Practice). Prior to Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven, the Holy Spirit had a “come and go” relationship with people. We know that you will reap a “harvest of blessing” (Gal. As a Christian, you believe a Holy Spirit-filled life gives you strength, power, joy, peace and freedom. When other thoughts come into your mind — which they will, for you are human and smart — just let them keep going through. Because your heart changes everything. We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France., Pingback: 3 Easy Ways to Stay Focused When You Pray ⋆ Echoing Jesus. I’m currently reading The Face of the Deep: Exploring the Mysterious Person of the Holy Spirit by Paul Pastor — and I love this book! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. He is living inside of us but we must learn to look to Him. So what kind of relationship can we have with the Holy Spirit? I’d much rather pray alone, and even tend to avoid group prayer situations. Know who you are. The Holy Spirit is a person that we can have a relationship with but He is also just as much God as the Father and Jesus are. Jesus prayed for the Father to sent “another Helper”. You wouldn’t want to grow stronger with Him if He wasn’t drawing you closer. We learn the following from the New Testament. They were sensing Him. They view Him as an impersonal force but He is so much more. A Personal Relationship with God Picture the relationship that Jesus shared with His Heavenly Father. But how do you strengthen your relationship with the Holy Spirit? What a comprehensive elaboration of how close the Holy Ghost Spirit is to us. The Face of the Deep invites you on a quest for the Holy Spirit that journeys through our world and Bible. I encourage you to just dwell in the Spirit’s presence instead of asking for stuff. In friendship with the Holy Spirit we begin to experience a sense of wholeness and joy unattainable through any other relationship or aspect of life. And He is moving you to draw closer and strengthen your relationship with Him. ⋆ Echoing Jesus, How do you cope with feeling unloved by God? Your job is to ask for His presence, keep seeking His love, and stay focused on building your relationship with Him. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I don’t doubt or question their relationship with God, but I don’t experience the Holy Spirit so clearly and absolutely. I am going to try being more open and sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s whispers and nudges and will also try being more quiet and listening and still in the Holy Spirit’s presence. I record what pops into my head in brackets ( ), so I can look back and see how the Spirit may have spoken. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
Coffee, anyone?” I ask God questions. One thing that has really helped me to understand Him is keeping in mind that He is the second comforter. I strengthen my relationship with the Holy Spirit by consciously choosing to include Him in every conversation, every interaction, as often as possible. That’s particularly humbling, and I have to pray about that instead of what the group is praying about. The Holy Spirit is accessible and even eager to be a discernible, active, vital part of our daily lives as followers of Jesus. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Jesus was the first. Even now, I find it hard to be silent and spend time with the Holy Spirit without asking for stuff or letting my thoughts run wild. The power is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Christians who say “God told me to tell you…” or “God wants me to do this….” may truly believe they are being directed by the Holy Spirit. I have heard people question how this could be with the ways that the Bible describes His manifestations. ( Log Out / He reminds us of God's Word. I’m loosely writing about Leviticus 6, which describes God speaking to Moses. He just wasn’t accessible to the Israelites the way He is to us today. We’re going to talk about the Holy Spirit this morning, the real Holy Spirit, but before we do that, let’s do a couple of shout outs. Information itself won’t necessarily change your heart or enliven your spirit, but it will help you know who the Holy Spirit is. He’s the third person of the God head! Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I have heard people talk about experiencing the peace of God during a time of prayer. Copyright © 2020 Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God inside the hearts of believers. Amen.” 2 Corinthians 13:14 First, Jesus is conceived by the Spirit in Mary's womb (Luke 1:35). It’s just that you aren’t sure if it’s really Him. The word ‘Helper’ comes from seven Greek words that describe seven distinct activities that the Holy Spirit carries out in your life in helping you. If this post has been a blessing please share our blog with your friends and family. You can’t have fellowship with Someone you keep referring as “It.” “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. “I tell myself God loves me but I don’t feel loved. The divine purpose for Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection from the grave was man’s restoration and reconciliation, bringing life through the Holy Spirit (1 Peter 3:18). If it never sinks into your heart how deeply God loves and cherishes you, then you’ll never be capable of building a stronger relationship with the Holy Spirit. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They also need to atone for their sins through sacrifices such as the Burnt Offering, the Grain Offering, and the Sin Offering. My image of Her brings her alive; I didn’t create Her to purposely strengthen my relationship with the Holy Spirit, but She changed everything. What Secretly Delights You About Social Isolation? Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.John 16:7. Learn how your comment data is processed. We can develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit that is more real than any other relationship in our lives. There is so much more to Him than how He manifests in our midst. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Rapid and wonderful transformation results when you discover the wealth of love that comes with continual, real friendship with the living God. The Holy Spirit is our Advocate and Helper. Dear Father, in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to stir up within me the fullness of Your Holy Spirit.Help me to grow in my relationship with the Third Person of Your Holy Trinity and to live in His power and use His gifts. Required fields are marked *. It is in this relationship that we will find the answers to our questions. Developing A Relationship With The Holy Spirit, Keys to Unlocking The Plan Of God Part 22, Keys To Increasing In Spiritual Awareness Part 7. It’s actually kind of scary at first. But the image I have in my head is a She! So glad you’re here. “I believe in Jesus Christ but I can’t feel God’s love for me,” says a She Blossoms reader. There are many more passages that describe Him. Advocate—He pleads our case when we're in trouble. Dwell in the Father’s love every morning. The Holy Spirit is not only related to God the Son, Jesus Christ, in His deity, as a member of the Trinity, He is also related to Jesus in His humanity. The anointing cannot be separated from Him and in a sense we can say He is the anointing. He knows everything about everything in our lives and is available 24/7. The Christian life is not a set of rituals or teachings, but a relationship with God through His Holy Spirit. Thank you for your good work. Jesus was the … Thank you for stopping by today. Intellectually, you may know that the Holy Spirit is with you, but how do you actually hear His voice, respond to His call, and do what He asks? Other books on how to strengthen your relationship with the Holy Spirit: I also love Todd Spencer’s Lectio Divina podcast — Meditating and praying with the Scripture using the ancient practice of lectio divina. For many, the Holy Spirit, as His name suggests, is ethereal and more elusive, harder to “pin down” than either the Father or the Son. I knew this intellectually — “Jesus loves me, this I know…for the Bible tells me so…” but I never internalized it. Many people try and set the rules for a service. Hello! Your email address will not be published. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Andres Bisonni shared amazing secrets to having deep relationship with the Holy Spirit. How did you grow stronger and closer to them? Another way of saying this is, “Step back and let the Holy Spirit lead the way.” Willingness … I refuse to second guess or question myself. Christians pray and cry out to God for Him to send His power. Obedience is God’s love language. I hope you seek to praise, worship, love, and obey and respect all three persons of our Godhead, the Holy Trinity. For huge oak trees grow out of tiny seeds that sprout and slowly blossom…. Here’s what I’ve been soaking up every day: “Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never be again. This Bible has 94 beautiful photographs, 55 maps, 44 paintings, 21 illustrations and reconstructions, 19 charts, and 61 timelines. We see Him in one as a dove and in another as fire. The biggest hurdle for me was realizing that I am good. Why? But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.1 John 2:20. Jesus! This personality convicts us, comforts us and seeks to draw us closer to a relationship with our living God, which includes the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I was created on purpose, for a purpose, with great care and love. His job is to transform your heart, renew your mind, and change how you live. Category: Discovering The Plan Of GodTags: blog, blogging101, christian, christian blog, god, holy spirit, jesus, peace, plan of god. Pick one or two of the ten tips in this list, and commit to it for at least one month. Second, a relationship with the Holy Spirit requires obedience. I had started reading this book called The Holy Spirit by R.A. Torrey. Please visit our other social media channels: MB Media operates entirely by faith. Regardless of how He manifests, we must always remember that He is a person. After all, what does God’s voice sound like, is it really Him, and what if you’re wrong? How to Stop Doing What You Don’t Want to Do. The Holy Spirit is excited to speak to you what he hears from the heavenly Father. We know that God the Father created the earth and spoke it into existence. The more curious you are about the Holy Spirit and how He leads people, the more you’ll learn. Ever wondered how the Holy Spirit relates to us on an everyday basis? I suspect you’ve already been hearing the Holy Spirit speak to you. We have access to His counsel and guidance at any time of any day and will always find Him patiently waiting for us to look to Him. They’ve been meeting with us for seven years on Wednesday evenings at the Evangel World Prayer Center, Louisville, Kentucky. I had to push through my feelings of boredom and fear at first. But you can remember and keep telling yourself that God always makes the first move. The latter will be more challenging as I am already trying to be still in my quiet time but my mind wanders and so I give in ànd give up. I think that is important for us to notice that Jesus described the Spirit as “another Comforter”. Churches will have the worship team approve song sets prior to service and have little flexibility for a change. He (it?) The biggest hurdle for me was realizing that I am good. When the power is present in a service it is because we have made room for Him to move. God bless you. Look at your strongest relationships with people, past and present. “The best way to think about the Holy Spirit,” says Ferguson, “is to think of him as the closest companion of the Lord Jesus.” Not only has he been the Son’s eternal partner in the uncreated fellowship of the Trinity, but the Spirit was there with the Father and Son at creation (Genesis 1:2). Trust. A feeling I should email that person, say that thing, take that class, buy that house, avoid that street. That’s how to strengthen your relationship with the Holy Spirit. I write in my journal every morning at 4:30 am. How will you respond to the Holy Spirit’s call on your life? 7 Dimensions of the Relationship with the Holy Spirit. Having a more meaningful relationship with God won’t guarantee good times, health or wealth. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. She Blossoms, 7 Reasons You Feel Stuck in the Grieving Process, 17 Gifts to Surprise and Delight Your Boyfriend’s Mom and Dad, 20 Gift Ideas That Will Make Your Girlfriend’s Parents Happy, How to Cope When He Says “I Don’t Love You Anymore”. Just the opposite, in fact! He can be as real to us as any other person in our lives. “It is impossible to rightly understand the work of the Holy Spirit, or to get in right relation with the Holy Spirit Himself and thus know His blessed work in our own souls, without first coming to know the Holy Spirit as a person.” Blessings and Peace. Jesus was the first comforter. No matter how much you know about the Bible, no matter how strong your self-discipline, no matter how hard you try to serve and please God, if your relationship with the Holy Spirit is weak, the Christian life will not work for you. Instead, I accept what’s been given and move along in joy, peace and surrender. I don’t really know for sure which are my own thoughts and which are actually the Holy Spirit’s whispers and nudges…and it doesn’t matter. The Holy Spirit is a person that we can have a relationship with but He is also just as much God as the Father and Jesus are. How to Find God and Heal Your Broken Heart, How to Recognize an Emotionally Abusive Man, Travel in Faith: Tools & Tips for Travel That Transforms You. They pray for Him to move but want to set the rules and this will never work. build a more meaningful relationship with God, 3 Healthy Ways to Deal With Constant Guilt, Growing a healthy spiritual relationship with Jesus,, 3 Easy Ways to Stay Focused When You Pray ⋆ Echoing Jesus, How Do I Communicate With the Holy Spirit? Who is the Holy Spirit and why do we need a relationship with Him? Remember, the Holy Spirit is imparted to you when you place your trust in Christ. This does not strengthen my relationship with the Holy Spirit, but we’re working on it. This will require us to learn how to yield to Him. Some of what I … Many people struggle with the idea of having a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Many Christians don’t have a clear idea of the Holy Spirit’s role in their life. The Holy Spirit has helped me to grow in my trust for Him. My personal image of the Holy Spirit is a nurturing, loving, kind woman who dances and hugs me and throws Her head back with laughter. The work of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life is an on-going process of becoming holy through sanctification. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move…Yes, you are a marvel.” ~ Pablo Picasso (1876-1973). “I don’t imagine there is a formula. 10 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship With the Holy Spirit. I recall a challenging week where I … Ask Him to guard you from evil and to guide you into righteousness. I am valuable, lovable, and treasured by God! Our relationships with Him, therefore, are personal relationships. I say that because He … Instead, the Spirit came upon David (1 Samuel 16:13). If you don’t sense the Holy Spirit or feel His presence, you might find How to Endure Spiritually Dark Times helpful. "But when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. No matter how much you know about the Bible, no matter how strong your self- discipline is, no matter how hard you try to serve and please God, if your relationship with the Holy Spirit is weak, the Christian lfe will not work for you. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.John 14:16. She’s right: there is no formula for building a stronger relationship with the Holy Spirit. We are going to spend time in our upcoming posts looking at our relationship with the second Comforter. I believe that the Holy Spirit convicts us and directs us to be like Christ. Your thoughts and the external noises around you are only distractions if you dwell on them. The Holy Spirit … The unction John wrote about is the anointing accompanying the Holy Spirit’s presence. I also picture myself as a little girl with Her — especially when we dance, embrace, and weep on each other’s shoulders. Ask for the help of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. You might get shut down or rejected, but unless we take the risk we will never have any real friends. It is in this relationship that we will find the answers to our questions. I … remember, the Spirit at the top of this page sitting in your details below or an. Spirit came upon David ( 1 Samuel 16:14 ) 's Word a relationship the. Intellectually — “ Jesus loves me, this I know…for the Bible this does not strengthen relationship. Go to God for Him to move one going to Evangel Men, six 10! Wouldn ’ t have a clear idea of having a more meaningful relationship with Holy. Jesus said that it was expedient for us that He is here now of.!, salvation and deliverance on it blowing in the Spirit at the River. 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